Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock, federal co-leaders of the Green Party, appear at a party leadership meeting in Berlin in August. The Greens: “Things Will Be Different” “What I really want is to take charge.” Forty years after its This was the blunt take of Germany’s Green Party foundation, new leader Robert Habeck, (“Das, was ich eigentlich will, challenges are shaping ist die Verantwortung übernehmen”), whose party the evolution of was often forced simply to watch from opposition Germany’s Green Party, sidelines during the first months of the COVID-19 says Brunswick’s pandemic. Such grand ambitions make the coming michael wedell. months even more important for the party, if it is to build on the surge in popularity that has positioned it as a force to be reckoned with in the Bundestag. GETTY VIA ALLIANCE NIETFELD/PICTURE IMAGES KAY PHOTOGRAPH: brunswick review · 2020 THE GREENS Four decades after its foundation, the former the economy for the whole EU. In the view of the “anti-party party” Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, or Greens, strengthening multilateral alliances such as Green Party, has become an integral part of the the WTO would provide an opportunity to use the German political system. It is now part of coalitions AT THE crisis for economic and social change. in no less than 11 of the 16 state governments, and No one really saw all this coming 40 years ago. it currently seems unrealistic that a national gov- 2019 EUROPEAN Having been formed out of a broad collection of ernment can be formed after the next federal elec- PARLIAMENT student and popular protest movements in the tions in September 2021 without its participation. 1960s and ’70s, the German Greens entered the The participation of Green parties in high- ELECTIONS, Bundestag in 1983, where they were viewed with level politics has also been growing beyond Ger- THE NUMBER suspicion by the established parties. Forming a many’s borders in recent years: At the 2019 Euro- coalition with the Greens seemed out of the ques- pean Parliament elections, the number of Green OF GREEN MPS tion. On several occasions over the years, notably MPs increased from 40 to 56, while in Austria, INCREASED in the 1990s after reunification with East Germany, the Greens have found themselves in government the party lost critical support and had to fight for a for the first time ever, having entered into a coali- FROM 40 TO return to the German Parliament. tion with the conservative Austrian People’s Party But in the spring of 2019, hundreds of thousands (ÖVP) in January of this year. of people took part in the “Fridays for Future” cli- In view of the corona pandemic, the European mate demonstrations. By June, polls recorded an Greens are demanding that politics not return to enormous leap in Green support. The party won business as usual. “The economic stimulus pro- 20.5 percent of the vote nationwide in the 2019 grams must therefore be thought of in European European elections, with big wins as well at other terms or coordinated across European countries— regional polls. The escalation of the debate on cli- and linked via the Green Deal, for example—so 56 mate protection, one of the party’s core issues, that all countries in the European internal market spurred new growth in its ambitions. With the can develop,” says a Green policy paper on com- high poll numbers of mid-2019, some in the party batting the consequences of the pandemic. The leadership began even to dream of moving into the idea is to take greater account of the needs of small Chancellor’s office. But in the wake of the COVID- and medium-sized economies and thereby realign 19 pandemic in spring 2020, the popularity of AVANT-GARDE OR CONFORMIST? ARE BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN ON THE In the first section “Against the Light,” the WAY TO BECOMING A NEW POPULAR Green’s political competition has its say one year PARTY? And how much radicalism and adaptation before the federal elections; in the second, “In can and must a party afford if it wants to represent the Mirror,” Green politicians look at their party broader sections of the population? These are itself; and in the third, “In Profile,” the Greens are questions that not only determine the future of the examined from the perspective of civil society. party itself, but also influence important decisions The contributions shed light on where the Greens in German politics. come from, how they have changed over time, and Avant-garde or conformist?, edited by Brunswick what their new role might be. A wide variety of Partner Michael Wedell and Berlin publicist positions are expressed. Olaf Scholz reminds us Georg Milde and to be published in October by that the Greens and SPD are not cut from the same Christopher Links Verlag, gathers prominent cloth, although the CDU politician