INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number 01 Cheshunt Central Cheshunt Beltona Gardens Thin Surfacing2016-2017 S CWY151387 Brookfield Lane Easts Thin Surfacing2016-2017 SCWY161931 CheshuntWash/NrCunninghamRdS390Signal2016-2017 S TIS16011 Refurbishment 1 College Rd/Nr Manorcroft Parade S160 Signal2016-2017 S TIS16003 Refurbishment CollegeRoadResurfacing2016-2017 M MEM16317 Craigs walk Thin Surfacing2016-2017 M MEM16102 1 GreatCambridgeRoadMajorPatching2016-2017 C ARP15247 HalfhideLaneMajorPatching/LocalResurface2016-2017 S CWY17340 HalfhideLaneMajorPatching/LocalResurfacing2016-2017 S CWY17087 1 HalfhideLaneMajorPatching/Localised2016-2017 S CWY161093 Resurfacing Hillview Gardens Thin Surfacing2016-2017 M MEM16103 MartinsDriveFootwayReconstruction2016-2017 M MEM16106 MillLaneThinSurfacing2016-2017 C CWY15041 1 RowlandsCloseFootwaySurfaceTreatment2016-2017 M MEM16105 Turners Hill Resurfacing2016-2017 M MEM16151 Flamstead End, Cheshunt 1 Longfiel/Brookfield/Flamsteadr'btLocalResurfacing2016-2017 S CWY161522 Turnford 2 Great Cambridge Road Surface Dressing2016-2017 WARP15210 02 Flamstead End And Turnford Cheshunt Appleby Street Surface Dressing2016-2017 C CWY15300 Beaumont Road Surface Dressing2016-2017 C CWY151808 Cardinal Close Thin Surfacing2016-2017 M MEM16093 Furzerfield Footway Surface Treatment2016-2017 M MEM16089 Furzerfield Thin Surfacing2016-2017 M MEM16090 1 HalfhideLaneMajorPatching/Localised2016-2017 S CWY161093 Resurfacing HeadingleyCloseFootwaySurfaceTreatment2016-2017 M MEM16095 HilltopCloseFootwaySurfaceTreatment2016-2017 M MEM16092 Roundcroft Thin Surfacing2016-2017 M MEM16096 Springwood Thin Surfacing2016-2017 M MEM16091 Flamstead End, Cheshunt 1 Longfiel/Brookfield/Flamsteadr'btLocalResurfacing2016-2017 S CWY161522 Hammond Street, Cheshunt HolbeckLaneFootwaySurfaceTreatment2016-2017 M MEM16094 HolbeckLaneResurfacing2016-2017 M MEM16087 Rosedale, Cheshunt Jacksons Drive Thin Surfacing2016-2017 S CWY15617 Turnford 2 Great Cambridge Road Surface Dressing2016-2017 WARP15210 The Springs Footway Surface Treatment2016-2017 M MEM16088 Wormley 1 Church Lane Bridge HCC No. 14452016-2017 S BRG16008 Filter: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 1 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number 03 Goffs Oak And Bury Green Cheshunt 1 A10 Northbound from M25 Major Patching2016-2017 C ARP16086 BirchfieldRoadFootwayReconstruction2016-2017 M MEM16097 1 GreatCambridgeRoadMajorPatching2016-2017 C ARP15247 Grovedale Close Footway Surface Treatment2016-2017 M MEM16101 RiversideFootwayReconstruction2016-2017 M MEM16099 Churchgate, Cheshunt Bury Green Road Thin Surfacing2016-2017 C CWY15209 Churchgate Bus Stop Upgrade2016-2017 S ITP16047 StuartWayFootwayReconstruction2016-2017 M MEM16318 Goffs Oak, Cheshunt BeehiveRoadFootwayReconstruction2016-2017 M MEM16100 RobinsonAvenueFootwayReconstruction2016-2017 M MEM16098 Hammond Street Markham Road Thin Surfacing2016-2017 C CWY151519 Turnford 2 Great Cambridge Road Surface Dressing2016-2017 WARP15210 Waltham Cross LieutenantEllisWayMajorPatching/CrackSealing2016-2017 C CWY161163 04 Hoddesdon North Hoddesdon Bridleway South Resurfacing2016-2017 M MEM16084 DymokesWayThinSurfacing2016-2017 M MEM16086 Granville Gardens Footway Surface Treatment2016-2017 M MEM16085 Hailey Avenue Thin Surfacing2016-2017 S CWY161217 Molesworth/Beyers Prospect Thin Surfacing2016-2017 S CWY161379 Salisbury Rd/Bosanquet Rd/Cecil Rd Thin Surfacing2016-2017 W CWY14470 1 StansteadRoadMajorPatching2016-2017 S CWY17526 05 Hoddesdon South Broxbourne Baas Lane Bridge HCC No. 14462016-2017 C BRG15009 Broxbourne Station Bridge HCC No. 13502016-2017 SBRG16015 Broxbournebury Footbridge HCC No. 14472016-2017 SBRG16010 Cozens Lane East Thin Surfacing2016-2017 S CWY151343 HighRoadMajorPatching2016-2017 C ARP15184 McKenzieRoadFootwayReconstruction2016-2017 M MEM16077 NazeingRiverBridgeHCCNo.1402016-2017 S BRG16006 St Michael's Road Footway Surface Treatment2016-2017 M MEM16079 3 White Stubbs Lane Surface Dressing2016-2017 C CWY151755 White Stubbs Lane/Baas Hill Surface Dressing2016-2017 W CWY081157 Great Amwell 1 A10 South Bound & Northbound Interchange2016-2017 S ARP17183 Reconstruction Hertford 1 A10 Northbound nr Hailey Surface Dressing2016-2017 W ARP15177 Hoddesdon 1 A10 Southbound Surface Dressing2016-2017 W ARP15232 Bell Lane Resurfacing2016-2017 S CWY151372 Filter: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 2 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number 05 Hoddesdon South Hoddesdon CharltonWayCyclePath2016-2017 C ITP14067 Cock Ln/Nr