A V- > ■ '■ The WaRther _______ THURSDAY, MARCH 8T, I960 Average Daily Net Prcea Run FeneM* ef C.'R. For the Week Ended IW r with m 1... j March 26. 186* page twenty iiatirlrfBtpr luftting IffraUi night. Lew abead I t . : 1 3 ,0 9 0 Mhieaal rata ta Mariner Ship No. 6 udll hrfd a alght. BOgh ta I Cadet 8.C. .Harvey L. Wahn- WiUtoiti J. Stephana, 4fi Green ... _ . ... — |T| Member ef the Audit Manor Rd., was recently Installed food Ale Saturday at Hale ETood mdst Jr., USOG, of Manchester, Store beginning at 0 a.m. Eureau ef Oreutetleu H aneheaier^A City of Village Clunrm About Town wm represent the U.S. Coast as most exoeHent high priest of ■*T“ Gidbon Weiles Chapter No. 80, Guard Academy, New L «n ^ , ait (Olaealflad Advertlstaig ea Page 18) PRICE IflM PKitoe NMaen, daughter the U.S. Naval Academy, Annap- R<0ial Arch'Masone, at the Mason­ ic 'Temple in Blast Hsrtford. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1960 o f Mr. «iHl Mi»., OtoonraW NMotn. otto, Md., foe the annual exchange Personal Notices' VOL. LXXDE, NO. 15S (TWENTY PAGES) • t r 7ia Oenter 8t., bo*m named visit pro^am tbto weekend.. Cadet to the deM-e Met »t MlcWgaa State Wahnqutot to the eon of Mr. and Non-members are Invited to VntvwAty, Beat Lansing, Mlcti. U Wahnqulat, 270 Au- hear a talk by Brother WUlard Card of Thanka M rs.'H . L We wish to thajik all ot oUr ■ neto>>- M l* . Nletaen faes recently pledged tumn St. Gilpin, director of S t Barnabaa’ bore, friends and relatives for the many KsDpa Kanta Gamma sorority,, House - by - the - Lake, North­ acte of kiiiilneBa and sympathohown us State News and to vice president of-fito pledge Mi— Haael Aitkin, daughter, of east,, Pa., at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, in our ricent 'bereavement We espec­ Dixie Senators ially thank all those who seiU the elasa Mr. and l6«. Thomas Aitken, 6 in NeiU hall at St Mary’s Epls- beautiful floral tributes, Hass cards and McCahe SU, was reoenUy jdedged cppal Church. The program is loaned the use of pars. Roundup Chapman Court, Order of Am- to Alpha Gamma Delta aorority sponsored by the 60-50 Club of the iJ.S. Orbits Space Camera ■The family of Patrick Conlon. •nnUi, will celebrate Its S»tl» at Marietta College, Marietta, church, which will hold ,a dinner Compromise Bid on birthday tomorrow at 7146 pjn. at Ohio. She to a freshman biology meeting at 7 o'clock. InM em oriam New Haven, April 1 (A*H- the Masonic Temple. There will be ma]<«. In lovlns memory of BjRrkman. Who pasfced away March 31. Adlai Stevenson is the logical •n entertainment program, and re- Allen Martin, son. o f Mr. and secretaiy o f state if the neiit fieehmenta will be served by the Stephen Cava-gnaro, manager of Mrs. Richard Martin, 33 Harvard 1963. past matrons and past patrone. M ., has been named to the dean’s He was an anael, tM **''*•*• Vote Referee Plans president is a DemiKrat, says Cavey’s Reataurant, will attend Rftnt hare for a abort wnuo. the opening eeesion of a 2-day list at Wllliama College, WflUams- G<Jd marked him when he fave him Stevenson’s foreign affairs Little Blower od Jesus’ Mothers’ town. Mass., where he Is a senior. advisor. convention and trade show of the And*toSc’ him with a imtle. CarroU’s proposal waa offered Circle wlU meet tomorrow, at 8 restaurant and motor hotel indus­ He is k member of the College Washington, April 1 (/P)— f u a aubetltute for an amendmen* William Attwood, magazine Hints pjn, at the home of Mits. George Council, and footbril and lacrosse Mommy and Daddy A new ciHnprbmiBe was pro­ ataffer, now on toave to wqik with try at the Hotel Stratflaid, Bridge­ Grandparents. by Ben. Bates KaCauver (D-Teria) Murray, 83 Laurel for elec­ port, Tuesday teams. posed to ^ y in the Senate dis­ to require pubMc hearinge by the Stevenson, uld last night that "al­ tion of offloecs. most any Democrat,” lAcludlng pute over procedures for reg­ referem, with county or state reg- totrars permitted to be preeent Sen. Jtan F. "Kennedy o f Maaaa- istering Negroes under the and make a record of the pro- chuaetta, would name the twice- French Set Scientists defeated presidential candidate to ■ voting-referee section of the ceedlnge. House-passed civil rights bill. the d^lomatic post Ihe Senate Judiciary Committee AttWood spoke kt a press-radio Sw. John J. Cant* (D-C!olo) approved Kefauver’a amendsnent oOMcd the oom()votntoe. It sounded dinner here. He told his audience 2nd N-Shot, W ary on m rlier in the week, but Opponents that Stevenson should not be We’re Meat People From Um s compromtoe that Republican have