Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych PAN Wrocław, 2011.12 31 LISTA PUBLIKACJI 2009 LIST of PUBLICATIONS KSIĄŻKI, MONOGRAFIE i ARTYKUŁY PRZEGLĄDOWE Books, Monographs & Reviews 1. R. Troć, 6.β Actinide monochalcogenides. In: Landolt–Börnstein Numerical Data and Functional Relationship in Science and Technology, New Series, ed. by W.Martienssen, Group III: Condensed Matter, Vol. 27: Magnetic Properties of Non-Metallic Inorganic Compounds Based on Transition Elements, ed. by H.P.J. Wijn, Subvol. B Pnictides and Chalcogenides III (Berlin: Springer-Vg 2009) Pt 6β, X + 574 pp. ARTYKUŁY W CZASOPISMACH NAUKOWYCH Articles in Scientific Journals 2. L.C.Alves, M.M.M.Rubinger, R.H.Lindemann, G.J.Perpétuo, J. Janczak, L.D.L.Miranda, L.Zambolim, M.R.L.Oliveira, Syntheses, Crystal Structure, Spectroscopic Characterization and Antifungal Activity of New N -R-Sulfonyldithiocarbimate Metal Complexes. J. Inorg. Biochem. 103 7 (2009) 1045–53. [DOI] 3. R.Acevedo, A.Soto-Bubert, M.E.G.Valerio, W. Stręk, On the Theory of Interaction Potentials in Ionic Crystals: An Application to the Thermodynamics of Lanthanide Type Crystals. Asian J. Spectrosc. 13 1 (2009) 43–65. 4. L.G.Akselrud, I.A.Ivashchenko, O.F.Zmiy, I.D.Olekseyuk, J. Stępień-Damm, Description of Concentration Polytypism in Cd1−xCuxIn2Se4 by Commensurately Modulated Structures. Chem. Met. Alloys 2 1/2 (2009) 108–14. 5. Tran Kim Anh, Dinh Xuan Loc, Lam thi Kieu Giang, W. Stręk, Le Quoc Minh, Preparation, Optical Properties of ZnO, ZnO : Al Nanorods and Y(OH)3 : Eu Nanotube. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 146 (2009) 012001 (5). [DOI] II Kraj.Konf. Nanotechnologii [2nd Natl Conf.on Nanotechnology] (NANO 2008) CRACOW, PL, 2008.06 25–28 6. Tran Kim Anh, Man Hoai Nam, Dinh Xuan Loc, Nguyen Vu, W. Stręk, Le Quoc Minh, Preparation and Optical Properties of ZnO, ZnO : Al Nanomaterials. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 187 (2009) 012019 (5). [DOI] APCTP–ASEAN Worksh.on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (AMSN’08) NHA TRANG City, VN, 2008.09 15–21 7. V.A.Apinyan, T.K. Kopeć, Emergence of Pairing Interaction in the Hubbard Model in the Strong Coupling Limit. J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 22 1 (2009) 57–61. [DOI] Int.Conf.on Quantum Phenomena in Complex Matter (Stripes ’08) ERICE (Sicily) IT, 2008.07 26 –.08 01 1 8. J. Baran, M. Drozd, H. Ratajczak, A.Pietraszko, Bis (Glycine) Lithium Nitrate — A New Non-Centrosymmetric Crystal. X-Ray Structure, Vibrational Spectra and DSC Investigations. J. Mol. Struct. 9271−3 (2009) 43–53. [DOI] 9. S.Baran, A.Hoser, D. Kaczorowski, K.Kiefer, B.Penc, A.Szytuła, Low Temperature Magnetic Order in HoFe2Ge2 . Solid State Commun. 149 31/32 (2009) 1261–63. [DOI] 10. S.Baran, D. Kaczorowski, A.Arulraj, B.Penc, A.Szytuła, Frustrated Magnetic Structure of TmAgGe. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 321 19 (2009) 3256–61. [DOI] 11. V.A.Beloshenko, V.P.D’yakonov, V.V.Chishko, N.I.Matrosov, O.N.Mironova, D.Gajda, A.J. Zaleski, R.Puźniak, Effect of Deformation by Equal-Channel Multi-angle Pressing on Functional Properties of NbTi-Based Superconductor. Funct. Mater. 16 2 (2009) 74–78. 