
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1997 No. 2 House of Representatives The House met at 12 noon. COMMUNICATION FROM HON. JIM Mr. OBEY. I yield to the gentleman The Chaplain, Rev. James David BUNNING, MEMBER OF CONGRESS from Louisiana. Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- The SPEAKER laid before the House Mr. LIVINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I er: the following communication from the will be happy to explain the changes to Let our prayers of thanksgiving, O Honorable JIM BUNNING, Member of the fiscal year 1997 Omnibus Consoli- God, rise as incense to the heavens as Congress: dated Appropriations Act proposed in we express our gratitude for all Your CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, the joint resolution that is the object wondrous blessings. May Your good HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, of my unanimous-consent request. words of peace, of reconciliation, of Washington, DC, January 8, 1997. As the gentleman will recall, one of faithfulness echo in our hearts and in THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- the last actions of the 104th Congress our lives. TIVES, was to pass this Omnibus Consolidated On this day we remember those men The Capitol, Washington, DC. Appropriations Act. Back in late Sep- and women who have dedicated them- DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to notify you that I consider my service as a member of tember, even though we were intensely selves to public service, who use their the Ethics Committee complete. negotiating for several consecutive abilities as leaders in doing the works Best personal regards, days almost around the clock, we were of righteousness and justice for all peo- JIM BUNNING, running out of time before the new fis- ple. We pray, almighty God, that You Member of Congress. cal year began. We were rushing to would bless their efforts as they seek f complete our work. In this rush, sev- to demonstrate anew the strength that eral errors and omissions were made APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO comes when people join in a vision that during the bill preparation so that SELECT COMMITTEE ON ETHICS unites each person for the common what was signed into law did not re- good. Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, pursuant flect the actual agreement on this bill May Your peace, O God, that You to clause 4(e)(3) of rule X, I hereby ap- in a few instances. freely give to us in the depths of our point the Honorable LAMAR SMITH of The bill was hand enrolled and was hearts, be with us this day and every Texas to fill a vacancy on the Select over 8 inches thick, plus another 4 day, we pray. Amen. Committee on Ethics. inches for the Statement of Managers. f During the preparation and reproduc- f MAKING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS tion of the bill, one page was omitted TO OMNIBUS CONSOLIDATED AP- in the copy that became law. This bill THE JOURNAL PROPRIATIONS ACT, 1997 had 1,929 pages, and the Statement of The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Mr. LIVINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I Managers had nearly 1,000 pages. While ined the Journal of the last day's pro- offer a joint resolution (H.J. Res. 25) it is unfortunate that this type of error ceedings and announces to the House making technical corrections to the occurred, considering the sheer volume his approval thereof. Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations of the bill and the time we had to put Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Act of 1997 (Public Law 104±208), and for it together, I think we did a pretty nal stands approved. other purposes, and I ask unanimous good job. Section 1 of this joint resolu- tion inserts the matter that was inad- f consent that the House immediately consider and pass the joint resolution. vertently dropped. The Clerk read the title of the joint Sections 2 and 3 deal with correcting PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE resolution. text that did not reflect agreement on The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the bill. These drafting errors resulted from Michigan [Mr. KILDEE] come for- the request of the gentleman from Lou- from failing to change all portions of ward and lead the House in the Pledge isiana? preliminary text to reflect the intent of Allegiance. Mr. OBEY. Reserving the right to ob- of the final agreement. Mr. KILDEE led the Pledge of Alle- ject, Mr. Speaker, I do not intend to The corrections proposed by this giance as follows: object, but I simply do so to enable the joint resolution reflect only the origi- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the gentleman from Louisiana to explain nal agreement on this Omnibus Appro- United States of America, and to the Repub- his request. priations Act, not any changes to that lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. LIVINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, will agreement. They are necessary to fully indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the gentleman yield? carry out the original agreement. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H75 VerDate 10-JAN-97 09:16 Jan 14, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\H09JA7.REC h09ja7 H76 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 9, 1997 I thank the gentleman for yielding to The SPEAKER. Is there objection to This designation shall remain in effect for me, and I urge the adoption of this the request of the gentleman from Lou- the 105th Congress or until modified by me. joint resolution. isiana? Sincerely yours, Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I support There was no objection. ROBIN H. CARLE, Clerk. the gentleman's motion, and I with- f draw my reservation of objection. f The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO CER- APPOINTMENT AS TELLERS ON the request of the gentleman from Lou- TAIN STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE PART OF THE HOUSE TO isiana? THE HOUSE There was no objection. COUNT ELECTORAL VOTES Mr. LIVINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, by The Clerk read the joint resolution, The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro- direction of the Republican Conference, as follows: visions of Senate Concurrent Resolu- I offer a privileged resolution (H. Res. H.J. RES. 25 tion 1, 105th Congress, the Chair ap- 25) and ask for its immediate consider- Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- points as tellers on the part of the ation. resentatives of the United States of America in House to count the electoral votes the The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Congress assembled, gentleman from California (Mr. THOM- SECTION 1. Title III of the Departments of lows: AS) and the gentleman from Connecti- Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, H. RES. 25 and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, cut (Mr. GEJDENSON). Resolved, That the following named Mem- 1997 (as contained in DIVISION A, TITLE IÐ f OMNIBUS APPROPRIATIONS, section 101(a) bers be, and they are hereby, elected to the following standing committees: of the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Act, 1997, Public Law 104±208) is amended Committee on Science: Mr. Sensenbrenner, under the heading ``COURTS OF APPEALS, DIS- Chairman. The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to TRICT COURTS, AND OTHER JUDICIAL SERV- Committee on Small Business: Mr. Talent, make a statement. ICESÐDEFENDER SERVICES'' by striking ``at- Chairman. The Chair desires to defer unani- torneys ap-'' at the end and inserting the fol- Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Mr. mous-consent requests and 1-minute Stump, Chairman. lowing: ``attorneys appointed to represent speeches until after the formal cere- jurors in civil actions for the protection of The resolution was agreed to. A mo- mony of the day, which is the counting their employment, as authorized by 28 U.S.C. tion to reconsider was laid on the of electoral votes for President and 1875(d); $308,000,000, to remain available until table. expended as authorized by 18 U.S.C. Vice President. 3006A(i).''. The foregoing amendment shall be f f considered for all purposes to have taken ef- fect on the date of enactment of Public Law APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY RECESS 104±208, and any actions taken prior to the CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI- date of enactment of this section on the CER OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 12 basis that Public Law 104±208 should be in- TIVES of rule I, the Chair declares the House terpreted as if it included the amendment in recess until approximately 12:55. made by this section, if otherwise valid, are The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro- Accordingly (at 12 o'clock and 9 min- ratified and approved by Congress. visions of section 208(a) of the Legisla- utes p.m.) the House stood in recess SEC. 2. Title I of the Departments of Labor, tive Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 until approximately 12:55 p.m. Health and Human Services, and Education, U.S.C. 75a±1(a)), the Chair appoints Jeff and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, Trandahl of Virginia to act as and to b 1259 1997 (as contained in DIVISION A, TITLE IÐ exercise temporarily the duties of f OMNIBUS APPROPRIATIONS, section 101(e) Chief Administrative Officer of the of the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997, Public Law 104±208) is amended House of Representatives.
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