TenAHS Students Will Compete In NationalMath Contest Ten Adams students will take the National Mathematics contest ex­ amination on Thursday, March 5, in the school library. · Five Seniors Those taking the test include seniors Steve Steinberg, Larry McMillan, Bob Kaley, Maureen Goldsmith, and Joe Martellaro. The five juniors who will compete in the contest are Ken Blessing, Bernard Gray, Mike Roessler, Mike Hayes, and Randy Sim. Awards to Three in Each Division Awards will be made to the top three seniors and the top three juniors in the school competition. The three highest scores among the ten par­ ticipants will be entered in the state and national mathematics contests. This examination will be taken on March 5, by students ·from all over the United States. Vol. No. 18 JOHN ADAMS HIGH SCHOOL, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Friday, February 28, 1964 SeaglesTake Second Place FreshmanDance NHSInduction To Be 'lie Id Tonight To Be March 11 The Freshman Class will hold In StateSwim Meet At I. U. On Wednesday morning, March its dance, "Adventures in Para­ 11, the John Adams National The Adams swimming team was South Bend Riley matched South­ :55.6 by .8 of a second and Jones dise" this evening from 7:30 to Honor Society will hold its annual edged out by a well-balanced port's 23 points to tie for sixth broke his own school record with 10:00 in the auditorium. induction . Five per cent of the Columbus squad last Saturday in place. a time of :59.5. Wise was edged by Brent Best is general chairman senior class and ten per cent of the Indiana State Swim Meet at Two more Adams swimmers Joe Sheehy of Columbus, while of the dance. Assisting him are the junior class will be taken in Indiana University 's Royer Pool. who gave sparkling performances Jones was touched out by Dan committees work .ing on entertain­ at the induction . Adams swimmers accounted for were senior co-captains Lee Wise Lucas of Kokomo. ment, refreshments, decorations, Five Speakers two new state records. Junior and Dan Jones. All season long Two Divers Place publicity, tickets, and cleanup. The Rev. Warren Otter, assist­ Chuck Busse sprinted to a new these leaders have set the very Cathy Goldstein is head of the Divers Joe Sheer and Tom Pou­ ant pastor of the First Methodist record in the 50-yard freestyle best of examples for the rest of decoration committee. The decora­ lin who have been invaluable as­ Church of Mishawaka, will be the with a :22.8 effort as he captured the team , and last Saturday was tions will consist of various sea­ sets to the team all year, came main speaker. Speeches will also that event for the second consecu­ no exception. One tiny tenth of a scapes. through with fine exhibitions as be given by seniors Dian Reasor tive year. The much heralded free­ second barred both of these boys Heading the ticket committee is they took second and third places on scholarship, Edgar Kowalski on style · relay team consisting of from taking a first place in their Sandy Cudney. The price of the respectively in the state competi­ character, Jack Minkow on lead­ seniors Dan Jones and Dick Wachs, respective individual events, but tickets is 50¢. They have been on ,.,. tion. ership, and Janice Firestein on and juniors Bob Nelsen and Chuck their performances were ones they The medley relay team of Paul sale in the freshman homerooms service. Busse, also splashed to a first can be most proud of. In the 100- for the past week and a half. This Goetz, John Rueter, Lee Wise, and Jan Hadley will administer the place and a new state record, cov­ yard butterfly, Wise shattered his morning is the last time tickets Dick Wachs did their best to over­ oath. Maureen Goldsmith and ering the 200 yards in 1:33.1. This own school record with a time of may be purchased. Assisting San­ (Co,:itinued on Page 2, Column 3) Martha Lloyd will act as usher­ dy has been Diane McClure. ettes and assist the inductees in Bev Taylor has been in charge the processional. of the posters while Marguerite A punch for the inductees and Howard was in charge of pub­ their parents will be held in the licity. Posters have been placed in library following the assembly. the hallways. They were drawn by Names Placed on Ballots Pam Toth, Aneta McLean, Debbie The procedure of taking in new Burgess, and Diane McClure. members will follow the same pat­ Refreshments are to be handled tern as in previous years. Mem­ by Roxy Mills and Lou Ann Lang­ bers of the junior and senior with. Bob Roberts and John Wray classes are ranked scholastically: (Continued on Page 2, Column 3) and