Table of contents Planary Lectures and Boltzmann Medal Winners 24 Evolutionary tradeoffs and the geometry of biological design space, Uri Alon.. 26 Light-controlled Active Brownian Motion, Clemens Bechinger........... 27 Statistical Physics for Real Biological Networks, William Bialek.......... 28 Phase ordering kinetics, aggregation and percolation in two dimensions, Leticia F. Cugliandolo..................................... 29 The disorder created by entropy is in the mind, Daan Frenkel........... 30 Force from non-equilibrium fluctuations, Mehran Kardar.............. 31 Visualization and characterization of quantum fluid flows, Daniel Lathrop.... 32 Thermodynamics and order beyond equilibrium { the physics of periodically driven quantum systems, Roderich Moessner.................... 33 Ultimate statistical physics: fluorescence of a single atom or ion , Yves Pomeau. 34 Active Matter, Sriram Ramaswamy.......................... 35 Fluid models as scaling limits of systems of particles , Laure Saint-Raymond.. 36 Topic 1: General and Mathematical Aspects-Oral 36 Non-self-averaging transport coefficients in single-particle tracking: Beyond an- nealed approach, Takuma Akimoto.......................... 38 Biologically-inspired functional clustering in logical networks and games, Matthieu Barbier......................................... 39 1 Is Boltzmann's equation reversible? A new large deviation perspective on the irreversibility paradox., Freddy Bouchet....................... 40 Off-critical properties of three dimensional Conformal Field Theories., Michele Caselle.......................................... 41 Thermal fluctuations and 1/f noise from nanothermodynamics, Ralph V. Cham- berlin.......................................... 42 Exact n ! 1 results for the O(n) φ4 model on a three-dimensional strip bounded by free surface planes via inverse scattering methods, H. W. Diehl........ 43 Critical speeding-up, Eren Metin Elci........................ 44 A universal approach to classical and quantum wave localization in disordered systems, Marcel Filoche................................ 45 Percolation on trees as a Brownian excursion, Francesc Font-Clos......... 46 Critical properties of an integrable intersecting loop model, Holger Frahm.... 47 Field-theoretic construction of invariants for topological insulators, Krzysztof Gawedzki........................................ 48 Burstyness, localization and Griffiths effects in network models, G´eza Odor´ ... 49 Height fluctuations and universality relations in interacting dimer models, Alessan- dro Giuliani....................................... 50 First-passage times for surface-mediated diffusion, D. S. Grebenkov........ 51 Temperature inversion in long-range-interacting systems, from atomic to astro- physical scales, Shamik Gupta............................. 52 Polymers pulled from, and pushed towards, a wall, Tony Guttmann........ 53 Schramm-Loewner Evolution for watershed, shortest path and isoheight lines on correlated and anisotropic landscapes, Hans Herrmann............... 54 Exact results on Poisson-Voronoi cells in three dimensions, Henk Hilhorst.... 55 Thermalisation of a quantum system from first principles, G. Ithier........ 56 Complex Martingales and Determinantal Structures in Nonequilibrium Interact- ing Particle Systems, Makoto Katori......................... 57 2 The distribution of path lengths of self avoiding walks on random networks, Eytan Katzav.......................................... 58 Extension of the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis and Kolb theorems, Kiyohide Nomura... 59 Condensation properties of Bethe roots in the XXZ chain, Karol Kozlowski... 60 Dating Random Walks, Hern´anLarralde....................... 61 Fluctuation of the free energy of the spherical spin glass model, Ji Oon Lee... 62 Macroscopic system with undamped periodic compressional oscillations, Francois Leyvraz......................................... 63 Multi-state extension of the asymmetric simple exclusion process, Chihiro Matsui 64 Eigenvalue Attraction, Ramis Movassagh....................... 65 Parafermions in the tau2 model, Jacques H.H. Perk................. 66 Eigenvector overlap and estimation of large noisy matrices, Marc Potters..... 67 Convergence of Mayer and Virial expansions and the Penrose tree-graph iden- tity, Aldo Procacci................................... 68 Finite-time fluctuations for TASEP on the relaxation scale, Sylvain Prolhac... 69 Quasilocal integrals of motion in integrable lattice systems, Tomaz Prosen.... 70 Thermodynamic entropy as a Noether invariant, Shin-Ichi Sasa.......... 71 Aging dynamics of evolutionary and glassy systems: intermittency, hierarchies and record ecvents, Paolo Sibani........................... 