2949121401004 0 Return of Private Foundation OMB No 1545-0047 ,Form 990-PF or Secbon 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as Private Foundation Department of the Treasury ~ Do not enter social security numbers on thiS form as It may be made public. 2019 Internal Revenue Service ~ Go to www.lrs.gov/Form990PF for instructions and the latest Information. For calendar year 2019 or tax year beginning , and ending Name of foundation A Employer identification number JHcker College-Scholarship & Endowment Committee 22-2709285 Number and street (or PObox number If mal' IS not dehvered to street address) IRoom/SUite B Telephone number P.O. Box 1016 207-532-4475 City or town, state or provrnce, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code C If exemption application IS pending. check he-B ~LJ\o Houlton, ME 04730 G Check all that apply: '==! Inrtlal return '==! Inrtlal return of a former pubhc charrty o 1. Foreign organrzatlons, check here ~D o Frnal return o Amended return 2. Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, o Address change o Name change check here and attach computation ~D H Check type of organrzatlon: LXJ Section 501(c)(3) exempt prrvate foundation E If prrvate foundation status was termrnated o Section 4947(a)( 1) nonexempt charrtable trust 0 Other taxable prrvate foundation l)!\ under secMn 507(b)(1)(A), check here ~D I Fair market value of all assets at end of year J Accounting method: LXJ Cash LJ Accrual F If the foundation IS rn a 60-month termlnatlon (from Part II, col. (c), hne 16) o Other (specify) under section 507(b)(1)(B), check here ~ D ~$ 3,759,971. (Part I, column (d), must be on cash baSIS.) LPart II AnalYSis of Revenue and Expenses (a) Revenue and (b) Net Investment (c) Adlusted net (d) Disbursements (The total of amounts In columns (b). (c). and (d) may not for chaJ'ltable purposes necessarily equal the amounts In column (a) ) expenses per books Income Income leash basiS only) 1 Contrrbutlons, giftS, grants, etc., received 17,960. N/A I \ 2 Check ~ 0 "lhe launda~an IS nal reQuiled la attach 5th 8 I Interest on savings and temporary 3 cash Investments 6. 6. ~tatement 1 I 4 DIVidends and Interest from securrtles 73,114. 73,114. IStatement 2 I Sa Gross rents Rf=rl=l\lJ::n I b Net rental Income or (loss) 1 U Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on hne 10 ell 6a 226,385. ~ 1(1) ::t b Gross sales pllce fa- all c: assets on hne 6a 2,378,105. ~ IMAT 1 ~ zuzu I? ell > 7 Capital gain net Income (from Part IV. line 2) 226,385. II;;? a:ell 8 Net short-term capital gam ri)Cl'"H: l\ I Lt:c I 9 Income modifications ....... -- ..... , '" v I I 10a ~~~I~~~:sreturns I I b Less Cost of goods sold l I c Gross profit or (loss) 1 11 Other Income 1,491. 1,491- ~tatement 3 I 12 Total. Add lines 1 through 11 318,956. 300,996. I 13 Compensation of officers. directors, trustees. etc 17,332. 0. 17,332. 14 Other employee salarres and wages 15 Pension plans, employee benefits III ell 16a Legal fees IIIc: ell b Accountmg fees Stmt 4 1,850. 925. 925. Q. )( w c Other professional fees Stmt 5 17,078. 17,078. ell 17 Interest °. :;::;> IV .t> 18 Taxes Stmt 6 26,256. 1,804. III °. 'c 19 DepreCiation and depletion I 'E 20 Occupancy 6,422. 6,422. ct 21 Travel, conferences, and meetrngs °. 358. goo 358. c: 22 Printing and publications °. IV 23 Other expenses Stmt 7 5,085. °. 5,085. ~IV 24 Total operating and administrative ...ell Q. expenses. Add lines 13 through 23 74,381. 19,807. 30,122. 0 25 ContributIons, giftS, grants paid 146,800. 146,800. 26 Total expenses and disbursements. Add lines 24 and 25 221,181. 19,807. 176,922. 27 Subtract line 26 from Irne 12: a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements 97,775. I b Net investment income (II negatIve. enter ·0-) 281,189. I c Adjusted net Income Col negative. enter -0-) N/A I 923501 12-17-19 LHA For Paperworit Reduction Act Notice, see Instructions. Form 990-PF (2019) 1 14 130330 793251 60943-238 2019.03030 Ricker ColI e 2:~~2:1()Sc 01 rshi p 60943-K1 . t Ii t. .. ( , ., • :'", (. h,jli.".j.ll \.(.' '_' I - Ricker College Scholarship Form 990·PF (2019) & Endowment Committee 22-2709285 Page 2 Beginning of year End of year I Balance Sheets Attached schedules and amounls In Ihe descnp~on . IPart II column should be lor end-ol-year amounls only (a) Book Value (b) Book Value (c) Fair Market Value 1 Cash· non·lnterest·bearrng 2 Savings and temporary cash Investments 835,399. 