National Film Registry Titles Selected 1989-2017, Listed Alphabetically Year Year Title Released Inducted 3:10 to Yuma 1957 2012 The 7th Voyage of Sinbad 1958 2008 12 Angry Men 1957 2007 13 Lakes 2004 2014 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1916 2016 42nd Street 1933 1998 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 1991 Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein 1948 2001 Ace in the Hole (aka Big Carnival, The) 1951 2017 Adam’s Rib 1949 1992 The Adventures of Robin Hood 1938 1995 The African Queen 1951 1994 Airplane! 1980 2010 Alien 1979 2002 All About Eve 1950 1990 All My Babies 1953 2002 All Quiet on the Western Front 1930 1990 All That Heaven Allows 1955 1995 All That Jazz 1979 2001 All the King’s Men 1949 2001 All the President’s Men 1976 2010 Allures 1961 2011 America, America 1963 2001 American Graffiti 1973 1995 An American in Paris 1951 1993 Anatomy of a Murder 1959 2012 Annie Hall 1977 1992 Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman 1974 2003 The Apartment 1960 1994 Apocalypse Now 1979 2000 Applause 1929 2006 The Asphalt Jungle 1950 2008 Atlantic City 1980 2003 The Atomic Café 1982 2016 The Augustas 1930s-1950s 2012 The Awful Truth 1937 1996 National Film Registry Titles Selected 1989-2017, Listed Alphabetically Year Year Title Released Inducted Baby Face 1933 2005 Back to the Future 1985 2007 The Bad and the Beautiful 1952 2002 Badlands 1973 1993 Ball of Fire 1941 2016 Bambi 1942 2011 The Band Wagon 1953 1995 The Bank Dick 1940 1992 The Bargain 1914 2010 The Battle of San Pietro 1945 1991 The Beau Brummels 1928 2016 Beauty and the Beast 1991 2002 Being There 1979 2015 Ben-Hur (1925) 1925 1997 Ben-Hur (1959) 1959 2004 Bert Williams Lime Kiln Club Field Day 1913 2014 The Best Years of Our Lives 1946 1989 Big Business 1929 1992 The Big Heat 1953 2011 The Big Lebowski 1998 2014 The Big Parade 1925 1992 The Big Sleep 1946 1997 The Big Trail 1930 2006 The Birds 1963 2016 The Birth of a Nation 1915 1992 Black and Tan 1929 2015 The Black Pirate 1926 1993 The Black Stallion 1979 2002 Blackboard Jungle 1955 2016 Blacksmith Scene 1893 1995 Blade Runner 1982 1993 Blazing Saddles 1974 2006 Bless Their Little Hearts 1984 2013 The Blood of Jesus 1941 1991 The Blue Bird 1918 2004 Bonnie and Clyde 1967 1992 Born Yesterday 1950 2012 Boulevard Nights 1979 2017 National Film Registry Titles Selected 1989-2017, Listed Alphabetically Year Year Title Released Inducted Boyz N the Hood 1991 2002 Brandy in the Wilderness 1969 2013 Breakfast at Tiffany’s 1961 2012 The Breakfast Club 1985 2016 The Bride of Frankenstein 1935 1998 The Bridge on the River Kwai 1957 1997 Bringing Up Baby 1938 1990 Broken Blossoms 1919 1996 A Bronx Morning 1931 2004 The Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man 1975 2005 Bullitt 1968 2007 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 1969 2003 Cabaret 1972 1995 The Cameraman 1928 2005 Carmen Jones 1954 1992 Casablanca 1942 1989 Castro Street (The Coming of Consciousness) 1966 1992 Cat People 1942 1993 Chan Is Missing 1982 1995 The Cheat 1915 1993 The Chechahcos 1924 2003 Chinatown 1974 1991 A Christmas Story 1983 2012 Chulas Fronteras 1976 1993 Cicero March 1966 2013 Citizen Kane 1941 1989 The City 1939 1998 City Lights 1931 1991 Civilization 1916 1999 Clash of the Wolves 1925 2004 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1977 2007 Cologne: From the Diary of Ray and Esther 1939 2001 Commandment Keeper Church, Beaufort, South Carolina (May 1940) 1940 2005 A Computer Animated