Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 4-29-1981 Spectator 1981-04-29 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1981-04-29" (1981). The Spectator. 1628. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1628 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. SeattleUniversity, Seattle, Wash. Vol. XLIX, No. 28 spectatorTheSeattle University Spectator the Wednesday, April 29, 1981 'Only freshmen' considered for merit grants? by TimHealy S.U. applicationfor financial aid. Neither President William Sullivan, S.J., and the Ifyouarenow anenrolled undergraduate form provides space for or requires infor- directorofadmissions,Michael Fox. hoping to receive an S.U.merit grant and mation about the applicant's academic Suljivan, however, denies that such a you didn'treceiveoneas anincoming fresh- ability, leadershippotentialor community policyexists.Hestated, "We haveinthe past man, you'dbetterlookforother funding. involvement. andwecontinue totakemeritintoconsidera- Incoming freshmen, though,arerequired tioninofferingfinancialaid toallstudents." Meritscholarshipsaregivenalmostexclu- toprovidea completedS.U. applicationfor He pointed out that although part of the sively to incoming freshmen, according to admissioninadditionto theregularfinancial meritgrantmoneyisused toattractsuperior Michael- D.Coomes,director offinancial aid aid forms.The admissionsapplicationpro- students, funds are available for qualified even though the S.U. catalogstates "A vides space for listing community services continuingstudentsaswell. limitednumberof(merit)grantsareawarded andacheivements. Told of Sullivan's comments, Coomes annuallyto enteringnewstudents, transfer Coomesconfirmed that incoming fresh- said he knew of several scholarships that students and currently enrolled students." menare the primary candidates for merit currentlyenrolledstudents mightbeeligible When askedwhois eligiblefor merit grants, scholarships. He added that since merit for.In additionto the regularmerit criteria, financial aid counselor Michele Sorensen grantrecipientsreceivescholarshipsthatare those scholarships — supportedby private responded that "only incoming freshmen" renewableannually,alargeportionofmerit donors - requirestudentsto bemajoringin areconsidered. grant funds areallocated to continuingstu- specificareasof study suchas nursingoren- A student employeeat the Financial Aid dents whohadinitiallyreceivedscholarships gineering. Many of the grants require Office, TimothyThigpen,saidCoomeshad as freshmen. separate applications. told him thatincoming freshmen wouldre- Coomes explainedthat the financial aid ceiveprimaryconsideration formeritgrants. department is attempting to distribute Inlight of theUniversitypolicy statedin A merit grant, according to the financial limitedresources inareaswherethey would the catalog,Coomessaiditis"possible"that aidoffice,is officially "a grant to astudent do the most good.Of the $785,000S.U. is a continuingstudent who didnot receive a basedon demonstrated academic achieve- offering for financial aid for the 1981-82 meritgrantasafreshmananddidnot qualify ment, leadership potential "and school or academic year, 37 percent willgo to merit for adonated—grant wouldbeconsidered for communityinvolvement grants. ameritgrant butonlyifmoneyisavailable Continuing students applying for either Coomessaidthatthedecisiontogivemerit after merit grants have been given to needormerit grants arerequired to file two grants chiefly to incoming freshmen was incoming freshmen and those continuing forms: the CSS financialaid form and the basedon adiscussionbetweenhimself,S.U. studentsreceivingrenewedgrants. Michael Coomes S.U.security,PartII Hayes: 'Students have aresponsibility' byJohnMiller saneinwhatthey do,"Hayessaid."Security Mollerusstates thatalthough thecommit- Hayes would also like to see security Improving S.U. security is going to in- can't be everywhere at once, so if people teehas abetterunderstandingofwhatishap- people attend the resident assistant work- volvemorethanfocusing onproblems with- don't lock up after themselves, and ladies peningand whatisneededinthe security de- shops.He feelsthiswouldgivetheR.A.sand inthesecuritydepartment,accordingto Wil- don't travelin groups of twos or threes at partment, itis not sure how toactually deal the security peoplea chance to meet each liamHayes, S.J.,vicepresident foradminis- night, they have torealizethatthey areplac- withtheproblems. otherandallow"us(security)— to takeadvan- trationandadministrativeheadofsecurity. ing themselvesinaharmfulsituation." "I don't feel we know our limitations," tageofthat training whichisverygood." Hayes sees the problem as twofold.The