![Grants for Basic Research ANTHBOPOLOGICAL SCIBINCES UNIV~IWTY Or MINNIBSOTA, Mlnneapolle, Ylnn](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
APsPENDIX C Grants for Basic Research ANTHBOPOLOGICAL SCIBINCES UNIV~IWTY or MINNIBSOTA, Mlnneapolle, Ylnn. ; ArohoeoZogicai Btudg or Oiuciai Lake AYIPBICAN Mos~nvr OP NATUEAL HI~TOEY, Qgossiz Basin; 1 year ; $9,800 New York, N.Y.; Harry L. Shapiro, Depart- NATIONAL BUBEAU 08 ECONOXIC R~s~ABCE, ment of Anthropology; Archoeoiogtcoi Re- oonnoimmwe on Okinawa; 1 year; $2,800 [NC. ; New York, N.Y. UNXVEE~IT~ 0s ABIEONA, Tucson; Arls. Solomon Fabricant, Director of Research : Frederick 8. Hnlse. DeDartmeUt of An- lnternotionoi Economic Tronsoatione; 2 thropology ; Bioio#ic& O%onwterist4cr of gears : $51,000 Miflronte; 1 year; $4,000 UNIVERSITY or ROCHESTIR, Rochester, N.Y. Richard N. Rosett, Department of Eco- Edward H. Splcer, Department of Anthro- nomics ; Inveetigatione oj Household Eco- pology ; Ptoceesee of Ouituroi Aeetmiiotton; comic Behavior; 1 year; $9,400 2 years; $16,200 BB~WN UNIVBRSITY, Providence, R.I.; J. L. WITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Washington, D.C. Olddings, Department of Anthropology ; Ralph 9. Soleekl, Department of Anthro- Beach-Ridge Datinfl; 2 years; $87,300 pology ; Preh(storio hfon 4n Bhanidar Volley; UNIVERSITY OP BUFFALO, Buffalo, N.Y. 1 year; $23,500 Gorge L. Trager, Department of Anthro- William C. Sturtevant, Bureau of Amerl- pology ; Poroionguage in the Notive Bpeeoh can Ethnology ; Bem4noie Ouitrre; 1 year; of Tao8 Pueblo; 1 year ; $8,100 $3,000 Marlan B. White, Department of Anthro- STANFORD UNIVEREITY, Stanford, Calif. pology ; Zroquofs Iliflrotion Route; 1 year ; B. A. Gerow, Department of Anthropology ; $4,800 Obsidian-Hydration Dating Method; 1 year ; UNIWESITY OF CALIFORNIA. Berkeley, Callf. $8,800 George II. Foster, Department of Anthro- TULANIO UNIVIRBITY, New Orleans, La. William F. Friedman, Middle American pology ; Comparative Study of Bodo-Oud turoi Ohange; 4 yeara ; $89,000 Research Institute ; Nferofllgphic Writinfl8 Robert F. Heleer, Department of Anthro- of the Ancient Mayo; 2 years; $4,000 pology, Berkeley: Culture Hlatory of the UNIV~BSITY OF WASRINQTON, Seattle, Wash. Western Great BO8in; 1 year; $6,500 B. Ottenberg, Department of Anthro- UNIVEE~ITY OF CEICAQO, Chicago, Ill. POlOfiP ; Anthropoiogicoi ltudy ol UrbM( Robert J. Braidwood, The Oriental Instl- Nigeria; 13 months; $16,000 tute : P&o-EcoZogicoi Btudy 01 the Ap- ASTRONOMY peoronae ol Food Production; 8 years; $47,700 ASSOCIATION OP UNIVERSITIES POE RESEARCH COL~XBIA UNIV~E~ITY, New York, N.Y. IN A~TBONOMY, INC., Tucson, Aris.; Aden Urlel Welnrelch, Department of Llngulst- B. Melnel. Kltt Peak National Observatory : les ; Linflulstta and Ouituroi Diflerentiotiofl Preiimino& Conceptual Deeifln and I?@&%- of Ooterrftoriai Bociettea; 2 years ; $7,800 mental Btudte8 jar Large Aperature OrbHal ~o~~D~CW~~~~~~~~ UNIV~E~ITY, Washlng- Telescopea; 1 year ; $160,000 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTB OFTBICHNOLWY, Pas- Demltrl B. Shlmkln, The Graduate Coun- adena 4, Callf. cil; Sfbertan Linfluiet(o Anaiyst8; 1 year; F. Zwlcky, Department of Astrophysics ; $1,100 A Oooperotive Bupemovo Beorch; 1 year; EAIWAED UNIVQRIITY, Cambrldge, Mass. $7,400~ Gordon R. Wllley, Peabody Museum; F. Zwlcky, Department