University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-18-1985 Central Florida Future, Vol. 18 No. 04, September 18, 1985 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 18 No. 04, September 18, 1985" (1985). Central Florida Future. 586. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/586 ,. he Central Florida Future Volume 18 Number 4 University of Central Florida/Orlando Wednesday, September 18, 1985 Phillips Hall open for business slab.'' There were over six inches of water on S~~,-;;-~,......~---· Faculty and by Krys Fluker students on CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE the floor Friday morning. · Classes held in the building were cancelled ... their way to all day Friday and Monday morning. Accor­ class Friday Htlavy rains Thursday night caused a ding to Lavender, the only part of the morning found section of floor in Howard Phillips Hall to building that will remain closed is the corner this sign at the sink and crack, according to Dick Lavender, that has been damaged. Classes on the first entrance to director of facilities planning with the univer· floor will be rescheduled in the library until ' Howard Phillips Hall. Classes sit~'s physical plant. the repairs· have been finished. The affected area is the southwest corner of University engineers studied the problem were temporari­ the first floor. Lavender described the floor as over the weekend, and Lavender said that ly cancelled . workers found it Friday morning: "It looks repair work will begin as soon as possible. He like something underneath punched up. It described the project as being two-fold. First, pushed up one of the drywall partitions. up the drainage system will be repaired to pre­ past the ceiling, into the ceiling... There was vent any more damage to the building. Then tremendous water pressure underneath the the structure itself will be repaired. Adorn Chrzan/The Central Florido Future • Freshfllen may oust present . dorm students by Krys Fluker CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Ten to 15 percent of students residing on campus might have to find someplace else to live when they return in the fall, according to university housing director Chris McCray. A proposal is being drafted by the office of Student Affairs to increase the number of freshmen in the dorms from the current level of 40 percent to 50 or 65 percent. "We were getting calls from students and parents (of in· coming freshmen)", said McCray, "complain­ ing that they couldn't get dorm space." He said university officials felt the lack of dorm space was.discouraging freshmen from enroll­ Minority enrollment needs .boost ing at UCF. Dr. LeVester Tubbs, vice president of State may lose federal funds if numbers don't pick up academic affairs, agre~d that freshmen would receive more priority in the fall. H~ also stressed that no process for deciding which by Joanna Reed an annual report to the U.S. current residents will be allowed to remain in CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Department of Education to show the dorms has been 'decided· upon. ''The .. that it is contin_uing to desegregate "Students know we're . students will have a lot of say," in the final its higher education system in ac· not . the only ball game decision, Tubbs said, adding that the In­ Since 1980, Florida's State cordance with the 1964 Civil in town." ter hall Council will be holding a series of University System has experienc­ Rights Act. forums to get input from dorm students. " ed a slow but steady decrease in Janet Balanoff, assistant direc­ McCray estimated that 60 to 65 percent of total black enrollment, according tor of the Equal Opportunity and the students currently residing in the dorms to a report released by the Board of Affirmative Action Office, con· •Dr. Robert Belle will request spac~ in the fall term. "Some of Regents. · firmed that the ultimate penalty these people will have to leave," he said. "The The BOR's Annual Report of for failure to comply ·would be the is decreasing with the end of the ho~sing office is caught in the middle.'' Progress for 1984-1985 indicates a loss of federal funding for Florida's baby boom. McCray and Tubbs agreed that current stu ~ .. drop of roughly one percent in the higher education system. Dr. Robert .Belle, director of the dent housing is inadequate. "We need· to number of blacks registered at "The Department of Education Minority Student Services office house additional freshmen," said McCray. state universities. would work very hard with the at UCF, said another difficulty in ""We. turn away quite a number. We don't .state to avoid that, though," said sustaining black enrollment is the know how many people base their' decisions SfE MINORITIES, P7 Balanoff. competition from private institu- (on whether or not to