PRODUCT INFORMATION GUIDE FOR ORDERS & PRICING PLEASE CONTACT: PH: 587-803-3663 EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: 587-287-0211 About Birkby Foods Birkby Food Service is an Alberta based food delivery company that has mastered the task to the delight of customers and vendors alike. Founded in Chatham, Ontario during the year 1918, Birkby Food Service is family-run, owned and operated and always looks to bring those traditional values and friendly atmosphere to the business table. Our well-trained fleet of delivery truck drivers pride themselves on being personable, timely and developing a memorable rapport with our clients and vendors. In addition, our office staff is extremely capable, friendly and always willing to take your call. It doesn't matter what you're looking for, we have a huge selection of dairy products and frozen goods. Birkby Food Service has what you need and prides itself on a willingness to get it to wherever it needs to be. Description Case Size Code Fruit (Slice) Apples & Grapes 6 x 251g Apple001 Cantaloupe Chunks 6 x 312g Canta001 Fruit Salad 6 x 312g Fruit001 Mango & Pineapple Spears 6 x 340g MangoP001 Mango Spears 6 x 283g MangoS001 Mixed Melons 6 x 283g Mmelons001 Pineapple Chunks 6 x 312g PineC001 Ambrosia Apple Slices 6 x 240g Ambrosia001 Veggies Broccoli Florets 4 x 280g BROC001 Cauliflower Florets 4 x 340g CauliF001 Veggie Mix with Dip 4 x 370g Vegg01 CONTACT BIRKBY FOR PRICING Apples Ambrosia XF 12x3lb bags (CAN) Apples Ambrosia XF 72-88 (CAN) Apples Royal Gala Wx 72s (US) Grapes Green MED 18lb Grapes Red MED/LRG 18lb Mandarin Orri 10KG bulk Mandarin Orri 15x2lb bags Oranges Navel Choice 88s Oranges Navel 12x3lb Pepper Mini Seedless 12x1lb Pepper Mini Seedless 20x8oz NOVELTIES **If interested in pricing for NESTLE products, please contact your Birkby Food Service Sales Representative. NOVELTIES—HAAGEN DAZS BARS Code Description Case Size 12010898 Vanilla/Milk Choco 24 x 88ml 12010902 Vanilla/Almond 24 x 88ml 12236086 Salted Caramel 24 x 88ml 12345814 Chocolate Almond 24 x 88ml NEW! NESTLE KIT KAT BARS Code Description Case Size 12366093 Kit Kat Bars 24 x 80ml NOVELITIES—NESTLE DRUMSTICK (BALL TOP) Code Description Case Size 12103365 Vanilla Caramel 24 x 140ml 12103366 Vanilla Fudge 24 x 140ml 12365974 Rolo Drumstick 24 x 135ml NOVELTIES—NESTLE SUPER DRUMSTICK Code Description Case Size 12261549 Choco Fudge Brownie 24 x 180ml 12261566 Sweet/Salty Caramel 24 x 180ml 12261562 Strawberry Cheesecake 24 x 180ml 12345962 Oreo Drumstick 24 x 135ml 12345963 Mocha Cookie Drumstick 24 x 180ml NOVELTIES—ICE CREAM SANDWICHES Code Description Case Size 11251878 Oreo Sandwich 24 x 125ml 12345965 Christie Chips Ahoy Sandwich 24 x 125ml 12010893 PARLOUR Super Sandwich 24 x 200ml 12010896 PARLOUR Vanilla Sandwich 24 x 100ml NOVELTIES—KIDS PREMIUM Code Description Case Size 12232073 LIFESAVERS 24 x 65ml 12366094 MAYNARDS Swedish Berries 24 x 65ml 12366095 MAYNARDS Fuzzy Peach 24 x 65ml 11252185 PARLOUR Twin Pop Banana 24 x 75ml TAKE HOME **If interested in pricing for NESTLE products, please contact your Birkby Food Service Sales Representative. NEW! Nestle Kit Kat NESTLE—HAAGEN DASZ EXTRAAZ 500ML Code Description Case Size Code Description