Literature Marc Quinn The books that are The infamous bound to become YBA discusses future classics art and life www.varsity.co.uk No. 622 Friday October 14, 2005 The Independent Cambridge Student Newspaper since 1947 FOSTER APPEARS IN COURT One week on: Alethea Foster to face jury trial for attempted murder of student At trial Foster’s intent will be a Rachel Divall matter left to the jury. They will be advised to take into account fac- lethea Foster, the academ- tors relating to evidence of calcu- ic accused of attempting lated planning, the selection and Ato murder a student at use of any weapon, and any Lucy Cavendish College on threats made prior to or during October 3, has appeared in the attack. Should the jury feel Cambridge Crown Court for a that there is inadequate evidence preliminary hearing of the case. it will be left open to them to find Mark Watson The assault, which took place last Foster guilty on a less serious >>page14 Tuesday at 2.25pm, left victim count. Julie Simpson, 44, fighting for her Foster will be free to raise the life after suffering stab wounds to defence of “provocation” or her face, chest and hands. diminished responsibility, the suc- The hearing, attended by Varsity, cessful establishment of either took place on Wednesday of this being likely to result in a more week. Foster arrived at court in a lenient sentence. police van under police protection. To successfully prove provoca- She made no application for bail tion she will have to show that an and will remain in custody. Her act or series of acts caused in her husband John Foster and two sons “a sudden and temporary loss of were present in court. self-control” making her “for the If found guilty, Foster will face a moment not master of her own lengthy custodial sentence: under mind”. It is possible that she may English law an attempt carries wish to adduce evidence of with it the same penalty as that Simpson’s alleged affair with her attached to the full crime. Section husband, John Foster. All the Honeys 4(1) of the Criminal Attempts Act Diminished responsibility >>page7 1981 states that a person charged would require proof that the with attempted murder will be defendant had suffered from “liable on conviction to imprison- “such abnormality of mind as sub- ment for life.” stantially impaired her mental However, the standard of proof responsibility for his acts and The Foster’s home in Bromley, Kent John Foster outside Court on Wednesday required to secure a conviction for omissions in doing the (attempt- attempted murder is extremely ed) killing”. This is a defence often high. Whilst it is possible to be used as an alternative to a plea of found guilty of murder despite only insanity, which carries with it the intending to cause grievous bodily risk of indefinite detention. harm, a conviction for attempted Although victim Julie Simpson murder will require unequivocal has been described by proof of an intention to kill. The Addenbrooke’s Hospital as being high evidential burden on the pros- “stable”, magistrates at the hear- ecution makes it a particularly diffi- ing were told that she remains in cult charge to sustain and the too serious a condition to be able Crown Prosecution Service guide- to give evidence or sign medical lines explicitly advise courts to con- forms. College Food sider whether a lesser charge might A provisional date for the trial >>page10 be more appropriate. has been set as December 16. Alethea Foster pictured minutes after her alleged attack University set to suffer under Cambridge welcomes Investigation new Charities Act overseas assessment said that the method of assess- meddling. Professor AW Edwards News Reporter Jude Townend ment by RAE was not appropri- said: “In 1571 Cambridge was ate for Architecture, declaring Zoe Pilger granted exclusive use of its name. It he first reforms to charity law he University of Cambridge that the 2008 RAE assessments should be kept that way”. in 400 years could spell bad enthusiastically greeted would be the first time the begins a new Varsity spoke to Christopher Pratt, news for Cambridge colleges. Tannouncements that inter- department’s research will be T chair of the Cambridge Bursar’s assessed properly. The Physiology The proposals include the introduc- national judges will assess UK investigative Committee, who described the pro- tion of a “public benefit” require- universities in the Research department, also graded 4-star, posed reforms as “a nuisance” say- has been forced to merge with ment, meaning that all charities will Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2008. series that ing that making the requisite the Anatomy department after have to prove that their work is of The UK Higher Education fund- changes would mean “lots of extra ing bodies announced yesterday funding cuts as a result of the benefit to the general public. work and an awful lot of form