Her Şey Bir Merhaba ile Başlar Jeannette Okur ii CC BY-SA 2021 Jeannette Okur Publishing & License Information 2021, Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) Produced by Jeannette Okur, Assistant Professor of Instruction in Middle Eastern Studies and Turkish Program Coordinator, The University of Texas at Austin This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution -ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042. First Edition ISBN: 978-1-937963-21-7 Library of Congress number: 2020924521 Manufactured in the United States of America. Front cover art by Craig Kotfas. Photos used on front cover: Pixabay License, https://pixabay.com/photos/cat-cats-ephesus-turkey-fur-5195423/ CC BY 2.0, “Neighborhood” by Richard Ha, https://www.flickr.com/photos/richardha101/22291458340/in/ album-72157659562336395/ CC by 2.0, “Young Turkish Women Pose with Ataturk Memorial - Chunuk Bair - Gallipoli Peninsula - Dardanelles - Turkey – 02” by Adam Jones, https://www.flickr.com/photos/adam_jones/5734776178/in/ album-72157626719749130/ CC0 (public domain), https://pixnio.com/objects/colorful-turkish-bowls CC BY 2.0, “Woman and Young Girl - Old City - Diyarbakir – Turkey” by Adam Jones, https://www.flickr.com/photos/adam_jones/5780934772/in/album-72157626719749130/ CC BY 2.0. “Turkish Visitors on Akdamar Island - Lake Van - Turkey – 01” by Adam Jones, https://www.flickr.com/photos/adam_jones/5796817924/in/album-72157626719749130/ CC BY-SA 4.0, “ağaca asıllı nazar boncukları” by Eylulkizil, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nazar_boncu%C4%9Fu.jpg CC BY 2.0, “Father Explains Camera to Son - Outside Istanbul University - Sultanahmet District - Istanbul – Turkey” by Adam Jones, https://www.flickr.com/photos/adam_jones/5719835202/in/ album-72157626719749130/ iii CC BY-SA 2021 Jeannette Okur You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. iv CC BY-SA 2021 Jeannette Okur Her Şey Bir Merhaba ile Başlar Table of Contents Ünite 1: Aile 1 OBJECTIVES 2 DERS 1: TÜRK AİLELERİ -- DÜN VE BUGÜN 3 DERS 2: AİLE DİNAMİKLERİ 30 KÜLTÜR EKİ: ÇAĞDAŞ TÜRK EDEBİYATI VE SİNEMASINDA AİLE 58 Ünite 2: Aşk ve Evlilik 77 OBJECTIVES 78 DERS 1: ANADOLU'DAN KARACAOĞLAN VE ELİF'İN DESTANSI AŞK ÖYKÜSÜ 79 DERS 2: ESKİ VE YENİ TÜRK AŞK ŞİİRLERİ 104 DERS 3: TÜRKLER NASIL TANIŞIR VE EVLENİRLER? 119 KÜLTÜR EKİ: TÜRK SİNEMASI VE MÜZİĞİNDE AŞK VE EVLİLİK 154 Ünite 3: Doğa ve Çevrecilik 169 OBJECTIVES 170 DERS 1: DOĞAYI KORUMANIN ÖNEMİ 171 DERS 2: ÇEVRE VE SİYASET: YEREL DİRENMENİN DİNAMİKLERİ 220 KÜLTÜR EKİ: ÇAĞDAŞ TÜRK SİNEMASINDA ÇEVRECİLİK 262 Ünite 4: Sanat ve Siyaset 277 OBJECTIVES 278 DERS 1: BUGÜNKÜ HAYATIMIZDA SANATIN YERİ 279 DERS 2: SANATIN SİYASİ ANLAM KAZANMASI 316 DERS 3: SİYASİ BASKI ALTINDA SANATÇI OLMAK 364 KÜLTÜR EKİ: TÜRK ŞİİRİNDE DİRENİŞ 394 v CC BY-SA 2021 Jeannette Okur Acknowledgements Many, many wonderful people have helped me realize this OER project. First and foremost, I am deeply indebted to the University of Texas at Austin COERLL team - Director Carl Blyth, Project Manager Sarah Sweeney, and Publications Manager/Web Developer Nathalie Steinfeld Childre – for their patience and guidance over the last four years. They have taught me all I know about open educational resources and have spent countless hours in meetings or online with me, attending to all the details of this complex project. I am also extremely grateful to my colleagues in the Department of/ Center for Middle Eastern Studies, who have supported me along the way, especially to former DMES Chair Kristen Brustad, who first encouraged me to publish my own teaching materials, and current DMES Chair Na’ama Pat-El, who truly values her foreign language instructors’ contributions. I’d also like to extend my thanks to DMES Department Manager Denise Beachum, who has encouraged my forays into film and video production, and CMES Events Coordinator Sam Strohmeyer for her inspiring graphic design work, which has informed my own sense of aesthetics. Beyond my department and COERLL, I’d like to thank Thomas Garza and Betsy Brown at the Texas Language Center, and Dale Correa at UT Libraries, whose diverse programming has provided valuable opportunities for me to share insights with and learn from other foreign language educators interested in OER and intercultural communicative competence. Special thanks also to Mike Heidenreich and Jacob Weiss at LAITS Audio Service, who always made audio recording sessions enjoyable; and to Arturo R. Jiménez and Matt Lennon in the MFA Film & Media Production program, who taught me how to edit videos and troubleshoot production issues. I extend many, many thanks to all the enthusiastic, hardworking UT students who took my Intermediate Turkish I and II classes between 2016 and 2019 and provided valuable feedback on the pilot and revised versions of materials