Greater Vancouver Weavers' and Spinners' Guild Library List - by Author To search for a word or phrase, click "ctrl" + "f", and enter search data in the "find" window. The Guild library is open 45 minutes before each meeting. Other times may be arranged by contacting the Library Chair via email, at [email protected]. Call Acquired Author Title Publisher Pages Date Subject Number Date Ancient Peruvian Mantles, 300 B.C. - A.D. 6.985 Anc Metropolitan Museum of Art 23 1995 200 Andean Four-Cornered Hats: Ancient 6.985 And Volumes from the Collection of Arthur M. Metropolitan Museum of Art 31 1990 Text by Mary Frame Bullowa 8.9 An Anne Orr's charted designs Dover 30 1978 Designs, Charted Sutton, Ann: Exhibitions 0.041 An Anne Sutton Textiles Bellew 24 1985 (Catalogues etc) 0.1 ART Art Textiles of the World, Canada Telos Art Publishing, England 190 2009 2011 Textiles 5.2 Beg Beginners' SAORI clothing design 62 2016 Garments - SAORI Boro Boro (#1 of Bashofu Ser.) Japanese Dévoré (means "ragged", 5.6 Bor Nuno Corp, Tokyo, Japan 51 1997 2000 & English text "threadbare") 9 Cr Craftsman's way U of Toronto Press 202 1981 7.12 Dy Dyeing & Printing with Procion Dyestuffs ICI Americas 4 1977 Dyes & dyeing Favourite rag rugs Tina Ignell, text Forma Publishing Group 128 2006 2016 Rugmaking; Rag weaving Wool Festival Committee, Wellington 0.73 Fib Fibre facts for spinners and weavers 96 1982 1992 Spinning NZ Rugmaking: Exhibitions 5.7 Fo For the floor American Craft Museum 32 1985 (Catalogues etc) Fuwa Fuwa (#3 of Bashofu Ser.) 5.6 Fuw Nuno Corp, Tokyo, Japan 48 1998 Double weave; Shibori Japanese & English text Handbok i veving (Manual of 6.948 Han J.W. Cappelene, Oslo 146 1958 1992 Scandinavian weaving handweaving) 0.58 Hi History of the Musk Ox 4 1990 Qiviut How to make clothes with SAORI cloth 5.2 How 96 2016 Garments - SAORI (Japanese text) 5.1 Id Ide vav: modeller for smavastolar LTS Forlag 124 1969 Weaving projects In celebration of the curious mind: a 6.9 In Interweave 120 1983 Binks, Anne festschrift 0.041 In In Praise of Hands McClelland & Stewart 223 1974 1992 Exhibitions (Catalogs etc) INDIGO, The Museum of International 7.111 Museum/New Mexico 1962 1995 Folk Art Indonesian batik and ikat: textile arts - 7.21 In Hamlyn 167 1988 91/9 Ikat; Indonesian weaving threads of continuity Intermediate clothing design (Japanese 5.2 Int 94 2016 Garments - SAORI text) 9.51 Kn Knitting with Homespun Govt. of Newfoundland 107 1980 Knitting Textile Museum, North Andover, Bibliographical essay (photos & 0.54 Lin Linen-Making in New England 1640-1860 121 1980 Mass. Merrimak Valley illustrations) Page 1 of 39 Update: Feb 15, 2017 Greater Vancouver Weavers' and Spinners' Guild Library List - by Author To search for a word or phrase, click "ctrl" + "f", and enter search data in the "find" window. The Guild library is open 45 minutes before each meeting. Other times may be arranged by contacting the Library Chair via email, at [email protected]. Call Acquired Author Title Publisher Pages Date Subject Number Date Masterweavers: Tapestry from the Canongate Pub. Ltd., 17 Jeffrey St., 3.2609 Ma 143 1980 1997 Tapestry Dovecot Studios 1912 - 1980 Edinburgh 0.12 Mo Modern Hungarian Textiles etc. World