Jefferson Stereoptics & SADDY STEREOVIEW CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS ($5.00) John Saddy 787 Barclay Road London Ontario N6K 3H5 CANADA Tel: (519) 641-4431 Fax: (519) 641-0695 Website: www.saddyauctions.com E-mail: [email protected] AUCTION #16-1 Phone, mail, fax, and on-line auction with scanned images. CLOSING DATES: 9:00 p.m. Eastern Thursday, March 17, 2016 Lots 1 to 474 (Part 1) & Friday, March 18, 2016 Lots 475 to 938 (Part 2) In the event of a computer crash or other calamity, this auction will close one week later. IMPORTANT: PLEASE NOTE 6% “BUYER’S PREMIUM” I REGRET THAT I HAVE TO CHARGE EVERYONE WHO BIDS IN MY STEREOVIEW AUCTIONS A 6% "BUYER'S PREMIUM". (We will absorb Paypal charges.) The amount will be automatically added to the invoice. I have never charged a "Buyer's Premium" before, but I know how hard my wife and I work and after expenses, how little we are compensated and we feel this is entirely justified. We thank you in advance for your understanding. Your business is very much appreciated. BIDDING RULES AND TERMS OF SALE AUTOMOBILES & OTHER MOTOR VEHICLES 119, 410, 432, 518, 521, 548, 554, 556, 587, 603, 672, 768, 881 1. All lots sold to the highest bidder. BANKS & MONEY 126, 265, 527 2. Minimum increments: Up to $100, $3., $101 or higher, $10. (Bids only even dollars, no BELGIUM, HOLLAND - NETHERLANDS 49, 635, 640, 747 to 750 change.) BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, VELOCIPEDE 105, 146, 147, 159, 262, 286, 289, 540, 547 3. Maximum Bids accepted, winning bidder pays no more than one increment above BOATS, SHIPS, MARINE (use Search Engine) 2nd highest bid. Ties go to earliest bidder. Bidding starts at the price listed. There BOOKS 312 to 316, 361, 678 to 681 are no hidden minimums or reserves.4. YOU WILL SEE TWO BOXES IN WHICH TO BOXED AND UN-BOXED SETS, BOOKS WHICH ACCOMPANY SETS, LARGE PLACE YOUR BID. IF YOU WISH TO LEAVE A MAXIMUM BID, USE THE RIGHT BOX. GROUPINGS, also MINI-SETS, UNBOXED SETS, EMPTY SET BOXES, ETC. 6 to 58, IF YOU ARE WILLING TO START AT AN AMOUNT MORE THAN THE MINIMUM 79 to 81, 83, 284, 309, 317 to 360, 435 to 438, 729, 754, 765, 787, 892, 916 NECESSARY, IN ORDER TO INTIMIDATE OTHER BIDDERS, USE THE LEFT BOX. BRIDGES (use Search Engine) (95% OF BIDDERS, FROM MY EXPERIENCE, WOULD JUST USE THE RIGHT BOX.) CALIFORNIA 22, 119 to 136, 230, 551 to 566, 599, 665, 676, 918, 921 5. Buyer pays insurance, registration, and shipping. CANADA 32, 371, 543 to 550, 699 to 714, 894, 920, 926 to 930 6. ALL BIDS ARE IN AMERICAN FUNDS. THERE IS 6% BUYER'S PREMIUM. CANALS 747 to 749, 916 7. Bids welcome via phone, fax, postal mail, e-mail, or here on-line. Direct on-line CARIBBEAN AND LATIN AMERICA 24, 25, 30, 33, 37, 43, 463 to 474, 886, 887, 933 bidders must pre-register. Please do so as early as possible. (Now would be a good CARROUSELS 587, 674 time.) You will be assigned a password and bidder's number. (I will be checking my CASTLES & PALACES (use Search Engine) E-mail hourly or less, if possible, so the wait for a password and bidder number CAVES 166, 487, 492, 593, 604, 672, 717 shouldn't be too long.) You can then bid on-line in real-time, somewhat similar to CEYLON & INDIA 6, 16, 48, 453, 779, 810 to 812, 934 ebay. Last day, late