SPORTS CLUBS 2019/20 HIGHLIGHTS CONTENTS CONTENTS ATHLETICS 1 TANG SOO DO 16 CSM NETBALL 1 ULTIMATE FRISBEE 16 CSM BADMINTON 2 SUP SOC 17 DODGEBALL 2 FAL SAIL 17 BALLET 3 SWIMMING 18 HIP HOP 3 SURF LIFESAVING 18 BALLROOM & LATIN 4 CHEERLEADING 5 POLE FITNESS 5 TAP JAM 6 EXPEDITION SOC 7 PHOTO CREDITS GIG ROWING 7 KAYAKING 7 Lucy Mason / Offside Collective CSM GOLF 8 Evie Franklin / Offside Collective HORSE RIDING 8 Will Dax / Offside Collective SNOWSPORTS 8 Neal Megaw / Mayn creative CSM LACROSSE 9 LADIES FOOTBALL 9 Georgia Arrowsmith FXUNION FOOTBALL 9 Max Willcock CSM RUGBY 10 Helen Merriott CSM LADIES HOCKEY 11 AfterJam CSM LADIES RUGBY 11 Daniel Hutchings PARKOUR 12 Anna Muir CSM SQUASH 13 VOLLEYBALL 13 Adam Heywood CSM TENNIS 14 Amber Lyall CSM SHINTY 15 Malcolm Soh ATHLETICS CSM BADMINTON One of our highlights was the BUCS Cross We had quite some success with a very pop- Country Championships, this year being held ular Freshers’ introduction, on top of that we by Edinburgh University on the 1st February participated within the Bottle Match though we 2020. We took 12 members from Falmouth to lost, and the teams got on with each other. Scotland, making us one of the furthest-travel- ling clubs. The Men’s A Team finished 41st out The Men’s A saw some success within their of 56 teams, and the Girls’ Team placed 60th league rankings this year. Whilst the B team out of 142 teams. Always a highlight in the FXU did not see as much success, the current roster AC Cross Country calendar. has plenty of potential for next year. There will be a Women’s team for next year if there are Another big highlight is finishing 2nd out of 9 enough players that are interested. The Mixed clubs at South West Varsity in Exeter. This put team saw quite a bit of success also. our track & fielders to the test as we competed from 100m hurdles, to 5km, to long jump and Members were very happy with how the club everything in between. Not only did we outper- ran and continued to support and attend most form the likes of Bristol, Plymouth, Cardiff etc., of the sessions. Kit was bought and is still a lot of members (including the committee) got needing to be distributed which was due to the the chance to try out some new events! delivery negligence from the mailman, however many look forward to representing CSM Bad- Another big highlight is our continued contribu- minton in the future. tion to Cornwall Athletic Club’s Senior Men’s & Women’s teams in the Cornish Grand Prix & Charles Stanley Westward League XC League. We’ve had some cracking performances, with “A Team” level races across the year from Josh Barnett, Tom Newman, Polly P-K, Jas- mine Bahra, & Charlotte Matthews as well as Will Dax & Alex McCartney for Tavistock and Newquay Par respectively. Also, we can cel- ebrate our biggest ever number of members since the club being founded in 2016; I’ve got real confidence that the Athletics Club will con- DODGEBALL tinue to grow in the years to come. CSM NETBALL This year saw lots of new members joining the society, many of which had never played Dodgeball before. Training sessions for new CSM Netball managed an incredible win at and experienced players were staggered to Bottle with a score of 109-3! allow a natural growth of abilities and confi- dences. Several new minigames were added CSM1 finished second in their division and to the plethora of games we enjoy, with themes CSM2 in the top half of theirs. Our social team, games during the Christmas period. A greater CSM3, also did really well, and came second in emphasis on inclusivity, accessibility and social the social league. These results are a experience was applied this year, ensuring the testament to the commitment the players have competitive aspect of the sport didn’t overpow- shown, through regular attendance in play and er its fun and fulfilling nature. training. 1 2 BALLET BALLROOM & LATIN The Ballet society has had another fantastic This year we’ve been able to hold an extra year! Without a doubt, the Showcase has been session each week free for members to come our main highlight. Not only did the Showcase and practice, social dance and enjoy each provide a wonderful opportunity for the other’s company. This has been a huge asset Beginners and Advanced classes to to our members, and we’ve seen new and old collaborate, but it gave members something to members alike of different abilities improve collectively work towards. The product of this rapidly. Our members have gained confidence cohesive effort were two fabulous and we’ve been able to encourage them to performances: the Ballet and Pointe routines. attend