" t{inlstry of WateB Land and Air Protection (MW!-A'F} Web Page (containiaccessto BC Hunting andTrapping Regulations Synopsis and Limited Entry Hunt Draw Results) ill http#Iwww. gov.bc.calwlaP . Enquiry Be For more information on the hunting and trapping regulations, call a MWLAP Regional Office, Fish andWildlife lisl- Recreation and Allocation Branch (FWRA) HQ Vrctoria, or the. Conservation Ofrlcer Service using the numbers tele- ed in the regional portions of the synopsis. Enquiry BC can provide toll free access to provincial government phone numSers. Simply call Enquiry BC and request a transfer to the number you wish to call: fromVancotfver ... "660-?4?l from Victoria 387-6121 il elsewhereinBC. " ''l-S00-663-?S67 . Observen Record, Report .....!-800-663-9453 (\i/ILD) to report fish, wildlife and environmental offences otherthan those involving salmon. Articles Section A - uuunue REGUUTIoNS (conrinued) . 15 Message from the Directorof Fish andWildlife Recreation Change of Address Notiflcation (Form) . " t: A andAllocation Branch (FWM) .....2 Change of Name Notification (Form) '..... '...18 Bull Moose Antler Regulations t9 - lmportant Notice - to all Mountain Goat Hunters " . ' . '76 Section B erurneL HUNTING INFnRMATInN . .20 Safety Guidelines for Hunters in Bear Country .' . .40 National & Provincial Park Restrictions " .' HabitatConservationTrustFund ..'. 4l Municipal Bylaws. '.".70 .......,.20 Take CareofYourGame Meat .. '. '....56 AccessRestrictionstoWildlife ill ThreatenedCaribouListing . ......'.'.63 HighwayNoShootingAreas. '...'...'20 Chronic Wasting Disease 77 Poisession andTransportation , . '.... '.2 I 22 Muskwa-Kechika ManagementArea '....85 Export from the Province c.t.TE.s. ......27 Section A - uuunue REGUUTInNS TaxidermyTanningand Meatcutting "...23 MajorRegulation Changes2002-2003 .- ' ' '.. ' ' ' 2 Designatedwildlife .. '.. '. ' ' ' '23 " ,2 AToothforTruth ""23 rl Definition! " Itis Unlawful ... '. '....6 Don'tSupportlllegal Hunting '. " ' ' '..24 BC's Bear PartsTrade Ban . .. '. ... .B Observe,RecordandReport ...'.'....86 DataCollection..... .'....'..'9 Record of ReceiptforTransportingWildlife . ...'.86 Federal Firearms Legislation ' " '9 Conservation & Outdoor Recreation Education . .' . .9 Section C - ntsouncE MANAGEMENT REGInNS BC Resident Hunter Number .........10 Region I Vancouverlsland "'......'27 Non-Resident Hunters '.......10 Region 2 Lower Mainland " 34 '. 47 BC's Lead Shot Ban ' . .10 Region3 Thompson .... '.""" Licence Requirements .........11 Region4 Kootenay "'...'.'47 Aboriginal Hunting " l7 Region5 Cariboo ". "" '57 MigratoryBirds. '12 Region 6 Skeena '64 Bowhunters '.. '......12 RegionTA Omineca .".'."72 LicenceAVailability ..' ' '12 RegionTB Peace, ..'.78 OpenSeasons..... .....'.'..12 Region8 Okanagan..... '."87 HuntingLicenceFees.. "'...'12 SpeciesLicence Fees .. ........13 Section D -rnnpnue REGUUTIaNS Bag Limits and Possession Limits .......13 Trapping Regulations .. '.. '.. '.92 WaterlowlerHeritage Days $//HDs) ..'.....13 ComputsoryReporting '..... '.93 HuntingMethods .....13 Definitions .. '.... '.. '93 LimitedEntry Hunting.. i.... .........14 LicenceFees.. ""'..94 DeerLicenceRequirement ''' .14 FurRoyalties .........95 Queen Charlotte lslands Deer Licence ...... '..14 openbeasons...., ..'..""96 How LongShould lKeep My Licence .. '. '.....14 Special Notice Black Bear or Gr\zzly Bear . ' . 96 Compulsory lnspection and Reporting ..'. .....15 /4 7Vleunte tk Dazctn atr g s"' lr*tt MAi r RCg utnf;ian Change for " Z!OOE;: &fi$t Trzn a'd 7/,!1&& RqtzrnAaa , applicants witl be notified,,,ih,f,at€,r, and r(heaaw wffi#wffs*ffiffi*w$ffiffi :,, ,,,,,,, Government Restructuring , As January 2003. lnformation on the appli- Each yeari the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection part of the ministry's restructuring, cation and draw process is outlined on puts together the synopsis of hunting and trapping pages 24 & 25. regulations for all areas of British Columbia.The and the renewed focus on priority development of regulations is a complex but critical step in activities, the,,Conserrvation:Officer,, Caribou - See page 6,3::f,or,::tn,rup rte,rr,r: ensuring that our wildlife conservation oblectives are met :Service will no longer be undertaking to fast year"ti notice rggard:irlg:,,,,,,,,, .,;,,,,,,,, i,.1, and that British Columbia continues to provide truly many permit and licence-related COSEWIC (Committee on the Status world-class hunting experiences. I want to thank members admi nistrativ-e::tasks for the Fisheries of Endangered Wildlife in Canada) list- of the public who suggested input to these regulations and and Wildlife programs of the ministry. ed Caribou herds in B. C.This year, the to the ministD/ staff involved in the preparation and These seiVices wil! be centr:alized to' Caiibou season' M,U,.71:l.9,, j$::dibisdd,ii