Craft Council 1974 Textiles, Contemporary Monsterblad #10 Monster fur rysmattor 5.7 Mo-10 Svensk hemslojd, Stockholm 1992 Rugmaking (Patterns for rya rugs) 5.7 Ra Rag rug weaves LTS Forlag,Sweden 60 1986 88/5 Rugmaking; Rag weaving 8.9 Sc Scandinavian charted designs Dover 34 1979 Designs, Charted Design - Source books: Indian 8.1 Sc School Arts portfolios School Arts crafts (North American) Shimi Jimi Essays & Fabrics (#1 of Nuno Fabric Finishing; Dyeing (means 5.6 Shi Nuno Corp, Tokyo, Japan 48 1998 2000 Bashofu Ser.) "dyed" or "stained") 0.73 Sp Spindles & shafts: a fibrecrafts anthology NZ Woolcrafts Soc 95 1980 Spinning: Knitting 0.7 Sp Spin-off! (Annual 1977-82) (Volumes 1 - 6) Interweave Spinning Suké Suké: The Emperor's New Fabrics 5.6 Suk (#1 of Bashofu Ser.) Japanese & English Nuno Corp, Tokyo, Japan 52 1997 text Swedish patterns and designs Vol 1 & Vol 5.7 Sw Swedish Homecraft 1992 Rag weaving; Rugmaking 2 6.12 Ta Tablet weaving Dryad 16 Card weaving Tapestry: Contemporary Imagery/Ancient Tapestry: Exhibitions (catalogues 0.041 Ta Memorial Museum, Spokane 1986 Traditions etc) 5.1 Te Terrace textures: basic design series Terrace 1957 Weaving projects Can. Institute of Ukranian studies, 6.947 Tk Tkanya: an exhibit of Ukranian weaving 63 1988 90/05 Ukranian weaving Edmonton, Alberta 0.11 Tw Two Thousand Years of Silk Weaving E. Weyhe 63 1944 1992 Silk; Textiles, Historic 5.7 Uu Uusia ryijyja 2 (Contemporary rag rugs Helma Vuorelma Oy, Helsinki 1960 1992 Rugmaking Vancouver Paper Fashion Show, British 0.041 Van Jeonju Fashion Association 35 2009 2009 Catalogues Columbia Jeonju Hanji Cultural Festival 5.2 Vog Vogue sewing, rev. & updated Sixth & Spring Books 450 2006 2016 Garments 3.2609 Weaving Between the Lines Exhibition Copy 60 1999 Tapestry - history Wea Rigid heddle weaving: Looms - 2.03 We Weaving on a boxloom 22 Construction Albers, Anni : Textiles, 0.12 Wo Woven and Graphic Art of Anni Albers Smithsonian Institute 140 1985 Contemporary 6.948 Aa Aarnio, R. Finnish Weaving 75 Page 2 of 39 Update: Feb 15, 2017 Greater Vancouver Weavers' and Spinners' Guild Library List - by Author To search for a word or phrase, click "ctrl" + "f", and enter search data in the "find" window. The Guild library is open 45 minutes before each meeting. Other times may be arranged by contacting the Library Chair via email, at [email protected]. Call Acquired Author Title Publisher Pages Date Subject Number Date Usia mattoja je ryijyja (Contemporary rugs 5.7 Aa Aarnio, Rauha K. Tammi, Helsinki 77 1955 1992 Rugmaking and rya rugs) 5.7 Aa-k Aarnio, Rauha Kaunis matto (Beautiful rugs) K. Tammi, Helsinki 77 1955 1992 Rugmaking Abbott, Jean; Bourne, New Zealand Spinning, Weaving & History of New Zealand spinning 6.993 Abb Spin a Yarn, Weave a Dream 111 1994 Shirley Wool Crafts Society Inc. and weaving Multiple Harness Patterns from the Early 2.1 Abe Abel, Isabel Self Published 76 1979 2012 Weave Structures 1700s: The Snavely Patterns Abrams, A. Jay & Carol 1.12 Ab Building Craft Equipment Holt Rinehart & Winston 208 1977 Looms-Construction W. Aimone, Katherine 5.2 Aim The Fiberarts Book of Wearable Art Lark Books 176 2002 2014 Garments Duncan Wesleyan Univ. Press, Middletown, Tapestry; textiles - design and 2 Alb Albers, Anni On Weaving 203 1965 Conn. structure 8.01 Al Albers, Anni On Designing Wesleyan University Press 81 1971 Design 0.51 Al Alberta Agriculture Wool and Sheepskins Alberta Agriculture 119 1978 Wool, tanning Mastering Weave Structures: 3.1 Ald Alderman, Sharon Interweave Press 258 2004 2004 Weave structures, design theory Transforming Ideas Into Great Cloth 5.2 Ald Alderman, Sharon Handweavers' Notebook Interweave Press 143 1990 Garments Handwoven, Tailormade: A Tandem Guide Alderman, Sharon D & 5.2 Al to Fabric Designing, Weaving, Sewing & Interweave Press 147 1982 Garments Wertenberger, Kathryn Tailoring Weaving Contemporary Rag Rugs: New 5.7 All Allen, Heather L. Lark Books 128 1998 Rag weaving Designs, Traditional Techniques 6.985 Alv Alvarez, Nilda Callanaupa Weaving in the Peruvian Highlands Center for Traditional Textiles 112 2007 2008 Ethnic weaving 9.51 AM Amedro, G. Shetland Lace Shetland Times Ltd. 120 1993 1995 0.71 Am Amos, Alden Spinning wheel primer Interweave 59 1989 1990 Spinning wheels 0.73 Amo Amos, Alden Alden Amos Big Book of Handspinning Interweave Press 495 2001 2001 Spinning 0.73 An Anderson, Beryl Creative spinning, weaving & dyeing Angus & Robertson 48 1971 Spinning 0.7 An Anderson, Enid Spinner's encyclopedia David & Charles 288 1987 1989 Spinning 6.963 And Anderson, June Return to Tradition U of Washinton Press 80 1998 2012 Rugs, Ethnic weaving 0.73 And Anderson, Sarah Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs Storey Publishing 256 2012 2014 Spinning Andes, EC; Drooker, Carroll County Independent Center 5.2 An Weave and Wear It 24 Garments Penolope; Andes, Gene Ossipee, NH 6.6 An Anquetil, Jacques La Vannerie (Basketry) Dessain et Tolra 223 1979 Basket making 6.985 An Anton, Ferdinand Ancient Peruvian textiles Thames & Hudson 236 1987 89/2 Peruvian weaving 6.6 Ar Arizona Highways Fine art in a basket 47 1975 Basket making Page 3 of 39 Update: Feb 15, 2017 Greater Vancouver Weavers' and Spinners' Guild Library List - by Author To search for a word or phrase, click "ctrl" + "f", and enter search data in the "find" window. The Guild library is open 45 minutes before each meeting. Other times may be arranged by contacting the Library Chair via email, at [email protected]. Call Acquired Author Title Publisher Pages Date Subject Number Date 6.98 Arn Arnold, Denise Andean Science of weaving Thames & Hudson 352 2015 2016 South America 9.53 As Ashley, Clifford W Ashley Book of Knots Doubleday 620 1944 92/12 Knots and knotting Association of N.W. 5.2 As Tales of fashion 1991 91/6 Garments Weavers Guilds 6.963 Ate Ates, Mehmet Kilims & Symbols Self 95 1998 2012 Kilims, Rugs Shuttle Craft Book of American 2 At Atwater, M.M Macmillan, N.Y. 281 1928 Weaving - Theory & technique Handweaving 3 At Atwater, M.M Talks on Weaving Techniques S.C. Handweavers Guild 281 1978 Weaving - Theory and technique 3.141 At Atwater, M.M Summer and winter weave - then & now 15 1947 Summer & winter 5.7 At Atwater, M.M Handwoven rugs 28 1948 Rugmaking 6.1 At Atwater, M.M Byways in handweaving Macmillan 128 1954 Band weaving 6.12 At Atwater, M.M Card weaving 14 Card weaving
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