of Astronomy ; Ra- Archaeological Eaoovotfon of o Mayo 19ite; dial VeioCitie8 Of a lpeoiai OiUu8 01 BiU6 2 years; $82.700 Gtor.4; 1 year ; $8,900 UNIVERSITY OB IDAHO, Moscow, Idaho UNIVERSITY OB CALIFORNIA. Berkeley. Callt. A. W. Bowers, Department of Anthro- Merle F. Walker, Department of-Astron- pology ; Arohoeolofltoal Study 01 Twin Faikr; omy, Lick Observatory, Berkeley ; Appiioa- 1 year; $2,000 tion of the Loiiemond-tune -- Imooe- Converter; UNXV~B~ITP 01 ILLINOIS, Urbana, Ill. 1 year ; $8,600 Oscar Lewle, Department of Anthro- 0. Struve, Department of Astronomy: pology; Process oj Urbotaization in Aiezioo; Computation of Orbit8 tn the Rcstrtotsd 1 year; $15,700 Three Body Problem; 2 years ; $20,000 INSTITUTED OP AND~AN R~~BABCH, New York, CASEI INETITUT~ OF TECHNOLOGY, Cleveland, N.Y. Ohio Gordon F. Elkholm: Interrekzttonshipr oj Victor M. Blanco, Department of Astron- New World Ouiture-9; 2 years; $40,700 omv : Infrared Btudiee of Foist Red Btors; 2 LAWB~NCB COLLIDOB, Appleton, Wls. jeiri : hsoo Harold II. Schneider, Department of An- J. J. Nassau, Department of Astronomy: thropology ; The Rois ol Liveetook in New Ultraviolet Tran8mtttfnfl Obfeottve Nvoturu Eoatety; 1 year: $13,400 Prlam; 1 year; $10.000 136 UIIIVEIWITY OF CHICAOO, Chicago, Ill. OHIO STATS UNIVERSITY, Columbus, Ohio : G. van Biesbroeck. Department of Aetron- John D. Kraus, Department of Hllectdcal omy. Artrometrio Investigations; 1 year ; Engineering ; Uompletion of MO-foot Btaud- v3,2~ inn Parabola Radio Tehoope; 2 years; W. A. Hlltner, Yerkes Observatory, Wll- $166,000 Barns Bay, Wls.: Image Convertera for Aa- UNIVEBEITY 01 PBNNBPLVANIA, Pbiladelphla, tronomio&Z Photobrophi(; 1 year ; $15,bOO Pa. ; .William Bliteateln and Frank Bradshaw W. A. Hiltner. Yerkes Observatorv: Pro- Wood, Department of Astronomy ; Astronom- gram for Research on GaZaotio Oluatera; 2 icaZ Research in the Injrared; 2 yearn; years : $12,800 $13,600 0. P. Kuiper, Yerkes Observatory; Phya- UNIVX~REITY OF PITTEBUB~FI, Plttnburgh Pa. : ioal and Btatietical lgtudiea oj Asteroids; 1 N. E. Wagman, Allegheny Observatory; De- year ; $29,500 termination of the ParaZZaaea oj Dwafj K. H. Prendergast, Yerkes Observatory, Mars; 4 years : $6,000 Williams Bay, Wls. ; Problem8 of Theoretioal PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, Princeton, N.J. : Aatrophyeioa; 2 years ; $11,700 Martin Schwareechild, Department of As; UNIV~REXTY OB CINCINNATI, Cincinnati, Ohio ; tronomv : Hioh Altitude Aatronomu: --- 3 yearn : Paul Herget, Cincinnati Observatory ; The $165,060’ - CaZcuZation of bfinor Planet Orbita; 1 year ; REN~SELA~~R POLYTDCBNIC INBTSTUTU, Troy, $10,000 N.Y. ; Robert Flelscher. Department of COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York 27, N.Y.; Phvsics : Radio Aatronomu: 18 months : J. Schilt, Department of Astronomy ; Btudiea $20.000 Related to the Eatabliehment of a Large UN&RSITY OF TEXAS, Austin, Tex. Aatrographio Telescope in the lgouthwn Frank N. Edmonds, Jr., Department of Hem&sphere; 1 year ; $26,800 Mathematice and Astronomy; An Analyak DARTYOUTFI COLLEM, Hanover, N.H.: 0. Z. oj Solar GranuZaWon; 1 year; $3,006 Dlmltroff, Department of Mathematics and Gerald P. gulper, McDonald Observatory ; Astronomy ; 8oZar Activity Related to Iono- De&n oj Znjrared Yicrowaoe Teleaoope; 1 spheric Phenomena; 1 year ; $1,500 