many extra local dancing events, such as modern jive in Helston, folk dancing at The Our wonderful choreographer, Jason Thomas, Front pub and swing dance classes in Penryn. outdid himself with the choreography for our It gave our society a fresh spirit and love for our Pointe routine, which was a 1920s Charleston discipline with renewed commitment from our themed dance involving props, flapper dresses, members. More people joined us in our Show- and comedy - what more could you want!? We case performance this year than we have ever have thus received an abundance of positive had in previous years and gave up their free feedback about both the Showcase as a whole, time to practice our routines. and regards the Ballet dances themselves. Our members performed with joy and pride Another highlight has been the growth of our on the night of the charity Showcase event Performance Team, which is run by our and have made the society very proud. We fabulous Dance Captain, Erin. The performed two mashup dances: cha-cha and Performance Team is a collaborative group samba; and jive and Charleston. Two of these, involving members from both the Ballet and the samba and Charleston are new styles to Jazz societies. This year, we choreographed our society repertoire as of this year. Another and performed a contemporary piece inspired new style we introduced this year was Lindy by Extinction Rebellion. This powerful and Hop. We held a fantastic workshop with guest hard-hitting piece really sums up what the instructor Tee J, everyone loved this new style Penryn Campus stands for. Moving forwards, with some of our members attending her class- there have been talks about potentially taking es in Penryn following this. We hope next year this piece to a climate change protest, so keep will be as exciting as this year was and bring us your eyes peeled! more new experiences! HIP HOP We are extremely proud of the Hip Hop soci- ety this year! Everyone was motivated, full of energy and ready to take on any choreogra- phy! This year, we organised two workshops, a col-laboration workshop alongside the ACS society and a heels workshop! We also per- formed two sets at the AMATA Showcase, one with our society members and one with our crew team, Deadlock. 3 4 CHEERLEADING TAP JAM Fusion Cheerleading have had such an amaz- We had a great year as a society! We ran ing year, we’ve had an expansion not only on weekly classes for beginners and advanced our talented family, but the awards in our cabi- dancers in AMATA, organised socials and taken net too. part in events, During the Freshers period we had a stall, two free taster sessions and a so- For a lot of members, it was their first ever time cial in order to encourage as many new mem- doing cheerleading, and the prospect of com- bers as possible. peting at three competitions across two week- ends spanning the country was a daunting but We had a Chicago themed session for the first fantastic experience for us all. class of 2020 which was particularly success- ful with lots of positive feedback. We then had FC University Nationals (Manchester), was a Refreshers week where we got people outside wonderful time for us at the beginning of the of University and students from Truro to come season, getting used to performing at competi- and give it a go! It was a great opportunity tion before going on to BCA University Nation- to encourage people to give tap dancing a go. als (Derby) and Spotlight Showcase (Essex) Also a lot of our members from last year were where we came 4th and 2nd respectively. no longer a beginner and had improved so much that they started to stay for the advanced We’ve begun an amazing link with Bath Spa class. Rapids and their institution, to compete against one another at a varsity, which we’re hoping The Showcase was the highlight of our year will happen next year. Overall, the squad has and we had many new members from other excelled all of our expectations and we cannot societies such as Ballet and Jazz to join. We wait for another year of cheer! opened the show again with our Chicago rou- tine and showcasing another dance from our performance team. It was an amazing way for our members to perform, gain confidence and challenge themselves! It was an excellent opportunity to build connections with other performing arts societies at the University as well. The showcase was a great way to end the term! This society brings people who have POLE FITNESS the passion for tap together, and we created an enjoyable, friendly and fun class for members to come to every week.
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