publication of this synopsis. in the regional administrative centres. and caribou seasons in M.U.s 7-21,7- The ministry recognizes that the limit- British Columbia's wide range of natural habitae make this 22,,7-3],f3.6:and 7-43 are re$':i €d::.:..i province the most diverse in Canada in terms of its ed time requirement for Cornpulsory ro S-point bulls only, See page 3 for wildliG. Our spectacular mountains, plateaus, coastal areas lntpection of :certaih harvesfed Same ch ange to Cari bou 5 :Po i n't::Euli!.. ant! 6if and river valleys are home to many species of animals that t.... species will preseni an inconvenience definition. are unique to British Columbia. Our management of this for some hunters. For the coming demands that we balance recreational activities resource hunring season, the ministry may pro- White-Tailed Deer - The definition against protection of our wildlife populations. vide some reljef ser.vices th,rough local of a 4 point white-tailed deer buck:has qoW Maintaining tlre recreational services that are so deeply contractors. Please contact your min- changed and inct,udes the,,bffi::,,;l: valued by British Columbians and a tremendous drawing istry regionht:,offices prior to hu,nting, a tine (see page 5). card for viskors is a core business priority of the ministry. species for which Compulsory,::::: :, ' " Pigpon$ -, Ban'g;tailua;,..'1:' This year, an expert panel will recommend ways to lnspection i5 required; so thet you ,laha-fatmA rero:pEhed,,in,,,.:,.,..,,,,,,,,,' improve the management and funding of our world-class pigeon seasons are have the necessary local information,, ,,, recreation opportunities in the province. Hunting opportu- Regi6 ns,,,1,,, 2, an d, Tile. u"eg..l to make the best choices in youi cii- !, !mit,.:it..111, nities will be part of this review,and the public will be able 5( f,,0)' Pl€aie see r€$iorl+l ,scheduf.B,t.'fort cumstances. to offer views on what can be done to ensure that our season dates. recreational services remain both susainable and Sperial,Motrntain Sheep:,ahd Npy, Parks - The creation of new prorcct- affordable. For an update on the panel's activitiesJisittheir SBocial Ltrnlted E ,,, ed areas in the province has added,', Entry Hunts for 2003 - Applicants ' http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/esd/recpanel/recpanel.htm. {orty'ning p.rks to the |!$it:hf paiki.:.;.;;.;,.. must apply in fall 2002 for an opportu- open to huntirrg during a f t..llu,nt:,:1, Hunters and trappers in British Columbia have always nity,to L9oc Ou,ri:ng one of these spe' ing season (Refer to individual regiohs been strong and active participants in wildlife conservation cial Lilnit€d Ehtr.y Hunts in fall 2003. for rnor,e efforu.Their support is very evident in our policy informarioh): An,eaif ie,r c,los,ing date: fb:r.::applications ,.,. .: .,......,, ,....11.,'..i. development processes and through their volunteer and an eenlier,drraw date Wit,l t1loW:the For fur.iher informaticn :oulWitUli*,[ii activities.Their contributions to the Habitat Conservation Srrccetsful,apFllcants time,to FIan theii Regulations please access Trust Fund is one example of how they enable so many hunting trip and access,:tFre:early p,art; or,.foi, Ore,, important proiects that protect and enhance British of the season.Applicants must be BC information'on the Ministrrf 6f Wat€n,,,,:: Columbial wildlife heritage.We look forward to a renewed partnership to help maintain the effective residents. Appliiations are available Land, and Air Protection and current regulations and conservation efforts that allow the contin- from regular LEH application outlets. program initiatives, please access uation of hunting and bther valued recreational activities. The deadline for applications is wvw.gov.bc.ca/wlap/ December I 3,2002 ind successful Don Peterson Director THIS SYNOPSIS IS NOTTHE DEFINITIONS .call::: :: :,: LAW. Accompany - means to remain in the ri;,:;r::,*dventi$itng,,lnfo;;oalf:,fJnss€ :': ii,,':,:!5&dft1.3,44,,;:ar, : company ofthe other person, able to see ...,, 7#,4,|82i$,88,, ) lt is a summary of the B.C, Hunting and or ernoil huntomondaytourism.com , Trapping Regulations made under the the other person without the aid of any Publtshed for the Minsty of Water Lond & Air lens- Wildlife Act (British Columbia) that has device other than ordinary corrective ,,,,,,PJote orr, hy #l'ofiddtfotf,i ::Publlcar+bns been prepared for the convenience of es and able to communicate by unamplified riu,:8€ V8W...'l'84,,, fr]rrl.S:1:8.iB?otsh{0n,5f. V:i voice with that person. Website; bchu nttn gregs.com hunters and trappers. ) lf you have any questions about the AllTerrainVehicle orATV - means a wheeled vehicle or tracked vehicle pro- Corci.fft oto, bX Jared llcbbs information in this
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