year ; $40,000 UNIVB~RBXTY 08 FLORIDA, Gainesville, Fla.: UNIVIQBSITY OF TOLEDO, Toledo, Ohio: Rob- T. D. Carr and A. G. Smith : Deoartment of ert A. Chipman. Department of Astronomy ; Physics ; Radio Observations of jupitw and Bearoh jor Bpeotrum Lines in Radio Aa- Baturn jrom OhiZe; 2 years : $41,000 tronomy; 2 years ; $22,800 FORDHAX UNIVERBITY, New York, N.Y.: W. J. Miller, Astronomical Laboratory ; Photo. VANDI~RBILT UNIVBRBITY, Nashville, Tenn. : metrio and Measuring Bquipment for the John H. Dewitt, Department of Astron- VarZobZe Mar Program; 2 years: $6,000 omy; The AppZioatZon oj Televieion Teoh- niqueu to Aatronomy; 1 year ; $27,900 G~O~Q~T~WN UNIV~RBITY, ~Washlngton 7, D.C.; C. C. Kiese and W. P. Meggers, De UNIVERSITY OB WIECONBIN, Madison, Win. partment of Astronomy ; Inveatlgationa oj C. M. Huffer, Department of Astronomy the Bun’a Spectrum; 2 years; $28,800 Three-(lolo+ BtUdie8 oj Iclipaing Btnariea 1 year; $5,600 HAEVARD UNIVERSITY, Cambridge. Mase. Julian BI. Mack, Department of Phyaica Thomas Gold, Harvard College Observa- Interjwometric Study of OoronaZ Emiaaion , tory ; Twenty-one Centimeter Radio Aatron- 1 year; $8,000 emu; 2 years ; $97,000 Davld Layser, Department of Astronomy ; YALD UNIVERLIITY, New Haven, Conn. Dir% Brouwer. Deoartment of Astronomy TheoretioaZ Energy Levels and Transition Modernization dj a-Long &rew hfuaaUr(i Probabilities; 1 year, $12,300 Engine and It8 Application to A8trOmub4 Donald H. Meneel, Department of Astron- Research; 8 yeare ; $27,500 omy; Henry Draper Spectral Types for the Harlan J. Smith, Department of Astron- #outhern Polar Clap; 1% years: $6,900 Investigation oj Planetary Radio G. de Vaucouleurs, Harvard College Ob. omy : Ernie&m; 16 months ; $21,000 servatory ; Photometrio BtuWea of Brighi Galwtea; 2 years ; $15,000 ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES HIOH ALTITUDD OBRYIEVATOUY OP THY UNI. VIDRBTIY OF COLOEADO, Boulder, Colo.; Dr. UNIVEBSITY ob ARIZONA. Tucson, AI%; A. Walter Orr Roberts, Director ; High Reaolu- Richard Kaasander. Jr., Louis J. Battan, tiona Bpeotrograph; 2 years : $80,000 and James PJ. McDonald, Institute of At- INDIANA UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, Blooming mospheric Phyeics: Phyeics oj alou& and ton, Ind. ; Frank K. Edmondson, Director, or Cloud Afodilloation: 8 years : 8161.800 Goethe Link Observatory : Observationa 01 ~TMOBPAIRIC ~REBFIAR~II -GBoo;, ‘Pasadena, Asteroids; 8 years ; $22,500 Calif. ; Paul B. MacCready, Jr., Field iWudiea JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV~BSITY, Baltimore, in CZoud Phyaica; 1 year ; $57,100 Md.; John D. Strong, Laboratory of Astro- UNIV~DBWTY OB CALIFORNIA, Berkeley, Calif. physics and Physical Astronomy; i?Zgh AE J. Neyman, Department of Statistlca; titude Astronomy; 6 months ; $30,000 Randomized aloud Beeding: 2 yearo; UNIVBREITY OB MICEI~AN, Ann Arbor, Mich.: $64,900 Lawrence H. Aller, Department of Aatron. Norris W. Rake&raw. Scritms Instltutlon omv: The Abundance of Certain Blementa of Oceanography, La Jolla: &f-bon DfoaMe in %e BoZar Atmoaphwe; 2 years; $13,606 in the Atmoaohwe : 3 years : $84.000 0. C. Mohler, MeMath-Hulbert Observe -Zdenek Seitera, -D&-artmini: oi MetfXOl- tory; Hydrogen in the BoZw Bpeotrum; 2 ogy. Los Angeles ; Planetary north AZbedo;
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