14 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, - JULY 18, 1919. enabled San Francisco to defeat Seattle Taklma. where he will work that dis- here today, 8 to 0. The Seals made four trict for a motor truck agency, with EIGHTH-II- G RALLY runs on two safe hits in the first In- WILDE BEATS MOORE headquarters in Seattle. Mr. Holden ning. Seaton, for the Seals, held' the is better known hereabouts as "BUI" visitors safe at all times. Score: Holden. who starred at football with Seattle San Francisco the University of Oregon for three Compt'n.l BRHOAI5 0 o Schick. m. BRHOA4 0 IN TWENTY ROUNDS years, the Multnomah Amateur Ath- Hosp.2... 4 0 0132 0 Fitzg'd.r.' 3 110 letic club for a like period, and whose Walsh. m 4 0 0 1 0 Hunter.l. 5 011100 2 O sensational playing- - so greatly assisted Schaller.r 3 0 0 5 0 Koemer.l 2 1 1 15 0 Washington Sween'y.c 8 0 0 5 1 Crandall. 2 3 3 high school and Hill Mil- Roche. 1. 3 O 1 6 0,Caveney, 4 21122 0 4 itary academy during bis preparatory Murphy,3 3 0 0 1 2 Kamm.3.. 4 0 1 0 O school days. French.s. 3 0 1 Baldwin.c Beavers Drop Third in Row Gilllgan.p 3 0 1110 2 Seaten.p. 4 7 Gives Britisher Deci- 8271110 Referee Tennis Tonrney Held Over. Totals 31 0 4 24 61 Totals 32 8 27 IK When Bees Hammer Oldham. Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sion on Points. SAN DIEGO, Cal., July In order San Francisco 8 that the officers of the 1. Errpis, Sweeney. Roche..'..4000A004Murphy, French. may Pacific fleet Gllligan. Stolen bases. Schick. Fitzgerald 3. have a chance to engage in the Koerner. Two-ba- se hits. SeaXon. play, the Coronado Country club's ten- Bases on balls, off Gilllgan 8. Struck out, nis tournament for army and navy offi- THREE HOME RUNS WASTED by Gilligan 4; by Seaton. 7. Double plays. cers has been postponed August Caveney to Crandall to Koerner.' Runs re- YANKEE TRIES KNOCKOUT 7, until sponsible for, Gilligan 3. Three-baK- e hits, when the fleet la expected to arrive. Caveney, Schick. Left on bases, Seattle., 3: The tournament waa scheduled to be- San Francisco: 7. Umpires, Csey and Burn-sid- e. - gin tomorrow. peas, Siglin and Koehler Clout Oat English Flyweight Badly Punished Four-Sacker- s, Ivory POLO PLAY but Field- MEADOWS BEATS CARDS But Manages to Evade American UP TO BRITONS ing Proves Costly. and Escape Defeat. My AMERICANS RE-XE- Upstairs WAIT WORD. TO Values PHILLIES' XEW HURLER DE- in Men's Faciflc Coast League Standings. FEATS FORMER MATES, 0. IXTERXATIOXAIi MEET. W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet. LONDON, July 17. Jimmy Wilde, the lrfs Angeles. 59 38 .BOSS, Oakland 45 53 British flyweight champion, defeated Suits Will Make You Glad Vtrnon 54 41 .568 Portland ....42 50.457 Moore Memphis, Tenn.. In a 6. Francisco. 51 45 .531' Sacramento .41 52.441 Brooklyn Tonches Slim Sallee for 13 Pal of Xo Challenge "Will Go Across lntil ..47-4- 36 53.404 bout at the Olympia tonight. alt Lake. .SJlii Seattle Twenty persons witnessed English Express Willingness And so will my styles. You'll come back again for: i Yesterday's Results. Safeties, Losing , to Reds, thousand to At Fait Lake Salt Lake 8. Portland 6. the fight. Moore administered much At Sacramento Sacramento 5, Oakland A. 5-- 1 ; Cabs Lose to Giants. punishment to his antagonist in the Open Competition. At San Francisco San Francisco . 8, Seat- early stages of the bout, but at the your next suit, just as hundreds and hundreds of men tle 0. Angeles 4, Los Angeles 3. end of the 12th round 'Wilde led slightly At Los Vernon PHILADELPHIA. July 17. Meadows on points. NEW YORK, July 17. Possibility of and young men do season in and season out. They SALT LAKE CITT. July 17. (Spe- and Jacobs, pitchers, who were ex- In the 14th round Moore sent a Jab an international polo match between to Wilde's mouth which made the blood picked teams of American and English cial.) With a monster rally In the changed by St. Louis and Philadelphia players next year is entirely In the dollars eighth inning afternoon's ball on Monday, today in spurt. It was evident in the last have learned that of this faced each other rounds that Moore was trylngr for a hands of the English polo authorities, Same, the Salt Lake club overturned a battle, which was won by knockout, Wilde's ring craft and according to a statement made by the com- a Portland lead and won the locals. Meusel's single, a wild but polo association today. really can be saved by Ions their by on sac- cleverness prevented the American third straight game from the Beavers, throw Dilhoefer Luderus from carrying out his plan. It was announced no challenge for low-ren- t, 8 rifice and Whitted's single scored the such a mutch had been sent to England ing my upstairs Special to 6. only run. Score: Perahlns I Spectator. and that none would be forwarded until to Notice Bed Oldham had Ralph Stroud ' R. H. E. R. H. E. On the invitation of the prince of such time as the English authorities Through a misunderstanding, all the beaten by long odds until the eighth, St. Louis... 