Vol. 42 First Quarter, 1953 No. 1 THE OVERFLOW OF THE THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING WILL AID IN PROVIDING ESSENTIAL BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT IN THREE MAJOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: 1. Japan Missionary College—near Tokyo 2. North Celebes Training School—Indonesia Union 3. New Junior College—South Philippine Union Graduating Class at Japan Missionary College MISSIONS QUARTERLY SABBATH, JANUARY 3 The secretary's report was read by a Chinese. Terima Kaseh Banyak The mission reading was given by (Thank You Much) an Englishman. F. A. PRATT The review was conducted by a [Secretary, Sabbath School Department, brother from India. Far Eastern Division] This was not planned, but is a com- We were made very happy when we mon occurrence. The city of Singapore learned that the Far Eastern Division has been called "The Crossroads of the was to receive the overflow offering on Pacific," and it is just that. On the March 28, 1953. streets of this city you may meet In many ways the Far East is one people from most of the nations of of the most interesting fields among the world. It reminds one of Jerusalem our world divisions. It covers a vast in the days of Paul, for we read, territory, and although most of it is "And there were dwelling at Jerusalem water, still about 250,000,000 people . men, out of every nation under for whom Christ died live within its heaven." Acts 2:5. boundaries. From the island of Hok- We have Sabbath schools everywhere, kaido [Ho-ki'do] on the north to the nearly fifteen hundred of them. The island of Timor on the south is a program followed is the same as you stretch of over five thousand miles. use in your own home Sabbath school. From Sumatra on the west to the The mission story, the review, and the Marshall Islands on the east is nearly lesson study follow in their order. If four thousand miles. This is surely a you were to visit one of our Sabbath division of long distances. schools in Korea to the north, or The work in this division began with Borneo in the south, you would be the coming of W. C. Granger and delighted to find that you would feel T. K. Okihira to Japan in 1896. The right at home. You might not under- work has advanced through the years stand a word that was said, but as the until now our membership is approach- various members took part, you would ing sixty thousand. Probably no one feel the same spirit running through the knows definitely how many languages Sabbath schools out here that you do are spoken in this division, for the in the homeland. flags of many nations fly over our Recently at the Johore Sabbath field. This language barrier presents a school the mission reading was given real problem, for sometimes several by a brother lying on a table. Although languages are spoken in one church. unable to turn the pages of the Mrs- At the headquarters English church sroNS QUARTERLY himself, he read here in Singapore recently the Sabbath well, thus making his contribution to school, although conducted in English. the Sabbath school program. This ear- had the following nationalities on the nest brother, who is about forty years program: old, weighs only forty-two pounds. For The prayer was offered by an Ameri- more than twenty-five years he has can. been afflicted with arthritis, and his MISSIONS QUARTERLY 3 body is badly twisted, making it im- SABBATH, JANUARY 10 possible for him to stand or sit, so he must remain in a reclining position. Needs in the Far Eastern In spite of this, he is always present Division and on time at the Sabbath school. V. T. ARMSTRONG This man was baptized recently as the [President, Far Eastern Division] result of meetings held here in Singa- pore. He is looking forward to the Greetings to our Sabbath schools day when Jesus will come and heal throughout the world field. Your won- his crippled body. derful response to our appeal for help I want to take this opportunity to during the last quarter of 1950 cheered thank our world-wide Sabbath schools our hearts and brought encouragement for their liberal offerings -which have and blessing to the work in the Far come to this division in times past. Eastern Division. Now we have re- The plan is to use the overflow offering ceived the glad word from the General for this quarter to expand and strength- Conference that the offering for the en three of our major educational in- first quarter of 1953 has been assigned stitutions: to us. This is good news and we are 1. Japan Missionary College near happy to write and tell you of the Tokyo. This is our only secondary or projects that will receive the help collegiate school in Japan, and it is our world Sabbath school family is badly handicapped by a lack of es- going to give this quarter. It was diffi- sential buildings and equipment. cult for the division committee to de- 2. The North Celebes Training School cide which projects to select, not be- in the Indonesia Union. This school cause we did not have needs but because has several incompleted buildings which the needs are so numerous it is hard must be finished before it can function to eliminate any. efficiently. Within the territory of the Far East- 3. The new junior college now being ern Division are more than two hun- started on the island of Mindanao. dred and fifty million people. Seven- This college will meet an urgent need teen different national flags fly over for educational facilities in the newly these Oriental lands making up the organized South Philippine Union Mis- division field. Here, in a little over sion. fifty years since the first missionaries Our eyes are turned toward our came with the message, fifty-five thou- sister Sabbath schools around the world sand people have been baptized into during this first quarter of 1953. We church fellowship. Through earth- are sure that as you become better quakes, destructive storms, deadly pes- acquainted with our field through the tilences, and many devastating wars, readings from Sabbath to Sabbath, your the church in the Orient has carried on hearts will respond with a liberal over- and is today marching forward to vic- flow offering on March 28. tory along with other sister fields around the world. "Freely ye have received, freely A look at the map will reveal how ex- give."—Matt. 10:8. pansive is the territory of the division. 4 MISSIONS QUARTERLY It stretches from the far northern bor- would also result in a dearth of workers ders of Japan and Korea to the day who will be needed to finish the task line on the east, south as far as before the church. Australia, and west to the borders of Experience has proved that young Burma. It is a very interesting field, men and women of the Orient, when and surely a needy one. This is the given a Seventh-day Adventist educa- day of opportunity for the remnant tion, are just as capable and successful church in these Oriental lands and workers as can be found anywhere. presents the greatest challenge to God's They are willing to sacrifice and endure people in this century. Within these hardship. They love the message and countries today many thousands of enjoy service for the Master, but young people are appealing to us for they must have an opportunity for educational facilities in order that they proper training in our schools. may be trained to take their place in It is a privilege to give to such the work of God. worthy projects, and we feel sure our Three schools will benefit from the Sabbath school members throughout the gifts you make on this thirteenth Sab- world will join in making a real sac- bath: The Japan Junior College, the rificial offering on this thirteenth Sab- North Celebes Training School, and bath. the Philippine college being established on the island of Mindanao in the southern part of the Philippine Islands. SABBATH, JANUARY 17 Others will tell you during this quarter Bukidnon Appeals to You of each of these needy projects and what your offerings will accomplish. GIL DE GUZMAN If you could visit these schools you [President, South Philippine Union] would see the crowded dormitories, This quarter, the attention of all our classrooms, and dining halls, and recog- Sabbath school members throughout the nize their dire need. In fact, you would world is being directed to the urgent find buildings only partly constructed need of a junior college to be located or still in the planning stage, while very in the newly organized South Philippine temporary arrangements have been Union Mission. A beautiful and ideal made to care for the hundreds of young site in Bukidnon [B5-o-kidinon] on the people who have crowded into these island of Mindanao has been found training centers for a Christian educa- which meets all the requirements of tion. God for an Adventist college. It is a Our future work in these lands tract of rolling land with an area of must be done largely by the young 1,000 hectares, or 2,500 acres, at an people enlisted and trained in these altitude of 2,100 feet above sea level, schools. To fail now to provide and which gives it a very healthful and in- equip them will mean the loss of vigorating climate conducive to diligent thousands of young people who will go study and hard work.
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