evening bidders via telephone or fax, earlier registration would CHINA 18, 21, 27, 47, 230, 444, 486, 489, 490, 513, 761, 778, 779, 889, 937 be appreciated, as I would otherwise have to register you during the heat of the CHINESE - AMERICAN 132 to 134, 856, 857 bidding. CLARK ASIATIC AND TROPICAL SERIES 934 to 938 8. Canadian residents must pay applicable taxes. CLOWNS 636 9. Unlike ebay, sniping is not part of the equation in this auction. I will be closing lots CONNECTICUT 816, 823 with a very liberal waiting period. Beginning at the closing time, after 6 minutes with no CONSTRUCTION 100, 232, 432, 466, 653, 667, 820, 821, 823, 875, 895 bids or enquiries, all lots are shut down together. This can happen as early as 10:30 p.m. CRYSTAL PALACE, LONDON 172, 173, 416, 725 but sometimes much later. IF the auction is still alive at midnight, the 6-minute rule DANCE 567, 854 becomes a 3-minute rule. DAREDEVILS, WIREWALKERS, ETC. 752 10. PHOTOCOPIES:First dozen: $2, Two dozen: $4. Remember that photocopies may DART THROWING 792 imply stronger tones than those on the card, itself. DEVIL - TISSUES (DIABLIERIES) 137 to 148, 441, 766, 903, 904 11. Please call if you have any questions about the above. DISASTERS 25, 156, 157, 464, 465, 467, 469, 558, 564, 596, 597, 599, 672, 778, 814, 820, 12. Payment welcome via Personal Cheque drawn on an American-addressed bank, Visa, 824, 860, 890, 910, 923 Mastercard, International Money Orders and Paypal. Prompt payment is appreciated. DOLLS, TOYS, CHRISTMAS 283, 307 "s.c.mts." = square corner mounts (earlier) DRAWINGS (STEREO, EARLY) 576 to 580 "r.c.mts." = rounded corner mounts (later) EDUCATION & SCHOOLS 286, 672 END LOTS 177, 178, 183, 362 to 365, 505, 588 to 590, 596, 805 to 809, 938 EUROPE, EASTERN 733, 734, 737, 898, 935* (*Asiatic Russia) TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTION 486 This auction contains some lots which are less older formats such as View-Master, Tru- EXPEDITIONS 599, 602, 933 Vue and others. These lots are prefixed with “(VM)” so if they come up in a list from the EXPOSITIONS & FAIRS MISC 233 to 238, 241, 244, 507, 508, 512, 849, 852, 936 Search Engine, you’ll know by the prefix that they are Not stereoview cards. There is a 1855 PARIS 503, 504 separate Table of Contents for them below this one. 1862 LONDON 240, 511, 849, 850 1865 DUBLIN 718 ADVERTISING 101, 149, 286 1867 PARIS 506, 510, 736, 768 AFRICA 34, 885 1876 PHILADELPHIA 242, 243, 509, 662, 768, 851, 852 AFRICAN - AMERICAN 284, 515 to 517, 519, 521, 525, 603, 661, 675, 832, 871, 914, 917 1894 CHICAGO 509 AIR MACHINES & FLIGHT 91, 119, 184, 462, 507, 608, 637, 788, 836, 841 to 845 1900 PARIS 506 ALASKA & KLONDYKE 36, 531 to 539, 913, 921 1901 BUFFALO 233 ALCOHOL & LIQUOR (in Genre sections, use Search Engine) 1904 ST LOUIS 17, 245 to 252, 662, 666, 912 ANIMALS, TAXIDERMY, LIVING CREATURES & ZOOS* 44, 46, 77, 99*, 100*, 105*, 176*, 1915 PANAMA-PACIFIC, SAN DIEGO 119, 227 to 232 280, 285, 288*, 300, 302, 530*, 567*, 720 Litho group*, 923* 1933 CHICAGO 239, 460 ASTRONOMY 120, 758 to 760, 935 AUSTRIA 31, 479, 481, 483 FAMOUS 14 (RACE HORSE), 417, 456 to 462, 540, 551, 666, 728, 768, 781, 783, 785, 788, 1 794, 812, 842, 877 to 881, 897, 911, 917, 925 804 FARMING 106, 557, 659, 663, 908 SPAIN 