Founded In 1935 THE COWL Veritas VOL. 4, No. 9—Four Pages. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., DECEMBER 9, 1938 5 Cents a Copy. '39 GRID CAPTAIN Friars Choose '12th Man" Barnini Named As Star State Takes Of N. Y. Scribe's 1938 "All-Goofy Eleven Stan Esielonis Opening Spot Picked Because His Tackle Was who promptly awarded the touch- As '39 Leader Believed An Act of down to Xavier anyway." Providence Among other players on the team, On P.C. Card "Gig" Pariseau Appointed which was termed as "so wacky, it Coach of Freshman Added fame came to Providence even has thirteen positions", were: Game Moved to Sept. 22 College last Saturday as Tom Meany Young Bussey of Louisiana State, who Eleven of the New York World-Telegram, attempted to organize a football At Request of R. I. authorities on All-American teams, players' union; Al Horsefall, of Bos• State Coach The election of Stan Esielonis and chose John Barnini as star of the '38 ton College, whose runback of a punt the appointment of Capt. Anthony "All-Goofy Eleven". cost his team a victory over Temple; The traditional football season "Gig" Pariseau as next year's Fresh• A four-column cartoon by Mullin John Gatchell, referee of the Notre wind-up with Rhode Island State man football coach were announced featured Barnini nervously sitting on Dame-Carnegie game, because "two College will not take place next year Monday night at the Providence Col• the bench, biting his nails and cry• and two doesn't make four in his due to schedule difficulties and has lege Alumni football banquet held at ing. "Ooooooo! Stop him! Somebody! book"; and "Heavenly" Gates of been made the first game of the 1939 the Narragansett Hotel. 400 alumni, Please!!!" Under the cartoon was the Dartmouth. season, it was announced by the Rev. students, and friends of the College explanation. "Safety Man—John Bor- "All plays", concluded Meany. "will Robert G. Quinn, O.P., College direc• attended the event which wrote "finis" nini, Providence—1938 edition of the be run from a naked reverse until tor of Athletics. The new date of the to this year's football campaign, one Captain-Elect Stan Esielonis, Friar annual tackle from the bench—Pic• further notice." P. C.-State game is Sept. 22 and it nhich started somewhat uncertainly tackle, who was elected to lead ture shows John playing deep in his will be a Friday night floodlight but which gradually picked up mo• next year's football team. The position". game. mentum and ended in a blaze of glory. husky linesman was elected unani• In identifying the players, Meany White's Band Frank Keaney, coach of the State Prominent civic leaders, coaches, mously by the lettermen. wrote: Rams states that he could not sched• and athletes who have more than a "John Barnini, Center, Providence ule any games after Nov. 11. Foot• passing interest in Friar athletics College, Providence, R. I.—Because he Pleases Crowd ball schedules of both State and were present to extend their words of Spanish Strife left the bench and tackled Tom Hogan Providence conflict in mid-season. praise and commendation to the PC of Xavier when the latter was off At Soph Hop Thus the game had to be planned athletic administration. Coach Hugh for a touchdown, preventing a score for the first of the season. Devore and his assistants, and the To Last Year, through what was construed as an Next year's game with State on Fighting Friars. Gold footballs on act of Providence by the officials. Soph Dance One of Most Sept. 22 will mark the first time that which were engraved the date of this Says Visitor the five-year-old tradition of season year's football season and the score Successful Ever Held windups has been interrupted. Keen of the R. I. State game, were dis• At College rivalry between the two schools tributed to the members of the var• Maritain Gives Interview Debaters Beat prompting spirit and high feeling in sity squad by Edward S. Doherty. Jr Before College Talk Attended by 210 couples, the Sopho- students, alumni, and friends of both Silver footballs were given to each more Hop, held Wednesday night, colleges has always made these member of the Freshman aggregation Friday Night Rhode Island games a "natural." Dec. 7, climaxed the 1938 social sea- Fr. Quinn Praises son at Providence College. The Hop During the five years of competi• The Spanish Civil War will last tion, Providence College gridsters Introduced by Joseph McAndrew. Win Unanimous Decision; was one of the most successful dances another year and will probably have have won three and Rhode Island master-of-ceremonies. the Rev. Rob• Meet New Hampshire to be settled by conciliation through ever held at the college. State two. In the