Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2015), vol. 85: 151–175. DEPOSITIONAL HIS TORY OF THE YOUN GEST STRATA OF THE SASSENDALEN GROUP (BRAVAISBERGET FORMA TION, MID DLE TRI AS SIC–CARNIAN) IN SOUTH ERN SPITSBERGEN, SVALBARD Krzysztof P. KRAJEWSKI1 & Wolfgang WEITSCHAT2 1 In sti tute of Geolog i cal Sciences, Pol ish Academy of Sciences, Research Centre in Warszawa, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Po land; e-mail ad dresses: [email protected]; [email protected] 2 Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Hamburg, Bundesstrasse 55, 20146 Hamburg, Ger many; e-mail address: wolfgang.weitschat@uni-ham burg.de Krajewski, K. P. & Weitschat, W., 2015. Depositional his tory of the youn gest strata of the Sassendalen Group (Bravaisberget Forma tion, Mid dle Tri as sic–Carnian) in south ern Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Annales Societatis Geolo- gorum Poloniae, 85: 151–175. Ab stract: The Bravaisberget For mation of south ern Spitsbergen (the youn gest for mation of the Sassendalen Group; Middle Tri as sic–Carnian) comprises a suc ces sion of or ganic-rich and sandy phosphogenic de posits that de vel oped in a mar ginal part of the Svalbard ba sin, in re sponse to a high bi o log i cal pro duc tiv ity event in the Barents Shelf. The ba sin margin was bounded on the south west by the el e vated struc ture of the SÝrkapp-Hornsund High. North of the high, the sub sid ing shelf bot tom stretched from south ern to west ern Spitsbergen. The or ganic-rich, fine-grained sed i menta tion that gave rise to the for mation of the Passhatten Member ex tended southward af ter the Anisian trans gres sion; it reached the top most part of the SÝrkapp-Hornsund High dur ing the maxi mum flooding of the ba sin in the early Ladinian. The sud den ap pear ance of deltaic depos its of the Karen- toppen Mem ber di rectly af ter the max i mum flooding was a con se quence of short-lived tec tonic ac tiv ity of the SÝrkapp-Hornsund High and the ad ja cent land area. Re working and re distri bution of the deltaic sed i ments during the Ladinian brought about the for mation of shal low-marine clastic fa cies of the Somovbreen Mem ber. De cre- as ing depositional rates close to the Mid dle-Late Tri as sic bound ary led to a re gional hi a tus and the for mation of a con densed phosphorite ho ri zon at the top of the Somovbreen Mem ber. The sed i menta tion of the Bravaisberget Forma tion ended in the early Carnian. The youn gest siliciclastic and spiculitic sed i ments of the Van Keulen- fjorden Mem ber were de posited in south ern and west ern Spitsbergen in shal low- to mar ginal-ma rine en vi ron - ments. Key words: Svalbard, Spitsbergen, Tri as sic, Sassendalen Group, Bravaisberget Forma tion, lithostratigraphy, fa cies, ammonoids. Manu script re ceived 9 July 2014, ac cepted 2 De cem ber 2014 IN TRO DUC TION The Trias sic succes sion of Svalbard (Fig. 1; Harland, 1984; BjorÝy et al., 2006, 2010; Karcz, 2010, 2014; Kra- 1997; MÝrk et al., 1999) com prises marine facies in its jewski, 2013). They contain sandstone bod ies in south ern lower part (Sassendalen Group) and paralic facies in its up- and western Spitsbergen (Worsley and MÝrk, 1978; Kra- per part (Kapp Toscana Group). It records the geolog i cal jewski, 2000c; Krajewski et al., 2007; Haugan, 2012), and evolu tion of the NW Barents Shelf that was constrained by are over lain by thick sandstone units of the Kapp Toscana eustatic sea-level fluc tu a tions and oce anic in flu ences, re - Group throughout Svalbard (B³lum et al., 2012; MÝrk, gional tec tonics, and progradation of deltaic systems from 2013), which have the poten tial to be res ervoir rocks for hy - lo cal and dis tant source ar eas (Riis et al., 2008; Worsley, dro carbons in the Barents Sea. The assess ment of this north- 2008; Basov et al., 2009; GlÝstard-Clark et al., 2010). The ern source-res er voir sys tem for pe tro leum ex plo ra tion (Gro- youngest strata of the Sassendalen Group (Botneheia and gan et al., 1999) depends on an un derstand ing of the depo- Bravaisberget for ma tions) are en riched to a ma jor ex tent in sitional, strati graphic, and struc tural con trols of the dis tri bu - marine or ganic carbon and are consid ered to be im portant tion of the or ganic-rich and sandy facies (HÝy and Lund- petro leum source rocks in the region (MÝrk and BjorÝy, schien, 2011; Anell et al., 2013, 2014a, b). 