BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Akadémiai Kiadó / AKCongress RANC 2019 May 5–10, 2019 Budapest, Hungary Akadémiai Kiadó / AKCongress P.O.Box 245, H-1519 Budapest, Hungary E-mail: [email protected] Please be aware that certain changes introduced in the Conference programme after editing has been closed may not be included in this Book of Abstracts due to the publishing deadline. © Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2019 P.O. Box 245, H-1519 Budapest, Hungary Phone: +36 1 464 8240 E-mail: [email protected] www.akademiai.com / www.akademiaikiado.hu ISBN 978 963 454 369 5 CONTENTS Keynote Speakers . 1 Invited Speakers . 14 Actinide analytical chemistry . 14 Analytical methods and detection techniques . 18 Education in radiochemistry . 21 I-131 Production, release, and measurement . 25 Liquid scintillation and analysis of long-lived radionuclides . 26 Mass spectrometry. 31 Mössbauer spectrometry . 35 Neutron activation analysis . 38 Nuclear forensics . 44 Nuclear fuel cycle . 48 Production of radionuclides. 52 Prompt gamma activation analysis . 56 Radioecology and environmental radioactivity. 59 Radiolabeled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals . 65 Separation, speciation . 68 Oral Presentations . 71 Actinide analytical chemistry . 71 Analytical methods and detection techniques . 88 Education in radiochemistry . 100 I-131 Production, release, and measurement. 108 Liquid scintillation and analysis of long-lived radionuclides . 113 Mass spectrometry. 136 Mössbauer spectrometry . 155 Neutron activation analysis . 165 Nuclear forensics . 185 Nuclear fuel cycle . 206 Production of radionuclides. 218 Prompt gamma activation analysis . 229 Radioecology and environmental radioactivity. 238 Radiolabeled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals. 256 Separation, speciation . 264 Poster Presentations . 276 Actinide analytical chemistry . 276 Analytical methods and detection techniques . 281 Education in radiochemistry . 294 I-131 Production, release, and measurement. 297 Liquid scintillation and analysis of long-lived radionuclides . 298 Mass spectrometry. 306 Mössbauer spectrometry . 308 Neutron activation analysis . 316 Nuclear forensics . 320 Nuclear fuel cycle . 342 Production of radionuclides . 343 Prompt gamma activation analysis . 352 Radioecology and environmental radioactivity. 357 Radiolabeled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals . 391 Separation, speciation . 395 Special application of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry . 414 Sponsored abstract . 424 Keynote Speakers Spectroelectrochemical methods and approaches for radioanalytical chemistry Sue B. Clark1, 2*, Amanda M. Lines1, 2, Samuel A. Bryan1 1Energy & Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352 USA 2Department of Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164 USA *E-mail: [email protected] Keywords: electrochemistry, spectroscopy, europium, ruthenium Field and in-process radioanalytical methods are needed for environmental, nuclear medi- cine, and nuclear safeguards applications where chemical detection of analytes is desired. Many analytes in these applications are redox sensitive, leading to the opportunity to de- velop electrochemically-based detection techniques. Spectroelectrochemistry uses spectros- copy coupled with electrochemical techniques to identify target analytes of specific oxidation states. This can often provide rapid quantification with sensor designs that are inexpesive, portable, and robust. The analyte of interest must be both redox and spectroscopically active. For analytes and/or complexes of analytes that fluoresce, sensitivity is dramatically increased over approaches that use ultraviolet-visible absorption. In this presentation, recent advances in spectroelectrochemistry to detect transition metals and f-elements relevant to nuclear medicine and nuclear safegaurds will be described. Specif- ically, recent results from study of ruthenium spectroelectrochemistry with the complexants of 2,2’-bipyridine and 1,10’-phenanthroline will be discussed [1], along with results from europium redox and luminescence using four different bipyridine-based sensitizing ligands [2]. Approaches to modulate between redox states, leading to control of analyte speciation, and enhancement of spectroscopic sensitivity will be explained. Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the U.S. NNSA Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control (NA-24), Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI), and was performed at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). A portion of this research was conducted at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL), a national scientific user facility supported by the DOE Office of Bio- logical and Environmental Research and located at PNNL. SBC also acknowledges support from the DOE Office of Science (DE-SC-004102) to assist in the design of the experiments conducted at EMSL. SBC acknowledges support from PNNL’s Nuclear Process Science Initiative for the time to assist in data interpretation. