H8940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2014 tragedy again struck my district on portant to raise the question of where Shirley Chisholm, who came to the Ag- November 22, 2014, when a 12-year-old is the objectivity. riculture Committee. People wondered boy, Tamir Rice, was shot dead by a The continuing resolution is to fund what she would do there. But she un- Cleveland police officer in a park out- the Nation’s homeland security. That derstood, as a local elected official, side the Cudell Recreation Center. means that we are saying to those who that food stamps were not a handout, While my heart is still heavy, I be- just lost their lives in Yemen, to the they were a hand-up. I thank her for lieve some good will rise from the Americans who have been seen being that. ashes of this tragedy. beheaded by ISIL, to Boko Haram, al And then to lay a marker for the On Thursday, December 4, Attorney Shabaab, to al Qaeda, and many other issues of all Members, her under- General Eric Holder announced the De- franchise terrorists that America will standing of the energy industry, par- partment of Justice had concluded its stand bare and unprepared, that her ticularly in States like Louisiana and review and found that the Cleveland national security will be in jeopardy. Texas, where she encouraged Members Division of Police had exhibited sys- Mr. Speaker, it is crucial that we speak to introduce the energy industry to the temic deficiencies and engaged in a against a continuing resolution that Congressional Black Caucus in terms of pattern of excessive force. The city of funds homeland security partially. giving information. That is what we Cleveland is committed to righting Let me also say that I believe in this are: we learn, we get information. these wrongs through a court-enforced great Nation. I believe in the Constitu- And then, of course, her commitment consent decree. tion, and I fully realize that the execu- to having an international presence, The DOJ’s announcement in Cleve- tive order that was issued by the Presi- that people would know that the Con- land last week is an encouraging first dent dealing with the humanitarian re- gressional Black Caucus cares about step to tackling the systemic issues lief and the discretion by agencies, the international community. That is that are plaguing our communities. prosecutorial discretion, is within the an important step. However, let us not for one second context of his authority under article As we move forward in 2015, I wish think our work is done. The use of ex- II. the incoming chair much success. I cessive force, particularly when it b 1100 think it is extremely important that comes to minority communities, is not we say thanks where appreciation is a concern unique to Cleveland. The I am fully aware that the President’s due, and I want to say, ‘‘Thank you.’’ deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Gar- executive order was well vetted by con- Many people claim friendship, but I ner are tragic reminders that this is a stitutional specialists, White House will say to you, Chairwoman FUDGE, national concern. counsel, and the Department of Jus- you have now gotten 40-plus new The killing of men of color by those tice, objectively looking as to whether friends to your portfolio, and we will sworn to protect and serve must stay or not the President was making new claim you as a friend because, as we foremost in our minds until it stops. law. In this executive order on immi- worked together in this last Congress, I am encouraged by the young people gration, no immigration status was as we worked with the United States who have taken to the streets to pro- conferred, no citizenship was conferred. President, President Barack Obama, as test peacefully. They have finally The only thing that was determined in we worked with the Senate, as we found something that has energized those executive orders is prosecutorial worked with Federal agencies, as we them to be active and vocal about the discretion on deporting individuals and worked with our community, you be- change they seek. I urge them to con- deferring deportation. came a friend to us. I will tell you, Mr. Speaker, that the tinue to let their voices be heard to f keep up the drumbeat for justice. response is extreme. Not funding Having worked in the criminal jus- Homeland Security is extreme. I join TRIBUTE TO CONGRESSWOMAN tice system for many years, I under- with Secretary Johnson in standing MARCIA FUDGE stand more than most that police have against this discriminatory practice on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The a very difficult and dangerous job and an agency that is crucial to the secu- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from deserve our respect and our thanks. rity of airports and ports and the bor- North Carolina (Ms. ADAMS) for 5 min- Each day our police officers put their ders and protecting the American peo- utes. lives on the line to protect and serve, ple. Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise and they should be commended for the As I ask for a reconsideration, it al- today to honor my friend and col- work they do. Yet we cannot ignore lows me to speak of a lady who rep- league, a distinguished congresswoman that there exists a feeling of distrust of resents the best of the Constitution, with a sweet name, MARCIA FUDGE, as police in many communities across the and that is Chairwoman FUDGE, who her tenure as chair of the Congres- country. This must end today. A new understood the quality of all and the sional Black Caucus ends. era, an era of peace and collaborative importance of guiding this caucus, the First of all, I want to thank MARCIA community involvement, must begin Congressional Black Caucus, around FUDGE for welcoming me to Capitol now. the issues of justice. Let me thank her Hill, for being such a good friend and f for the considerations made during mentor. In my short time in Congress, tragedies like Trayvon Martin, as we she has been an invaluable resource to ENSURING GOVERNANCE OF THE began with briefings and involvement me, and I truly appreciate that. NATION in that case, and looked to support As a servant of the people, I have The SPEAKER pro tempore. The members of the Congressional Black long admired her as a woman for not Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Caucus who were fighting in their dis- just talking the talk, but for walking Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. tricts to bring about justice; her con- it, too. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, it tinued support of Members when the Secondly, I want to thank MARCIA is my privilege as well to come to the tragedies of Michael Brown and Eric FUDGE for her phenomenal leadership. floor of the House and pay tribute to Garner occurred, and many other inci- She has successfully guided the Con- our outgoing chair of the Congressional dents; her balance, as we all have, re- gressional Black Caucus in promoting Black Caucus. specting and appreciating the service some of the most pressing issues and Before I do that, however, I believe it of law enforcement officers, including concerns of the people in our commu- is important to say to this body that those whom we oversee on the Judici- nities. She has been the collective our charge and responsibility is to en- ary Committee: the DEA, the FBI, the voice of the caucus, bringing light to sure the governance of this Nation. As ATF, and many others, but recognizing necessary issues of social and economic the appropriations omnibus unfolded, I that the Constitution, as she so under- justice. believe the continuing resolution that stands it, must be a document for all. As we have seen with the recent has been put forward is evidence of the Let me, particularly, thank Chair- events in the Michael Brown and Eric nonresponsibility and the nonthought woman FUDGE for her dedicated com- Garner cases, it is absolutely critical of those who have the obligation to mitment to the nutrition of children that we have a strong and collective govern this Nation. I believe it is im- across America. She is almost like voice to shed light on these injustices VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:39 Dec 11, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.011 H10DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8941 and to make positive change in our palities, counties, police departments— We must come together for our chil- communities. the constabulary, if you will—with dren, for our families, and, yes, we She has certainly put the caucus on a cameras. Then it would go on to re- must also stand up for justice that solid foundation, which I know my quire those that can afford it to have meets the standards of the values of North Carolina colleague, G.K. the cameras, and those that cannot, it this Nation. BUTTERFIELD, will continue. provides an exemption to them. Today, I join my colleagues of the On behalf of the residents of North H.R. 5407 is good legislation. It is not Congressional Black Caucus to thank Carolina’s 12th Congressional District, a panacea; it won’t cure all. For those another woman, our Rosa Parks, our I salute Congresswoman MARCIA FUDGE who are concerned about the camera Sojourner Truth—Congresswoman on her great leadership as chair of the not being enough to cause a proper de- MARCIA FUDGE, for being the seventh Congressional Black Caucus, and I say, cision to be reached before a grand woman to be the president and the ‘‘Thank you, thank you, thank you.’’ jury, it may not be, but it sure does leader of the Congressional Black Cau- f provide the opportunity to galvanize cus.
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