FOOTYNOIZE Of course footy makes the world go round, but a good rous­ ing tune certainly loosens up the inhibitions for a good barracking. Putting together this issue, the Footyzine crew have been lis­ tening to Doug Mansfield and the Dust Devils, The Fauves, The Footy Album - More Than A Game, Warumpi Band, George Jones, Weddings, Parties & Any­ thing, The Hanging Tree, Solid Gold Hell, Sepultura, Christine Anu, Fun Loving Criminals, Paul Kelly, numerous drunks singing "Cheer Cheer the Red & the White" & broadcasts of the footy thru the ABC Parliamentary News Network. •••••••••••••••••••••• FOOTYZINE #2 • LINE-UP Spring 1996 ~ Mandy &Ange's • pp 241218/0047 • Star Watch with Craig Davis (NSW AFL) 3 Published by Our Zine Cify : 1/5th Bi-amal • Produced by: • Paul Rawlinson "Confessions of A Closet Royboy" 4 Eddie Greenaway, Di Buckley • Mr. Honolulu "AFL Sydneystyle" 6 and Angela Collins . DANCE Carrie Hutchinson "That Crazy Game" 7 Web stuff: •~ savm • • Featuring • Jason Evans interviews Fred Negro & Bill Walsh 8 Greg Golden & Documenta • • John Spud "If This Be Adelaide" 12 Thanks to: Ross Carnsew for • S.D. Murphy "Fields of Our Dreams" 15 cover & illo's, Darcy Condon, : Big Mmdcan Dinner • • • Tracy Griffen "Confessions of a Footy Chick" 18 Mark Goodwin &all the Metro • with LegendarJ Caller • Angela Collins interviews Andy Cox of The Fauves 22 gang, Tracy Griffen, Bernie • • Jesse Fink "Confessions of a Fink" 23 Hayes, Helen Meyer, Sally • Terry O'Brien "Cleveland Street: My Road To Damascus" 24 Maizey, Rachel Kerr, Craig 1~3 ·BOnclf-.ci, Bondi NSW ~2~ • AmlleyShare • .. "'", • • Fred Negro "Pub" Comics 26 Davis, Peter Fitzgerald, Simon • • Kerrie-Jean Ross "I Won't Eat Crow" 28 lonegan, Mark Bayes, PhQne"' 38942~7 chaok rama • lpm SI • • • Footy Advisor 31 Andrew Dunkley, Jon Satterley, ·fU·386~ : Saturday 5th October 1991 at • Marilyn Brady Footyzine Launch Pictorial 32 Dianne Robertson and all the • • Jo Roberts "... Ye Shall go to Heaven" 34 Swans mob (Sydney & Mel- :YUfitS• $mu so-am dltgpm mBwiUN ISL CLUB • Neill Jones "The Bay From View 4" 36 bourne)! • • Clo$ed Monday .. , • H Bnmore load Newton • Chfis McAuliffe "Eyes On The Ball" 38 Websile:www.footyzine.com.au •••••••••••••••••••••• Stephen Manno "Life Wasn't Meant to be Easy" 39 Email: 40 ®FOOTY 1..---------------'---------...1 [email protected] Stephen Marmo 11 7 .=.=___=. Life~~~asn~t==m~~ant=to~~~~easy.1i=====1 You may remember the last article I wrote clubs do when they win a flag. I have watched in Footyzine was headed "Blood For Life". supporters of those clubs bleed when done by us But as my migrated Swans head for the Last lowly Swans and loved every glorious moment Saturday in September, I am toying with the idea d~ . of following either Adelaide or Geelong. Just think of when Fitzroy managed to beat The fact is I am a football supporter who Fremantle for its one win of the year. They cried, has tasted little joy, following a club with a loser sang the song and screamed "Up yours Oakley'. mentality which has been the hallmarks of such Nirvana. clubs as South, Fitzroy, St Kilda and Melbourne. That is what I know and obviously what I My supporting Life has been long enough love. to recognise the individual culture each club has I don't want to turn into a Carlton supporter developed and I as a committed Blood Stained who feels if they finish lower than a grand final Angel, am therefore ingrained in the loser cul­ then the season is a misery. [I must say though, ture. that my heart filled with joy after I was described However, here I am barracking for a side by a Carlton supporter' as a cocky little shit as I whkh I j~st cannot see cracks in and my faith in pointed out the relative merits of my youthfully the '96 Bloods knows no bounds. exuberant Super Swans compared to her Geri­ I am in a dilemma. atric has been Blues.] I am used to the fact the Bloods will even­ But what now? tually let me down. That is our culture encapsu­ We finally win the flag and my fifteen min­ lated, so how do I cope with barracking for some­ utes of fame arrives. thing I have no frame of reference for? I will know the thrill, the glamour, the end­ "It's not easy to like something you know less columns of platitudes for us in The Hun and nothing about," The man with no name once · The Age the inevitable cry of ' back ta back said. I have a concrete, inviolate vision of that Bloods' the splurging on a gram of the white stuff wonderful credit to the number 14 Red & white washed down with a bottle of 1983 Grange and guernsey standing-alongside