Minnesota State University Moorhead RED: a Repository of Digital Collections The Mistic Student Newspapers 11-7-1930 The Mistic, November 7, 1930 Moorhead State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: https://red.mnstate.edu/mistic Recommended Citation Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Mistic, November 7, 1930" (1930). The Mistic. 148. https://red.mnstate.edu/mistic/148 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Mistic by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BE HERE FOR DON'T FORGET THE PEPFEST ON THE JIMMIE GAME NOVEMBER 7! THE MlSTlC NOVEMBER 8! VOL. XVIII MOORHEAD STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE NO. 8 Moorhead, Minnesota, Nov. 7, 1930 COMMITTEE MAKES BEAT DRAGONS GROOM CAMPUS SURVEY YEA DRAGONS JAMESTOWN FOR JIMMIE TILT Nov. 8 RINES ASSURES RAPID ACTION FIGHT ! FELLOWS FIGHT t VICTORY OVER N. D. TEAM WILL ON BUILDING FUND BY CLINCH CHAMPIONSHIP LEGISLATURE OF CONFERENCE The whole-hearted support of the Formulating a defense for James­ state budget commission to secure for town's passing game, and placing the College appropriations sufficient more stress on interference and block- to care for new buildings and equip­ i ing have been the order of this week's ment was pledged by Henry Rines. drill in preparation for the Homecom­ chairman of the board, who was in ing game with a fighting "Jimmie" Moorhead on October 23. team, Saturday at 2:30 p.m. We are going to recommend the Last Wednesday night a prolonged rebuilding budget as an emergency scrimmage was held and a few new measure at the opening of the legis­ formations tried. The Dragon of- lative session," Mr. Rines said in a it.Stowe | tense should reach a point of highest talk before the Kiwanis Club of Moor­ perfection for Saturday's game, which head. will be the final game of the season "I don't see any reason why the PEPFEST TONIGHT ARMISTICE DAY for the most powerful team in the his­ legislature shouldn't have details of HOMECOMING CALENDAR tory of M. S. T. C. football. To date appropriation completed by April, so OPENS FESTIVITIES TO BE OBSERVED it has scored 179 points in six games, construction could be started imme­ Friday, November 7. including in this three touchdowns diately," Mr. Rines predicted. "It is against the N. D. Agricultural Col­ BROADCAST PROGRAM BEGINS 4:00-7:00 P.M. — Alumni reg­ ENGELHARDT WILL ADDRESS the desire of the commission that the lege, one of the strongest teams iu AT 7:15; INGERSOLL TO istration. CHAPEL ON PHASES OF construction be rushed so that the the northwest. CROWN QUEEN 7:00-8:00 P.M. — Pepfest, at EDUCATION buildings will be ready for use during Jimmies Inspired, the next school year." Weld Hall (Broadcast To open the 1930 Dragon Home­ over KGFK). ii will tie necessary tor me Dragons The previous estimate of the State Dr. Fred Engelhardt, University of 8:00 P. M.—Torchlight Parade to ueieat me Jimmies tomorrow it Teachers College board to have the coming festivities with a big burst of Minnesota, will address the students and Bonfire. mey want to retain meir interstate construction of the buildings designed powerful pep will be the chief aim of at chapel assembly Wednesday, No­ eouici eute enampionsnip tor me iniru to last 30 or 40 years has been in­ tonight's pepfest. Because the pro­ Saturday, November 8. vember 12, on some phases of educa­ stiaignt year, A victory lor me Drag­ creased by the commission to 100 gram is going to be broadcast and 8:30 A. M. — O r g a n i zation tion as it is today. ons wni clineu me enampionsnip. A years, according to a statement re­ each unit will have a specified time Breakfasts. oaitie royal is expected tomorrow, as ceived by President MacLean. Armistice Day, November 11, will 10:30 A.M.—Homecoming Par­ me jimunes aiways nave piayeu in­ Compliments MacLean. limit, students are urged by the com­ be observed in the College chapel at ade. spired uan against former m. S. t. d. The three commissioners, Mr. mittee to be on hand promptly at 7:15 11 a. m. by a program in charge of Rines, Albert Peterson, and H. W. for opening selections by the band 12:30 P. M. — O r g a n i z ation teams, and it is a welt-anuwu tact Capt. Alex Nemzek, O. R. C., com­ mat me jimmies uave ueeu pointed Austin, arrived in the morning from and school songs by everyone. Luncheons. manding Company F, U. S. Infantry, tor LUIS game in all euort to give tUe St. Paul and went through estimates 2:30 P. M.