306,167. 306,167. 3 Accounts receivable ~ -,,_J Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ~ ______-.J 4 Pledges receivable ~ - Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ~ 5 Grants receivable 6 Receivables due from officers, directors, trustees, and other dlsquahfled persons 7 OIher nOles and loans receivable ~ . .J Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ~ Vl 8 Inventorres for sale or use ..Q) Vl Prepaid expenses and deferred charges Vl 9 <I: lOa Investments· U,S, and state government obligations b Investments· corporate stock Stmt 8 2,362,491. 3,453,804. 3,453,804. c Investments· corporate bonds 11 InveslmenlS ·Iand, buildings, and eQulpmenl basIs ~ I Less accumulaled depreclabon ~ 12 Investments· mortgage loans 13 Investments· other 14 Land, bUildings, and equipment basIs ~ 1,389. I Less accumulaled deprec~Uon Stmt 9 ~ 1,389. , - 15 Other assets (descrrbe~' ) 16 i T~t~1 ~ssets (io be completed by all filers· see the Instr~ctlons. Also, see page 1, Item I) 3,197,890. 3,759,971. 3,759,971. 17, Accounts payable and accrued expenses I l • 0 18 Grants payable I Vl 19 Deferred reven ue Q) I ~ 20 Lo!n1 fr~~ officers. directors, trustees. and other disqualified persons I :cco 21-Mortgages and other ~otes payable 1 ::i 22 Other hablhtles (descrrbe ~ ) I 23 Total liabilities (add hnes 17 through 22) O. O. I Foundations that follow FASB ASC 958, check here ~LJ o· Vl Q) and complete lines 24, 25, 29, and 30. u c:: 24 Net assets without donor restrrctlons co I iii 25 Net assets with donor restrrctlons J III Foundations that do not follow FASB ASC 958, check here ~ 't:Ic:: IXJ r, :::I ~ II. and complete lines 26 through 30, .. .. Capital stock, trust prrnclpal, or current funds 3,759,971. 0 26 3,197,890. J J!l Q) 27 Pald'ln or capital surplus, or land, bldg" and eqUipment fund O. O. '~ : Vl Vl 28 Retained earnings, accumulated Income, endowment, or other funds O. O. I <I: ..Q) 29 Total net assets or fund balances 3,197,890. 3,759,971. I z ~. 30 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances 3,197,890. 3,759,971. ~1 ..<: - I Part III I AnalysIs of Changes In Net Assets or Fund Balances .. 1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year· Part II, column (a), hne 29 .i'J (must agree with end·of·year figure reported on prror year's return) 1 3,197 , 890~~ 2 Enter amount from Part I, hne 27a 2 97,775. 3 Other Increases not Included In line 2 (Itemize) ~ Unrealized Gain 3 464,306. 4 Add hnes 1, 2, and 3 4 3,759,971. 5 Decreases not Included In hne 2 (Itemize) ~ 5 O. 6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (hne 4 minus hne 51· Part II, column (bl, hne 29 6 3,759,971. Form 990-PF (2019) ." 923511 12·17·19 2 14130330 793251' 60943"-238 2019.03030 Ricker College Scholarship 60943-K1 Ricker College Scholarship Form 990-PF (2019) & Endowment Committee 22-2709285 Page 3 1Part IV I Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income (a) List and describe the kmd(s) of property sold (for example, real estate, I (DeHOWacqulrea (c) Date acqUired (d) Date sold - Purchase (mo., day, yr.) 2-story brick warehouse; or common stock, 200 shs. MLC Co.) D - Donation (mo , day, yr.) la Pub11Cly Traded Secur1t1es b Cap1tal Ga1ns D1v1dends c d e (e) Gross sales price (I) Depreciation allowed (g) Cost or other basIs (h) Gam or (loss) (or allowable) plus expense of sale ((e) plus (f) mmus (g)) a 2,373,104. 2,151,720. 221,384. b 5,OOL 5,OOL c d e Complete only for assets showmg gam m column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69. (I) Gains (Col. (h) gam minus col. (k), but not less than -0-) or (j) Adlusted basIs (k) Excess of col. (I) Losses (from col. (h)) (i)FMVas of 12/31/69 as of 12/31/69 over col. (I), If any a 221,384. b 5,OO~. c d e { If gam, also enter m Part I, line 7 2 Capital gam net mcome or (net capital loss) If (loss), enter -0- m Part I, line 7 } 2 226,385. 3 Net short-term capital gam or (loss) as defmed In sections 1222(5) and (6): If gam, also enter m Part 1,Ime 8, column (c). If (loss), enter -0- m Part lime 8 } 3 N/A I Part V I Qualification under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income (For optional uco by domcGtlc private foundatlonG Gublcct to the GoctlCn 4!J40(a) tax on net mve3tment mcome.) If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave thiS part blank.
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