CE 1 BA A SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ISSuED BY THE ESCUELA AGRICOLA PANAMERICANA LOUIS O. WILLIAMS, EDITOR 'fEGUCfG 1 LPA. HONDURAS OCTOHEfl :11. l"i6====VO= '-=· =5 =· N=.=:o~. 't AN ENUMERATION OF THE ORCHIDACEAE OF CENTRAL AMERICA, BRITISH HONDURAS AND PANAMA Lours O. \VILUA:\1S ( Continuation.) EPIDE DRUM ONCIDIOIDES var. MooREANUM (Rolfe) AHS. in Bot. Nius. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3: 106. 1935. E pidendrum M ooreanurn Rolfe in Kew Bull. 199. 1891. Encyclia Mooreana Schltr., Orch. 210. 1914. Encyclia Ton,duziana Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Beih. 19: 132. 1923. Encyclia Brenesii Schltr., l. c. 221. Encyclia onci.dioides var. M ooreana Hochne in Arq. Bot. Est. S. Paulo n. s. 2: 151. 1952. Costa Rica and Panama. EPIDENDRUM ONCIDIOIDES var. RAMONE SE (Rei,chb. f. ) AHS. in Bot. M u . Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3: 103. 1935. Epidendrurn ramonense R eichb. f. , Beitr. Orch. Cent. Am. 81. 1866. 130 CEIBA VoL. 5 Encyclia ramonensis Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Ccntralbl. 36, Abt. 2: 473. 1918. Encyclia Powellii Schltr. in Feddc Rep. Bcih. 17: 46. 1922. Encyclia oncidioides var. mmonensis Hoehnc in Arq. Bot. Est. S. Paulo n. s. 2: 153. 1952. I can find little if any reason for the separation of \·ars. ramonense and gTavidum. Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. EPTDENDRUJ\1 ÜTTONIS Reichb. f. in Hamb. Gartenz. 14: 213. 1853. Nidema Ottonis Brit.. & Millsp., Bahama Fl. 94. 1920. Nidenw Boothii var. triandrum Schltr. in Fedde R p. Bcih. 1 7: 43. 1922. \Vest Indies, Nicaragua, Panama and South Arnerica. EPIDENDRUM PAJITE SE C. Schweinf. in Bot. Mu . Leafl. Harv. Univ. 14: 56, t. 15. 1949. Panama. EPIDENDRUJ\I PALLENS Reichb. f., Beitr. Orch. Cent. Am. 82. 1866. Epidendrum pauciflorwn Schltr. in F edde R ep . 3 : 248. 1907. Costa Rica. EPruENDRUl\r PANAM ENSE Schltr. m Fr:ddc R ep. 12: 212. 1913. Pan ama. EPIDENDRUJ\1 PANICULATUM R. & P. Syst. Veg. 243 . L 798; AHS. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 2: 67. 1934. E pidendrum. turialvae Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 1678. 1871. Epidend1·um resectum R eichb. f. in Linnaea 41: 82. 1876. 1956 ',YILLIAMS: ENUMERATION OF ÜRCHIDACEAE 131 Epidendrum piliferum Rei,chb. f., l. c. 83. Epidendrum isthmi Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Bcih. 17: 34. I9n. Epidendrum reflexum A. & S., Sched. Orch. 8: 49. 1925. Epidendrum paniculatU?n is a widesprcad and variable species that has a large number of synonyms. Ames, Hubbard and Schweinfurth list about twenty five. The name E. flo­ ribundum HBK. has been used with Central America.1 specimens in the past but is not included in the above synonymy because it \\·as originally de cribed from South America. :rvicxico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, Ni­ caragua Costa Rica, Panama and south to Argentina. EPIDENDRUM PANSAMALAE Schltr. in Fedde Rep. 10: 485. 1912. Guatemala. EPIDENDRUl\( PAPILLOSUM Batem. ex Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 24: .Mise. p. 7. 1838; Hook. in Bot. M ag. 65: t. 3631. 1838. The name Epidendrum adenocarpon Llave & Lex. ha often bcen used for this unít, and is so used by AHS. in their key, but that namc likc so many of those of La Llave and Lexarza is not determinable with any accuracy. Mcxico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Ni­ caragua. EPIDENDRUM PARKINSONIANUM Hook. in Bot. Mag. 67: t. 3778. 