BULLETIN (New Series) OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 6, Number 3, May 1982 THREE DIMENSIONAL MANIFOLDS, KLEINIAN GROUPS AND HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRY BY WILLIAM P. THURSTON 1. A conjectural picture of 3-manifolds. A major thrust of mathematics in the late 19th century, in which Poincaré had a large role, was the uniformization theory for Riemann surfaces: that every conformai structure on a closed oriented surface is represented by a Riemannian metric of constant curvature. For the typical case of negative Euler characteristic (genus greater than 1) such a metric gives a hyperbolic structure: any small neighborhood in the surface is isometric to a neighborhood in the hyperbolic plane, and the surface itself is the quotient of the hyperbolic plane by a discrete group of motions. The exceptional cases, the sphere and the torus, have spherical and Euclidean structures. Three-manifolds are greatly more complicated than surfaces, and I think it is fair to say that until recently there was little reason to expect any analogous theory for manifolds of dimension 3 (or more)—except perhaps for the fact that so many 3-manifolds are beautiful. The situation has changed, so that I feel fairly confident in proposing the 1.1. CONJECTURE. The interior of every compact ^-manifold has a canonical decomposition into pieces which have geometric structures. In §2, I will describe some theorems which support the conjecture, but first some explanation of its meaning is in order. For the purpose of conservation of words, we will henceforth discuss only oriented 3-manifolds. The general case is quite similar to the orientable case. 1. The decomposition referred to really has two stages. The first stage is the prime decomposition, obtained by repeatedly cutting a 3-manifold M3 along 2-spheres embedded in M3 so that they separate the manifold into two parts neither of which is a 3-ball, and then gluing 3-balls to the resulting boundary components, thus obtaining closed 3-manifolds which are "simpler". Kneser [Kn] proved that this process terminates after a finite number of steps. The resulting pieces, called the prime summands of M3, are uniquely determined by M3 up to homeomorphism; cf. Milnor, [Mil 1]. The second stage of the decomposition involves cutting along tori. This was discovered much more recently, by Johannson [Joh] and Jaco and Shalen [Ja, Sh], even though the elementary theory of the torus decomposition does not Presented to the Symposium on the Mathematical Heritage of Henri Poincaré, April 7-10, 1980; received by the editors July 20, 1981. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 57M99, 30F40, 57S30; Secondary 57M25, 20H15. © 1982 American Mathematical Society 0273-0979/81 /0000-0800/$07.2 5 357 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 358 W. P. THURSTON require any deep techniques. In the torus decomposition, one cuts along certain tori embedded non trivially in M3, thus obtaining a 3-manifold whose boundary consists of tori. There is no canonical procedure to close off the boundary components, so they are left alone. The interested reader can learn the details elsewhere. 2. One way to think of a geometric structure on a manifold M is that it is given by a complete, locally homogeneous Riemannian metric. It is better, however, to define a geometric structure to be a space modelled on a homoge­ neous space (X, G), where X is a manifold and G is a group of diffeomor- phisms of X such that the stabilizer of any point xGlisa compact subgroup of G. For example, X might be Euclidean space and G the group of Euclidean isometries. M is equipped with a family of "coordinate maps" into X which differ only up to elements of G. We make the assumption that M is complete. If X is simply-connected, this condition says that M must be of the form X/T9 where T is a discrete subgroup of G without fixed points. There are precisely eight homogeneous spaces (X, G) which are needed for geometric structures on 3-manifolds. These eight homogeneous spaces are determined by the following conditions: (a) The space X is simply-connected. A manifold modelled on a non-simply- connected homogeneous space is also modelled on its universal cover. (b) The group G is unimodular, that is, there is a measure on G invariant by multiplication on the right or the left. Otherwise, X would possess a vector field invariant by G which expands volume, so there could be no (X, G)- manifolds which are compact or which even have finite volume. (c) G is a