DEGREE PROJECT IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, SECOND CYCLE, 30 CREDITS STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN 2020 Methods to Reuse CAD Data in Tessellated Models for Efficient Visual Configurations An Investigation for Tacton Systems AB SAKETH RAM KUNDA KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Methods to Reuse CAD Data in Tessellated Models for Efficient Visual Configurations – An Investigation for Tacton Systems AB Saketh Ram Kunda Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2020:512 KTH Industrial Engineering and Management Machine Design SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM ii Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2020:512 Methods to Reuse CAD Data in Tessellated Models for Efficient Visual Configurations – An Investigation for Tacton Systems AB Saketh Ram Kunda Approved Examiner Supervisor 2020-09-21 Sofia Ritzén Lasse Wingård Commissioner Contact person Tacton Systems AB Marco Lang Abstract Data loss has always been a side effect of sharing 3D models between different CAD systems. Continuous research and new frameworks have been implemented to minimise the data loss in CAD and in other downstream applications separately like 3D visual graphics applications (eg. 3DS Max, Blender etc.). As a first step into this research area, the thesis is an explorative study on understanding the problem of CAD data loss while exchanging models between a CAD application and a visual application. The thesis is performed at Tacton systems which provides product configurations to their customers in both CAD and visual environments and hence the research is focussed on reusing the CAD data in visual applications or restoring the data after exchange. The research questions are framed to answer the reasons of data loss and address the possible implementation techniques at the company. Being a niche topic, the thesis required inputs from different perspectives and knowledge sharing from people outside the company which proves the significance of open innovation in technology-oriented companies. Ten different ideas were brainstormed and developed into concepts to solve the problem of data loss. All the concepts are analysed and evaluated to check the functionality and feasibility of implementing it within the company workflow. The evaluations resulted in different concepts that are capable of solving the research problem. They have also been verified with various people internal and external to the company. The results also highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each of these concepts giving clear instructions to the company on the next steps. Keywords: CAD, Configuration, CAD data exchange, parametrisation, tessellations, 3D real time visualization. iii Examensarbete TRITA-ITM-EX 2020:512 Metoder för att återanvända CAD-data i tesselerade modeller för effektiv visuell konfigurering – En utredning för Tacton Systems AB Saketh Ram Kunda Godkänt Examinator Handledare 2020-09-21 Sofia Ritzén Lasse Wingård Uppdragsgivare Kontaktperson Tacton Systems AB Marco Lang Sammanfattning Dataförluster har alltid varit en följd av att dela 3D-modeller mellan olika CAD-system. I forskning har nya metoder utvecklats och implementerats för att minimera dataförlusten i CAD och andra program, som t.ex. visuella 3D-grafikapplikationer (3DS Max, Blender etc.). Denna rapport är resultatet av en studie kring CAD-dataförluster när man överför modeller mellan ett CAD-program och ett visualiseringsprogram. Studien har utförts vid Tacton Systems AB, som tillhandahåller produktkonfigureringslösningar både i CAD-program och i visuella miljöer och därför har studien haft fokus på att återanvända eller återskapa CAD-data i visualiseringsprogramvaror. Forskningsfrågorna är inriktade på att hitta orsaker till dataförlusterna och möjliga lösningar för företaget. Eftersom detta är ett högspecialiserat ämne krävde arbetet insatser från olika perspektiv och kunskapsinhämtning från människor också utanför företaget, vilket visar på betydelsen av öppen innovation i teknikorienterade företag. Tio olika idéer togs fram och utvecklades till koncept för att lösa problemet med dataförluster. Alla koncept har analyserats och utvärderats för att bedöma deras funktionalitet och genomförbarhet, för att implementera dem inom företagets arbetsflöde. Utvärderingarna resulterade i sex olika koncept som skulle kunna lösa problemet. Dessa koncept har diskuterats och verifierats med olika personer inom och utanför företaget. Resultatet visar styrkor och svagheter i vart och ett av dessa koncept och ger tydliga rekommendationer till företaget om nästa steg. Nyckelord: CAD, produktkonfigurering, CAD-datautbyte, tesselering, 3D realtidvisualisering. iv FOREWORD The work presented henceforth is a Master thesis project of the program Innovation Management and Product Development at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. The thesis is fully performed at Tacton systems and the research performed is specific to one of the services offered by the company. The basis for the thesis idea arose from a casual discussion with the VP Product manager at the company. I would like to thank him for giving the opportunity to perform thesis in Tacton. I would like to extend my gratitude with my Master program Coordinator and my supervisor at university for showing support throughout the thesis work especially with the difficult pandemic times. A big thanks to my manager who is also my supervisor at Tacton for supporting and guiding me in all times of the thesis work. I am glad to work under him and was a invaluable experience for me and I could say that the entire project period was extremely resourceful and challenging as well as fun. Lastly, I would like to show my gratitude all my colleagues at Tacton for being a great help in my thesis and showing interest in it till the end. Saketh Ram Kunda Stockholm, September 2020. v NOMENCLATURE Abbreviations CPQ Customer price Quote DA Design Automation CAD Computer Aided Design CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing CAE Computer Aided Engineering STEP Standard for the exchange of Product Data IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification B-Rep Boundary representation Tri-Rep Triangular representation ETO Engineering to Order GPU Graphics Processing Unit API Application Programming Interface SDK Software Development Kit PMI Product Manufacturing Information GD&T Geometric Dimensions & Tolerances XML Extensible Markup Language STL Stereolithography OBJ OBJECT (.obj) FBX FILMBOX (.fbx) vi Contents CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 BACKGROUND OF TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 1.1.1 Configurators and their necessity ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 1.1.2 CAD ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 ABOUT THE COMPANY ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 1.3 BRIEF PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 1.4 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11 1.5 DELIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 2 : METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 2.1 DESIGN METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 2.1.1 Waterfall model ................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 2.1.2 Agile model ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 2.2 GANTT USED FOR THESIS SCHEDULING ................................................................................................................................................................ 14 2.3 RESEARCH SETTING........................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.4 DATA COLLECTION............................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 2.4.1 Research phase .................................................................................................................................................................................
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