FORⅣl-33 つOC‐ 1See rule 56(1)l LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES :Bye/ Election to the : f] NationalAssembly Provincial Assem bly ofthe: E Puniab I slnal E Khyber Pakhtunkhwa E Balochistan No. and Name oI Constituency: EK-LebltEl Serial Name ofthe Contesting Candidates Address of the Svmbolallocated Party No in the Urdu Alphabetical Order Corltesting Candidrtes Affiliation, if an 1 4 5 l Amir UHah Village lzh CarumchashmaTehsil Chitrali Cap(No 59) Independent &DlstHct Chital イ| 0ソ J吹 "レ 2 lsrar-ud-Din V‖ lagc Karimabad Tehs‖ & Bat(No 19) Pakistan Tehreek-elr Di゛rict Chltral cl)t,t/t " Siraj ud Din Villagc Parabcg Garumchashma lron (No.l47) Pakistan Rah‐ e‐ Haq I Tehsil&District Chitral げり1し / び/1 4 Sardar Ahmad Khan ViHage Gologh Dcnin Tchsil& Lantcm(No 162) ´■vami National Paぃ District Chitral l υじ′171ぅ / ♂」 5 VHlagcヽ Varjun Tchsn Mastu」 (No.l49) Independent ヽ Saadat Hussain Makhfi Jeep Dlstlict Chiral ご〆 し,レ ´ 6 Sohrab Khan Villagc Kashindel Tehsil Drosh Eagle (No.93) A‖ Paklstan Muslim Distict Chital League υじYし〆 ツレ 7 Sved Sardar Hussain Shah V‖ 1電c CrccnLsht TchJI Mastu」 Study Tablc with Chair Independent District Chitral (No263し DVrl- )J / -t - 元′ァぁ6嘘 8 Shaflq ur Rehman vinage cOldoor Tchsil& Pick Up (No.20l) Independent Dlst百 ct Chiral 〆力t/ ジイ 9 ShahzadaAman ur Rehman Shahi QHla TChSil&Dist● ct Pitcher (No.204) Independent Chitral sf )tutt"tV り Abdur Rehman ViHagc Thoriandch´ ッun Tchsil Apple (No.l l) lndependent &Dlst市 ct Chital 〆力′ ll Abdulヽ Mali Khan Abid Villagc Wali Abad Dcnin Tchsil Tiger (No.284) Pakistan Muslim Leag &Dlstact chlral /二 (N) ″しυじ ●ィ 12 Atta UHah `ソ ViHagc Chcwdok Tchsil& Dolphin (No.85) Pak Sarzameen Party District Chital 力∫タレ ♂,3 13 Ghulam Muhammad V‖ L"Boonl Tchζ l Mastul Anow (No.l2) Pakistan Peoples Parq Distlict Chitral Parliamentarians ノ r影 ヽノ 2盪 多 … 颯 べゝ 瞭づ 道IIli瘍買` 脅 Pk‐01 Sι Chitral FORPI‐ 33 1SeC rule 56(1)1 LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES □ Pakhtunkhwa I Balochistan 】1猟柑凛驚ly OFtho□ Puttb □Sndh fl Khyber -Chitral No and Namc oF Constituency: PK-l allocated Party Address of the Symbol Namc ofthe Contesting Candidates AFnliation, Serial Candidates No in the Urdu Alphabetica1 0rder Contesting 5 3 2 1 (No.28) IndCpendcnt VHla,。 utilaSht BrOZC TchsH& Binaculars ヽ4isbah ud Din ld District Chitral sEtt げりlι ビ \ RcvolVcr(No 218) indcpcndcnt Vi1lage Dokandeh B00ni TehSil ヽvazir Khan MttuJ D19rict Chitral 」ヌ υじイカ 31) MuTTHIDA V Villagc Muzhgolヽ ogam TehSil BOOk(N。 