opinion of many ert G. Quinn. O.P.. director of ath• intervention of the great powers, On Tuesday The hall, well decorated for the the new playing date will destroy letics, praised the members of the Jacques Maritain. most noted expon• the traditional effect that had charac• Fighting Friars edition of P. C. foot• festive occasion, was resplendent with ent of Thomistic philosophy in the The Providence College Debating terized grid tilts thus far. ball for their cooperation and will• Christmas trees and holly wreaths and world, said last Friday in an exclu• Union began its intercollegiate debat• ingness to work even under trying in the center of the hall stood a In previous years, the first game sive Cowl interview. ing season last Monday night when circumstances. He signaled out certain of the Friar football team has been a team composed of Walter F. Gib• rotund and rather corpulent snow• gridsters whose work had been out• M. Maritain was at the College for with Holy Cross, which game this bons, '39, Charles E. Sweeney. '41. man. Gay streamers and balloons standing mostly by virtue of their a lecture Friday night in Harkins year has been moved further into and Eugene J. McElroy, '39, won a were released from the balcony dur• perseverance and hard work. He Hall under the auspices of La Pleiade, the schedule. unanimous decision in Harkins Hall asked for continued cooperation by College French club. An audience of ing the dance, all adding to the over a team from Rhode Island State alumni, students, and friends of the more than 300 heard him discuss festive spirit which prevailed. In the College. College to ensure the success of next "Catholic Action and Political Ac• pulpit over the main entrance stood Aquino Club Elects; Providence upheld the negative of year's football team. Father Quinn tion." a lighted Christmas tree, which was made the announcement of Esielonis' The well known scholastic is an af• the question "Resolved: That the Fed• Adopts Constitution eral Government Should Cease to the first object to attract the eyes of election at Captain-elect and also fable speaker with a thin, intelligent Spend Public Funds for the Purpose those attending the dance. "Gig'' Pariseau's appointment as face and steely penetrating eyes. His The Aquino Club. Providence Col• of Stimulating Business." The Rhode Freshman coach. graying hairs are accentuated by a Bob White and his Country Club lege Italian club held its regular meet• Island State debaters were Leonard ing last Monday night. Dec. 5, at 8 Pariseau was hailed as being one of small moustache and a trim goatee. orchestra provided excellent music Looby. James H. Masterson, and Ray• p.m., in Room 35. Those elected were: the most popular captains in Friar His views on Spain, he stated, have for the annual dance of the second mond J. Thomson. president. Matthew Rossi, '39; dean, football history and much of the spirit been grossly misrepresented both in year men and the praises of the The judges were Paul McDonough, Frank Del Deo. '39; steward, Frank of this year's team was credited to America and abroad. Though at times music were many and enthusiastic. Register of Deeds for Fall River, Tirrochi, '39: secretary, Albert Mar- his inspiring leadership. In introduc• he has been represented as definitely The members of the fair sex in at• Henry Sterns, and Matthew Glynn. chetti, '41; treasurer, Joseph Golini, ing Pariseau to the dinner guests, against Franco he disclaimed all sup• tendance were delighted with the The chairman was James R. McGow- '39: and publicity man. Edmund Baldi, McAndrew stated that "Pariseau was port for either side, saying: bracelet and locket which was given an. '41. '40. A constitution, drawn up by the not picked on any All-American, or "My position is that of a Christian as a favor. It was announced that Next Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. a Rev. Paul C. Perrotta, O.P.. modera• All-New England teams, but to us who regards the Civil War as the the few who did not receive favors, debating team composed of Robert tor was adopted with few changes, he's one of the greatest All-Ameri- worst affliction for a nation and who due to the shortage of them, will re• C. Healey, '39, and James R. McGowan following which election of officers cans." thinks that men of good will ought- ceive them as soon as possible. Any• '41, will debate with a team from took place. Captain-Elect Esielonis was des• even in war— to have in view peace, the University of New Hampshire in one who wishes to order additional Following the election of officers, cribed by Father Quinn as "one of a work of justice and love.
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