PFT is part of the Depot PMO is Marine Corps life always on guard Pg. 4 Pg. 8 HONOR PLATOON MARINE CORPS RECRUIT DEPOT SAN DIEGO AND THE WESTERN RECRUITING REGION Vol. 70 – No. 24 – COMPANY C FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2010 Depot construction improves Corps’ readiness by Cpl. Matthew Brown case of national emergencies. are completed. depot will be placed on the map dous place to send young men Chevron staff These uses include the DoD “It’s been identified by the as a pristine, state-of-the-art to become Marines and protect using the depot as a mobili- DoD as an efficient and vital facility,” said Gerencser. “The the country for years and years Construction of two new zation site for other military national asset, but soon, the country will have a tremen- to come.” “H-style” barracks, a recruit branches in the case of a large rehabilitation facility, several war or a local disaster, said Ger- independent restrooms and encser. upgrades to numerous depot “With extra facilities and the facilities began full swing early ability to convert several exist- this summer and are slated for ing facilities, like the arcade completion within the next 18 into additional troop berthing, months. the depot’s grounds and facili- “It’s (the depot) a very old ties could provide a staging area facility, constructed in the early for a lot of troops and gear prior 1920s, it’s aged and in definite to deployment to sea or a disas- need of a face lift,” said Paul ter area,” he said. Gerencser, assistant chief of Once complete, the upgrades staff, logistics, Marine Corps will allow the Corps to continue Recruit Depot San Diego and accomplishing its recruit train- Western Recruiting Region. ing mission in the event of a “Headquarters (Marine Corps) debilitating disaster at Marine realized we needed to upgrade Corps Recruit Depot Parris once the commandant’s Grow- Island, S.C. the-Force initiative began, but “The hurricane study we there were many other rea- did in 2002 and (Hurricane) sons behind our current proj- Katrina helped put the proj- ects.” ects into motion,” Gerencser These projects are part of a said. “The depot had to be able budget of $175 million awarded to house and train most of the to the depot in support of the recruits from Parris Island for GTF initiative, which brought an extended period of time if the forces to 202,000 active a hurricane rendered it unsuit- duty Marines, economic stimu- able for training. This meant lus projects and Department our antiquated facilities would of Defense contingencies, said need improvements soon.” Company L recruits march by one of the ‘H-style’ barracks being built here, Sept. 1. The construction Gerencser. Gerencser said the upgrades is part of $175 million awarded to the depot for upgrades, economic stimulus projects and the com- Once the upgrades are com- will enable the depot and Corps mandant’s Grow-the-Force initiative. Actual construction for the various projects began collectively plete, the depot will have several to produce quality fighting men in late spring and early summer and are slated for completion within 18 months. new capabilities and uses in the and women for years after they Cpl. Matthew Brown/Chevron First Lady urges family support by Elaine Wilson Calif., - who feel the nation isn’t American Forces Press Service engaged enough in the war effort. They’ve spoken to National Guard Just days after the combat mis- families who feel isolated during sion in Iraq ended, First Lady deployments, and to military Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill children having a tough time in Biden, wife of Vice President Joe school during deployments. Biden, reminded Americans that Yet, these families are making their commitment to military tremendous contributions to their families must carry on. communities. “All of us are called to an Obama and Biden repeated a ongoing mission: to support our constant theme in their military- troops, veterans and their fami- related talks: “support and engage lies,” Obama and Biden wrote in our military families.” an op-ed titled, “The Troops Need “You don’t have to come from Us,” in USA Today. a military family, have a base in America has made progress your community, or be an expert in its military support in recent in military issues to make a dif- years, they noted. Employers have ference. Every American can do created ways to support military something.” families, classrooms have adopted “We can do this,” Obama and deployed servicemembers and Biden wrote. “In every commu- units, and people have committed nity, every day, we can find con- “countless other acts of kindness.” crete ways to show our military Kyle Steadham, a Hal-Hays Construction employee, gets ready to dig around water and steam Much work remains to be families the respect and gratitude lines buried behind Pendleton Hall here, Aug. 31. Construction workers are replacing some of done. Obama and Biden said that each of us holds for them in the older steam and water lines around the depot. Following the pipe replacement, a local land- they’ve heard from military fami- our hearts. They deserve our sup- scaping company is installing artificial turf to help the depot in a water conservation campaign. lies - in communities from Fort port long after the welcome home Lance Cpl. Katalynn Thomas/Chevron Bragg, N.C., to Camp Pendleton, ceremonies are over. 2 CHEVRON ~ NEWS AND COMMENTARY ~ SEPTEMBER 10, 2010 Choose TSP today for a better tomorrow Career and Education Fair by Jeff Zaccaro even start today by logging into your US and international companies. There Marine and Family Services will MCRD San Diego Public Affairs myPay account and selecting the TSP link is high risk with investing in small and on the main screen. international companies, as the chance of host a Career and Education Fair raduating from recruit train- Once you start enrollment, you will be failure is high, but if one of the companies Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at ing is one of the most impor- able to choose from many different funds in these portfolios turns out to be the the depot Field House. More than tant, life-changing events you in which to invest. The most common next Apple or Microsoft, you will reap the 100 employers and educators will be will ever experience. You may funds are the G and L funds, and rewards well into your retirement. on-site. Employment areas being already be thinking about how much time although they may be the most common, One nice thing about the TSP is that represented are high tech, electron- G ics, IT, law enforcement, Fortune 500, you will spend in the Marine Corps, and they are very different. you don’t have to choose only one fund. regardless of whether you are thinking According to http://www.tsp.gov, the Even though the L funds are prediversi- federal agencies, banking, colleges and four years or forty years, there is no better G fund is the oldest of the TSP funds fied, you can still contribute part of your universities, retail and city, county time to secure your future than by invest- and carries the least risk. G fund invests income to an L fund, and part to a safer and state agencies, among others. ing in the Thrift Savings Plan. solely in government securities issued to fund such as the G fund. Once you gain a The event is open to military active The TSP is a federal government– specifically to the TSP. Since securities better understanding of the market, you duty and reservist, family members, sponsored retirement and savings plan. are generally safe investments, the G fund can even choose to diversify your own military retirees, DoD civilians, and It is different than the standard Marine usually posts profit, but with low risk portfolio, and this can be done right from other personnel with access to military Corps retirement plan, because the stan- comes low return, and G fund returns can myPay. installations. For more information or dard military retirement plan is a defined sometimes be trifled by standard infla- The TSP also offers other features that updates, contact Mina Threat at mina. benefit program. This means the amount tion. may help you out later in your career, such [email protected] or (619) 524-1283; or of payout is determined by your time of The L fund on the other hand is the as loans and hardship withdrawals from James Brooks at james.brooks@usmc. service and the rank at which you retire, newest, and provides different options your account. This can be a useful during mil or (619) 524-8158. whereas the TSP is solely based on your depending on your target retirement date. emergencies, or for large purchases such contributions and earnings. L funds are aggregates of G (government as a house. Additionally, if you ever go Multi-Cultural Heritage Day Even if you currently plan on staying securities), F (government, corporate, to work for the federal government after The depot and the Western Recruit- in the Marine Corps until retirement, a and mortgage-backed bonds), C (stocks your enlistment or retirement, you can ing Region will host a Multi-Cultural lot can happen in 20 years, and it is good of large and medium-sized U.S. compa- continue to contribute to your TSP, and Heritage Day event from 2 p.m. to 5:30 to have a backup plan in case your plans nies), S (stocks of small to medium-sized under the Federal Employees Retirement p.m.
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