the names of all those stu­ dents in the top one-third of both English Classes the junior and senior class ·es are placed on ballots . To Be Observed These ballots are then distrib­ uted to all teachers who rate the The English department of Ad­ students with whom they have ams will be under observation on had previous contact. The students Tuesday, March 10, as the Uni­ are rated by the teachers on char­ versity of Illinois makes the first . acter, leadership, and service. of several visits to Adams in its The se ratings are then compiled program of evaluating outstanding and the top ten per cent of the high school English courses. junior class, and the top 5 per cent Adams was one of 110 high of the senior class are inducted. schools from all over the United SWIMMERS WHO QUALIFIBD for the state meet at Bloomington are left . to right: Chuck Busse, Paul The sponsors of the National Goetz, Bob Nelson, Tom Poulin, Joe Scheer, Joe Condon, Lee Wise, Jeff Hauflaire, Dan Jones, Joe Hauf­ States selected to participate in Honor Society are Mr. James Roop laire, Dick WachS, Tom Decker, and John Reuter. this study. The course here was and Mr . Robert Peczkowski. Its judged as an excellent one because t4Ile, the best these boys have -::::::::::::======================= officers are Bob Kaley, president; it has consistently been strong in Larry McMillan, vice - president; put out all season, betters the old preparing students for college. record set by Adams last year by Hi-Y Begins Plans Sally Lumm, secretary; and Mau­ Roger K. Applebee, associate di­ 2.1 seconds. reen Goldsmith, treasurer. rector of the program, which is Third Time Not Charm For Annual Adams Eve co-sponsored by the U.S. Office Howe ve r, even this superb ef­ Plans are now being made by Chairmen Announced of Education, will be the observer fort was not quite not enough to members of the Hi- Y for their an­ Chairmen for the evening will on the initial visit. In the future, Business Club overcome the lead the Columbus nual Adam ; Eve. The event will be Jerry Wallace, general chair­ two people will study the school's Bulldogs had built up. The final again be held in the gym on March man ; Bob Peterson, tickets and English courses over two-day Plans Bank Tour publicity; Frank Hughes and Dick tabulation showed Adams trailing 13. periods. On Tuseday, March 3, the Ad­ Foley, music; Mike ·Roessler and by 31h points, 511h to 48. Thus ,Adams was asked to submit in­ ams Business Club will tour the f Two Games Featured Jeff Downing, . games; Bill Daddio Coach Don Coar's swimmers had formation on what the English main office of the First Bank and As in the past, the evening will to settle for runner-up honors for and Bruce Gobdel, cheerleaders; course offers and the qualifications Trust Company. All students be­ consist of basketball games featur­ Andy Nickle and Tom Colip, re­ the third consecutive year . Last of its English teachers last spring longing to the club or taking busi­ year the Seagles finished second to ing the Has Been's, graduating freshments; and Chuck Rubright, in the first step toward its selection ness courses are invited to attend. the same Columbus club, and in senior basketball players, vs. the skits . Mr. Stanley Mutti is the club for participation in this program. New officers for the club were 1962 they were runner-up to South Will Be ·'s, junior and sophomore sponsor. At the beginning of the current recently elected. They are Lou Bend Riley. This year Kokomo team members, and the Fightin' Music by Dance Band school year, the English depart­ Ann Bybee, president; Karen Gib­ came in third, well · off the pace, Faculty vs. the Hi-Y Hot Shots, Music during the games and for ment was notified that if it were . son, first vice-president; Judy with 37 points. South Bend Cen­ to be followed by a soc hop in the the soc hop will be furnished by willing to cooperate, the study Jameson, second vice - president; tral followed with 26 points and gym. the Adams Dance Band. would be made. and Marsha Percifull, secretary. Page Two JOHN ADAMS TOWER Friday , February 28, 1964 Eagleofthe Week MoonlightMadness HOOKS and SLICES The Students Speak Lili Byers, a junior, is the E'agle Until this past summer, a full By HACKER of the Week. She has been chosen moon meant nothing to me except At last we are in a position to Dear Editor: for her contributions to music and the passing of the seasons and the judge if that priority we were It is no wonder that the TOWER won't sell. I felt previously that it drama at Adams.
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