72 Phase separation, interfaces and vicious walkers in a wedge. Exact results from field theory, Alessio Squarcini............................. 73 Level Statistics and Localization Transitions of L´evy Matrices, Elena Tarquini.. 74 Integrable dissipative exclusion process, Matthieu Vanicat............. 75 Extreme Value Statistics for Fractional Brownian Motion, Kay J. Wiese..... 76 Universal behavior of n(p), the number of clusters, in percolation, Robert Ziff.. 77 3 Topic 2: Out-of Equilibrium Aspects-Oral 77 Universal and non-universal kinetics of the coalescing random walk: exciton re- actions on carbon nanotubes, Jeremy Allam..................... 79 Field driven dynamics of a binary colloidal mixture, Nuno A. M. Araujo..... 80 Relaxation dynamics in lattices with long-range interactions, Romain Bachelard. 81 Applicability of hydrodynamic theories for extreme current fluctuations, Yongjoo Baek........................................... 82 Temperature response of nonequilibrium systems, Marco Baiesi.......... 83 Thermodynamic uncertainty relation for biomolecular processes, Andre C Barato 84 Order Parameter Scaling in Fluctuation-dominated Phase Ordering, Mustansir Barma.......................................... 85 Stochastic thermodynamics of boundary driven open quantum systems, Felipe Barra.......................................... 86 Large deviations and out of equilibrium noisy scalar conservation laws, Julien Barr´e 87 The quest for the missing noise in a micro-mechanical system out of equilib- rium, Ludovic Bellon.................................. 88 Coupling spin to velocity: collective motion of Hamiltonian polar particles, Eric Bertin.......................................... 89 Stationary and Transient Fluctuation Theorems for Effective Heat Fluxes between Hydrodynamically Coupled Particles in Optical Traps, Antoine B´erut...... 90 Long velocity tails in plasmas and gravitational systems, L´eonBrenig...... 91 Kinetic theory of stellar systems, Pierre-Henri Chavanis.............. 92 Fronts of compact bacterial colonies are not in the KPZ universality class, Rodolfo Cuerno.......................................... 93 Cooperativity of tracers in a crowded environment, Vincent D´emery....... 94 Understanding anomalous heat transport in one-dimensional systems through fluctuating hydrodynamic theory, Abhishek Dhar.................. 95 4 Thermodynamics and phase coexistence in nonequilibrium steady states, Ronald Dickman......................................... 96 Jamming and Attraction of Interacting Run-and-Tumble Random Walkers, Mar- tin R. Evans....................................... 97 Maximum entropy principle for stationary states underpinned by stochastic ther- modynamics, Ian J Ford................................ 98 Out of equilibrium stationary states, percolation and sub-critical instabilities in a fully non conservative system, Guillaume Gr´egoire................ 99 Self-similarity and domain formation in the non-equilibrium dynamics of ensem- bles of Rydberg atoms, Ricardo Gutierrez...................... 100 Large deviations for equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes, Alexander K. Hartmann........................................ 101 Quantum thermal conduction in anharmonic systems: A self-consistent phonon approach, Dahai He.................................. 103 Order and symmetry-breaking in the fluctuations of driven systems, Pablo Hurtado104 Stochastic thermodynamics in many-particle systems, Alberto Imparato..... 105 Electric field-induced criticality and frequency-responsive dynamics of suspension of charged fibrous viruses (fd), Kyongok Kang.................... 106 Constraints on reconstructing the free energy of a polymer from non-equilibrium measurements, Yacov Kantor............................. 107 Nonlinear Response Theory, Matthias Kruger.................... 108 Thermodynamic inference from non-equilibrium fluctuations, David Lacoste... 109 Finite-time implications of dynamical phase transitions in exclusion processes, Vivien Lecomte......................................... 110 Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions, Yan Levin.......................................... 111 Artificial Phototaxis: Rectified motion of self-propelled particles by spatial motil- ity variations., Celia Lozano.............................. 112 Dissipation bound for thermodynamic control, Benjamin B Machta........ 113 5 Absorbing state phase transitions in an open quantum system, Matteo Marcuzzi 114 A general theory of steady-state copolymerization with applications to DNA repli- cation by DNA polymerase, Ming Li......................... 115 Rigorous bound on energy absorption and generic relaxation in periodically driven quantum systems, Takashi Mori............................ 116 Transport and correlations in a stochastic
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