152 K. P. KRAJEWSKI & W. WEITSCHAT Fig. 1. The Bravaisberget For mation (Mid dle Triasic–Carnian) in Spitsbergen, Svalbard. A. Map of Svalbard show ing out crops of the Trias sic succes sion in the West Spitsbergen Fold-and-Thrust Belt (WSFTB), includ ing the Lidfjellet-yrlandsodden Fold Zone (LFZ), and in the East ern Svalbard Plat form (ESP), includ ing cen tral Spitsbergen. These two de vel op ments are sep a rated by the Palaeogene Cen - tral Spitsbergen (fore land) Ba sin (CSB). The sug gested bound ary be tween the ar eas of oc cur rence of the Botneheia and Bravaisberget for - mations (the youn gest for mations in the Sassendalen Group) is marked by a dashed line. The Tri as sic out crop belt af ter Dallmann et al. (2002), mod i fied. B. Geo log i cal map of SÝrkapp Land. The area en larged in Fig. 8 is marked by a rect an gle. Ge ol ogy af ter Winsnes et al. (1993), Dallmann et al. (1993b, 2002), Krajewski and Stempieñ-Sa³ek (2003), and un pub lished ma te ri als of the pres ent au thors, simpli - fied. 1 – ice and snow cover; 2 – Qua ter nary sed i ments; 3 – Van Mijenfjorden Group (Palaeogene); 4 – Helvetiafjellet and Carolinefjellet for ma tions (Early Cre ta ceous); 5 – Janusfjellet Subgroup (Late Ju ras sic–Early Cre taceous); 6 – Kapp Toscana Group (Late Tri as sic–Mid - dle Ju ras sic); 7 – Sassendalen Group (Early Tri as sic–Carnian); 8 – Billefjorden, Gipsdalen and Tempelfjorden groups (Car bon if er ous– Perm ian); 9 – Adriabukta For mation (De vo nian); 10 – Cal edo nian base ment. C. Cen tral part of the SÝrkapp-Hornsund High shows the Tri as sic suc ces sion of the Sassendalen and Kapp Toscana groups rest ing di rectly on the Cal edo nian sub stra tum; here at Karentoppen be - tween Vitkovskibreen and Olsokbreen. The Bravaisberget Forma tion shows the pres ence of deltaic depos its (Karentoppen Mem ber) in the shallow-ma rine suc cession, which reflect event of sup ply of clastic ma terial from a land area lo cated southwest of the pres ent coast of south ern Spitsbergen. This is the stratotype for the Karentoppen Mem ber (MÝrk et al., 1999). Pho to graph taken from Fisneset. BRAVAISBERGET FOR MATION IN SOUTH ERN SPITSBERGEN 153 This pa per pres ents the fa cies dis tri bu tion, lithostrati- graphy, and biostratigraphic data of the Bravaisberget For- mation of southern Spitsbergen (Middle Trias sic–Car- nian), with par ticu lar ref er ence to the spa tial and tempo ral re la tion ships be tween the or ganic-rich and sandy de pos its. It dem on strates that the sandy facies of the Somovbreen Member devel oped over the organic-rich facies of the Pass- hatten Mem ber as a result of shal low-marine rework ing and re dis tri bu tion of deltaic sed i ments (Karentoppen Mem ber), de liv ered to the ba sin margin from a local source area. The deltaic in put was a re sult of an event of tec tonic ac tiv ity that occurred di rectly after maxi mum flooding of the basin in the early Ladinian. The sandy succes sion of the Somovbreen and Van Keulenfjorden mem bers strad dles the Middle-Late Trias sic boundary and extends into the Carnian, re cording com plex his tory of ter mi na tion of fully ma rine en vi ron - ments in Svalbard. On the basis of these obser va tions and the revi sion of published data, the authors discuss the local and regional controls of depo si tion of the Bravaisberget Formation. A new corre la tion is proposed be tween the Bra- vaisberget Forma tion of southern and western Spitsbergen and the Botneheia Forma tion of central and east ern Spits- bergen and eastern Svalbard. GEO LOG I CAL SET TING The Trias sic Sassendalen Group in Svalbard (Harland, 1997; Vigran et al., 2014) shows pronounced differ ences in lithological devel op ment be tween the West Spitsbergen Fold-and-Thrust Belt (includ ing the Lidfjellet-yrlandsod- den Fold Zone) and the Eastern Svalbard Platform (includ - ing cen tral Spitsbergen). These two tectonic settings are sepa rated by the Central Spitsbergen (fore land) Basin, filled by Palaeogene de posits that ac cumu lated during the time of the West Spitsbergen orogeny (Fig. 1). They repre sent dif- ferent depositional areas of the Trias sic basin in the NW Barents Shelf, with shallow-ma rine sandy fa cies con cen - trated in the fold belt and open-marine shaly fa cies dom inat - ing the platform (MÝrk et al., 1982; Steel and Worsley, 1984; Pèelina, 1998).
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