Inresponseto theproblems withinS.U.s Mollerussaid."That'sarealproblemwithus Security staff and workstudy personnel first part isrecognizingthe needto improve security department, a security advisory trying to solve things as a committee; we feel theyhave been caught in the middle of the present security system on campus and committeewasformedduring fallquarterto don'tseemtohaveany definedprocedure for the discussion about security problems. thesecondrequiresthestudentsatS.U.tobe evaluatethepresentsecurity departmentand presenting our observations or suggestions Staff memberJohn Bilidewfeelsthat secur- moreresponsiblefor theirownsafety. make suggestions to improve security ser- toFatherHayes." ityguardsare willingtoprovidethebest ser- "We (security)are workingmore withthe vices toS.U.students. The main problem with the security de- vice they can, but training improvements Student Life to make people aware of the So far the committee has not forwarded partment cited by both the committee and and crisis procedures should come from securityproblemsthe campusfaces because any proposalsto Hayesconcerningsecurity the security management has been getting security's management. of its location. Basically, it's a matter of improvements,but according to committee the money from the University to improve One problem with the training proposal increasing theconsciousnessof the students, memberThereseMollerusthisisnot entirely the equipmentandqualityof campussecur- fornext year,accordingtoHayes,is theneed faculty and staff so that they are safe and thecommittee'sfault. ity. But this year's tuition increase has pro- for securitypeopletobeoncampus. vided the department with an additional "The basicproblem we faceintraining is $50,000 that willallowS.U. toimproveand that security always has to be around," increasethepresentsecurity force. Hayessaid."Itisdifficulttogetaway;weal- Hayes says the additional money for wayshavetohavestaffoncampus.We don't security willallow the department to make haveenoughpeopleto takehalfthestaffoff manyneededimprovements,with an inten- campus for training. With a larger staff it sive trainingprogramatthetop ofthelist. willbeeasier,"headded. "Starting July 1, our suggested training The biggest changethat Hayes stresses is programwillinclude improvingradiocom- for students to becomemoreawareof their municationand dispatch skills, learning to part intheir own safety. "Ibelievethat with deal with stress situations and avoid con- the increased training and more student frontations. We will also work on safety awareness through campus life wecan in- skills forboththesecuritystaffandthecam- crease people's consciousness of the prob- puscommunity,"Hayessaid. lems wefaceinthisarea,"Hayessaid. Victim'sscreams stopassault A woman was assaulted between the The guard,Zikanene Izu, "toldher tosit Bannon and Pigott buildings at approxi- down and relax,she wasfromGermany and mately 8:30a.m.Sunday asshecut across the didn'tspeakEnglishverywellsohe justwent S.U. campus to visit a brother in the Fred slowlyandmadesure she understoodevery- Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, ac- thing,"explainedBellacomo. cording to S.U. student Marianne Bella- como. Bellacomostayed with the woman when Bellacomowasonher waytomass Sunday the policearrivedand took her back to the morningwhen the woman'sscreams attract- spot wheretheincidentoccurredandshe ex- ed her and a workmanbehind the Marion plainedtothepolicewhathappened. building. She had been walking betweenBannon "I was behind the Pigott building whenI and Pigott whenamanapproachedher and heard two screams coming from Bannon. askedif shehad a cigarette.She saidnoand Somebody ran out from "Marion with a after she had walkedpast him he came up hammerandIfollowedhim, shesaid. frombehindher andplaceda hand over her "At first the womanthought the guy with mouth and began moving her toward the thehammerwasgoingtoattackherbut when bushes next to Pigott's south entrance. At sherealizedthat wewerethere tohelp,Itook this point, she screamed and the assailant her to the guard shack while the other guy fled. chased the attacker across Xavier parking lot,"shecontinued. The woman'snamewasnotavailablefrom Bellacomohad nothing butpraise for the theSeattlepolice,and after the incidentshe security peoplein the guard shack, saying was driven to the Hutchlnson Cancer Cen- theywereabletocalmthewomanandgether ter.Bellacomo stayed withher onthe wayto to relax while the Seattle police were noti- the center and recallsher asking, "Doesthis fied. typeof thinghappenofteninyourcountry?" April 29,1981 Spectator 2 /The WorldheldhostagebyU.S. threats,panel
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