32 THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2008 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. FROM PAGE ONE DHL taps UPS for U.S. deliveries Behind the oil-export decline Continued from first page Continued from first page enough natural gas. This uses up VOL. XXVI NO. 82 THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2008 global delivery giants in the U.S. and 2007 market of U.S. express-delivery services is in the middle of a major invest- oil supply that could otherwise be elsewhere as soaring fuel costs and ment campaign to become a world exported. an economic slowdown eat into Total deliveries Ground deliveries Air deliveries player in petrochemicals, alumi- Some producers, such as the Fear, rumors touched off Ft 530 profit. num and fertilizers, all of which U.A.E., are easing back at times on Sk 100.00 Both UPS and FedEx Corp., which FedEx will require huge amounts of oil the crucial industry practice of in- fatal run on Bear Stearns control more than 70% of express FedEx 18% and natural gas. jecting natural gas into crude oil - Hungary news in depth | PAGES 16-17 Banks help make Libor - Slovakia parcel deliveries in the U.S., have is- 22% USPS FedEx USPS Since 2004, Saudi oil consump- fields, which is done to boost reser- sued profit warnings this year amid UPS 12% 31% 32% tion has increased nearly 23%, to voir pressure and increase crude re- USPS 50% UPS $1.75 (C/V) spiking oil prices and a U.S. retail- 2.3 million barrels a day last year. covery rates. Halting the injections SR 14.00 18% Other 62% Bid for Anheuser may spending slump. The $1 billion that 7% UPS Other Jeffrey Brown, a Dallas-based petro- ends up undercutting oil produc- Other 4% 25% - Egypt DHL is expected to pay UPS annually 6% leum geologist who studies net ex- tion, further reducing exports. leave bitter aftertaste an erratic barometer to airlift its parcels is nearly two- port numbers, said that at its cur- Declining oil shipments from - Saudi Arabia corporate news | PAGE 4 thirds of rival FedEx’s roughly $1.6 DHL Americas 4% DHL Americas 2% DHL Americas 9% rent growth rate, Saudi Arabia the world’s top petroleum export- billion contract to carry mail for the could be consuming 4.6 million bar- ers illustrates the central role that Dkr 22.00 Analysis by Journal U.S. Postal Service. “This is a great Note: Figures may not add up to 100% due to rounding. USPS = U.S. Postal Service rels a day by 2020. historically marginal players such QR 14.00 Shipping less deal for UPS and a shot across the Source: Wolfe Research, LLC That would cut significantly as Brazil and Kazakstan are likely - Denmark shows rates are lower - Qatar Net oil exports from the world's top 15 exporters, which account for nearly bow of FedEx,” industry consultant into Saudi exports during a time to play in coming years. Three of half of all the world’s supply, fell nearly one million barrels a day in 2007. Doug Caldwell said. when the world will be looking to the four non-OPEC players among Kc 110 than market suggests Deutsche Post hasn’t found its At a news conference in Bonn, ery business was being unfairly sub- its largest oil supplier to help the top 15 oil exporters—Russia, Zl 10.50 What’s News— Net exports Net change footing in the U.S. since it acquired Frank Appel, Deutsche Post’s chief sidized by German taxpayers. Deut- manage rising demand. Saudi Ara- Norway and Mexico—are report- By Carrick Mollenkamp in thousands of barrels a day in exports 7 Business&Finance World-Wide 7 Country 2006 2007 in thousands of barrels a day Seattle-based Airborne Express for executive, said the company has sche Post enjoyed a monopoly on bia has nearly a quarter of the ing declines in production this - Poland And Mark Whitehouse $1.05 billion in 2003. The German now opted for a “pragmatic and real- the delivery of small letters in Ger- world’s proven reserves and sup- year. Kazakhstan is showing slight - Czech Republic Major banks are contributing Top oil producers are proving Saudi Arabia 8,525 7,923 –602 Œ2.70 mail giant quickly merged that busi- istic” strategy for the U.S. market. many until this January, and the gov- plies around 12% of the 86 million net export gains. OR 2.00 to the erratic behavior of the unable to put more barrels on LONDON—Major banks are con- Russia 6,866 7,018 152 ernment still owns slightly less than HRK 20 ness with globe-trotting DHL, of Deutsche Post expects the cost- barrels a day that the world now No big