Published Weekly — Founded.1867 -A me-SS'a'vylf / V • Navy Men Take Over Cafeteria Hat-Rack As Notre Dame, Loses Cheerfully. V VOLUME 75 NUMBER 20 APRIL 15. 1942 'JL 91 ottc oDatne. G)er)Qladtic Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi THE WEEK Cras Morittims BY J. Q. O'CONXELL FOUNDED 1867 that column tangy—do you understand? Enteied as second-cln.ss matter at Notre Dame, Top of the Week: Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of —tangy, just this once. That's not ask­ postage. Section 1103. Oct. :!, 1917. Authorized The Navy drops anchor! ing too much, is it, J. Q.? I've tried to be June 25, 191S. lenient with you. I've-let you have your own way. But this time I want it done my way. Be personal—^nice and friendly. We Are Visited Say we're glad to have 'em around. You T. V. comes into our little hole unex­ might start ofi:' Avith something about pectedly the other day, catching us read­ that ensign who goes around under side- t^ - -^ ing the Chicago Tribune. ai'ms. ." "Chief," we say, flushing guiltily, "So that's what he carries. It looks '\ no [I C 'Ihis is an unlooked for pleasure, and, like his lunch." ^ ^\ -^ honest, we were only snatching a peek The chief favors us Avith a look of at "Terry and the Pirates." vast disgust. "I give up. I don't care THOMAS V. POWERS, Editor "Enough," says T. V., holding up an what you say. Make it anything you like, DON HELTZEL Managing Editor imperious hand. "We are not interested onljr for the love of Barnegat Light, say WILLIAM SCANLAN Promotion in the disintegration of your mind. We something about the sailors." He turns JOHN DINGES S-ports Editor are here to talk business. You may rise." WILLIAM BAADER Art Editor to go, then he stops. TOM CLEMENS Administration Editor We get gratefully ofi" our knees, and "And another thing. You might men­ DAN DOAVNEY. Campus Editor look up at him, our face shiny with eag­ tion for the benefit of the Senior Class ED DBINKARD Staff Photographer erness. "Cliief," we say, "only speak, and LEO LEE Adve7-tising that the Ball is coming up next Aveek. FR.4.NIC KIENER Advertising it shall be done. Whom do we go to Don't try any sales talk. Just remind JOHN LYNCH Photo Editor work on?" them casually that it's their last Ball, EEV. C. M. CAREY, C.S.C. Faculty Advisor He ignores this. that one of the best bands in the coun­ Member of Catholic School Press Association and try is coming, that the Bob HaAvk Quiz .'Associated Collegiate FVess, Distributor of Colleg­ "J. Q.," he says, "what do you know iate Digest. Represented for national advertSsing about the sea? Are you conversant Avith ShoAV, starting at 9:25, gives aAvay $800 by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—Boston—Los nautical life. Have you ever stood on a in Defense Bonds, that the 'Country Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHOLASTIC is Garden' decoration theme is Avorking out published thirty-three times during the schoolyear poop-deck, with the salt air whistling at the University of Notre Dame. Address all man­ down your throat, and the foamy waves nicely, that the Quiz Show gives aAvay uscripts to Editor," 228 AValsh Hall or 121 Admin­ pounding and billowing about your $800 in Defense Bonds, that the favors istration Bldg., Notre Dame, Ind. Staff meetings in the Editorial Rooms, Old Ave barque?" look nicer than eA^er, and that the Quiz Maria Buillding: Sunday through Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. "We rowed across Lincoln Park La­ ShoAv gives aAvay $800 in Defense Bonds. goon once, Chief," we say. "During a You knoAA'^, be subtle, especially about rain squall, too. Boy, what a day that that $800 in Defense Bonds." IN THIS ISSUE was!" With a parting smile, he rolls out the PAGE "Bah!" says T. V., explosively. "And door, Avhistling a pretty punk version of SPECIAL FEATURE bah, again. Save that harrowing experi­ the "Sailor's Hornpipe," leaAnng us to The Navy Comes to Notre ence for your memoirs." (Our memoirs wonder how the dickens Ave're going to Dame (6 pages of pictures) 17 work all that into the column. are neatly stacked over in one corner of NEWS our room, awaiting the man from • ADMINISTRATION Houghton-Mifflin.) "Here we are, try­ TO E. LeM. Via W. von Goethe N D. Welcomes 900 V-7 Men.... 3 ing to put out a briny edition, in honor "You sit forever gluing, patching; Alumnus Wills Testimonials to Library.. 