which form the backbone of this project. I also thank my incredibly supportive colleagues at the American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages, who made it possible for me to present aspects of this project twice, once at the 2017 AATT Conference on “Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching Turkic Languages and Literatures” and again at the 2020 AATT Conference on “21st Century Language Learning and Curriculum Design”. These colleagues’ disciplinary expertise and pedagogical insights will become even more valuable as the project is launched and takes on a new life online. I extend my sincere thanks to those who have helped with the “nuts and bolts” of this project, namely our project copyeditor Nihan Yılmaz, our graphic design assistant Craig Kotfas, and our student assistant Vildan Karaca. I’d also like to express my gratitude to the many native speakers who have graciously volunteered their time, lending their voices to this project’s audio and video components; they include Aycan Akçamete, Merve Aydın, Filiz Camcı, Funda Gözümoğulları, Hakan Okur, Ahmet Selimoğlu, Abdullah Süzek, İpek Şahinler, Mutlu Tice, Cemre Çiçek Tümer, Raziye Türk, Mehmet Yıldız, Nihan and Murat Yılmaz, and others who prefer not to be named. Finally, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my parents, Jay and Jeannine Squires, and my late paternal grandmother, Gretchen Squires, for teaching me to pursue whatever endeavor I wish to the best of my ability; and to my husband, Hakan, and children, Beyza and Meryem, for tolerating the sacrifices that such perfectionism entails. Acknowledgements vi CC BY-SA 2021 Jeannette Okur Introduction to Her Şey Bir Merhaba ile Başlar (for students) Hoş geldiniz! I hope you will enjoy this set of openly licensed curricular materials meant to guide you from the Intermediate to the Advanced proficiency level in your Turkish communication skills, while increasing your intercultural communicative competence. In particular, Her Şey Bir Merhaba ile Başlar’s four units will encourage you to use the Turkish language to investigate, explain and reflect on the relationship between contemporary Turks’ socio-cultural practices, products and their perspectives on family, love and marriage, the environment, social activism, art, film and politics. Her Şey Bir Merhaba ile Başlar is aligned with the ACTFL standards for Intermediate- and Advanced- level communicative skills and intercultural proficiency descriptors, and also reflects the University of Texas at Austin’s Department of Middle Eastern Studies (and my personal) commitment to blended instruction and the Flipped Classroom model. One main premise of Her Şey Bir Merhaba ile Başlar is that learning a foreign language should focus on learning language in use. Thus, all activities are guided by real-life, plausible language situations: How would native and non-native speakers use the vocabulary, grammar and sociolinguistic rules in everyday contexts to make sense of what others tell them and to make meaning themselves? Another important premise is that curricular materials designed to help college-age or adult learners progress from the Intermediate to the Advanced proficiency level must: • Move from the personal realm to the societal realm in terms of content, vocabulary, text forms and discourse. • Provide regular opportunities for practice of the language’s “building blocks” (new vocabulary and grammar structures) and for higher order thinking tasks. • Balance the four communicative skills. • Balance seriousness and fun! A final premise is that culture and language are fundamentally intertwined, and that culture is not a separate skill set to acquire, but rather the foundation of all language use. My colleagues at COERLL and I also believe that there is no one “target” culture, but rather that communities have a variety of subcultures, with different life experiences, practices and preferences. Therefore, we expect that the process of “learning Turkish” involves discovery about ourselves, our own cultures and assumptions as well. In the Her Şey Bir Merhaba ile Başlar units you will find multiple opportunities to reflect on your own perspectives as you strive to understand the viewpoints reflected in the varied Turkish examples you encounter. Student's Guide vii CC BY-SA 2021 Jeannette Okur Before you begin working with each unit, you should read the unit’s “Cultural Knowledge/ Mindset Objectives” and “Language/Communication Objectives” to get an idea of the unit’s contents. You will discover that each unit will: • Introduce you to culturally and socially significant phenomena in Turkey today and hone your cultural analytical skills through tasks that foster reflection, comparison and articulation of findings.
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