contended It would undermine counted out as a possible presi­ Lmder Everett M. Diriuen of B- the key voting referee section of dential contender at the Demo­ linoito' eald earlier he would skip­ A the bUl by opening the ffay for cratic convention this summer. Rile Nikita Selecting meat for discriminating customers is nothing new with us. It begu in 1820 p ed. intimidaition o f Negroec eeeking to If Kennedy loses his support at Statement Howafver, Southern Senatore register and vote. the convention, said Attwobd. Ste­ when Pinehurst opened Its doors—as a quality meat market! Stace men thew haw Blade plain they were not ready Paris, April 1 (iP)— Franc* Carroll, who eupported Kefau­ venson’s chances for getting the Cape Canaveral, Fla., ApiH been many changea at Pinehurst But one thing has not chan^. We sUU buy the taaoo^lt. ver’a amendment in committee, nomination will be excellent. today held its second nuclear best, only the best of the top U. S. Government graded meats. This keeps our custom- CsmATS propoml would retain turned against It In the Senate and Stevenson has said he to not a test explosion under the n(>8e 1 (;p)— A robot space weatheD- ttie Houto pravisloa for uncontest- cEUididate for renomlnatlon. But he man waB hurl^ into orbit era happy . and keeps them coming back In Increasing numbers, year after year. •d proeeeduiga by court-appoldted ori^ally offered as a subsUtuU of Soviet Premier -Nikita an amewlment to provide for un­ haa Indicated that he might accept Khrushchev., around the Earth today and lufereea empowered to register a draft call. / And we might add that Pinehurst meat department to conducted the OLD FASHION­ Negro would-be voters who com- contested proceeding# by requiring The bltat in the. western Sahara within hours apparently’ had ED SERVICE-WAY . where you can buy one chicken leg or a dozen, get freshly hearings open to the public- Attwood atud he felt It unlikely conetltuted another^lnted French ot dtecriminatlon by Ideal Rep. Chester Bowles (D-Conn) photographed the 81 o r m sliced cold cuts and sirloin Up or chuck roasts with no layer of fat added. Foes of Kefauver’s amendment rebuff for the Soviet^ premier, fifiy-to** f M this substitute was little bet­ would be asked to -erve as secre­ meeting today and tomorfow^ with known to be moving into the Rut It wwdd add to tbto a w- tary of state if a Demdcrat were flulreaent that the proceeding! be ter, and OarroU today came up President Charles de Gaulle" out­ Middle West. ielected. side Paris for final talks. KhruslT- Sclenttota at the Ntatooel Aeto- held **at auch tim * and plaeM u Bowles, a former U.S. A m baa*- nautica and Space AdntinlstnitkMl the eotirt ahaU direct." (Cesitaaed oa Page Five) chev leaves for Russia Sunday. Men Love YOUR KIND OF ST€AK dorHp India and NapaL Is Ken In the past two days Khrushchev tad the Weather Burwu warily nedyto^relgn affairs advisor. had twice spoken out against fur­ attaded any direct ataitement that Pinehurst Steaks And How To Find It ther nuclear explosions by any they were getting back any Mich *x’.; > '.■•.seiursatcfitass'.-. ' ' *■ K^S.. — ^.1 1^ Britain May Use UN- Veto 1 ^ , 0 0 0 L a te nation,.- including •'France. De dramatic p tocita outstanding aoo. raw itisiii in sifi j Gaujls ln.._,tarect:;- rejeotaOr- .-the cew. "Soviet premier’s call. Jt»t as he But Dr7 Hariry W talar, eWer earlier contradioted KhrushcheVa scientist of the . U.S.' Weastoer PINEHURST . .is i 860 car registr^tlpn*. TTittrs-. Bureau;^ told a reporter he be-: > T O P QUAIATY day’s deadline, begin lining up at contention that West Germany Is U^SrBaefcs S O’clock this momini^t the 1*0- bent on new aggression to avenge Uevee. rignato firesB the’‘ taSiSHt#‘i' tor Vehicle •DepartmentTB:^rtford the World War II defeat. camera trannntt.tta' ‘’wB] ahow a picture of the Mldweatera atom office. \ Informed sourcai'said Khrush­ BLOCK By the 8:30 a-m. opening\Ume, chev wta told in ELdvta^'e the bomb which we know la on totagr’6 Attacking Apartheid the line had spilled out intcKthe would be exploded and that the weather map.” State Ofhee building corridor sf teat waa not timed to coincide with The Immediate aim of the wbola more than 200 persona waited to t hia visit. It waS explained to him project la to develop a syatem tor CHUCK their license piste inserts which 'tlwt ^ test date would have observing and torecaatiag such beta after he. left France, but hte major weather movementa. must be displayed beginning to­ Asked if he Mnaelt bad saen a day.
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