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Lea diagrammas suivsnts illustrent le mathode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MHaOCOTY •IKXUTION TBT CHAIT (ANSI ond ISO TEST CH*«T N,, J) 12^ 1.0 1^ 131 2.0 I.I A APPLIED IM/IGE U TRtftable Cnoltgb grtaia Mrs Maybrick NOTABLE ENGLISH TRIALS. Tb« SUaolooi. EdiMd b. I R Fniu Midltr. Ed=l-1 't, H ^a '•^•t. M.A.(o.t5:"' " I^ Lov»fc Ediiri I,, D,w| \ M.ck.,, Solidioc. «o. H. Kn«i. Bmi««^,.L„ MiuMivbriek. EdiiKlbyH. B. '^Air*^ Edi.«l b, H. L. "rT.^"- ^^'-l^' Willi™ ^m!?* ^^* ^^•^ l>7 Eric J Sli- William Plokford, Trial of Mr£. Maybrick Edited by H. B. Irving, M.A.(Oxon) WluMciiUi Ccntoijr." 'Occiomu P.p,„." .„. M TORONTO CANADA LAW BOOK COMPANY, LIMITED FRINTKb nr WIILUM RODfil AND COWPAMT ai.410UW ASH XOIfrBUBUB int 8bU188 TU THI HunoDIUIU SIR WILLIAM PICKFORD "OW 0», or ' THI JCMM ,„ nt ™- MAWmuK AT ,„» „ut, I81» VOI.DMI la «MP10IH7U,y DIDIO, ir «» IDITDK PREFACE. Thk most complete report of M«.Maybrick-8tri»li,, k. in "" '»''"<' a volume " Th- N, v , "^ *'''''—'«'«'>" '"' -Wiation. M. Levy htti« i«»towed'tl J^'great oaroio the proparatiou of the report of the t^J '-"-^ -' "" ^-" -^ -^ :!::;:"'ma that of his - ~; publisher,,, Messrs. P s Kinir * •< i mdebted for """ per„,ssio» to make use of it "' "^ P-ent report. Besides the trial """''*•••. ™" L Llevy's TT'book couuius a full account of,., «"" affidavitstl ' ""' "P"'' "' "-y "f the "" ™°" '" """ne^tion ; with these atteo,p,s Another book containing much useful and interesting infor- '^"'"" , ^" "°' ^'^'^'^'^ '" defence o,Of M.Mrs. ^'^ mJ"Maybnck's" absolute innocence, not ainays temperate or ^ judicial in tone. M„, Maybriok's Own Story: "My Fifteen Lost Yca«," bv Sir Leslie Stephen's "Life of Sir James Fit.james Stephen " ::!;s::r'''"""'^''------— ^hav'e I have to thank my friends. Si, Douglas Straight. Mr Hegmald Sm.th, K.C., and Dr. Dawson Williams, fl helpful suggestions I, in the pr.pa.tion of this volume. To tl I PREFACE. kmdne,s of Sir Herbert .Stephen, the Hon. Ch.ric, R„„ell, and Mr Joseph Addi.o„, I „„> i„„el,t.d for the ph„tog»phs of their father,, who ,«,k part in the trial, and to Mr». W. R. M'Connell :or the photograph of h.r hu,.,and. Lastly, I would thank Mr Ju«t.ce Piekfori for accepting the dedication of thi, bock, and for kmdly g,vi„g „,o some useful information on certain points in the case. For obvious reason, it has been my puT,ose in editing this tnal to give us impartial hu account as possible of the facts of the ease, and to abstain f™„ comment or criticism, except where It seemed necessary or unavoidable. CONTENTS. Introdnetion, - PAGE Table of Datei, - xiii List of Counsel, xlv xlvii The Trial— First Day-Wedkesdav, SIst JuLr, Mr. AddiBon'i Opening Speech for the Prosecution. Evidmee for the Proaecution. W. H. Clemmy, 24 T. 8. Wokes, . Michael MHybriek, I u2 24 C. Hani^on, Dr. A. R. Hopper, 53 32 > J. Seftun, Mrs. firiggs, So 39 I Ueorge Smith, - Mrs. Hughes, - 5.3 45 I Thomas Edwin Maybrick, Lowry, 4(J i Mrs. Buahcr, - Secoso Dat-Thubsdat, IsT AnocsT, 1889. Evidence for the Prosecution (continued). Dr. Charles Fuller, - 58 Klizftbflth Christopher Robinson Brierley, - 72 Mary Cadwallader, - Frederick E. Tozer, 74 Elizabeth Alice Yapp, Humphreys, 79 Dr. Richard Humphreys, 87 TiiiRo Day-Fridat, 2nd Auouot, 1889. Evidtnce for the Pro«eauion (cojttinuedj. Dr. Richard Humphreys (recalled), 99 Inspector l>r. Baxendale, William - . 128 Carter, i]2 Edwartl l)r. Davies, Alexander Barron, - . 129 124 Ellen Isaac Ann Gore, Bryning, - - 127 141 FomiTH Day-Saturday, 3ed Adocst, 1889. Evidence for the Prosecution (cmduded) 1S6 Thoma. Stuvmson, Nn™ Wil.on, . - 157 1I4 I Sir Charles Russell's Opening Speech for the Defenee, . 176 CONTENTS. Eouiatct far Iht Dtfnet. Ni«JolM B.tMon, . **. Dnridale, Thomptos, - IH Williamtm u.J. ThomM SUimU, ThomtoD,^aomtoD, 197 I>r. CharlM •Mwiii 0.n»u Heaton, Ha^mott Tidy, 1S» FiiTH Bar— MONDAT, Sth Aransi, 1889. Hngh Maybriok Lloyd Joni, '. ' lij f.''"i° (reoaUad). 226 ' ^** I Sir Jamas Poole, Mra. gas Maybriok'. Statomaot, ..... 22; Sir Oharle. R„«„U., Cloaiog " Spooch for the Dofe^o. Mr. Addi«„,.. Qoaiig Sp«,ch for the ProaeoutioD, . Sixth Dav-TctSDAY, 8th Acodsi, 1889 Mr. Justice Stephen'. Summing Up, .... ' S.v,i»la Day-Wedsmday, 7th AcroraT, 1889 Mr. j™,tic. Stephen'. Summing Up (oonoluded) . 314 The Verdict •Mi The Sentence, .... APPENDICES, n. Sho^^ccount of the Judge and Counsel engaged in the Maybriok 382 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Sir William Piokford, .... Mr. John /ddiion, Q.C., M.P. /iKing page 3 FKrimil. of letter from Mm. M.ybrick to Mr Brierley, Mr. 71 W. R. M'Connell, . Sir Chsrlei 87 RuMell, <J.c., M.P., >. 22s Mr. Jiutioo Stephen, .... 27S TRIAL OF Mrs. MAYBRICK. INTRODUCTION. Ja«, JUtbeick, a Liverpool cotton broker, died at hi.
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