Hand 1972 2011 The Conversation 1974 1995 Cool Hand Luke 1967 2005 National Film Registry Titles Selected 1989-2017, Listed Alphabetically Year Year Title Released Inducted The Cool World 1963 1994 Cops 1922 1997 Corbett-Fitzsimmons Title Fight 1897 2012 A Corner in Wheat 1909 1994 The Court Jester 1956 2004 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment 1963 2011 The Crowd 1928 1989 Cry of Jazz 1959 2010 The Cry of the Children 1912 2011 A Cure for Pokeritis 1912 2011 The Curse of Quon Gwon 1916-1917 2006 Czechoslovakia 1968 1969 1997 D.O.A. 1950 2004 Dance, Girl, Dance 1940 2007 Dances with Wolves 1990 2007 Daughter of Dawn 1920 2013 Daughter of Shanghai 1937 2006 Daughters of the Dust 1991 2004 David Holzman’s Diary 1968 1991 The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951 1995 Days of Heaven 1978 2007 Dead Birds 1964 1998 Decasia 2002 2013 The Decline of Western Civilization 1981 2016 The Deer Hunter 1978 1996 Deliverance 1972 2008 Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre 1901 2002 Destry Rides Again 1939 1996 Detour 1945 1992 Dickson Experimental Sound Film 1894-1895 2003 Die Hard 1988 2017 Dirty Harry 1971 2012 Disneyland Dream 1956 2008 Do the Right Thing 1989 1999 The Docks of New York 1928 1999 Dodsworth 1936 1990 Dog Day Afternoon 1975 2009 National Film Registry Titles Selected 1989-2017, Listed Alphabetically Year Year Title Released Inducted Dog Star Man 1964 1992 Don’t Look Back 1967 1998 Double Indemnity 1944 1992 Down Argentine Way 1940 2014 Dr. Strangelove 1964 1989 Dracula 1931 2000 Dracula (Spanish language version) 1931 2015 The Dragon Painter 1919 2014 Dream of a Rarebit Fiend 1906 2015 Drums of Winter (aka Uksuum Cauyai) 1988 2006 Duck Amuck 1953 1999 Duck and Cover 1951 2004 Duck Soup 1933 1990 Dumbo 1941 2017 E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial 1982 1994 Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer 1974 2015 Early Abstractions 1939-1956 2006 East of Eden 1955 2016 Easy Rider 1969 1998 Eaux d’artifice 1953 1993 Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze 1894 2015 El Mariachi 1992 2011 El Norte 1983 1995 Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB 1967 2010 Ella Cinders 1926 2013 The Emperor Jones 1933 1999 Empire 1964 2004 The Empire Strikes Back 1980 2010 The Endless Summer 1966 2002 Enter the Dragon 1973 2004 Eraserhead 1977 2004 The Evidence of the Film 1913 2001 The Exiles 1961 2009 The Exorcist 1973 2010 The Exploits of Elaine 1914 1994 A Face in the Crowd 1957 2008 Faces 1968 2011 National Film Registry Titles Selected 1989-2017, Listed Alphabetically Year Year Title Released Inducted Fake Fruit Factory 1986 2011 The Fall of the House of Usher 1928 2000 Fantasia 1940 1990 Fargo 1996 2006 Fast Times at Ridgemont High 1982 2005 Fatty’s Tintype Tangle 1915 1995 Felicia 1965 2014 Ferris Bueller's Day Off 1986 2014 Field of Dreams 1989 2017 Film Portrait 1972 2003 Five Easy Pieces 1970 2000 Flash Gordon Serial 1936 1996 Flesh and the Devil 1927 2006 Flower Drum Song 1961 2008 A Fool There Was 1915 2015 Foolish Wives 1922 2008 Footlight Parade 1933 1992 Forbidden Planet 1956 2013 Force of Evil 1948 1994 The Forgotten Frontier 1931 1996 Forrest Gump 1994 2011 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 1921 1995 4 Little Girls 1997 2017 Fox Movietone News: Jenkins Orphanage Band 1928 2003 Frank Film 1973 1996 Frankenstein 1931 1991 Freaks 1932 1994 Free Radicals 1979 2008 The French Connection 1971 2005 The Freshman 1925 1990 From Here to Eternity 