12. V.A.Beloshenko, N.I.Matrosov, V.V.Chishko, V.Z.Spuskanyuk, E.A.Pavlovskaya, L.F.Sennikova, E.A.Medvedskaya, O.N.Mironova, D.Gajda, V.P.D’yakonov, A.J. Zaleski, R.Puźniak, Effect of Equal-Channel Multiangular Pressing and Heat Treatment on the Properties of an NbTi-Based Superconductor. [Izv. RAN:] Metally 5 (2009) 63–69. Engl. in: Russ. Metallurgy Nr 5 (2009) 421–25. [DOI] 13. V.A.Beloxenko, N.I.Matrosov, V.V.Qixko, V.P.Dьkonov, E.A.Pavlovska, L.F.Sennikova, H.Szymczak, D.Gajda, A.J. Zaleski, S.Piechota, Svostva mnogovoloknistogo sverhprovodwego kompozita posle ravnokanalьnogo mnogouglovogo pressovani. [Properties of Multi-filament Superconducting Composite after Uniform-Channel Multi-Angular Pressing.] Vopr. Materialoved. 9 2 (58) (2009) 59–65 [in Russian]. 14. V.A.Beloshenko, T.E.Konstantinova, N.I.Matrosov, V.Z.Spuskanyuk, V.V.Chishko, D.Gajda, A.J. Zaleski, V.P.D’yakonov, R.Puźniak, H.Szymczak, Equal-Channel Multi-Angle Pressing Effect on the Properties of NbTi Alloy. J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 22 5 (2009) 505–10. [DOI] 15. T.Bezrodna, G.Puchkovska, V.Styopkin, J. Baran, Structure of Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide Films Obtained by Evaporation-Induced Precipitation Method. Thin Solid Films 5175 (2009) 1759–64. [DOI] 16. R.Bilyy, A.Tomyn, Y.Kit, A.Podhorodecki, J.Misiewicz, M.Nyk, W. Stręk, R.Stoika, Detection of Dying Cells Using Lectin-Conjugated Fluorescent and Luminescent Nanoparticles. Mat.-wiss. Werkstofftechn. 40 4 (2009) 234–37. [DOI] 17. M.Bleckmann, A.Buchsteiner, N.Stüßer, K. Gofryk, D. Kaczorowski, S.Süllow, Antiferromagnetic Structure of UPd2Sb. Physica B 404 19 (2009) 3011–13. [DOI] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES-13) BÚZIOS (Rio de Janeiro) BR, 2008.08 17–22 18. A.Chuchmała, R.J. Wiglusz, B. Macalik, P. Głuchowski, B.Mazurek, W. Stręk, Electric Properties of La0.8Sr0.2CoO3−δ Nanoceramics. J. Rare Earths 274 (2009) 646–50. [DOI] 1st Int.Conf.on Rare Earth Materials (REMAT) – Advances in Synthesis, Studies and Applications, KARPACZ, PL, 2008.09 21–26 2 19. H.Ciurla, J. Hanuza, Z.Talik, M.Korabik, J.Mroziński, Vibrational Spectra, Electronic Excited States and Magnetic Properties of the Copper(II) Ion in Alkylaminoacetylurea Complexes. Mater. Sci. (Poland) 271 (2009) 5–21. 20. M. Daszkiewicz, L.D.Gulay, O.S.Lychmanyuk, Ln3M1−δTX7 – Quasi-Isostructural Compounds: Stereochemistry and Silver-Ion Motion in the Ln 3Ag1−δGeS7 (Ln = La–Nd, Sm, Gd–Er and Y; δ = 0.11 − 0.50) Compounds. Acta Cryst. B 65 2 (2009) 126–33. [DOI] 21. M. Daszkiewicz, L.D.Gulay, O.S.Lychmanyuk, A.Pietraszko, Crystal Structures of the R3Ag1−δT Se7 (R = La–Nd, Sm, Gd–Dy, δ = 0 − 0.30; T = Ge, Si) Compounds. J. Alloy. Compd. 4671/2 (2009) 168–72. [DOI] 22. P.J. Dereń, R.Mahiou, Ph.Goldner, Multiphonon Transitions in LaAlO3 Doped with Rare Earth Ions. Opt. Mater. 31 3 (2009) 465–69. [DOI] [3rd] French–Polish Symp.on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (FPS 2007) CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR, 2007.07 15–18 23. V.M.Dmitriev, E.N.Hacьko, A.V.Terehov, A.I.Rykova, A.S.Qerny, D.S.Kondraxev, A.Zaleski, T.Mydlarz, A.D.Xevqenko, V.N.Uvarov, Magnitnye i teplovye svostva nanokompozitnogo soedineni GdNi3 . [Magnetic and Thermal Properties of the Nanocomposite Compound GdNi3 .] Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 35 12 (2009) 1244–7 [in Russian]. Engl. in: Low Temp. Phys. 35 12 (2009) 968–70. [DOI] 24. V.M.Dmitriev, I.E.Kostyleva, E.P.Khlybov, A.Zaleski, A.V.Terekhov, L.F.Rybaltchenko, E.V.Khristenko, L.A.Ishchenko, O.E.Omel’yanovskiy, A.V.Sadakov, Superconducting and Magnetic Properties of a New EuAsFeO0.85F0.15 Superconductor. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 35 7 (2009) 659–62. Also in: Low Temp. Phys. 35 7 (2009) 517–20. [DOI] 25. V.M.Dmitriev, A.Zaleski, E.P.Hlybov, L.F.Rybalьqenko, E.V.Hristenko, L.A.Iwenko, A.V.Terehov, Usilenie parametra sverhprovodwego upordoqeni v soedinenii Dy0,8Y0,2Rh4B4 pri fazovo perestroke ego magnitno podsistemy ot antiferromagnitnogo k ferromagnitnomu sostoni. [Enhancement of the Superconducting Order Parameter in Dy0.8Y0.2Rh4B4 Compound at the Phase Transition of Its Magnetic Subsystem from Antiferromagnetic to Ferromagnetic State.] Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 35 5 (2009) 537–9 [in Russian]. Engl. in: Low Temp. Phys. 35 5 (2009) 424–6. [DOI] 26. G. Dominiak-Dzik, Praseodymium-Doped NaYF4 Nanocrystals in Oxyfluoride Glass-Ceramics: Morphological and Spectroscopic Studies. J. Nanosci. Nanotechn. 9 4 (2009) 2525–31. [DOI] 27. G. Dominiak-Dzik, W. Ryba-Romanowski, R. Lisiecki, I.Főldvári, E.Beregi, YAl3(BO3)4 : Yb & Tm – A Nonlinear Crystal: Up– and Down-Conversion Phenomena and Excited State Relaxations. Opt. Mater. 31 6 (2009) 989–94. [DOI] 28. J.Dora, M.A.Gostomczyk, M.Jakubiak, W.Kordylewski, W. Miśta, M.Tkaczuk, Parametric Studies of the Effectiveness of Oxidation of NO by Ozone. Chem. Process. Eng. 30 4 (2009) 621–33. 29. H. Drulis, Comment on Material-Based Hydrogen Storage. [by Jiann C. Yang, IJHE 33 (2008) 4424.] Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 34 3 (2009) 1627–28. [DOI] 3 30. H. Drulis, A.Hackemer, L.Folcik, Magnetic Properties of Terbium Dihydrides. Solid State Commun. 149 31/32 (2009) 1266–68. [DOI] 31. M. Drulis, J. Kulej, H. Drulis, Low Temperature Specific Heat of Lutetium Trihydride. J. Alloy. Compd. 481 1/2 (2009) 1–5. [DOI] 32. H.Fuks, S.M.Kaczmarek, L.Macalik, B. Macalik, J. Hanuza, 3+ 3+ EPR and Vibrational Studies of YVO4 : Tm , Yb Single Crystal. Opt. Mater. 31 12 (2009) 1883–87. [DOI] 2nd Int.Worksh.on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials, GDAŃSK, PL, 2008.07 13–17 33. W.Gac, A.Denis, T.Borowiecki, L.Kępiński, Methane Decomposition over Ni–MgO–Al2O3 Catalysts. Appl. Catal. A 3572 (2009) 236–43. [DOI] 34. P.Gaczyński, A.Pikul, W. Suski, O.Sologub, K. Wochowski, J.C.Waerenborgh, X-ray Diffraction and Mössbauer Effect Study of Site Occupation and Magnetic Properties in UCuxFe5−xAl7 (x = 2, 3.5) Alloys. Physica B 404 8−11 (2009) 1102–11. [DOI] 35. A.Gągor, Penta-potassium Praseodymium(III) Di-lithium Deca-fluoride, K5PrLi2F10 . Acta Cryst. E 65 11 (2009) i81 (1 + 10pp.). [DOI] 36. A.Gągor, Penta-potassium Europium(III) Di-lithium Deca-fluoride, K5EuLi2F10 . Acta Cryst. E 65 11 (2009) i82 (1 + 10pp.). [DOI] 37. A.Gągor, A.Pawłowski, A.Pietraszko, Silver Transfer in Proustite Ag3AsS3 at High Temperatures: Conductivity and Single-Crystal X-ray Studies. J. Solid State Chem. 182 3 (2009) 451–56. [DOI] 38. D.Gajda, A.Morawski, A.Presz, A.Zaleski, A.Kario, The Comparison of Current Densities of the NbTi/Cu Multifilament Wires with MgB2/Fe Monofilament Ones.

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