SENIOR THE PORTRAITS SEVENTH SEAL JANUARY 21-25 ORfXEl INSTITUTE TONIGHT 8:00 P.M. GREAT COURT OF technology phiiadeiphia, pa. G R A N D H A L L /OLUME XL JANUARY 18, 1963 NUMBER 1 DIT Fa ces ississippi State Varied Activities Compete Sunday Assist Finalists In College Bowl The four men selectcKl to rop- The culmination of three years esent Drexel on the G. E. Col- effort will occur Sunday when 'ef?e Bowl are Fred nium, Rryant Drexel will compete against Mis­ vleslck, Dick Rosen, and Paul sissippi State University on the Smith. Together with the team General Electric College Bowl. coach Dr. Rommel, these men The Drexel team which will ap­ loave tomorrow for New York, pear on the nation-wide telecast hoping their trip is successful. Is coached by Dr, Robert Rommel The background of the four and Is composed of Fred Blum, men— whom Drexel ofllcials feel Bryant Mesick, Dick Rosen, and are best qualified for the fast - Paul Smith. paced contest — Is Interesting to Three years ago several Drexel note. students contacted the College Fred Blum is a senior Mechan­ Bowl about Drexel participation on ical Engineering student from the show. When College Bowl of­ Merlon, Pa. Fred is a member of ficials responded, the Public Rela­ Sigma Alpha Mu Social Fraternity tions Office honored the letter and and PI Tau Sigma, the National Drexel was then placed on the M.E. Honor Fraternity. Kred, who waiting list. is the current chairman of Sam­ On October 15, 1962 Drexel waa my Week, Is the Business Manager officially invited to participate on of the Drexel Technical Journal the January 20, 1963 presentation and was a counselor at Freshman of the College Bowl. Drexel offlci- Camp. Fred’s main hobbles are als then started a search for candi­ art and the stock market. He dates which led to the selection of also participates In Interfraternity the team. sports for Sigma Alpha Mu. Ei((hty-four Tested Hophoiiiorc Chosen Eighty-four students who were Bryant Mesick Is a sophomore recommended by the faculty or chemistry major from Pottstown, who volunteered received invita­ l*a. At Drexel, Bryant Is a mem­ n ic riic c in n when they face Mississippi State on Sunday afternoon at the televised tions to take the initial written ber of the Society of American College Bowl, Drexel’s standard bearers, I. to r., Dick Rosen, Paul Smith, test. Fifty-seven students took (<'ontinucNl on Page 5, Col. 3) Fred Blum, and Bryant Mesick intend to give their opponents a nin-for-their-money. (Continued on I’ago 3, Col. 1) Smoking Promotions Condemned; P T C Strike Angers Drexel Students President Upholds Free Press The PTC strike, which began last of the strike, this service was not The Triangle aske<l various stu­ Tuesday, has caused considerable wliolly effective. dents how they viewed the PTC- "I am against prohibition of any kind at Drexel Institute,” were difiicuity and inconvenience here at Complicating the situation is the TWU dispute and the strike, and the words related to Triangle Editor Richard Pascal when he inter­ Drexel. Drexel parking problem. Accoi-ding how they were affected by the viewed President James Creese about a memorandum concerning ciga­ rette promotion on the Drexel campus. Dr. Creese explained that the The Student Senate attempted to to Dean Toombs, the closing of strike. Comments of the students oflicial statement (shown on page lessen the impact of the TWU Woodland Avenue alleviates the follow: t) was a confirmation to the ad­ walkout by setting up emergency problem slightly, but many stu­ "Both sides ought to wise up and ministration of what was stated car pools, but due to the suddenness dents will still be inconvenienced. :\t the January 9, 1963 faculty Triangle Reelects submit to binding arbitration. I meeting. was not affected myself by the strike The faculty were exposed to the and will not be unless the parking question of cigarette promotion on Editor Pascal lots fill up. They weren’t full to­ i ampus at their December meet- In the annual election meeting day.”—Charles LlelMjrman, CBA. ng after Dr. Arnett and the Fac- held at the end of fall term, Dick “I think it’s pretty mean. I think Ity Health Committee made rec- Pascal was unanimously re-elected it’s Tate’s fault. It Dilworth were t.mmendatlons about the subject. Editor-in-Chiet of the Triangle. He here, we would have a settlement. At that time Dr. Creese offered the 1 have to hitch a ride every morn­ ■natter to the faculty and asked will serve for one full year. ing.’’