attend UCF) on that." According to Dr. Thyria Green, . t.ions and out-of-state-universities McCray said original plans called for up to 90 director of Mino.rity Student Ser­ that have more . resources and percent freshmen in the dorms. The drop in· minority enrollment vices at Florida State University, money to recruit black students. There are no plans that :would immediately is a small figure, but it is recorded one of the reasons black enrollment "Students know we!re not 'the ease the housing problem. The next on- and studied by state and federal has not increased is because the ~ authorities. Florida must submit number of college-bound students SEE MINORITIES, PAGE 5 SEE HOUSING, PAGE .4 . ~clip; 3 \ Discoveries 7 Opinirn .a ~ed 10 UCF Souvenirs Computers Confetti Manny Moon • Administrators look at Finding one you can live Murder. Picking up the Vincent the Vulture comes 15 marketing UCF products. 3 with. 7 pieces. Inside back to the future. 15 • • • • • • • . • The men of Pl KAPPA ALPHA would like· to ', commend Coach. McDowell on his scin­ • tillating, season opening victory, special ... recognition to Brother Eddie O'Brien on his game Winning, record-breaking field goal of ·55 yOrds. We would also like to con· gratulate our other PIKE gridiron players: Dave Underwood, Jay Politi; Todd Taylor,, • Teri Miller and ·Dave Clark. • PIKE AWESOME . CAREER RESOUJlCE CENTER • Cooperative Education Career Counseling ·· Adm. 124 - for further information Senior Placement • Off-Campus Part-time & Summer call 275-2361 . Alumni Placement Empl()yment WEEKLY INTERVIEW \X'EEK OF SEPT. 16 · SEPT. 10 SCHEDULE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY • Jackson\'.ille Electric Spillane, Altman, Koivu, Ruta, Felsing Arthur Anderson Ernst & Whinney .. McCauly, leach &Co. Arthur Anderson &Co. • \X'EEK OF SEPT. 23 - SEPT. 2' MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY. FRIDAY • Touche Ross Touche Ross Geller Ragans Geller Ragans J.C. Penny . James Oppenheimer James Oppenheimer • Heritage Ford Naval Air Test Cubic Corporation Center • \X'EEK OF SEPT. 30 · OCT. 4 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY • Tennessee Eastman Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Intergraph Corp Hughes-Space & Colley, Trombower & Howell Wallace Computer Naval Air Rework Communications Florida Power Corporation Facility • U.S. Army-Redstone Arthur Young Hughes-Ground Systems . ' - Airseniors must l:omplete a placemc.:nt registration packet prior to utilizing se1Yices offered hy the Placement Office. Registration packets arc a\~lilable in the Career Resource Cenrer. 'I11e Cooperari\'C.> Fducation Orientation Sessions take • place e\·e~· 11rnrsday at -1 p.m. in Admin. 1-1-. Chancellor agrees with tuition increase by Tim Ball ·soon place emphasis on its he agreed with Gov. tion as opposed to a _good NEWS EDITOR undergraduate programs and Graham's pJan to increase tui­ one." He f}l$O said he felt steer away from costly sup­ tion by 39 percent over the students should share more of port of experimental graduate next three years. The first the cost of ·higher education. • Recently installed state programs in an effort to pro­ step of that plan was im­ university Chancellor Charlie duce well.qualified profes­ plemented this semester. Reed also said he is commit­ Reed vowed Friday to im­ sionals. "We're doing a good · ted to promoting shared prove undergraduate educa­ job," said Reed, "but w~ can Reed pointed out that the research efforts between state • tion in Florida and commend­ do better." cost of higher education in unive-rsities and private ed UCF on its relations with But Reed stressed that Florida is relatively low com­ businesses and indicated that private industry. public funding alone cannot pared to university systems . UCF is doing a good job at • Speaking to faculty provide a great education in other states and. said if just that. ''The Central members in the student system and told university of­ Florida students pay higher Florida Research Park,'' said center auditorium, Reed said ficials to intensify fund­ tuition, "they have a right to Reed, "is the envy of every • the university system would raising efforts. He also said demand an excellent educa- other state university." Chancellor Reed • • • by Veronica Edwards CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE • Minority students at UCF are not displeased with.their education • here but many say the university Wrestling, tennis lacks a "minority presence." The issues minority students are raising are not necessarily those of teams profit from blatant prejudices or adverse treatment. The students are ask­ sale of souvenirs ing, and in some cases demanding, • that they be recognized like other by Debbie Dent students.
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