1840. Epidendrum falcatum var. Zeladoniae Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Beih. 19: 37. 1923. Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Pana- m a. EPIDENORUM PARKINSONIANUM var. FALCA TU M (Lindl.) AHS. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3: 74. 1935. 132 VoL. 5 Epidendrum falcatwn Lindl. in Ann. 1\lat. Hi t. 4: 382. 1840; Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 26: Mi c. p. 19. 1840. This variety differ · from the species only in having omC\\·hat maller flower perhap hould not be considered di tinct. fexico, Guatemala ancl El Salvador. EProE. DR M PE::VDENS L. Wm.. in Ann. Mo. Bot. Carel. L8: 421, t. 23. 1941. Panama. EPWENDRU:tll PENTAOACTYLU [ Reichb. f. in BonpJ. 2: 89. 185+. Nicara~Yua ancl Co ·ta Rica. EPmENDRU:\1 PEKTOTIS R eichb. f. in Linnaca +1: 81. ] 876. Epidendmm fra"Tans var. m egalanthttm Lincll. in Journ. Hort. Soc. 4: 223. 1849. Epidendrum confusum Rolfe in Orch. Rev. 7: 197. 1899. Epidendrwn Be)'Todtianum Schltr. in Orchis 9: 49. 1915. /[exico Guatemala, El Salvador, Hondura ancl clu­ biou ly Brazil. EPTDE::-<DRU:\1 PHYT.LOCHARIS Reichb. f., Xenia Orch. 3: 11, t. 208. 1878. Cota Rica. EPIDENDRUM PHYSODES Rcichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 289. 18 73 . Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama. EPIDENDRUM PINNIFERU:t.I C. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 5: 92. 1937. Pan ama. 1956 'VILLIAJ\IS: ENUJ\lERATION OF ÜRCHIDACEAE 133 EPIDENDRUU PLATYSTlGMA Reichb. f., Beitr. Orch. Ccnt. Am. 83. 1866. Epidendrwn gibbosu111 L. Wms. in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 28: 420, t. 21. 1941. Costa Rica and Panama. EPIDENDRU M POLYANTHUJ\1 Lindl., Gen. & Sp. Orch. PJ. 106. 1831; Batem., Orch. Mex. & Guat. t. 34. 1842. EpidendTUm biseturn Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 27: Mi c. p. 68. 1841. Epidendntm colorans Kl. in Allg. Gartcnz. 19: 250. 1851. Epidendrwn pergmnenium Reichb. f. , Beitr. Orch. Cent. Am. 86. 1866. Epidendnnn verrucipes Schltr. in Fedde Rcp. 15: 208. 1918. EpidendTUm quinquelobum Sc:hltr. in Feddc R p. Beih. 1Y: 125. 1923. Epidendrum hondurense Ame · in Bot. Mu ·. Lcafl. Harv. Univ. 1, N" 7: t, t. 1933. This is a variable and common spccies which should probably include also E. chlorops Rcichb. f. andE. Clow(' sit Batcm., both of which 1 havc maintaincd provi ionally herc. Mexico, Central Amcrica, Panama and South Amer- ica. EPmE ' DRUJ\1 POLYANTHU~r ,·ar. l\IYODES (Reichb. f. ) AHS. in Bot. Mu . Leafl. Harv. Univ. 2: 75. 1935. Epidendrum myodes Reichb. f. , Beitr. Orch. Ccnt. Am. 86. 1866. This varicty is hardly distinct from the spccies. Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. EPIDEXDRU J\f POLYBU LBON Sw., Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 124. ] 788. 134 CEIB.-\ VoL. 5 Dinema polybulbon Lindl., Gen. & Sp. Orch. PI. 111. 1831. 'Ve t Indic. , Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras. EPmENDRU.\I POLYCLAi\IYS Schltr. in Fedde Rep. 3: 106. 1906. Co. ta Rica. EPlDENDRUl\1 PORPAX Rcichb. f. in Bonpl. 3: 220. 1855. Epidendrum pm·phyroph;•llwn Schltr. in Fcddc Rcp. Bcih. 17: 27. 1922. Ivlexico, Guatemala, Hondura , Nicaragua, Costa Ric:1, Panama and South Amcáca. EPTIYENDR U ~I PowEJ.Ln chltr. in Fcdde Rcp. Beih. 17: 28. 1922. Pan ama. EPIDE oRu~r PRIS.\L-\TOCARPL l\f Rcíchb. f. in Bot. Zcit. 10: 729. 