744 to 746 FIRE DEPT 509, 558 SPORTS & GAMES including CROQUET & CROKINOLE 155, 475 to 478, 493, 669, 907 FRANCE 11, 88, 177 to 184, 270 to 279, 372, 375, 379, 439, 454, 455, 581 to 587, 634, 639, SOULE, JOHN (by) 156, 552, 561, 564, 565, 815, 824, 864, 906 767, 801, 892, 894 to 896 STATUARY, STILL LIFE, GORHAM SILVERWARE, ETC. 149, 642, 846 to 848 FRATERNAL (MASONIC, etc) 157, 454 STEREOSCOPES & VIEWERS, including GRAPHOSCOPES 1 to 5, 88 to 90, 366 to 371, FUNERAL RELATED 87, 257, 458, 459, 675, 718, 911 589, 695 to 698, 799 to 802, 804 GELATINE - BROMIDE NYC by ANTHONY 425 to 427 SWITZERLAND 9, 52, 78, 92 to 97, 374 (?), 738, 751 GENRE (Inc. Dolls & Toys) 59 to 87, 209, 237, 280 to 311, 388, 439, 669, 787 to 798, 901 TAX-STAMPED VIEWS 78, 258, 424, 546, 573, 656, 818, 829 to 832 GERMANY 15, 23, 89, 204 to 211, 480 to 484, 635, 741, 800, 802, 845 THEATRICAL 153, 437, 438, 440, 457, 789 to 791, 798, 901 GLASS, FULL-SIZE 372 to 379, 585, 757 to 760 TISSUES, DEVIL - SKELETONS (DIABLIERIES) 137 to 148, 441, 766, 903, 904 GREAT BRITAIN 160 to 176, 378, 410 to 420, 567 to 575, 715, 771, 813, 899, 900 TISSUES, OTHER 279, 434 to 441, 585 to 587, 744, 765 to 767 GREAT EASTERN 890 TISSUES, SURPRISE 495 GRUESOME 728, 827 TRAIN & RR RELATED 97, 269, 604, 671, 821, 842, 845, 859, 910, 929 GRUNDY, WM (by) 899 VERMONT 671, 817, 819 GREECE 29, 445, 735 VIEWERS & STEREOSCOPES HARNESS RACING INCLUDING DAN PATCH 14 VIEW-MASTER (see below the Stereoview Table of Contents) HERMIT LADY 920 USA BETWEEN THE PACIFIC COAST STATES AND THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER, HOLLAND / NETHERLANDS, BELGIUM 49, 635, 640, 747 to 750 INCLUDING LOUISIANA 26, 35, 39 to 41, 591 to 605, 665, 671, 676, 834 to 840, 910, ILLINOIS (inc Zion City & Chicago) 648, 665, 870 to 876, 878, 915, 923, 924 924 INDIANS (& ESKIMOS) OF NORTH AMERICA 35, 36, 39, 230, 249, 428, 514, 521, 523, USA MISC 644 to 677, 905 to 925, 932 538, 546, 549, 594, 604, 656, 667, 670, 705, 714(?), 785, 787, 803, 853 to 855, 917, 921 USA SOUTHEASTERN STATES (EAST OF MISSISSIPPI RIVER) 45, 515 to 526, 919 INDUSTRY 102, 106, 125, 155, 157, 158, 175, 209, 284, 484, 520, 546, 557, 561, 563, 603, WASHINGTON DC 38, 45, 527 to 530, 669, 675, 767, 803 655, 658 to 661, 677, 741, 838 to 840, 859, 860, 872, 909, 914, 916 WASHINGTON STATE & OREGON 855 to 858, 921 INTERIORS 103, 149 to 154, 258, 517, 663, 664, 872, 905, 915 WILSON, GWW (by) 160 to 162, 567, 572, 573, 715, 717 IRELAND 170, 171, 174, 570, 574, 639, 716, 717 to 719, 722 WINDMILLS 12 ITALY 7, 54, 185 to 203, 376, 494 to 502, 635, 640, 728 to 732 WOMEN’S LIBERATION 286 JAPANESE - AMERICAN 557 WORLD MISC inc USA 380 to 388 JEWISH RELATED 23, 208, 212, 219 to 221, 431, 609, 610, 778 ZOOS*, LIVING CREATURES AND ANIMALS 44, 46, 77, 99*, 100*, 105*, 176*, 280, 285, KILBURN VIEWS FROM LITTLETON AREA (use Search feature to find the many other 288*, 300, 302, 530*, 567*, 720 Litho group*, 923* Kilburn views in this auction) 258 to 262 LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN 24, 25, 30, 33, 37, 43, 463 to 474, 886, 887, 933 VIEW-MASTER (VM) PREFIX MAINE 818, 823 Lots with prefix, inc other formats 389 to 409, 615 to 633, 682 to 698, 784 MARKETS, STREET 722,
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