maximal group of homeomorphisms of X with compact stabilizers. If G were contained in a larger group G', then any (X, G)-manifold would be an ( X, G')-manifold, so (X, G) would be redundant. We will describe these eight geometries in §4. For the moment, it will suffice to say that of these eight, hyperbolic geometry is by far the most interesting, the most complex, and the most useful. The other seven come into play only in exceptional cases. Conjecture 1.1 subsumes the Poincaré conjecture, which was posed by Poincaré not as a conjecture but as a question: Is every 3-manifold with trivial fundamental group homeomorphic to the 3-sphere? Poincaré raised the ques­ tion in [Poin], but he did not pursue it, for as he said, "cette question nous entraînerait trop loin". Conjecture 1.1, just as the Poincaré conjecture, is likely not to be resolved quickly, but I hope it will be a more productive guide to research on 3-manifolds than Poincaré's question has proven to be. My hope is based on the fact that it applies to all 3-manifolds, so there are many examples which arise. To find a geometric structure for a particular manifold is a great help in understanding that manifold. 2. Supporting evidence. As I hinted earlier, Conjecture 1.1 can be proven in many cases. For instance, I will state a simple necessary and sufficient topological condition for the interior of a 3-manifold with nonempty boundary to have a hyperbolic structure. This theorem will imply Conjecture 1.1 for prime manifolds with nonempty boundary. There is a similar theorem for License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use THREE DIMENSIONAL MANIFOLDS 359 closed manifolds which satisfy a technical hypothesis (which is not necessary but frequently true). A surface N2 embedded in a 3-manifold M3 is two-sided if N2 cuts a regular neighborhood of N2 into two pieces, i.e., the normal bundle to N2 is oriented. Since we are assuming that M3 is oriented, this is equivalent to the condition that N2 is oriented. A two-sided surface is incompressible if every simple curve on N2 which bounds a disk in M3 with interior disjoint from N2 also bounds a disk on TV2. A 3-manifold M3 is geometrically atoroidal if every incompressible torus embedded in M3 is isotopic to a boundary component. A 3-manifold M3 is homotopically atoroidal if every map of T2 to M3 which acts injectively on the fundamental group is homotopic to dM. Homotopically atoroidal implies geometrically atoroidal; the converse is not quite true. The condition that M is homotopically atoroidal can be rephrased in terms of the fundamental group. Assuming that dM is incompressible, the condition that M is homotopically atoroidal is equivalent to the condition that, first, irx{M) is not expressible as a free product, (this is guaranteed if M is prime), 2 and second, that any subgroup of n{(M) isomorphic to Z is conjugate to a subgroup of the fundamental group of some torus boundary component. Here are two simple examples of homotopically atoroidal manifolds. They are nonrepresentative because their interiors have Euclidean structures. 3 2 3 3 2.1. EXAMPLE. M = T X /. The interior of M is homeomorphic to E /T, where E3 is Euclidean 3-space and T is generated by (x, y, z) -> (x + 1, y, z) and (x, y, z) -*(x,y + 1, z). 3 2 2.2. EXAMPLE. M = T X //(Z/2), where the Z/2 action flips I and acts as a covering transformation of T2 over the Klein bottle. Its interior is the quotient of E3 by the group T generated by (x9y,z) -»(x + l,y,z) and (x, y9z) ->(-x9 y + 1,-z). 3 2.3. THEOREM [Th 2]. The interior of a compact 3-manifold M with nonempty boundary has a hyperbolic structure iff M3 is prime, homotopically atoroidal and not homeomorphic to Example 2.2. A hyperbolic structure on the interior of a compact manifold M3 has finite volume iff dM3 consists of tori, with the single exception of Example 2.1, which has no hyperbolic structure of finite volume. 2.4. COROLLARY. Conjecture 1.1 is true for all compact, prime 3-manifolds with nonempty boundary. A good class of examples arises from knots in S3. (A knot is an embedding of Sl in S3.) The complement of a knot is homeomorphic to the interior of a manifold whose boundary is a torus. A torus knot is a knot which can be placed on an ordinary torus in S3. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 360 W. P. THURSTON FIGURE 1. A torus knot of type (3,8). It can be placed on a torus so that it winds 3 times around the short way while going 8 times around the long way.
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