1953 2002 From Stump to Ship 1930 2002 From the Manger to the Cross 1912 1998 The Front Page 1931 2010 Fuentes Family Home Movies 1920s & 30s 2017 Fuji 1974 2002 20 National Film Registry Titles Selected 1989-2017, Listed Alphabetically Year Year Title Released Inducted Funny Girl 1968 2016 Fury 1936 1995 The Gang's All Here 1943 2014 Garlic Is As Good As Ten Mothers 1980 2004 The General 1927 1989 Gentleman’s Agreement 1947 2017 George Stevens’ World War II Footage 1943-1946 2008 Gerald McBoing-Boing 1951 1995 Gertie The Dinosaur 1914 1991 Ghostbusters 1984 2015 Giant 1956 2005 Gigi 1958 1991 Gilda 1946 2013 Glimpse of the Garden 1957 2007 The Godfather 1972 1990 The Godfather Part II 1974 1993 Going My Way 1944 2004 Gold Diggers of 1933 1933 2003 The Gold Rush 1925 1992 Gone With the Wind 1939 1989 Goodfellas 1990 2000 Goonies, The 1985 2017 The Graduate 1967 1996 Grand Hotel 1932 2007 The Grapes of Wrath 1940 1989 Grass 1925 1997 The Great Dictator 1940 1997 The Great Train Robbery 1903 1990 Greed 1924 1991 Grey Gardens 1976 2010 Groundhog Day 1993 2006 Growing Up Female 1971 2011 Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner 1967 2017 Gun Crazy aka Deadly Is the Female 1949 1998 Gunga Din 1939 1999 H2O 1929 2005 Hail the Conquering Hero 1944 2015 20 National Film Registry Titles Selected 1989-2017, Listed Alphabetically Year Year Title Released Inducted Hallelujah! 1929 2008 Halloween 1978 2006 Hands Up! 1926 2005 Harlan County, U.S.A. 1976 1990 Harold and Maude 1972 1997 He Who Gets Slapped 1924 2017 The Heiress 1949 1996 Hell’s Hinges 1916 1994 Heroes All 1920 2009 Hester Street 1975 2011 High Noon 1952 1989 High School 1969 1991 Hindenburg Disaster Newsreel Footage 1937 1997 His Girl Friday 1940 1993 The Hitch-Hiker 1953 1998 The Hole 1963 2013 Hoop Dreams 1994 2005 Hoosiers 1986 2001 Hospital 1970 1994 The Hospital 1971 1995 Hot Dogs for Gauguin 1972 2009 Hours for Jerome: Parts 1 and 2 1980-82 2012 The House I Live In 1945 2007 The House in the Middle 1954 2001 House of Usher 1960 2005 House of Wax 1953 2014 How Green Was My Valley 1941 1990 How the West Was Won 1962 1997 Humoresque 1920 2015 The Hunters 1957 2003 The Hustler 1961 1997 I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang 1932 1991 I Am Joaquin 1969 2010 I, an Actress 1977 2011 Imitation of Life 1934 2005 Imitation of Life 1959 2015 The Immigrant 1917 1998 20 National Film Registry Titles Selected 1989-2017, Listed Alphabetically Year Year Title Released Inducted In a Lonely Place 1950 2007 In Cold Blood 1967 2008 In the Heat of the Night 1967 2002 In the Land of the Head Hunters 1914 1999 In the Street 1948 2006 The Incredible Shrinking Man 1957 2009 The Inner World of Aphasia 1968 2015 Interior New York Subway, 14th Street to 42nd Street 1905 2017 Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport 2000 2014 Intolerance 1916 1989 Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956 1994 The Invisible Man 1933 2008 The Iron Horse 1924 2011 It 1927 2001 It Happened One Night 1934 1993 It's a Gift 1934 2010 It's a Wonderful Life 1946 1990 The Italian 1915 1991 Jailhouse Rock 1957 2004 Jam Session 1942 2001 Jammin’ the Blues 1944 1995 Jaws 1975 2001 Jazz on a Summer’s Day 1959 1999 The Jazz Singer 1927 1996 Jeffries-Johnson World’s Championship Boxing Contest 1910 2005 Jezebel 1938 2009 John Henry and the Inky-Poo 1946 2015 Johnny Guitar 1954 2008 Judgment at Nuremberg 1961 2013 The Jungle 1967 2009 Kannapolis, N.C.
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