Case Size 12410609 Kit Kat Salted Caramel 8 x 500ml 12345958 Banana PB Choc Chip 8 x 500ml 12410682 Kit Kat Espresso 8 x 500ml 12345961 Rocky Road 8 x 500ml 12410672 Kit Kat Matcha Green Tea 8 x 500ml 12366029 Strawberry Cheesecake 8 x 500ml NESTLE—HAAGEN DAZS 500ML 12410815 Salted Caramel Brownie (New) 8 x 500ml Code Description Case Size 12035993 Vanilla 8 x 500ml 12410836 Coffee Cookie Crumble (New) 8 x 500ml 12035986 Chocolate 8 x 500ml NESTLE—HAAGEN DASZ NON DAIRY 414ML 12035987 Coffee 8 x 500ml Code Description Case Size 11252172 Dulce De Leche 8 x 500ml 12350194 Non-Dairy Chocolate Fudge 8 x 414ml 12035989 Strawberry 8 x 500ml 12035990 Vanilla Swiss Almond 8 x 500ml 12350196 Non-Dairy Coconut 8 x 414ml 12010905 Vanilla Bean 8 x 500ml 12350195 Non-Dairy Peanut Butter Choc 8 x 414ml 12076876 Choc Chunk 8 x 500ml NESTLE- GOODNORTH 12107314 Choc Peanut Butter 8 x 500ml Code Description Case Size 12172141 Brownies & Cookie Dough 8 x 500ml 11251991 Caramel Cone Explosion 8 x 500ml 12345951 Cookies & Cream 8 x 475ml 11251993 Cookie Dough Dynamo 8 x 500ml 12366069 ChocChip Cookie Dough 8 x 475ml 12076924 Pralines & Cream 8 x 500ml 12345947 Choc Fudge Brownie 8 x 475ml 12231979 Salted Caramel Gelato 8 x 500ml 12050953 Mint Chip 8 x 500ml 12293375 Pineapple Coconut 8 x 500ml 12248336 Butter Pecan 8 x 500ml 12280925 White Choc Rasp Truffle 8 x 500ml 12321958 Cookies & Cream 8 x 500ml 12321959 Matcha Green Tea 8 x 500ml TAKE HOME **If interested in pricing for NESTLE products, please contact your Birkby Food Service Sales Representative. REAL DAIRY—TAKE HOME 1.5L TUBS Code Description Case Size 12076799 French Vanilla 4 x 1.5L 12076882 Natural Vanilla 4 x 1.5L 12076801 Chocolate 4 x 1.5L 12172148 Crème Brulee Ripple 4 x 1.5L 12172149 Maple Walnut 4 x 1.5L 12172147 Chocolate Caramel 4 x 1.5L 12076796 Low Fat Natural Vanilla 4 x 1.5L 12076753 Low Fat French Vanilla 4 x 1.5L 12172146 Cherry 4 x 1.5L 12280945 GrkYgt Sugar Maple 4 x 1.5L CONFECTIONARY—TAKE HOME 1.5L TUBS Code Description Case Size 12070685 Rolo 4 x 1.5L 12070689 KitKat 4 x 1.5L 12070691 Smarties 4 x 1.5L 12070693 Turtles 4 x 1.5L 12070694 Coffee Crisp 4 x 1.5L 12320534 Oreo Chocolate 4 x 1.5L 12070697 Oreo Vanilla 4 x 1.5L 12321937 Christie Chips Ahoy 4 x 1.5L 12159435 Carnation Frozen HC 4 x 1.5L 12382911 Cadbury Caramilk 4 x 1.5L 12382912 Maynards Sour Patch 4 x 1.5L PARLOUR—TAKE HOME 1.5L TUBS Code Description Case Size 12076875 Vanilla 4 x 1.5L 12070706 French Vanilla 4 x 1.5L 12070702 Chocolate 4 x 1.5L 12070707 Heavenly Hash 4 x 1.5L 12070701 Buttercotch Sundae 4 x 1.5L 12070709 Mint Choc Swirl 4 x 1.5L 12070704 Cookies & Cream 4 x 1.5L 12320536 Strawberry 4 x 1.5L 12070708 Maple Walnut 4 x 1.5L 12070710 Neapolitan 4 x 1.5L **If interested in pricing for NESTLE 11.4L SCOOPING TUBS products, please contact your Birkby Food Service Sales Representative. CODE PRODUCT 11251759 Black Cherry 11251758 BooBoo Bubble Gum 11252165 Choc Chip Cookie Dough 11251742 Chocolate 11251839 Chocolate PB Cup 12345970 Coffee Crisp Frozen Dessert 11252164 Cookies and Cream 11251757 Cotton Candy 11251822 French Vanilla 12321969 Heavenly Hash 12321973 Kit Kat 11251760 Maple Walnut 12305022 Mint Chocolaty Chip 11251819 ROLO Frozen