. SERVING lHE NEWPORT - ~SA Co.YtMUNITIES SINCE 1907 CausingI an·effect •Newport Beach woman m lsland. Participants should arrive has survived breast cancer an hour before-their race begins. • WHA~ The Orange County but continues her part in • WHERE: Fashion Island, ~ SUsan G. Komen Race for the Cure port Beach. Course starts at New­ helping to find a cure. • WHEN: Beginning at 6:30 a.m. port Beactt Marriott and finishes Sunday with registration and a at Pacific Life, 700 Newport Cen­ MMCesllgrllnde kids' expo; first run/walk will ter Drive. DAILY Pu.or begin at 7:35 a.m. Preregistration • CALL: (714) 957-9165 is from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday • WEii SITE: NEWPORT-MESA - Think at Robinsons-May at Fashion http://www.occcure.com positive. That's Marsha Witucki's message to everyone diagnosed with breast cancer and to every­ Island on Sunday for the Susan G . races nationwide that together have one who wants to help fight this Komen Race for the Cure - an raised more than $300 million to potentially deadly disease. annual fund-raiser for breast can­ combat the disease. The event That attitude, she said, is part cer research, treatment and screen­ includes a women's SK nm/walk, a of the reason she's alive today. That ing. family one-mile fun walk. a coed 5K DON LEACH I DAILY PLOT same attitude is expected to draw The countywide event, now in Manha Wltudd looks forward to running in the Race for the Cure with up to 30,000 people to Fashion its 10th year, is one of 114 such SEE RUN PAGE AS • her daughter and best friend, JennHer, on Sunday ln Newport Beach. GOLDEN GLORY Cowan asks state panel for decision • Also an Irvine employee, Costa Mesa mayor wants to clear the air on possible conflict regarding her views on an airport at El Toro. Lolita te.,,... DAILY PtLOT COSTA MESA - Responding to an increasing amount of public pressure, Mayor Libby Cowan has filed for an official ruling about her alleged conflict of interest sur­ rounding an El Toro airport. Many residents supporting an international airpoJ\at the closed El Toro Marine base q\lestion Cowan's objectivity on the subject because she works for the city of Irvine, one of the airport's ma.in opponents. "Our mayor works for the city of Irvine. Does anyone else think this is a major conflict of interestr resident Katie Arthur asked at a meeting in August. Aclmowledgmg their seemingly growing concern. Cowan sent a let­ ter the state Fair Political Practices DON LEACH I OAl.Y fl.OT to CmvnkW>n. expWning ber position Doing tbelr p_ert to remember vlctlml In tbe EMt Coast terrorist an.as. UN Rogers. left, and Amanda Balley band pajnl an as the community services superin­ Amertcan Dag on the window of tbelr N~ Beach apartment at sumet.: The window overloob the beach bicycle trail. tendent with the city of Irvine - . and her position as mayor of Costa Mesa-and asked the commis'siQn to make a ruling. ·rn ablde by that.· Cowan said. Cowan said she did not know Newport expected to oppose sewage waiver when the commission would make its decision. In her position with Irvine, the The other half waielgoes addttiooal •City is~ to join other coastal cities in demanding poised to take a stand against the mayor oversees the operations ol ~County SMitatlan Distrid's treatment to kill~ cont­ the civic center. Her positiOn hu that waste water p~ped oft the coast be cleaned up. request to cootillue to 9elMi 18W&ge aminants - bacteria end viruses nothing to do with the Great Park into the ocean at current treatlllent that tndude B. ool1 and CJthm' barln­ initiative- Jrvine"s pretenwd alter­ be treated and cleaned more com­ levels. ful and bannlesl~ . native to an airport on the belie - pletely than it .Is DOW. Now, abotit half the ~o miWon In a move that Could ptt cOUtal said John McA1U1ter, Cowan'• iUi the S400-inillion price tag gallons of waste water dumped cities against inland areas, the supervisor ln the department Of NEWPORT BEACH- The City to b8ttar treat the water may be each day about tour JiiUel aftsbore council wW likely folloW lull with community 18J'V'ices. Cound1 nat week ii~ to men than tupeyen thrOugbout from the dty'1 border with Huntington Beech end SMl Beech jump aboud a "*owing movement tb8 ~ U..'