Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1994-95 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 7-13-1995 The thI acan, 1995-07-13 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1994-95 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1995-07-13" (1995). The Ithacan, 1994-95. 32. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1994-95/32 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1994-95 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. INSIDE INSIDE OPINION INDEX . Debate rolls on Half moon Not guilty Opinion ........................... 8 Classifieds .................... 1O Fight over Ithacare location 'Apollo 13' good idea College not at fault in Comics ......................... 11 flares in information session 3 gone wrong 9 diversity dilemma 8 .The Thursday, July 13, 1995 Volume 62, Number 33 12 pages Summer ITHACAN Free The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Fewer faculty members forced to leave Larger incoming class size prompts a smaller number of cuts than exptected come to the College relatively small. By Marnie EINnatadt incoming class. "We had to spend too much money to get more "We can't afford to stay 81 that Summer Ithacan News Editor "When all is said and done, students, and in some areas, we got more students level," he said. Roughly 20 faculty members WC only had to than we wanted. .. We can i afford to stay at that The College will have to hire received notice last month that their notify between level." · additional faculty to accommodate tenure track status' may be in jeop­ the large numbers. five and 10 Thomas Longin, provost ardy due to scheduled cuts. people [ofter­ ''I expect that we'll probably hire This comes on the heels of be­ mination]," he history department there were 10 not bank on larger incoming classes four to seven full-time equivalents," tween five and 10 letters sent to said. tenure lines. With downsizing, in the future, Longin said. Longin said. · faculty members in-May, which The June Longin we're projecting seven." Dcspitclargcrnumbcrs, thcclass A full-time equivalent is when a stated that their positions would be letters went to If this were to happen, the of 1999 is not strong financially. few positions arc combined and e)iminated as of the fall semester. tenure track faculty whose tenure amount of tenure eligible positions "We had to spend too much counted as one position. Fewerpeoplcwerecutthanorigi­ ability could be affected within the would have to be reduced, he said. money to get more students, and in The hiring will be mostly inter­ nally expected, according to Pro­ next three years, Longin said. Although the larger incoming some areas, we got more students nal. Longin explained that the Col­ vost Thomas Longin. This was due, Longin illustrated this with a class reduced the number of cuts than we wanted," Longin said, lege will try to convert part-time in part, to the larger-than-expected hypothetical example. "Say in the made overall, the College should This makes the actual net in- positions to full-time. - College leases additional space Circle apartments FURTHER FACTS augment on­ · How students can apply to live In the Circle Apartments for the 1995-96 campus housing academic year. • Interested students should com­ By J~yaon-Debora· Hlnderllter plete an application and retum It to Summer Ithacan Staff the office,of Residential Life by July 21. In the upcoming fall scmcster,somclthaca College students will have the opportunity to • Applications containing six people live in a different kind of residence hall. will be re\'lewed first. Application with Ithaca College will rent apartments from less than.six people will be combined the College Circles and make them available with other application to maintain full for on-campus housing, said John Fracchia. occupancy. coordinator of housing services. "We've rented a 60 person facility in the • Students residing in the Circles will Circle apartments. It is a block of 10 apart­ be charged the double room occu­ ments, each apartment houses 6 people," pancy rate of $1638 per semester. Fracchia said. • Underclassmen living in the The College made the decision to rent the college-owned Circles next year will apartments. in light of th~ shortage of on­ have to partlcpate In the Spring 1996 campus housing currently available. room lottery. "We're at a position where on-campus housing is tight; ·it's~ dense occupancy," letter and application to all students currently Fracchia said. · scheduled to live on campus. .: . The shOrtagc is mainly a result of the The application process will be similar to elimination of ~mporary triples and the de­ the process for obtaining a Garden Apart­ cision to not renew the lease on the Hudson ment Heights apartments, Fracchia explained. _ "The process mimics that of the Garden "In the last two years, with the loss pf the Apartments with one twist. Priority is going -._ o ..... · · · -.......... ,. f .- Er1ich Hudson Heights ap~~ !lll<ftemporary .. to be gi".CD to those applications which are . ·' '~ -"~,,..