IT-08-91-T 20639 D20639 - D20381 PUBLIC 19 February 2015 Registry Exhibit List MB Count Exhibit Exhibit Confide Description of Exhibit Witness Tendered by Date Date Reused testimony Witness 65 ter Doc ID Status Number ntial Tendered Counsel Tendered Admitted and Date Number Through 1 EXH 1D00001 No SDA - Decision on Declaration of Donia, Robert Cvijetic, Slobodan 17-Sep-09 17-Sep-09 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with 1D00-3810 Municipality Banja Luka - Stari Grad Gacinovic,Slobodanka on 30-09- 2010 By 2D Igor Pantelic with Krzic,Muharem on 20-01-2010 2 EXH 1D00002 No Conclusions of the joint meeting of Donia, Robert Cvijetic, Slobodan 17-Sep-09 17-Sep-09 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with 1D00-2854 Herzegovina and Travnik Regional Bajagic,Mladen on 02-05-2011 Communities 3 EXH 1D00003 No SDA - request of local community for Donia, Robert Cvijetic, Slobodan 17-Sep-09 17-Sep-09 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with 1D00-2778 separation from the municipality Tihic,Sulejman on 20-08-2010 4 EXH 1D00004 No Statutory decision on establishing Donia, Robert Cvijetic, Slobodan 17-Sep-09 17-Sep-09 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with 1D00-3828 Municipal Assembly Stari Grad Banja Tihic,Sulejman on 19-08-2010 By 2D Igor Pantelic with Krzic,Muharem on 20-01-2010 5 EXH 1D00005 No Announcement of establishing Donia, Robert Cvijetic, Slobodan 17-Sep-09 17-Sep-09 1D00-3749 Municipality Stari Grad Banja Luka 6 EXH 1D00006 No Excerpt from minutes of a meeting of the ST-19, STA IT-08- Zecevic, Slobodan 30-Sep-09 30-Sep-09 1D00-4002 Presidency of the Kotor Varos Municipal 91 Board for HDZ. 7 EXH 1D00007 Yes 8 EXH 1D00008 Yes 9 EXH 1D00009 No Ministry of Defence of Herzeg-Bosnia - ST-12, STA IT-08- Zecevic, Slobodan 01-Oct-09 01-Oct-09 1D00-4443 List of registered persons 91 10 EXH 1D00010 No Official Gazette - Decision on Release Karabeg, Mirzet Cvijetic, Slobodan 05-Oct-09 05-Oct-09 1D00-4515 from Duty and Election of Presidents and Members of War Presidencies of Municipal Assemblies 11 EXH 1D00011 No Decisions of the Serb Municipality of Sabanovic, Enis Cvijetic, Slobodan 06-Oct-09 06-Oct-09 1D00-4522 Sanski Most Crisis Staff. No. 8/92. 12 EXH 1D00012 No Letter No. 565-3 of 1st Krajina Corps Sabanovic, Enis Cvijetic, Slobodan 06-Oct-09 06-Oct-09 By 1D Slobodan Cvijetic with 503 0102-9866 Command to the Command of the 43rd Djeric,Branko on 03-11-2009 Motorised Brigade By 2D Igor Pantelic with Nielsen,Christian on 26-01-2010 13 EXH 1D00013 No 1st Krajina Corps Command letter No. Sabanovic, Enis Cvijetic, Slobodan 06-Oct-09 06-Oct-09 1D00-4511 548-3 to Assistant Commander for Logistics of the 1st Krajina Corps about repairing water pipes 14 EXH 1D00014 No 1st Krajina Corps Command request No. Sabanovic, Enis Cvijetic, Slobodan 06-Oct-09 06-Oct-09 1D00-4507 548-3/1 for urgent intervention due to failure to respond to request for solution to problem of water 15 EXH 1D00015 No 1KK No. 713. Request for the Sabanovic, Enis Cvijetic, Slobodan 06-Oct-09 06-Oct-09 1D00-4503 engagement of prisoners of war from Manjaca camp 16 EXH 1D00016 No 1st Krajina Corps Command request No. Sabanovic, Enis Cvijetic, Slobodan 06-Oct-09 06-Oct-09 1D00-4505 548-3/1 for urgent intervention due to failure to respond to request for solution to problem of water 17 EXH 1D00017 No Letter No. 21-50 of 1st Krajina Corps Sabanovic, Enis Cvijetic, Slobodan 06-Oct-09 06-Oct-09 655 P004-8620 Command to the Chief of SNB Prijedor reporting on the number of prisoners in Manjaca Camp, Sanski Most IT-08-91-T 17 February 2015 IT-08-91-T 20638 PUBLIC Registry Exhibit List 18 EXH 1D00018 No 5th Corps Command regular combat Basara, Branko Cvijetic, Slobodan 13-Oct-09 13-Oct-09 1D00-4486 report No. 44-1/92 to 2nd Military District Command. Signed by General Momir Talic. Dated 2 April 1992. 19 EXH 1D00020 No Map 1D00-4619 marked by the witness; Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 IC00-0012 Nedeljko 20 EXH 1D00021 No Map (Doc ID:1D00-4619) marked by the Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 IC00-0013 witness Nedeljko 21 EXH 1D00022 No Map (Doc ID:1D00-4619) marked by the Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 IC00-0014 witness Nedeljko 22 EXH 1D00023 No HDZ - Decision on establishment of Crisis Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with 1D00-4000 Staff Kotor Varos Nedeljko Hanson,Dorothea on 09-12-2009 23 EXH 1D00024 No Cover Page and Signed Order to Impose Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 By 1D Slobodan Cvijetic with 690 0041-6494 a Curfew in Kotor Varos Municipality of Nedeljko Djeric,Branko on 02-11-2009 the Kotor Varos Municipal Assembly 24 EXH 1D00025 No Record of the 28th session of the War Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-0751 Presidency, Kotor Varos Municipality Nedeljko 25 EXH 1D00026 No Record of the 33rd session of the War Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-0755 