exporter is struggling London interbank offered rate, world markets despite high tributing to the erratic behavior of a UAE 2,564 2,548 –16 which Deutsche Post acquired full cutting measures to boost operat- a third of the company’s shares. consumes. There is another big more than Mexico, where net ex- - Oman reporting significantly lower prices, in a trend that looks set crucial global lending benchmark, a - Euro (ex. Ire) –221 control in 2002, but it hasn’t been a Klaus Zumwinkel, who headed ports dropped 15% in 2007. Mexi- borrowing costs for the global to continue. Rising profits have Wall Street Journal analysis shows. Norway 2,542 2,321 ing profit by about $1 billion annu- - Croatia happy marriage. DHL’s U.S. parcel- Deutsche Post for nearly two de- can officials announced Monday £1.30 lending benchmark than what fueled a boom in demand in the Iran 2,463 2,298 –165 ally by 2011. But the restructuring Nkr 25.00 The Journal analysis indicates delivery business has racked up a plan is expensive and will take an es- cades, meanwhile, dismissed UPS as No big exporter is that output from the country’s other market measures suggest Mideast, leaving less oil for ex- Citigroup WestLB HBOS Kuwait 2,341 2,268 –73 BD 1.50 that Inc., , “a cult” during an interview 18 port. At the same time, aging loss of an estimated $3 billion in the timated $2 billion to implement. once-mighty offshore Cantarell they should be, a Wall Street PLC, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Nigeria 2,130 2,040 –90 U.S. in the past four years and months ago. UPS management has struggling more than field had plunged by a third in - Norway Journal analysis shows. Page 1 fields and sluggish investments Deutsche Post also says it will take UBS AG are among the banks that Venezuela 2,182 2,024 –158 developed an industry reputation - Bahrain have caused exports to drop changed local management several years to turn around the domestic less than a year. – United Kingdom have been reporting significantly over many years for controlling all n Deutsche Post plans to trans- sharply in other nations. Page 1 20 times, while its market share has re- U.S. business. It expects losses at Mexico, where 2007 Analysts said there are reasons Dh 24.00 Algeria 1,842 1,862 aspects of its operations. $2.00 fer DHL’s U.S. air-parcel deliver- n The U.K. will exempt lower borrowing costs for the Lon- mained stuck below 10%. In Janu- the U.S. express unit to widen to for optimism. Russia’s government about Angola 1,379 1,707 328 But tougher economic condi- net exports fell 15%. Lk 370.00 ies to UPS and cut its ground 30 North Sea crude-oil and nat- don interbank offered rate, or Libor, ary, it announced it would write off $1.3 billion this year from $1 billion is scrambling to alter the tax rates 22 tions are causing express-delivery - Morocco capacity there by a third. Page 1 than what other market measures Libya 1,530 1,552 Œ600 million ($941.8 million) of the in 2007, before narrowing in steps that many say have put a lid on new ural-gas fields from some taxes companies to rethink their posi- and approved the development suggest they should be. Those five Iraq 1,437 1,484 47 U.S. business and review its strate- to about $300 million by 2011. oil development. Mr. Robinson said n The U.S. filed a WTO complaint tions. Deutsche Post and UPS also Page 3 banks are members of a 16-bank gic options. problem: Increasing natural-gas 65 new ultra-deep water drilling - U.S. Military (Eur) over EU tariffs on three kinds of of two new oil fields. Mexico 1,711 1,456 –255 Shares in Deutsche Post fell 5.4% have new chief executives since ear- L£ 4000.00 panel that reports rates used to cal- DHL’s reputation took a big hit in shortages are having a cascading rigs are expected to arrive over the n Kazakhstan 1,144 1,193 49 in Frankfurt Wednesday as inves- lier this year. high-tech devices, saying a 1997 Oxford University is launch- culate Libor in dollars. the U.S. in September 2005, when it affect on crude output and ex- next three years, following a five- YTL 3.75 WTO treaty exempts them. Page 2 ing a drive to raise more money tors reacted to the looming costs “We’re seeing out-of-the-box That has led Libor, which is sup- Qatar 1,032 1,011 –21 transferred its northern Kentucky ports, as more oil has to go to year stretch in which the industry - Lebanon from private donors, signaling and continued losses.
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