Dessert 11251745 Salted Caramel 11251779 Spumoni 11251743 Strawberry 12411133 Strawberry Cheesecake 11251840 Tiger Tiger 11251944 Triple Chocolate Brownie 11254923 Triple Tornado 11251741 Vanilla 11251815 Vanilla (Food Service) 12021880 Vanilla Bean **If interested in pricing for NESTLE products, please contact your Birkby Food Service Sales Representative. MULTIPACKS NESTLE CODE PRODUCT NEW! FROZEN DESSERT BARS NESTLE CODE PRODUCT 12366090 Oreo Frozen Dessert Bars 12366091 Chips Ahoy! Frozen Dessert Bars DRUMSTICK 48 X 130ML 12411124 Coffee Crisp Frozen Dessert Bars 12321914 DSTK Choc Fudge Brow 4(2x6x130ml) HAAGEN DAZS BARS 12321915 DSTK Sweet 'n Salty Crml 4(2x6x130ml) 12035992 HGDZS Vanilla Milk Choc 12(3X88ml) 6ml 12036070 HGDZS Vanilla Dark Choc 12(3X88ml) 12293613 Kit Kat Chocolate Cone 6(4x100ml) 12035991 HGDZS Van Almond 12(3X88ml) NESTLE CONFECTIONARY MINIS (T) 11251952 HGDZS Caramel Alm Crunch 12(3X88ml) 12070558 MINI ROLO Bar 8(10x45ml) 12204293 HGDZS Salted Caramel 12(3X88ml) 12293382 MINI ROLO Sandwich 8(6x75ml) 12321943 HGDZS Chocolate Almond 12(3x88ml) 12366079 NESTLE Kit Kat Bars 6(5x80ml) HÄAGEN-DAZS MINI VARIETY 12366092 CADBURY Caramilk Bar 6(5x80ml) 12182800 HGDZ Minis Variety 12pk 1x660ml (12 x 660 mg) HÄAGEN-DAZS NON-DAIRY 3PK CHRISTIE OREO SANDWICH (4x125ml) (T) 12366625 HGDZS Non-Dairy PB Choc 12(3x88ml) 12070598 CHRISTIE OREO Sandwich 8(4x125ml) 12366626 HGDZS Non-Dairy Coconut 12(3x88ml) PARLOUR MULTIPACKS HÄAGEN-DAZS EXTRAAZ MULTIPACK 12041037 PARLOUR Minis Vanilla Sand 6(12x60ml) 12344923 HAAGEN-DAZS Extraaz Ck and Cr 12(3x72ml) 12311217 PARLOUR Vanilla Choc Cone 6(4x120ml) 12344926 HAAGEN-DAZS Extraaz RockAlm 12 (3x72ml) 12320535 PARLOUR Mini Chc Snd 6(12x60ml) 12345945 HAAGEN-DAZS Extraaz C Dough 12(3x72ml) 12321925 PARLOUR Super Fudge 6(6x130ml) 12366074 HGDZS Extraaz Strw Chseck MP 12 (3x72ml) NEW DEL MONTE REAL FRUIT BARS (12x50ml) (T) 12410806 HGDZS Extraaz SaltdCrmlBrn 12 (3x72ml) NEW 11251957 DEL MONTE Strawberry Kiwi 8(12x50ml) 12424175 HAAGEN-DAZS Ruby MP 12 (3 x 72ml) NEW 11251959 DEL MONTE Pch Mango+Rspb 8(12x50ml) HÄAGEN-DAZS MINIS 4PK 11252008 DEL MONTE Ygt Strw & Peh 8(12x50ml) 12023643 HGDZS MINIS Van Almond 6(4x55ml) 11254890 DEL MONTE Berry&Orange NSA 8(12x50ml) 12023650 HGDZS MINIS Milk Choc 6(4x55ml) KIDS PREMIUM NOVELTIES 12293374 HGDSZ MINIS Vanilla Dark Choco 6(4x55ml) 12307029 Nestle Jet Popz 6(12x50ml) (72 x 500 mg) NESTLE VARIETY PACK 12321875 NESTLE 40ct Variety Pk 3860ml 11252099 DEL MONTE Mini Pops 8(12x45ml) NESTLE DRUMSTICKS BALL TOP 12305021 LIFESAVERS Sweet meets Sour 6(10x65ml) 12041044 DRUMSTICK Vanilla 12(4x140ml) 12307091 Peelin Pops Choco Banana 6(8x50ml) 12041022 DRUMSTICK Choc 12(4x140ml) 12311218 PARLOUR Triple Rockets 3(2x8x50ml) 12041025 DRUMSTICK Van & Van Crml 8(8x140ml) 12041045 DRUMSTICK Van Crml 12(4x140ml) PARLOUR POLAR MULTIPACKS 12204186 DRUMSTICK Choc PB 12(4x140ml) 12182753 PARLOUR POLAR Cream Pops 6(12x60ml) NESTLE DRUMSTICK - SIMPLY DIPPED (4x135ml) (T) 11252189 PARLOUR POLAR Fudge Bar 6(12x60ml) 12070599 DRUMSTICK Van Dip 12(4x135ml) 12182752 PARLOUR POLAR Dipped Bar 6(12x60ml) NESTLE 'LIL DRUMSTICKS (6x66ml) GOOD NORTH MULTIPACKS
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