Hidayat ur Rehman AMAL PAKISn Masttt Distrtt ChtrJ c)' )L>!t between the hours Notice'"i' is hearby given that the -.,'"*poll shall be taken j,i;*;" ," on (date) 2s-07-2018 lorliOn.-- 'ioil: shtl Signature備Of Returll Returnin9 ofttce Pと ‐01 Ch:空 ral FORPE‐ 33 1See rule 56(1)l LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Bye/Election to the: l-T National Assembly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Balochistan Provincial Assembly ofthe: ! Punjau ! sinan ■ E No. and Name ofConstituency: PK-2-Swat-l allocated PartY serial Name of the Contesting Candidates Address of the Symbol Affiliation, if any No in th€ Urdu Alphabetical Order Contesting Candidates 4 5 1 2 3 v‖ lage&P O Aloch Chagam Cricket Stllmps(No 73) Independent 1 Ishtiaq Ahmad Tehsil Puran District Shangla trlttsr ンυブ Village&P O Aloch Chagam Tiger (No.284) Pakistan Muslim League 2 Amir Muqam 3 Tehsil Puran District Shangla / (N) rレ/1 Bakht Amin Village Bala Kot Tehsil Bahrain Book (No.3 I ) MUTTHIDA MAJLIS― E― District Swat JAMAL PAKISTAN び了多 ・ 4 Jafar Shah Village Shahgam P O Madyan Lantcnl(No 162) Awami National Paゥ TehjI Balrain Dlstrict Swat ノ′? 〆」 'レ 5 Sharafat Ali Village Koz Kalay Madyan Bat(No 19) Pakistan Tehreek-eJnsaf Tehsil Bahrain District Swat. よ」ヴ 1 Nawazish Ali Mohallah Malak Abad P O& Arrow(No 12) Pakistan Peoples Party Tchs1 3ahrain Distict Swat 一 Parliamentarians よ′ジ″ / Notice is hearby given that the poll shall be taken between the hours of 08:00 AM TO 06:00 PM or (dat€) 2407-201E 7 nr"o---!lclaar-tr---SuuL-- Signature Returning Officer Date―ユ ニ6_■_轟_1_8__ FORDII-33 1See rule 56(1)] LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Bye/Election to the: E National Assembly Provincial Assembly ofthe: ! Punjab ! sinar ! Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ! Balochistan No. and Name of Constitu€ncy: HL}IIy4II Serial Name of the Contesting Candidates Address of the Symbol allocated Party No. in the Urdu Alphabetical Order Contesting Candidates AFnliati。 .,if any 1 3 4 l Azam Khan Jaun. Khwaza Khela Badge (No.l6) Pakistan Islamic Republican Party υじ〆∫ ι 2 Javaid Ali Serai, Tehsil Charbagh Knife(No 160) Independent よ4,, ノし Haider A‖ Khan Koz Kaly, Khwaza Khela Bat (No.l9) Pakistan Tehreek-eJnsaf 一 ・ c)a&.,* 4 Sardar Khan vinage Janu,Tehsil Kh、 vaza Tiger (No.284) Pakistan Muslim League Khela /“(N) υじプJ/ 5 Shah Rooq Khan Fateh Pur Khwaza Khela Eagle (No.93) All Pakistan Muslim League dGjt.0 ウレ 6 