~ ·. ason triples, we have lost 386 beds. The long and completed with all six available slots filled." Seven-year-old Erin Schriber atarted practlclng.the·vlolln four y...-. .ago. She le the short of it is we arc in the position to find Fracchia said. nowabletoplayuptoSuzuld'eelxthlevel. ·. ' . ·" .; ·- '.:. ~.. v·' ,._ new,b,o~iusolµ,~flle.-smd. -j' .. ' ·, Wbil~~~ppty will. be honored, the main goal is to put all the apartments 81 full occu­ pancy, Fracchia said. Methodicarmusrc··"·~- :~~~ Those applications which have full occu­ • · • · . · ·. .. , • · · ·. · · · • . the College 81 this time, explained Rory pancy ;will be looked 81 first. applications Suzuki Institute te,aches 'mechat)l_CS of-music Rothman, dittdOr of.the Office ofResidcn- with.less than six. people will be combined . ' · · · · · tial:Lifc. with other applications in order to reach full av Jln,aor Debora Hlnderllter : · ing dlrough. "Bilsically~cinvestigatcdall the options occupancy. be explained. :,C!.,~Staff · ,·:' .. - .Sevciryearold-F.rinisooeof500sbJ- available to us, and the College Circle's Students living within the College's leased -- deids '.1!9Rling'tbe 21st Suzuki Institute ~twas most willing to meet our complex will be considctcd on-campus stu­ . "V(~ die _intensity of a wcll-traiJiell ~. baiata-fleld at ldJaca College. The institute. needs." _- . dents. DDJPCIID, 'Erin Sdueibe.r filled the small . providel die oppodUDity for stUdents ·to -: Tbt Cirdes' populari~ ..wilh Ithaca Col- ThedoublcroomoccupancyrateofSl,638 practice ~ with the sounds of Bach's study inrcmielyadcit:ahe Suiuti method. · Jege saidcal1s was a factor in the decision, per semester wilf bc charged. Students will GPoacz. • - . ~~•• ,~·IIIIISieal·iaslriJctionalpbi- ~._"W~dc!cideil..ifwengoirig still have to participate in the spring 1996 In comp1de control of~.vioHn. lhe 'loeq11iy.~ mplliined SanfGal Rcmm,, di- lododda;let"smakoitanillladmpouibil- room touay. COldublled Oil the c:hang,ng rylbe1;n5 u IIICCm·far. •Smukl JastkOte. -·. .. ity·" be said; .::.:' .... : : . Studmtl intclatcd in applying for iai­ -~IWIIJ!ecl.iDciaMs.widl-tbD~ .·11a·~~--·-;~·-bJ ... f.:~.·Ali~~~~on-c:am­ dcnce in die Circles~ complete Ill ap­ . Pinitiaa ._ Jail few notes.. Eda~ ideas. R!V1""1 ~JU•d•.~dijld.. · .pawillbeelijible•apply:foranapmmmL pliadioaaad smdittolheOfficeofResiden­ bu imi1e maliDI • new toodljllltpot., . · 8-11-...IUZUICI,.---- .,...,.... BldJer.tbil: ~..iResi,lijptjaJ Life sent a· tial Life by July 21. 1,' ·.,. ·' •,,· 2 ~ S""'1Mr Ithacan July 13, 1995 Staff feel coll~ge _cuts lotofpR:SSUi'c."said~~:ger, grants tenure. By Sunni De N_lcola thatdead p assistant director, of the S ord Butmostfacultyagrcc - College ~ Service Institute for Higher Education. woodsarctheminority. Themajor- Cllnton Hal-I Cafe Tbe saying f~r professors used "Class size bas grown and th:.E ity of professors are in high gear, tobe''publishor~"butifstatc constrained ICSOUICCS. Of co , driven by the ''publish or pemh" 11 le~ba~tJicirway,itmay be Ibey lll'C also.concerned about w doctrine that is nurtured by admin- ·~ taste of the Tropics ''teacb ~~~bike.~·. · · · · ·: . : tbeyare~~thalfacultytiave istrations across Ille nation. Over~ ~few_~ as S!8fC · lots of free .time and have an QaSy That may mean before profes- _budgefs ~~ ~ts life." · · · · · : sors can be asked to change, Ille · and ~ · ~~~ of M~t professors average a 54-· system bas to change._ And rather ov~~~ ·~~·~on hikes, hourwOlk'Wcek.'Somectiticsqucs- · · than have reforms legislated. from faculty_~~ .bas com; un- ~~ ~ ~~ cJ.aiming they the statehouse, ~ universities ~~y'..-:'5 ll~t. many leg- · arc self-reported. Howcvet, do7.en.s would prefer to do this themselves. 1slators are demanding professors ofstudicsbyunivcrsitics,statcgov- . "Weprefecto solveitoarselves spend more time in the classroom. emmeois.· QIStitutionai rescarcbes rathec lban have solulion from out- States provide more than $40 and federal agencies, using diffi:r- sidc,"J)oorissaid,addingthatPenn ·e Jambalaya, billion annually to bigber educa- cot methods·, consistendy urive at State plans to require its depart- tion. 'Vnderstandably, legislators !be same results. ments to have worldoad poli_cies. ortilla, Gado feel dley have the right toast uni- "We are.seeing SO to S6 hours Underlhc.new policy, each de- -vcrsitics for the same accountabil- per week in the workplace," said partment'must develop definitions . _ity -~ lhey do odler programs that Michael Dooris, research associate ofexcellcnceforteacbing,R:SCal'Ch Reeivefunding.$oinsewnlstatcs, of Penn State's Office of Under- and service. they have ini~ studies toeum- .. griduate Education. "Ibis is con- "Departments then· will be rc­ incbowprofcssorsspcnd lbeirtime. iistent with other professionals, warded on how wen·thcy achieve And in the minds of lcg_islators, · sum as lawyers and physicians. these goals. lt'sa silly law. It's the professors just aren't making the · ·_:Anther image problem profes- equivalent of telling painters they New Hours grade.
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