'^ y w w \.\ . ■ ' * ■ f 1 • f ■'' t • /'t w ■ ■ ' ■ : * ATERiLGOB D AILY C n O O L A IIO N Mr the B le ^ «f Nee*her, IMS 5 3 0 S Memer of the Audit of Orculetlone. fimtrhrBtrir lEvrains i^rralb PRICE THREE G p ll^ VOL. un., NO. 57, Advertteint eu Page 10.) MANCHESTER, GONNn THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1933. (TWELVE PAGES) BANDITS SEIZE BUS; Where Lindberghs Landed After Atlantic Flight TRAFFIC UI»TS MERCY FOR BAD POINTS m a j o r PASSENGERS ROBBED HERE ARE URGED NONE FOR UQUOR VIOLATORS Woman Attacked by One of GOLD’S RETURN Police and Selectmen BeGere Thuga-^rirer and Pas­ Somediing Mnst Be Done AIDETOJOBNSON Cmninings Says First Offet- sengers Escape and Ban­ BEST FOR U. S. SAY TEACHERS to Cnrb Pedestrian Acci­ GETS B ie S A U R Y d m Are to Recdre Len­ dits Later Rounded Up. dents at Haardons Places iency But Racketeen Albany, N. T.. Dec. T.— (A P )—A 19 Members of Wesleyan Protection of pedestriams at sev­ Miss Frances Robinson Ro- WiD Be "Gotten”- Deei wild drive In a motor bue oommin.- eral^ haeardoun traffic points in deered by two men who are alleged Uniyersity’s Faculty Issue Manchester is being studied by Not Link for End of Crine to have robbed the paaaengwe and edvos $5,780 a Year— police officials; and members of the one of whom la charged with at­ Statement— 15 Fear Dan­ Board of Selectmen with a view to­ tacking a young woman, ended to­ Used to Got $25 a WeoL But Says Law Is Now Pop- day after a gun fight In Renaaelaer, wards preventing any more trage­ acroaa the Hudson river from Al­ ger of Further Inflation. dies such as occurred on Thanlceglv- olar Instead of Uspopilar. bany. Ing S)ve In tbe death of Mrs. Clin­ Washington, Dec. 7.— (A P )—Mlsi Both alleged robbers were arrest­ ton Keeney. A series of automatic Frances Robinson, administrative ed. One, Nicholas Waytrovlch, of Middletown, Dec. 7. — ( A P I - traffic slgnads may result If a sys­ assistant to Hugh S. Johnson, warn Washington, Dec. 7.— (A P )—At­ Springfield, Mass., was surrounded Nineteen members of the faculty of tem that proves practicable amd torney General Cummtnge said to­ by city police and state troopers as revealed today to be getting paid seventy at Wesleyan University be­ economical cam be found. Points he drove Into Rensselaer. The other, that must soon be given more rigfd 15,780 a year, one of the largest day the Justice Departmmit’e gen­ a negro, named James Jackson was lieve the United States should re­ attention from the standpoint of In- NRA salarlea and on a par with the eral attitude toward prohiUtkm law apprehended several hours later at turn to some form of a gold stand­ creamed tradfic are the Center, Madn compensatiem of some of the most violators “of previoui^ good char­ his home in Spiingfidd, Mass. ard in a vote among the faculty and Park streetp amd Main street e x p ^ government employee. acter” would be extremdy lenient Woman Attacked members, 15 said they believed fur­ amd Middle Turnpike. After pubUcation of the fsmt In but he promised vigoroue prosecu­ a morning newspaper (the Wash­ tion of the habitual criminal type. The two men boarded the bus, ther infiatian will harm the coun­ Oeoter DUHcult Problem bound from Springfield, Mass., for try, foiu: others believed the same ington Post) reporters inquiring of He estimated that of 2,219 Federal Pittsfield, at Chester, about 20 with reservations and 11 held : n op­ The situation at the Center where Johnson were told by him: cases pending, 500 were prohibition miles ea^ of PlttBfield. The white posite view. four lanes of traffic converge pre­ *I think that was one below the cases and said that 8,764 Federal man poked a pistol into the ribs of The four members of the econom­ sents the most difficult problem. belt.” prohibition offenders were in Jail oot the M ver and ordered him not to ics department who want a gold Chief of Police Samuel G. Gordon The story haul said Miss Robinson of a total prison population <rf stop. The negro, it is alleged, robbed standard with reservations, said Is studying the conditions at the was elevated from a $25 a week 16,557. the two passengers aim attacked they believed the objective of the Center amd ham tadked with several clerkship to her present salary in The prison population w as. de­ President to raise prices so as to traffic engineers amd representa­ NRA’s short career. As Johnson’s scribed by Cummings as 6,809 btf ow the woman. the figure for a year ago. He at­ Negro Leaves Oar contribute to the economic recov­ In the picturesque town of Natal, Brazil, s h o ^ here In an aerial view, Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lind­ tives of automatic signad com­ assistant, the has made many ex­ ery and to rectify the InJustices bergh landed their powerful seaplane, to complete a non-stop trans-Atlantic flight from Bathurst, Africa. In panies. All aulmlt that it Is difficult tributed the decrease to a mora The bandits compelled the driver tended trips across the country with liberal treatment of prohibitkm now being done the debtor dass flying the 1,800 miles, Mrs. Lindbergh made a record as the first avlatrlx to span the South Atlantic, to instadl a 83rstem at the Center to continue toward Albany. A stop the administrator. cases because repeal waa in sight. was made at a “diner" at West and to release to the debtors great­ that would be aulequate. Tbe loca­ “In the original setup of NRA”, er puifbaaing power, is desirable. tion of tbe new post office building Chimmings estimated that ^thin Lebanon, N. T., and the negro, said Johnson, "Miss Robinson and the next year there may be as many alarmed because his actions had “As method of securing this," on tbe north east comer of the Cen­ Bobby Straus (Robert K. Straus, they said in a statement iaanad by ter area, has further complicated as 10,000 cases of violations of aroused sxispicion, plunged into the son of the ambassador to France) liquor revenue laws. woods. At the same time the driver the Untvanlty today, “ws bsUeve CAUSE NOT LOST tbe problem. School children going were personal assistants to tbe ad­ that tba eoatinuanca of tha present PRESIDENT RAPS STAND to and from the Lincoln school add ‘Tending liquor casse," Cum­ and two passengers, escaped. ministrator at a salary of 86,000 a mings told newepapermeo, 'Tail Into Waytrovlch speeded the bus to­ gold purebaae plan of the sdmlnla- to the tradric hazards. year. tratlon is unwise. two classes. Those in wfaidi 'offend- ward Albany. SAYS DRY LEADER PreveotiOD Better WeO Bsoommeiided ere are in Jail awaiting trial tad As It raced into Rensselaer police Msw Gold Unit OF ROLPH ON LYNCHING Despite the fact that the Center "Miss Robinson came recommend­ those in which they are out on bond. cars wers in pursuit. Wasrtrovieh is "In order to achlave a substantial Is a damgerotu intersection Chief ed to me as an excellent adminis­ To Be Lecdeat alleged to have fired on the puren* rlaa In prtess, ws bdlsvs that tba ♦ Gordon points out that there have trator and executive from RKO ‘1 suppose those wbo serve actual ing officers. When he reached Rana> Isgnl g ^ eontant of tbs dollar been no fataUtiee there. However, (Radio -Keith-Orpheum Corpora­ time while awidting trial will be should be rsdnood snd that tba ad- Dr. Poling Calk on AD Citi- aelaer be tried to run away, but Cenvinced Nation WOI Net it is his desire to Improve tbe situa­ tion). In many ways she knows dealt with more lenientlj^tbaa thoen pcdica closed in and ei4;>tured him. ndnlstimtloB should ontsr into nsgo- NEED NEW CONCEPT tion before imyxme does lose a l^e more about this law and this or­ wbo are free. Tbe general attitude Waytrovieh was ordsred sant to zeiu to Unite for Temper­ there. He would welcome tbe sug- ganization than anyone else. I am towdrd offenders, people prevtouely an Pngs M l) Jail on a reckless driving ebaigs. He « Tolerate Mob Rnie, He geetione of any citizen as to a sure that nobody hare ever thought of good character ,aad not likely to was arraignad before Justice of the OF REUGION NOW offttid egaifi, wfil be one of extrema Peaee R. J. EUiott of East Oreea> ance Education. (Cwitl— efi 9D Page Mix.) (OesilBoed ea Page its ) leniehcy. Some may turn out to bo bush. TeDs Deleptes at Cbnrdi legttlinate caeee for adjustment wlik Theodore H. Richmond d Dec^ H m iR PROPOSES TiT tbe rsoSMir depertmsDt. absfter, Maas., one of tha b«a ma- ' Wtofilngton, Dec. - f f ^ (A P )— 'With aM ordfo the racketeerleg asDgsrs, rsportad be was robbed of Ceneentien. - - Secretary WaHaee Saye Rap­ can to all citizens to "unite for groups, SUM, perrietent offcadere— 110, while Burnett said m w<m those *orimlbilUy minded, with pro- robiMd of IIAO. Mias Richards said 5 POINT PROGRAM temperance education and for better;l DISSENSION PREDICTED vloue zdcorde—each case win draend idly Changhg rones sbs lost a small amount of chaims. Washington, Dec, 7,— (A P )— liquor control," was made today by on tbe circumetancee. There wm be Rlebmond today bslpsd statsI'poUes pol Preeident Roosevelt is convinced Dr, Daniel A. Poling, president of no disposition to otherwise pursiM prspars a case against tlM two man.
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