!iJllng to pay. HuntingtiJD Beech ta treated Only to mdlt wldm' P"':P" off ils lbor9 ' 1be Cly Council OD n.a.day iS by lifting out raw MWage solds. SEE SEWAGE MGE M Make that face look extra good M ==SkinCare Salon offers skin care treatments, peels, body care, eye care, waxing, nail care and makeup. The skin care treatments vary from facials that range in price from $65 for a Euro­ pean cleansing facial to $120 for a collagen treatment. Skin care treatments vary Greer~ from an eye lift treatment for BEST BUYS $50 to an oxy·vital treatment for $90. The peels vary from a glycolic acid peel for $50 of the store will have more to a chemical peel for $400. party goods, ribbons, party The body care treatments favors and gifts. When the include an aromatherapy salt expansion is complete, the re glow for $40, ~anti-stress will be oll kinds of holiday back treatment for $40, an cards and photo cards to anti-stress aromatherapy choose from. Where's The body wrap for $50, and a full Party? offers custom body massage for $60. If you announcements, wedding buy ony six treatments in invitations, greeting cards, advance, you'll get the fifth custom gift-wrapping, paper free, excluding the Power goods, stuffed animals and Peel treatment. Making balloon and helium tank Faces is open Tuesday rentals. It's at 270 E. 17th St .. Will Thompson through Saturday. It's at 747 Costa M8$8. (9'9) 722-1803. Dover St., Newport Beach. (9'9) fW.6.5009. A new discount clothing HE IS afte( breaking up with ~end store called the Designer Making you squirm for the sake o( He's drawing "He brokeJlly heart and stomped The Ho.aeA.ld 10th annu­ Clothing O.Oet opened in art it out with biS foot." Clodio said, Clo­ al Project Playbome is offer­ the Mother's Market center all over you · dio wanted to change the tattoo into ing village tours of its dream on EMt 17th Street. It carries NOT YOUR EVERYDAY OFACE a lion's head to represent her new pl8yboules for children for clothing labels for men, With a heavy metal band scream­ in Costa Mesa. He started experi­ outlook on life. $5 from 11 a.m. to 5 p .m. on women ond children, includ­ ing out incendiary lyrics in the back­ menting wit}\ tattoo art on himself Thompson found a pictwe of a lion weekends at Fashion Jsland ing Victoria's Secret, Express ground, Will Thompson delicately when he was 15. in a magazine and traced over tt to • through Oct. 13. The play- Compaignie International, pierces the back of Monica Clodio's Since both of his parents are artists make a stencil. After cleaning Clodio's . houses will be auctioned off Oshkosh B'Gosh. Lucky skin. - bis mom is a painter and his dad lower back area. be plaoed the stencil from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Oct. Brend, World Industries, Thompeon is a tattoo artist who paints and works with metal - over her skin to make an bn,•IDl 13. Proceeds from the sale of Kenneth Cole, Club Monaco, considers the bead-banging music the Thompson said tattooing was h1s des- Then be started the tbne-1111 'co.. the plllyboulel wm go Ce.Mn KWD. Gap and Byron ideal ambience to prae$ice his craft. tiny. c;:,~~ his~ to accept of outlining and coloring tbe deligD. towaid HomeAid, a D0'1p'Of· NelsOn Gol!-; (.. 6Q-«>s9 . It was as he boned bis talent as a bis lif · was another~ · we're about to staaJp your (old) tat­ it organi7.ati0ll tbilt bUOdl teenager that he discovered the cre­ ·1 heard. 'no more tattoos' at least too into the ground." lbompson $aid. shelters for tempilODly ~~bas ative potential of using human skin 20 times," Thompson said. "Eventu­ f bomelen men, women and new Cbdttmm anivols, as a canvas. Adorned with a psyche­ ally my mom supported me and ONCE rrs DONE. rrs GOHE chlldrell throUgbOut South­ including decorative 3- and delic, multicoJored montage of fand­ bought me o tattoo supplies kit for Thompson remains rommttted to ern California: nckels to 6-foot Alpine trees at SS.99 ful creatures, bis arms and legs are a Christmas. Now she's proud of me bis craft ond to the personal fulfillment attend the auction party are to $59.99. Th.ere are also testament to his passion. that I'm supporting myself with my such ~e expressioo evokes. S30 In advance 8nid $40 at wood nutcrackers that retail While Thompson responds to his art. Sbeoever could because she had . The DlOl5t rewarding part ii to have the door. A famify cit four ii at $150 and are reduced to customet1' desires for popular to support me and my sister.• (someooe) so excited about scmetblJ:ig' $75, and cbildreD 12 and . $69.99. other baJgains are images, he prefers to draw on his they never thought could be done," be younger are $15. OUldnm the T-Fal, ,Calphaloo, Wear­ imagination to create custom designs., EVERY DESIGN'S A CHAUENGE said ~ I love it when people hug me." younger tban 3 are free.
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