Ali Shah Village Janu,Tehs‖ Khwaza Book (No.3 I ) MUTTHIDA MAJLIS― E― Khela AMAL PAKISTAN ,じ よ 7 AH Namdar Khan Tekdari,Kh、 vaza Khela Tree (No.295) Pashtoo」轟wa Mini A■ anli Pa町 c)G)t'ct! ´ ノ′ 8 Fazal Wahab Villagc Shin,Tchsil Kh、 vaza Lantem (No.l62) Awami National Party Khela γレノ 〆リ 9 Mahboob Ur Rahman Khwaza Khela Jeep (No.l49) Independent { )t-l ″ 10 Muhammad Shahi Khan Khw,7Я Khela Anow (No.l2) Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentadans 9vl)tv -t' / 11 Mukhtar Ali Khan V‖ lagc Janu,Tchsil Khwaza Suitcasc oo 264) Independent Khela gvl),,.kt )v υ卍1レ/ Notice is hearby given that the poll shall be taken between the hours of 08:00 AM T0 06:00 PM On(date) 2307-2018 :′フk″′::′ tL 16 9*+ *,,"*EL*l----(a*.|*--LAoog. ∝r Dat← …う0_oa_ial, M淵珊Rげ 剛]喘ぷ Returning ofi■ Or PK‐ 03 :::11:: FORII‐ 33 lSee rule 56(1)1 LIST OF CONTESTINC CANDIDATES i:霧隠鵠y コ 漱 苗 KhYber Pakhtunkhwa Balochistan ・ Pro宙ncial Assembly oftho□ Puniab I sinott ! I No. and Name ofConstituency: PK-4-SwatJlI S e r i a Symbol allocated Party Name of the Contesting Candidates Address of the m Afflliation,if any in the Urdu AlPhabetical Order Contesting Candidates 3 4 1 2 Pick Up (No.20l) Independent 1 Ibrahim Mohana Matai Shinkad Charbagh Swat 〆レ| ザイ Cricket Smmps(No 73) lndependent 2 Ishtiaq Ahmed Aloch Chagam Puran Shangla υつブ itolT I Iftikhar Ali Kaimal Pur Charbagh Swat Fan(No 101) Independent 所 よノじ´| Aloch Chagam Puran Shangla Tiger (No.284) Pakistan Muslim League 4 Amir Muqam “ / (N) rレ/1 E‐ Sana U‖ ah Khan Mohalla Khwar Palwo Charbagh BOok(No 31) MUTTHIDA MAJLIS― Swat / AMAL PAKISTAN 』 c)G)t"l; 6 Saif Ullah Khan Moha‖ a Zahir Abad Manglor Leaf(No 164) Independent Swat な dG)t:;"' . Pakistan Muslim 7 Shahid Khan Mohalla Mut Khel Qambar Swat Eagle (No.93) All League υじヵレ ウレ A、vami National Parり 8 Asim Ullah Khan Dangram Swat Lantem (No. I62) d*t(v 〆リ Pakistan Peoples Party 9 lrfall Ah KJlan Mohalla Usman Khel Qambar Anow (No.12) Swat Parliamentarians dG& Lrs/ / Pakistan Tehreek-e-lnsaf 10 Aziz U‖ ah*man Mohalla Amir Khan Khel Bat(No 19) Gogdara Swat OGi|/-l " Wrist Watch(No 330) Independent 11 Muhammad Tahir Mohalla Mashar Khel IslamPur Swat , /じ ノ び方 (No.l I Independent Musa Khan Rasha Gata Dangram Swat Apple ) υじ イ `ノ Freedom Naimat Ullah Mohalla Koz Palwo Dangram Date Tree(No 78) Pakistan Swat Movement |ジ レノノ 力 'リ 4ar^an. e, X Rctt‖irrrOfiltcrPi(-{Srrrffi Omcer lil‖ま1踊tlill‖tilli::l急 FORDI‐ 33 ^ ヽ 1See rule 56(1)l ・ LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES . ヽ Bye r二 ヽ 'tiOn to the: n National Assembly Provincial Assembly ofthe: I Punjab I sirat I Khyber Pakhtunkhwa I Batochistan No. and Name ofConstituency: E@atlll S e r ‐ a Name ofthe Contesting Candidates Address of th€ Symbol allocated Party N 。 ・ in the Urdu Alphabetical Order Contesting Candidates Afrlliation,lf any 1 2 3 4 5 Notice is hearby given that lhe poll shall be taken between the hours of 08:00 AM T0 06:00 PM On(date) 2多07-2018 い伝,多J Civil Judge/JFC-ll, Suat. ´ Signature of Returning Oflicer `Jィ3′ θ6‐ レ′′8 ヽ ゛ FORM - 33 lSee rule 56(1)l LIST OF CONTESTING CANDI}ATES 8,4. / Etcadoi lo rtc : f-'l Nrdoal A!..Ebh Khvb'r Ptkhtutrkhtrr e"to.lrt,n " n.o'in"i.t ,rr".rm i,1- ofthe: E Punirh ! sioar I I NG tnd Nrme oI Cqnstilu€n't: PK-SS*rIJV Part、 ¨ Nane orthe Contsting Candidates S\mbolallocated 疏 ArlliatiOn,if in the Urdu Alphabctica1 01dcr ContestinE C{ndidrte! 3 l A「oW(N。 12) Pakistan PeoFIcs Parq 1 AMEER ZEB SHAHARYAR AMEER ZEB HOUS SAIDU アSHAR:F TEH:BABUZAl ′ ´ Parliam€lnrriats ′Lノ・ャゥイDlSTT:SWAT IRSHAD All A'IAD CHOWK SA:DU Tigcr {\o-184) Pakistan Muslim l-eagu€ ‘ SHARI「 TEHS1l BABtiZAI / (N) 」,'メ DiSTRl(丁 SヽAl BARKA「 ALI M01L ArSAR ABAD HOCSL .leep tNo.t49) N(>C73SA:Dじ SHARIF TEl:: よン, BABUZAl DISTTISWAT ´ 4 SAYEDASIFALISHAH RAH:M ABAD MOH:RAHlM Wrlst Watch(No 330) SHAH LALA M:NCORA TEll: , 3ABt′ ZAI DlSTTi Sい ■ヽ: `力 SHAHID KllAヽ ヽ10HiCOし しI:GIi CO1 0ヽ V .agle {No.93l A‖ Paklstan Mu゛ in AFSAR ABAI)SAIDt SHARIF i catuc υじ々レ TEH&l)IS¬ i SV■ ヽT _ン 6 SHAWKAT ALIS O TAJ MOH:ヽ ASAR KHEIL SAIDU Mobilc Phonc(No 177) Irdependenr MUHAMMAD SHARIF TEH&DISTr SwAT ノ ι.ルょ フ 多 。り勇′ 7 SHttWKAT ALlS O MUHAMMAD MOH:MULA BABA Butterflv lNo 44) Independe GHANl MINGORA lEH:BABじ ZAl ‐ ′ノ よンつDiSTll SIAT ・● "り 8 SHAHAB SIYへ 3 Aniヽ CARO DEHRAI MOIL Pencl(No 196) BOS]ヽ N KHE:し MIヽCORA _し_レ TEH:BABUZAl DISTT: ニ 9 ZIAじ しlAH KHAN MOHALLAH MA馬 へN BAGH Applc(No n) M:NGORA TEHS:L BABUZA: υじル DISTRICT SWAT イ `,P ARIF UしLAH CHARAlCHUPRIYAL TEHS:し Takhti(No 274) Jamiat Ulma€lsl6n M ATTA D:STRICT Sν lAT ′Naz,"ati Pakisiar 夕 |_・ ′■ 0 Tehreek-€-lnsaf 11 FAZAL HAKlM KHAN YOtiSA「 ′A! MAKへ ヽBAGH MOI[l:AJ Bat(No 19) Pakistan KI:AN rOTI MINCORA TEH: みィυじ〆♂BABUZAI DISTRiCT SWAT FAZAL RAHMAヽ KAS ROAD BAC:I MOII: Chingh(“ 暉p)0058) Qaumi wgtan Part)' MINGORA TEllSlL BABUZAl υレ′´ D:STRIC r SWAT クィ MUHAMMADIQBAL MoH■ lAjI BACHA KHAヽ King (No.l58', lndependent MAKAヽ BAGH Mlヽ CORA ヽ翅 ,′ 、
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