5 of our new guests, and all you've done Matthew J. Carney, Trustee, Dead 4 is row across a lagoon. Thrice bah! "You cook the scraps from others' fare; Zounds," he groans, tearing at his hair, "And from your heap of ashes hatching CAMPUS "now I know how William Allen White "A starveling flame, ye blow it bare." Naval Cadets Dance Friday 6 feels, land-locked in Kansas. The trial That's telling him off, Wolfgang! Planning Completed For we editors must face. ." Last Great Senior Ball 8 "If it will help any, we saw 'Captain Notre Dame Approved Blood' when it came out. Chief," we put Overheard in Walgreen's For V-l Program 7 in, a little timidly. Female: Say, I hear youse boys is having SPORTS "You did? I missed that one. How was a big dance out there at school next Klinemen Face Iowa Today 10 it? Errol Flynnish, I suppose. ." Aveek. What band ya gonna liaA'e? Students Watch Spring Practice 13 Male: Vaughn Monroe. Then he catches himself. "To Davy FEATURES Jones' Locker with 'Captain Blood!' Mod­ Female: Boy, do I loA^e dancin'. Male: Well, so long, here comes my bus. The Week 2 ern naval life is different nowadays, in The Upper Bunk 37 case you don't know it, J. Q. They have College Parade 25 steel ships nowadays, and they generally Introducing 27 fight with guns instead of swords. But Bottom of the Week: Scoop'n Splinters 15 I'm not asking j'^ou to Avrite a history of All the potential "Bottom of the the Navy. I'll be satisfied if you make Man About the Campus 7 Week's" Ave've missed this year. What About Sports 21 vac Ad§fU§uAin<itic4t Aeiu4. V8K N. D. Welcomes 900 V-7 Men To Campus; Two Men Directing Training 40 Officers, 70 Enlis+ed Men Direct Training Have Colorful Navy Careers Two men who have been down to the sea in ships—^fighting ships—direct the The figure of the Blessed Virgin atop Illinois, which is anchored in the Hudson preparation of thousands of young col­ the University of Notre Dame's famous river in New York. lege-trained seamen at the new naval golden dome, symbol of all that is good, training station. Capt. H. P. Burnett, commandant of found her outstretched hands bidding the training school at the University, welcome to the peaceful campus on Wed­ Calm, business-like Capt. H. P. Burn­ expressed the keynote of the program, nesday to 900 young, sturdy and spir­ ett is commandant of the station, V-7 which will continue each month with new ited men from throughout the nation who indoctrination center, which received its and larger classes of recruits, when he have pledged their lives that God-fearing first 900 apprentice seamen today for said: men shall rule this world. 30-day courses. "We will be very busy." Young, dsmamic Lieut. Commander J. The 900 arriving Wednesday, gradu­ D. Shaw is the executive officer of the ates of far-flung colleges and universi­ station who keeps the machinery of ties, had scarcely placed their belongings training humming. in Lyons, Morrissey and Howard halls Both are graduates of the United on the campus before their mode of liv­ States Naval academy, Annapolis, Md., ing noticeably changed. and both have been, during the course of First, Capt. Burnett said, the young their interesting navy careers, command­ men checked into the naval station head­ ers of destroyers. quarters in the Rockne Memorial field- hous and were issued uniforms and in­ Becomes Commander in 1935 structions. Capt. Burnett was graduated from Thursday the 900 will get their "shots," the academy in 1915 and during the first inoculations of every routine type. Fri­ world war he served on the staff of Ad­ day they attend their first classes in miral Henry T. Mayor, the commander- studies required for deck officers and in-chief of the United States fleet, aboard engineers, including mathematics. the flagship U. S. S. Pennsylvania. On Monday, April 20, the trainees' His advancement in naval ranks was first regular week of routine work Avill rapid. Commissioned an ensign upon his begin and it goes like this: (Continued on page 31) Breakfast in the Notre Dame dining CAPT. H. P. BURNETT hall at 6:30 a.m. From 8 a.m. until 9:1.5 a.m. four platoons vdll be hearing a lec­ ture, four platoons will be drilling, four The things they have in common will will be learning gun-loading, rifle-range be apprentice seamanship ratings in the performance, seamanship and first aid, United States navy; goals of ensign rat­ and four will be studying mathematics. ings and ultimately, perhaps, higher The platoons shift for the period from rankings; a will to do their part and a 9:45 to 11:05 a.m. and lunch is served background of complete college training.
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