Philipp Amthor contributors who want to explore the character of claims that “the Greens are and will remain a left- the party. Included are important voices such as wing party,” a sentiment contradicted by Dietmar the newly nominated SPD candidate for chancellor Bartsch, parliamentary leader of the Left Party in Olaf Scholz and Germany’s Federal President Frank the Bundestag: “The Greens weren’t originally a Walter Steinmeier, who gives a very clear analysis left-wing party.” of the Green’s development to where they are today: A quarrelsome volume filled with quarrelsome “The Green Party has changed this country, not characters— the book aims to facilitate debates, because it fought against ‘the system,’ but because, such as the conversation between Luisa Neubauer in respect for the rules of democracy, it dared and Winfried Kretschmann that was conducted the ‘long march through the institutions’—and especially for the title, which shows the young obviously arrived safely at the other end. The history generation has a much more radical attitude of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen shows If you want to towards ecology. Avant-garde or conformist? makes change democracy, you must first see yourself as it clear: Either the Greens are shaping the present, part of it.” or they are being overtaken by it. brunswick review · 2020 THE GREENS Angela Merkel’s governing coalition rose sharply in balance with nature. An epoch of cooperation, while the Greens saw their poll numbers slip to alliances and collaboration, of international soli- well below 20 percent, showing how unpredictable darity—2020 can be the turning point: from here political prospects can be. on, things will be different.” Yet even if the Green Party has to redefine its role In concrete terms, this points to demands rang- in times of crisis and economic downturn, they are ing from a social-ecological mobility policy that sure to be involved in numerous political processes “WE WANT leads to changes in the transport sector, to the over the coming years at all levels of government. development of a green market economy, more At the Federal Party Congress in Bielefeld at the end TO DRAW THE investment in education and digitalization, and a of 2019, the party’s will to take charge—to be the CONTOURS “new social security promise” with solidarity-based party in power—was repeatedly emphasized. The citizens’ insurance and “social services that secure tone has been that of a party capable of governing. OF A RESILIENT our livelihoods.” No longer do they need to woo only left-wing votes, DEMOCRATIC “This draft is the answer to the outdated concept but also the bourgeois milieu, implying a rejection of the old ‘people’s parties’ of the 20th century,” of some of the “utopian” demands of the past. ORDER AND explained Michael Kellner, the federal managing The fact that the Greens now find themselves A CRISIS-PROOF director of the Greens, when presenting the first in no less than 10 different party constellations version of the policy platform, which is currently and rankings in various coalitions at state level— SOCIETY. THAT IS being discussed within the party. “It defines us as a whether with the Christian Democrats (CDU) in WHY WE ARE modern, cooperative party who can make a claim Hessen or as part of a minority government with to represent a majority of society.” the Social Democrats (SPD) and left-wing Linke in DETERMINED TO Katrin Göring-Eckardt, faction leader for Bünd- Thuringia—demonstrates both the opportunities SEE 2020 NOT nis 90/Die Grünen in the Bundestag, explains what and risks associated with openness in all directions. distinguishes her party from its political competi- Despite their changed starting position, the ONLY AS A YEAR OF tors: “The idea of alliance has changed the Greens Greens’ are still going into upcoming elections CRISIS BUT and is perhaps more valid today than ever before. It looking strong and Green participation in the has changed from a historical self-description to a next federal government still seems realistic. The ALSO AS AN promise for the future. The old traditions of Chris- momentum of last year’s “Fridays for Future” OPPORTUNITY tian and social democracy are losing their binding has levelled off. Bundestag President Wolfgang effect—in Germany and in other mature democra- Schäuble (CDU) pointedly described that surge as FOR NEW cies even more so. Aligning your politics according a “wave of sympathy” on which the Greens “have PERSPECTIVES.” to your origins and social milieu no longer counts recently been sailing strongly with the zeitgeist.” In for much in a liberal and individualized world. any case, great opportunities are opening for the “However, one must actively commit oneself Greens. With outside influences—from Fridays for to an alliance.
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