—Football, Dragons Dr. Archer will make announce­ with Rev. F. Errington, Moorhead, as of space, construction cost, and other vs. Jimmies, Memorial Dragons uieir nrsi commence ueieat ments concerning the broadcasting principal speaker. figures prepared by the State Board Field (Broadcast over m two years. of Teachers Colleges. feature. To let all who may be listen­ KGFK). The program is as follows: United Purdy Leads, In a three hour conference with ing in know what the true Dragon 6:00 P.M.— Alumni - Student States Military Academy March, Ro- ruruy, stellar jamestowu quarter- President MacLean, Mr. Rines further spirit is, the pep squad plans to dem­ Banquet, Comstock Hall senkrans, and The Bugler's Overture, uacit, is me lieyiuan in me jimmie (Broadcast over KGFK). said that they were going to get ex­ onstrate its yelling ability. One of Bennett—The College Band; reading, veisatiie running aim passing uuacit, pert advice of engineers and land­ 9:00 P.M.—Homecoming Ball, "The Honor Roll," Guest—Doris Sork- out tue Jimmies WNI nave meir nanus the chief events of the evening will scape architects before submitting the Student Exchange. nes; address, "Twelve Years After"— tun attempting to stop sacu speeuy estimates to the legislature. These be the crowning of the Homecoming Rev. Frederick Errington, Chaplain of magou Oacits as Dyinan uavis and engineers and architects will come Queen by John Ingersoll, president of Melvin E. Hearl American Legion ui.i rtdoiusou. Lyman Davis leads 'his fall to draw up plans and to make the Student Commission. Escorted in Post; The Night March, Kountz— tde conterence in scoring wuu a total the estimates to be submitted more a regal manner, she will proceed down Double Male Quartet; The Star Span­ ot *& points in inree cuuiei'euce the center aisle, each row rising and definitely backed by actual survey. "AMICI" IS THEME gled Banner, Keyes — The College games. ine notnecouiiilg tans are Mr. Rines complimented President cheering as she passes. Formal crown­ Band with audience singing; silent mteiy 10 oe treaicti to some tunning MacLean on his work in taking care ing will take place on the stage, after tribute to the dead; and Taps. moments it Lyman ureaKs away tor which the Band and audience will join OF 1930 BANQUET of the situation existing following the Glass Blowing Demonstrated. mug gains, as nas oeen ins custom iu destructive fire of last February. He in the strains of "Alma Mater." PROGRAM TO INCLUDE MUSIC, During the chapel assembly Wed­ every game mis year. stressed the work of the administra­ To Give Parade Order. TALKS BY FOUR ALUMNI nesday, November 5, R. M. Howell, tne uuiky ana aepeuaaDie Arc Sim- tion in caring for the increased en- Presidents of the various organiza­ AND OTHERS Bohemian glass-blower, gave the stu­ son, a seumr, aimougu injured in me J'ttllmuLL- this year in such a small tions will make announcements con­ dents of the College and Training Dison game, may oe a die to play and amount of classroom space. Rines cerning the reunions; Reuben Parson Built around the word, "Amici", the School some demonstrations in the win perrorm in ms last game lor tlie stated that the commission felt that will describe the parade order, and art of glass-blowing. By the original crimson anu White. the local administration had handled program of the Homecoming banquet the Band will play a march. Coach method without tools, dating back Ireland I axes tnd. a trying situation in a satisfactory to be held in Comstbck dining hall at "Sliv" Nemzek and Captain "Chet" some 4,700 years, Mr. Howell gave McAllister, scrappy anu tast cnarg- way to the state. six o'clock, Saturday evening, will fea­ Gilpin will each make a football the first and hardest lesson in glass- mg guaru, nas ueeu a very commeiiu- speech, to be followed by student ture talks by four alumni. All alumni blowing, the blow bubble. He also aoie uneman mis season, aimougu cheering led by the rooter king and and students of the upper classes will demonstrated the making and silver­ mis is ms nrst year as a coiiege griu- queen. CAST OF ALPHA meet in Wheeler Hall and march to ing of Christmas tree ornaments, a uer, aim snouia oe in nis OCSL iorm Mr. Schwendeman will deliver a Comstock Hall in a body for the occa­ trade taught to young children in Ger­ aaturuay against tile Jimmies, wlto many and Austria. TS1 PLAY GIVEN short speech for the purposes of ad­ sion. will oe here witn leveiige in tueir vertising the game, following which The thinnest thing in science and nearts lor last year s outer deieat at "TILLIE OF BLOOMSBURY" TO BE the team will be introduced to the Scheduled to speak on the program the most wonderful thing in glass- me nanus oi tue crimson aim Wune.
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