the Rocket holding generally all things good in the world. aloft the silverware. But, there will be nowhere to go but down It is a vision almost as clear as the one I had and my new found "cocky little shit' persona will in my head prior to the 1993 election when I turn me into a bitter and twisted ... well prob­ imagined that other superstar with the initials ably Collingwood type who has known the 'PK' telling us "you've got me" meaning of life (1990) and then be destined to It's going to happen; but my mind has al­ live in the shadow of it for all eternity. ready begun to wander beyond Premierships and As the great Greg Macainsh, wrote in "Mil­ into the realms of Premiership hangovers and lion Dollar Riff" - it will be like winning Tatts the almost inevitable plummet back to where but losing the ticket. "To be in the game ... we belong. Jo and I fly to Sin City this week (Prelimi­ To me that is almost as good, I'll be aware of nary Final) for the inevitable victory over the ... advertise in Footyzine!" myself again. brittle Bombers or the mob we beat three weeks But to follow South is to enjoy the odd win. ago without the Fatboy, Roos, Chapman and To be in the rooms in 1973 when South beat Maxfield, and on to the dreaded day. North at the Lake for its first win in 26 games Watching the Footy Marathon on Channel and watch my grandfather weep. To beat Rex won't be the same, heading to the 'G' won't CONTACT ANGELA 02 9211 2334 PO BOX 199 NEWTOWN NSW 2042 Carlton, West Coast, Essendon and Hawthorn be the same. But as the trouser-less drug affected by any margin at any venue and treat it like those Cry Baby said: "Life wasn't meant to be easy: 2 ®FOOTY ZINE® 39 CRAIG S. DAVIS General Manger NSW AFL Compiled by Helen Meyer 1N HIS FOOTBALL CAREER CRAIG DAVIS, "DAVO" PLAYED 163 GAMES AND BAGGED 359 GOALS . He played 2 SEA­ SONS AT CARLTON BEGINNING HISAFLCAREER IN 1973 (FROM LAUNCESTON), 2 SEASONS WITH NORTH MEL­ More than a decade ago, I used to liven up springboard to reflections on masculinity, rac­ BOURNE, THEN FROM 1979 FIVE SEASONS AT art history lectures by showing a slide of a 1953 ism, sexuality, feminism, class and community. COLMNGWOOD (WHEN THE TOTAL KNEE PUT HIM OUT) painting by John Brack entitled 'Three of the Mixing fooi:y and social commentary isn't a .FOUR YEARS LATER THERE WAS ONE FINAL BURST with Players'. As a Magpies fan I was drawn to his matter of forcing square pegs into round holes, 9 GAMES FOR THE SWANS. image of three members of the side that defeated the two go together like a pie and sauce. Images TEN YEARS AGO A MAN CALLED TOM HAFEY ASKED Geelong in that year's Grand Final. (After all, of abandoned football grounds aren't just about DAVO TO COME TO SYDNEY AND THE DAVIS FAMILY flags .were a distant memory for Collingwood mergers and transplantations, they also point to UPPED AND LEFT THE HEARTLAND OF THE VFL TO TAKE YEARS THAT HE'S BEEN UP THERE NOW (TOTALLING 10) then.) As a lecturer, I thought it might show that such dramatic changes in ·the urban fabric as ON THE ROLES OF SYDNEY'S ASSISTANT COACH, SKILLS HE'S GOT TO KNOW A LOT OF THE NITTY GRITTY AREAS art wasn't divorced from the passions of every­ gentrification. Images of players speak of nostal­ COACH AND CHAIRMAN OF SELECTORS IN THE WILDER· OF FOOTBALL. HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING, HE'S GOT day life. gia for the innocence of childhood, scepticism NESS .OF THE RUBGY LEAGUE CAPITAL OF AUSTRALIA TREMENDOUS AMBITION AND, AS I MENTIONED, HE'S GOT ALL THOSE THINGS THAT ARE SO NECESSARY TO FOOT­ After that, I started making a mental note regarding macho culture, or even the conversion CRAIG DAVIS BECAME THE NSWAFL COACHING AND DE­ VELOPMENT MANAGER IN 1968, AT A TIME WHEN NSW BALL AS WELL AS NOT GETTING AWAY FROM GRASS of any art works related to Aussl~ Rules that I of heroes into licensed trademarks. The game WAS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HEAP IN ALL FACETS OF ROOTS FOOTBALL. I THINK HE MORE OR LESS CONDUCTS came across. There was no shortage of contem­ itself becomes not only a struggle between teams STATE JUNIOR PROGRAMS. "THE BATTLE WAS ON FOR HIMSELF IN SUCH A WAY - WHETHER IT BE THE TOP PEO­ porary art; every year Eamonn Scott's footy show but a conflict between white and black, male THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF SYDNEY'S Y0l1TH". THEY PLE OR THE BATTLERS - THEY ALL ASSOCIATE THEM­ at the Artist's Garden in Fitzroy turns up dozens and female, or rich and poor Australians.
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