0 4 lPhHadelphla.l 7 0 Wales, General Pershing occupied the indicated that a challenge would be store for their clothes. coupons were not released although the Bees managed to get Batteries Jacobs and Dilhoefer; royal box with the prince and his welcomed. The recent victory of the runners on occasionally. In the eighth Meadows and Tragesser. brother. Prince Albert. The party was Freebooters' team over the Thornby FROM THE BALLOOX Herr sent up three pinch hitters, two given an ovation. General Pershirtg four in the final game for the British of whom delivered. The hero of the Cincinnati 5, Brooklyn 1. frequently waved his hand or bowed championship cup by a score of 6 goals at Columbia Beach last Sunday. The occasion was Hack Spencer, who, bat- his acknowledgments to the plaudits of to 3 at Hurlingham led to official opin- balance of will ting for Maggert, knocked a double BROOKLYN, July 17. Brooklyn hit the crowd. ion that England was ready to defend them be released next that won the game. Sallee for 13 singles today, but lost to The referee gave the decision to the International trophy won by Eng- SUITS Sunday, and the announcement of Cincinnati Cincinnati hit Sherrod Wilde on points. land from America at Meadowbrook in Beavers Make Three Homers. Smith freely and scored all of its runs 1914. the winning number made next week. Three of Portland's tallies were due off him in the first five innings. Score: Pal Moore, the Memphis, Tenn., ban- In this match only one member of to home runs, hit by Speas, Siglin and R. H. E. R. H. E. tamweight, obtained the big match the victorious English team of five to HOLD ON TO YOUR COUPON 9 $SO Koehler, whom, a . 13 3 54.0 each of draws five Cincinnati. ,5 0;BrookIyn. .1 with Jimmy Wilde by beating the Eng- years ago appeared. Major F. W. Bar- It may be the lucky number that will pound box candy; four-roun- of the ball passing Batteries Sallee and Rariden; Smith, lishman in a d bout in Lon- rett played at No. 3 on the Thornby '. .. you ray over a sign offering that reward. Mamaux and Miller. don last December in an inter-allie- d four, and English reports of the match Come up and let me make entitle to a $;JO.OO SUIT at Curiously, two of the three other tournament. Moore was then in the indicate that the .standard of play was upstairs store. Beaver tallies were made on sac- New York 2, Chicago 1. United States navy, while Wilde was considerably below the pre-w- ar farm rifice flies. A great catch by Speas in in the service of Great JJritain. of English polo. YOU glad. 17. four-roun- the eighth averted at least two more NEW YORK, July New York Moore's d victory over counters. won the opening game of its series fight put up In the Speas over Chicago today, defeating Wilde and the great LOXDOX WAXTS DEMPSEY BOCT first knocked ' it with Barnes against the British flyweight by Joe for the first Portland run. In the Hendrix in a pitchers' battle. Score: Lynch, American bantam, led many to second Siglin and Koehler doubled in R.H. E. R. H. E. believe that the pride of England was Syndicate Promoting Xew Arena succession for their seond. In the Chicago 1 4 2!New York... 2 9 4 slipping. Wilde got a de- Kil-lefe- r, Champ fourth Koehler homed. In the fifth Batteries Hendrix, Douglas and cision over Lynch, although all of the After World Match. the Beavers made two on a single by O'Farrell; Barnes and Gonzales. newspapers said that the Yankee should (Copyright by the New York" World. Pub- Oldham, a double by Blue and sac- have won. lished by arranK.ment. rifice flies by Wisterzil and Speas. A. A. TJ. TURXS DOW." SWIMMERS LONDON. July 17. (Special Cable.) JEMMY DUNN Singlin's homer in the eighth gave the Moore Mediocre Fluster. Negotiations have been concluded for visitors their sixth.
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