Park View(Sheredes Sch) S392 Signal2016-2017 S TIS16012 Refurbishment Footpath 37 Broxbourne Footway Surface2016-2017 M MEM16078 Treatment HoddesdonBridgeHCCNos.145614572016-2017 S BRG16012 PaulsLaneResurfacing2016-2017 S CWY151040 Rose Vale Resurfacing2016-2017 M MEM16150 Winterscroft Road Thin Surfacing2016-2017 S CWY14229 Yewlands Thin Surfacing2016-2017 S CWY161040 Wormley 1 Church Lane Bridge HCC No. 14452016-2017 S BRG16008 ChurchLaneFootwayReconstruction2016-2017 M MEM16081 Church Lane Footway Surface Treatment2016-2017 M MEM16076 Pembroke Close Footway Surface Treatment2016-2017 M MEM16080 Spring Walk Surface Dressing2016-2017 C CWY151687 St Laurence Drive Thin Surfacing2016-2017 S CWY151162 06 Waltham Cross Cheshunt 1 A10 Northbound from M25 Major Patching2016-2017 C ARP16086 1 College Rd/Nr Manorcroft Parade S160 Signal2016-2017 S TIS16003 Refurbishment Dysons Cl/Dudley Av/Grenville Cl Thin Surfacing2016-2017 S CWY17109 HillsideCrescentResurfacing2016-2017 M MEM16083 1 RowlandsCloseFootwaySurfaceTreatment2016-2017 M MEM16105 Springfield Road Thin Surfacing2016-2017 S CWY161326 Waltham Cross Brittania Road Ind Estate Major Patching/Crack2016-2017 C CWY151862 Repair Monarchs Way Surface Dressing2016-2017 WARP14143 High Street, Waltham Cross High Street Reconstruction/Crack Seal2016-2017 S CWY161218 91 BROXBOURNE (District wide) 9 Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 12016-2017 S BRG16016 9 Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 22016-2017 S BRG16017 9 Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/172016-2017 S ITP16042 9 Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/172016-2017 S ITP16030 9 Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/172016-2017 S ITP16041 9 ITS Strategy Works2016-2017 S ITP16033 9 Parapet Refurbishment Works2016-2017 S BRG16018 9 RealTimePassengerInformationDelivery2016-2017 S ITP16032 9 RealTimePassengerInformationDelivery16/172016-2017 S TIS16018 9 Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early2016-2017 S SAR16013 Deilvery Filter: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 3 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number 91 BROXBOURNE (District wide) 9 School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/172016-2017 I ITP16036 9 SkidResistanceCountyWideSites2016-2017 S SAR16014 9 SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/172016-2017 SITP16035 SRTS Small Works Pilot Delivery 16/172016-2017 SITP16031 9 SRTS Small Works Prep 16/172016-2017 ICOM16009 Filter: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 4 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number 07 Berkhamsted Berkhamsted BilletLaneResurfacing2016-2017 S CWY161114 Briar Way Surface Dressing2016-2017 W CWY15249 Castle Hill Avenue Footway Micro2016-2017 S FWY16057 Castle Street Footway Reconstruction2016-2017 S FWY16001 CedarRoadResurfacing2016-2017 M MEM16313 CoppinsCloseFootwayMicro2016-2017 S FWY16082 Doctors Commons Road Footway Micro2016-2017 S FWY16044 DoctorsCommonsRoadLocalisedPatchand2016-2017 C CWY15348 Resurfacing Doctors Commons Road Drainage Works2016-2017 C DRN15009 GraemesdykeRoadFootwayMicro2016-2017 S FWY16035 1 Gravel Path Footway Micro LS2016-2017 S FWY16083 1 High Street Major Patching2016-2017 C ARP15182 MeadowRoadFootwayMicro2016-2017 S FWY16038 New Road Footway Reconstruction2016-2017 S FWY16005 Northbridge Road Footway Micro2016-2017 S FWY16006 QueensRoadThinSurfacing2016-2017 C CWY161334 1 Shooters Way Footway Surface Treatment2016-2017 M MEM16314 Shootersway Surface Dressing2016-2017 C CWY16990 St Margarets Close Footway Micro2016-2017 S FWY16013 Hemel Hempstead 1 Pix Farm Lane Surface Dressing2016-2017 C CWY161300 Northchurch 1 Shootersway Surface Dressing2016-2017 C CWY151685 08 Bridgewater Berkhamsted 1 Gravel Path Footway Micro LS2016-2017 S FWY16083 1 High Street Major Patching2016-2017 C ARP15182 1 Shooters Way Footway Surface Treatment2016-2017 M MEM16314 Flamstead 1 Delmer End Lane Surface Dressing2016-2017 M MEM16068 Friendless Lane Surface Dressing2016-2017 M MEM16069 Harpenden 1 Coles Lane/Kennel Lane Surface Dressing2016-2017 C CWY151318 Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead 2 M1 A5 Link Road Traffic Study2016-2017 S ITP16034 Long Chaulden, Hemel Hempstead 1 Rambling WayFootwayReconstruction2016-2017 S FWY16007 Water End, Hemel Hempstead Nettleden Road Surface Dressing2016-2017 C CWY151823 Little Gaddesden Beacon Road Drainage Works2016-2017 S DRN16002 Cromer Close Thin Surfacing2016-2017
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