Presidency, Kotor Varos Municipality Nedeljko 26 EXH 1D00027 No Excerpt from minutes of the 42nd session Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-0763 of War Presidency Nedeljko 27 EXH 1D00028 No Excerpt from minutes of the 10th session Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-0775 of War Presidency Nedeljko 28 EXH 1D00029 No Excerpt from minutes of the 15th session Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-0777 of War Presidency Nedeljko 29 EXH 1D00030 No Excerpt from minutes of the 17th session Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-0779 of War Presidency Nedeljko 30 EXH 1D00031 No Excerpt in cyrillic from the minutes of Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-3447 meeting re: 22 session of War Nedeljko Presidency. 31 EXH 1D00032 No Minutes extract from 24th Kotor Varoš Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-3118 War Presidency meeting dated 19 July Nedeljko 1992 32 EXH 1D00033 No Dispatch No. 01-023-143/92 of the War Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 735 0041-5762 Presidency of Kotor Varos Muncipality Nedeljko containing the Presidency s Conclusions at the Session held on 24 July 1992 33 EXH 1D00034 No Decision of the War Presidency of the Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 684 0041-6026 Municipality of Kotor Varos on the Nedeljko Organisation and Work of the Municipal Executive Committee in Wartime 34 EXH 1D00035 No Excerpt from minutes of the 42nd session Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-0785 of War Presidency Nedeljko 35 EXH 1D00036 No Excerpt from minutes of the 45th session Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-0787 of War Presidency Nedeljko 36 EXH 1D00036 No Extract from the Minutes of 107th Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 By 2D Dragan Krgovic with 1D00-0791 meeting, 108th on 26.10.92, 109th on Nedeljko Radulovic,Predrag on 01-06-2010 27.10.92, 110th on 28.10.92, 111th on 29.10.92, 112th on 30.10.92, 37 EXH 1D00038 No Record of the 115th session of the War Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-0815 Presidency, Kotor Varos Municipality Nedeljko IT-08-91-T 17 February 2015 IT-08-91-T 20637 PUBLIC Registry Exhibit List 38 EXH 1D00039 No SJB Kotor Varos NO. 11-9/02-261/92 Djekanovic, Zecevic, Slobodan 14-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 1D00-0821 Criminal report for setting on fire catholic Nedeljko church 39 EXH 1D00040 No Criminal charges compiled by the 6th Delic, Milenko Cvijetic, Slobodan 19-Oct-09 19-Oct-09 By OTP Joanna* -_ KORNER with 2D07-0026 Krajina Brigade. Stamped. ST-139,STA IT-08-91 on 12-04- 2010 40 EXH 1D00041 No Criminal dossier against Malic, Nenad Delic, Milenko Cvijetic, Slobodan 19-Oct-09 19-Oct-09 By OTP Joanna* -_ KORNER with 1D00-4907 ST-139,STA IT-08-91 on 12-04- 2010 41 EXH 1D00042 No Report of the work of the Crime Service Delic, Milenko Cvijetic, Slobodan 19-Oct-09 19-Oct-09 By 1D Slobodan Cvijetic with ST- 1D00-0742 from 5 Sept. 1992 to 23 Sept. 1992 139,STA IT-08-91 on 13-04-2010 42 EXH 1D00043 No 1992 1st Krajina Corps Prosecutor Annual Delic, Milenko Cvijetic, Slobodan 19-Oct-09 19-Oct-09 By 1D Slobodan Cvijetic with ST- 1355 0206-7873 Report on criminal activities 139,STA IT-08-91 on 13-04-2010 43 EXH 1D00044 No A dossier from Ministry of Interior of the Delic, Milenko Cvijetic, Slobodan 19-Oct-09 19-Oct-09 1119 0048-2397 Republika Srpska, Banja Luka Security Services Center Security Services Center, Sanski Most Public Security Station (Public Security Station) 44 EXH 1D00045 No A dossier against Zoran Vukojevic et al. Delic, Milenko Cvijetic, Slobodan 19-Oct-09 19-Oct-09 1D00-4646 dealing with the theft of goods from CENGIC, Emil and IVICIC, Milka both from Kruhar 45 EXH 1D00046 No Order No. 01-1/92 issued by Mico Krulj, Aleksandar Zecevic, Slobodan 27-Oct-09 27-Oct-09 By 1D Slobodan Cvijetic with 126 0323-8857 STANISIC Nielsen,Christian on 25-01-2010 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with Njegus,Radomir on 08-06-2010 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with Gajic,Sreto on 15-07-2010 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with Planojevic,Dobrislav on 28-10- 2010 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with Brown,Ewan on 19-01-2011 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with Brown,Ewan on 19-01-2011 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with Bajagic,Mladen on 04-05-2011 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with Bjelosevic,Andrija on 24-05-2011 By 1D Slobodan Zecevic with Macar,Goran on 19-07-2011 By 1D Slobodan Cvijetic with Kovacevic,Vidosav on 08-09-2011 By OTP Thomas -_ HANNIS with Nielsen,Christian on 14-12-2009 By OTP Thomas -_ HANNIS with Nielsen,Christian on 27-01-2010 By OTP Matthew OLMSTED with ST-179,STA IT-08-91 on 10-03- 2010 By OTP Alexis DEMIRDJIAN with Petrovic,Obren on 12-05-2010 By OTP Joanna*
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