1852; Hook. in Bot. l\Iarr. 88: t. 5336. 1862. Epidendrum ionocentrwn R eichb. f. in Gard. Chron. n. ·. 20: 8. 1883. Costa Rica and Panama. EPIDE~DRUi\r PROBTFLCJRUl\I Schltr. in Fcddc R ep. Bcih. 17: 39.192:!. Pan ama. EPmE0/DRU .\I PSEUDEPJDE~DRU.\I Rcichb. f. Xenia Orch. 1: 160, t. 53. 1856; Hook. f. in Bot. Mag. 97: t. 5929. 187 J. Pseudepidendrum spectable Rcichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10: 733. 1852, non EpidendTUm spectabile Fockc nec Rcichb. f. EpidendTUm pscudepidendrum ,·ar. auTitum Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. n. :., 23: 406. 1885. Co ta Rica and Panama. 1956 vVrLLIAMS: ENUMERATIO N OF ÜRCHIDACEAE 135 EPIDENDRUM PSE UDORAMOS UM Schltr. in Fedde Rep. 10: 361. 191 2. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. EPIDENDRUM PSEUDOWALusu Schltr. in F edde R ep. Bcih. 19: 124. 1923. Costa Rica. EPIDENDRUJ\l PUDICUM Ames, Sched. Orch. 6: 71. j 923. Panama. EPIDENDRUM PUMILUM Rolfe in K ew Bull. 171. 1893. Epidendrum acrochordoniwn Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Cen­ tralbl. 36, Abt. 2: 4·00. 191 8. Costa Rica. EPIDENDRUM PURP URASCENS Focke in Tidjdschr. N a- tuur. Wctensch. 4: 64. 1851. Epidendrwn glumibractewn R eichb. f. in Hamb. Gar­ tcnz. 19: 11. 1863. Co. ta Rica and South America. EPIDENDRUM PUTEUM Stand!. & L. vVms. in Ceiba 3: 19, t.1953. Costa Rica. EPmENDRUM PYGl\t AEUM Hook. in Bot. Mag. 60: t. 3233. 1833; Hook., Journ. Bot. 1: 49, t. 118. 1834. H ormidium pygmaeum B. & H. ex H emsl. in Gard. Chron. n. s. 19: 700. 1883. H ormidium pseudop)lgmaewn A. Finet in Bull. H erb. Boiss. 7: 121 , t. 3. 1899. Florida, West Indies, Mexico, British Honduras, Hon­ duras, Costa Rica, Panama and South America. EPIOENDRUM RADIATUM Lindl. in Bot. R eg. 27 : lMisc. p. 58. 1841. M exi,co, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and South Ame rica. 136 VoL. 5 EPIDENDRUl\f RAMosrssiMUM A. & S., Sched. Orch. 8: 48, t. 24. 1925. Costa Rica. EPIDENDRUM RAMOSUJvr Jacq., Enum. PI. Carib. 29. 1760 and Sel. Stirp. Am. 221, t. 132. 1763. Epidendrum fl exicaule Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2: 403. 1918. Epidendrum modestiflorum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Beih. 19: 213. 1923. Spathige1· ramosus Britt. in Britt. & '1\'ilson, Bot. Porto Rico & Virgin Islands 1: 202. 1924. A common and often abundant and usually variable pec1es. '"' est Indies, Mexico, Guatemala, Hondura. , Nicara­ gua, Costa Rica, Panama and South America. EPIDENDRUM RAMOS UM var. ANGUSTIFOLIUM ( Cogn.) L. Wms. in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 28: 422. 1941. Epidendrum imbr~catum Lindl., Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 110. 1831, non Larn. Epidendrum imbricatum var. angustifolium Cogn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3, pt. 5: 171. 1898. Epidendrum biflorum Cogn. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. 2, 2: 337, fig. 1902, nec Forst. f. , n e>c R. & P., nec Rodr. Epidendrum Boisserianum Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Cen­ tralbl. 36, Abt. 2: 459. 1918. Epidendrum santaclarense Ames, Sched. Orch. 4: 49. 1923. Epidendrum ramosum var. imbTicatum AHS. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 2: 47. 1934. We t Indies, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama and outh America. EPIDENDRUM RAMOS UM var. MIXTU:M (Schltr.) AHS. in Bot. Mus.
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