fill- the names of the 50 internation- 2001 RAE. examines the It is still not clear what academic ing.” al and additional non-academic Professor Ian Leslie, Pro-Vice- institutions will have to do to satisfy The National Council for members scheduled to join the Chancellor for Research at the growing this obligation and at a meeting held Voluntary Organisations defended main 15 panels of the RAE to University of Cambridge, said: at Senate House earlier this week the Bill explaining it was meant to judge the standard of every active “We welcome the incorporation corporate academics raised some of their con- “level the playing field”. They reas- academic in the UK. of international expertise to cerns about the proposals. One judge the excellence of our sured Varsity that most organisations The significance of the RAE was influence within speaker described them as “an research, as befits a world class would be able to show a “public apparent after the the attack on Oxbridge colleges”. Architecture department faced university. We see this as being a benefit” without problem, saying Cambridge is currently an “exempt closure in November 2004 hav- benefit to the exercise as a whole the University “for Cambridge, the existence of charity”. But under new law it ing been given a 4-star rating in and wholly appropriate consider- access schemes will be a great help.” would have to be externally regu- 2001. ing the international profile of >>page 5 The Charity Commission hopes lated. Academics are concerned In January 2005 Head of our departments”. the law will come into force in about the possibility of outsider Department Professor Echenique See Editorial page 19. 2006. Mungo Woodifield is a loser >17 Was Yaqoob, Editors Interviewed >14 Sophie Pickford on broken bones>29 2 Varsity News 14.10.05 news in brief Two As and Freshers’ fun run Student Spies Aidan Brown the top eight. Jesus took sec- time. Her two scoring team- MI6 is for the first time a Btec? ond whilst Catz just beat mates were just behind, in openly recruiting Girton to gain third place, third and fourth places with n Sunday 250 people largely by force of numbers guest runner Louise Perrio candidates with the launch Jude Townend be obtained outside an academ- turned out to take part from their mass finish of un- (09:34), taking second place. of its new website. Other ic diet.” on the Fresher’s Fun scoring runners. Charlotte Forbes (10:25) of branches of the secret O His proposals come in the Run on a flat course around In the women’s event Girton, and Tricia Peters service have been online he Director of Admissions wake of the Government call the Cavendish laboratories Queen’s failed to hold off a (10:29) of Darwin were the for several years and MI6, for the University of for reform into vocational quali- and vet school. Winner Will strong Trinity side, with Joan first two home for the formerly known as the TCambridge, Dr Geoff Parks, fications. Following the October George of Jesus(15.53) and Lasenby and Sarah Cambridge side giving new Secret Intelligence Service will today submit a proposal to 2004 Tomlinson Report, a was chased home by Pat Ward, Kummerfeld achieving respec- hope to the University team. (SIS), has now joined them, the Admissions Forum, which Government white paper on Churchill, who also won the tive 8th and 9th places. Helen The next College League in making recommends a University 14-19 Education and Skills rec- title of First Fresher Home. Tobin of Cambridge and Race will be held on Sunday application information review into the entrance policy ommended introduction of 14 Despite their individual efforts Coleridge completed the 2.8 30th October at Granchester specialised diplomas, covering a available to all. Applicants towards students coming from a Queen’s continued their dom- km course fastest, in 9 min- Meadows. vocational background. He broad range of sectors and skills inance from last year, taking utes 23 seconds, 6 seconds are encouraged to available at three levels. Dr possess a “global outlook”, hopes to make changes to the first place with two runners in faster than last year’s winning admissions policy by January, in Parks is confident his proposals adaptability and flexibility time for inclusion in the will be well-accepted by the and send their CVs Undergraduate prospectus for Admissions Forum, which is into a PO Box number. 2006/7. composed of all the college Dr Parks hopes that for some Admissions Tutors, other rele- Hoteliers strike back Cambridge courses, a combina- vant staff from the Cambridge The proposal for a new tion of both vocational and aca- Admissions office and Press exclusive hotel should be demic qualifications will Office, “assuming I get the sup- greeted enthusiastically become a well-accepted route port for this review and I’d be a after last week’s damning into the University.
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