—L.O. ;i members with opinions, pro or Dick is a junior, enrolled in the (on, to discuss them with him in Electrical Engineering school of “I don’t like it bet'ause I don’t t ;e near future. Four faculty have a way home. I don’t know the Engineering. (College. He has I embers responded to the Presi- wlio is at fault. I think the union mt; two were for the recom- been with the Triangle for over two should be satisfied with what they I .endations, and two were against years. During that time Dick has get and go back to the job.”—S.D. lem. Dr. Creese chose to break been Editor-In-Chief for 9 months. “I think the guys are out of their ie “tie,” and the memorandum News Editor, and Assistant News minds. 1 think they want too much •1 page four of this issue was for the service they give. I was eated. Editor. Dick hopes “to increase coverage not affetaed myself.”—John Llren- Dr. Creese further stated that feld, CBA. 1 3 was “unwilling to put out a of campus activities and encourage itement prohibiting or dlscour- all campus organizations to present “It’s something that should have ! ing advertising of cigarette material for publication. In addi­ been avoided, but I don’t know how. ' oducts In our student publlca- I’m against strikes but I don’t know t.ons.” The committee did not tion to a greater cross section of what tlie remedy is. It’s a shame 1 commend that this action be student opinion, each student Is in­ that people wait till the last min­ t ken. vited to use the paper as an organ ute.”—Lew Charnock, ME. The l^residont onipliatlcally for expressing his opinion on any s uted tliut “no one in the lul- facet of Drexel." “I think the main cause of the )' inUtrution will interfere with Other appointments for this term strike is the union, and now that t'le student publications’ policies are: Dave West. Buwlness .Manu:^er; they have obtained just wages for irid freedom; the rigiits of free I’aul Smith. News Editor; IMiil tlieir men, they should step aside Pix by Clark choice of nuU(‘i-iul— advertlNiuK or /wick, Associate News Editor; and be passive bystanders until a need arises for them. I think this (i,|)y— will I,,, preserved. Any ad- Morgan Death, Assiwiate Layout TU a C if in stopping, bus only,” which means a bus only if the iDinistrution or faculty member Editor; Steve Kay, Sports Editor; I n 6 d l Q n TWU and the PTC stop acting like children and dccide to way we could avoid a lot of strikes. I was not affected myself.”—Tom this notion of censorship Hoyd Mackleer, Associate Sports discuss their disputes with consideration for a city of three million busy people. Carucio, CBA. liolds un invalid attitude." Editor, and Bill Clark, Head of the This will probably happen when you know what freezes over or Michael Quill (Continued on l*nge 6, Col. 8) Photo Staff. learns to speak English. (Continued on Page 2, Col. fi) Students who are out In Indus­ Drexel Triangl* try may Interview In the evening; Page 2 —lanuary 18, 1963 day students should try to make Kolb Succeeds Dix their appointments In the after­ noon. The seniors are reminded Campus Notes • • • that they may be Interviewed by As Com ptroller as many companies as they wish. tlon, welcomes all day students, Facnlty-Stnclont NlRht * * • Mr. John W. Kolb, Drexel’s former Assistant Comptroller, waf nlRht students, faculty and ad­ The Faculty-Student Co-Hec Tonrnainent Renlstratlon appointed Comptroller to succeed Mr. George A. Dlx, who has accepted ministration. Co-rec volleyball, Fun Night will be held on Janu­ another position as Vice President for Business and Finance at Pratt ping pong, bowling, cards, check­ All students, especially girls and ary 25, 1963 at the Drexel Activi­ Institute of Technology In Brooklyn. ers. and chess will be played from freshmen, are Invited to register ties Center. The event, sponsored Other promotions were given at the same time to Dennis F. 7 p.m. to 12 p.m. An added a t­ for competition in this terms’ by the Women’s Athletic Assocla- Dougherty, who is serving as Assistant Comptroller and to John Wen- traction — fireside refreshments, tournaments which are being con­ will be served i)eginning at 10:30 ducted by the Ilrexel Activities ner, appointed Assistant Treasurer. The new comptroller Is thoroughly oriented to Drexel. He is n p.m. Admission Is free. Program Board. Hegistration will graduate of Drexel’s Kvenlng Col­ SERVICE * • * be held during the next two weeks SALES Senior Interviews starting Monday, January 21, 1963 lege, holding both a Bachelor’s in the Drexel Activities Center. and Master’s degree in Business Senior class members who are s t r i k e ..
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