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated by Battelle for the U.S. De- partment of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. AML and SBC acknowledge support from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, contracts HDTRA1-10-1-0111 and HDTRA1-14-1-0069 for support on the initial synthesis and characterization of ligands and complexes used in this study, which were completed at Washington State University. References 1. A. M. Lines, J. D Warner, W. R. Heineman, S. B. Clark, and S. A. Bryan, 2018. Electroanalysis, DOI: 10.1002/elan.201800427 2. A. M. Lines, Z. Wang, S. B. Clark, and S. A. Bryan, 2016. Electroanalysis, DOI: 10.1002/ elan.201600034 1 RANC 2019 / May 5–10, 2019 / Budapest, Hungary Keynote Speakers A survey of the UGent nuclear-analytical contributions to fission-track age determination and to luminescence dating Frans De Corte (ex) University of Ghent/Institute for Nuclear Sciences-Belgium and Research Fund-Flanders E-mail: [email protected] Keywords: nuclear-analytical techniques, neutron activation analysis, beta-counting, alpha-counting, gamma-counting, calibration, annual radiation dose, fission-track age determination, luminescence dating In the mid 1980s, the k0-NAA group at the Institute for Nuclear Sciences (INW) of the Gent University (UGent) started putting its nuclear-analytical expertise at the service of the Geo- logical Institute so as to untangle the then existing worldwide confusion in the fission track (FT) dating calibration in its absolute mode, which was at that moment in the stage of its last gasp. As brought to light, the scepticism and disbelief in this calibration approach was mainly caused by the inadequate procedures followed in the thermal neutron flux assessment, either directly via metal monitors or indirectly via NBS U-doped pre-irradiated glass SRMs. Our remediation consisted in optimizing, validating and recommending reliable flux determina- tion methods, introducing the Westcott-formalism to account for the non-ideal cross section behaviour of the 235U(n,f) reaction. Additionally we initiated and co-operated in the issu- ing (1996, 2006) of properly characterized new European (IRMM) U-doped glass reference materials. In this way we were significantly contributing to restoring the confidence in the absolute calibration of FT age determination. In the early 1990s, the Geological Institute called upon the INW to form a team for jointly setting up and running a luminescence dating laboratory – up until then not existing in Bel- gium. Next to fully contributing to the logistics (instrumentation, personnel --), the k0-NAA group focussed on the assessment of the annual (K, Th, U) radiation dose – with mainly the following contributions: 1/ a large-scale comparison and optimization of methods, involv- ing auger-hole NaI(Tl) gamma-ray field measurement and its calibration, low-background NaI(Tl) and extended-range Ge gamma-ray spectrometry, k0-assisted INAA and ENAA, thick-source ZnS alpha-counting and low-background GM beta-counting; 2/ the study of possible errors in these measurements, namely a) the effect of different sample-calibrant composition in gamma-spectrometry, b) the identification of disequilibria - notably in the 238U decay series -, exploring the possibility of direct gamma-spectrometric measurement of the 226Ra 186.2 keV line for detecting 238U/226Ra disequilibrium, and c) the assessment of 222Rn loss from encapsulated sediments; 3/ the investigation of the significance of the internal dose rate in the optically stimulated luminescence dating of sedimentary quartz; and 4/ the preparation and characterization of loess sediment for use as a reference material in the an- nual radiation dose determination. This contributed, at the UGent and elsewhere, to the pos- sibilitiy of assessing a more accurate and precise radiation dose rate in luminescence dating. Acknowledgments The support of the Flemish Research Fund and the Ghent University is highly acknowledged. The author is especially grateful for the indispensable co-operation by people from the Institute for Nuclear Sciences and the Geological Institute of the UGent: Frank Bellemans, Line Vancraeynest, Syed Hos- sain, Raymond Jonckheere, Peter Van den haute, Johan De Grave, Tony De Wispelaere and especially Dimitri Vandenberghe, and from other Institutes: Chris Ingelbrecht, Michelle Derbyshire (IRMM/Geel) and Jan Kučera (Řež/CZ). RANC 2019 / May 5–10, 2019 / Budapest, Hungary 2 Keynote Speakers Radioanalysis of ultra-low level radionuclides for environmental studies and decommissioning of nuclear facilities
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