September 20, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1577 professionals, child care facilities, schools and contribute to our economic success today and Buckner International group home for foster universities on not only meningitis but other in the future. children. Through her work, she realized that vaccine preventable diseases through per- The majority of residents in my district are this was God’s calling for her, and a few years sonal stories, educational brochures, posters Hispanic, and Hispanics represent our coun- later, the Garretts were licensed as foster par- and videos. try’s largest minority group. Hispanics have al- ents and began welcoming children into their Meningitis Angels is dedicated to the sup- ready made invaluable contributions to Amer- own home. After caring for 25 children, the port of victims of bacterial meningitis and their ica and I have no doubt Hispanics will con- Garretts’ felt that God was calling them to families. While helping families cope with the tinue to do so. The future prosperity of Amer- something even bigger. loss or care of a family member they also offer ica hinges on tapping into the enormous po- The Garretts then opened a group home for some hands on support for those children af- tential of minority groups. Investing in tech- children with therapeutic needs in 2009. They fected with bacterial meningitis. nical education for minorities is not just a consider all of these children their own, pro- Sadly, Meningitis Angels continues to grow. moral obligation but an American necessity. viding a loving home and ensuring that they Meningitis Angels currently represents over Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join get the most out of life. Their children are all 600 families across the U.S. and abroad. me in recognizing the tremendous work of His- encouraged to explore their talents, partici- Mr. Speaker, I cannot do justice to these panic-serving institutions, within my district as pating in choir, sports, and various other ac- families without speaking about this terrible well as across the nation. I thank the count- tivities. The Garretts are unsung heroes, a and preventable disease. less staff members and educators who are family with bountiful love, and truly Angels in Bacterial meningitis is an infection of the strengthening our education system and cre- Adoption. meninges, the thin lining that surrounds the ating new opportunities for a new generation I was honored to recently award the Gar- brain and spinal cord. of Hispanic leaders. retts with their Angels in Adoption award. They It is a deadly, debilitating disease that espe- f are an incredible family that has dedicated cially affects infants, children, teenagers, their lives to help and change children’s lives. young adults, and those with compromised im- RECOGNIZING ED BERGH ON THE And that’s just the way it is. mune systems. OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT f People who have bacterial meningitis may A TRIBUTE TO COMMAND have longterm complications and disabilities HON. ADAM SMITH SERGEANT MAJOR OTIS CUFFEE like permanent brain damage and long-term OF WASHINGTON physical problems such as heart, kidney, or in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES testinal problems or could require amputations HON. ROBERT A. BRADY Thursday, September 20, 2012 of the arms, legs and facial features. Infants OF PENNSYLVANIA and teens are highest risk for this disease. Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The most effective way to protect your child rise to honor Ed Bergh on his retirement from Thursday, September 20, 2012 Yelm High School after 38 years of teaching. against bacterial meningitis is to complete the Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I The Washington State Legislature has also recommended vaccine schedule. In many rise today to honor Command Sergeant Major named Mr. Bergh the Washington Civic Edu- states, these vaccines are required for chil- Otis N. Cuffee. For 37 years, Sergeant Major cator of the Year. dren in school and daycare. Cuffee has served in the United States Armed Mr. Bergh studied political science at West- The families of Meningitis Angels can tell Services and will soon celebrate his retirement ern Washington University and soon after you that these requirements are not frivolous after decades of service to our Nation. or busy work. graduation, he became a Social Studies Sergeant Major Cuffee dedicated 37 years So on their behalf, I ask that American fami- teacher. Today, Mr. Bergh teaches World in continuous active duty service to our coun- lies get vaccinated to prevent more tragedies. Problems, History, and American Government. try. During his tenure in the U.S. Armed Serv- In addition to his passion for educating I have offered H. Res. 403 to honor Ryan ices he served in various leadership positions, young people, Mr. Bergh loves learning more Wayne Milley, his remarkable mom Frankie, from Squad Leader to Sergeant Major. As about the subjects he teaches. He looks for and all Meningitis Angels across the United Sergeant Major, Cuffee extended his expertise ways to increase his knowledge and apply that States. Today is an appropriate day to remem- to teaching the Basic Airborne Training learning to the classroom. Mr. Bergh does not ber Ryan and to support efforts to end the dis- Course and the NCO Academy Advanced simply lecture his students, he engages them ease that took his life. Course. Most recently, he has had the position in discussion and helps them think critically f of a senior enlisted leader at the Defense Lo- before reaching conclusions. IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL gistics Agency. In addition to teaching, Mr. Bergh enjoys Sergeant Major Cuffee has received numer- HISPANIC-SERVING INSTITU- learning and writing about his hometown, TIONS WEEK ous personal awards including the Legion of Yelm, Washington. He created the Yelm His- Merit, Bronze Star and Global War on Ter- tory Project, a virtual database for the history rorism Expeditionary and Service. His relent- HON. LAURA RICHARDSON of Yelm, the Web site of which he and his stu- less dedication was honored with the Meri- OF CALIFORNIA dents regularly update. torious Service Award, Army Commendation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I rec- Award, Army Achievement, Humanitarian ognize the career of Ed Bergh. His dedication Thursday, September 20, 2012 Service Award and Korean Defense Service to teaching is an inspiration and has undoubt- Medal. Additionally, Sergeant Cuffee has re- Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise edly helped countless students who have today to recognize National Hispanic-Serving ceived numerous unit and condition awards. gone on to accomplish great things. Sergeant Cuffee’s long and impressive ca- Institutions Week during the week of Sep- f reer showcases his commitment not only to tember 16 through September 22, 2012. his local community but our Nation. Mr. These institutions of higher learning play a ANGELS IN ADOPTION Speaker, I ask that you and my other distin- unique role in bringing together families and guished colleagues join me in thanking Com- communities to develop our nation’s most val- HON. TED POE mand Sergeant Cuffee for his dedication and uable resource: our children. During this week, OF TEXAS congratulate him on the occasion of his retire- I rise to thank the Hispanic-serving institutions IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment. that are equipping our children with the skills necessary for a lifetime of success. Thursday, September 20, 2012 f I would like to recognize four such institu- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Monica PERSONAL EXPLANATION tions in the 37th Congressional District of Cali- and Ivory Garrett from Beaumont, Texas are fornia: California State University-Dominguez truly Angels—Angels in Adoption. Forty-three HON. TIMOTHY V. JOHNSON Hills, California State University-Long Beach, foster children have been blessed with the OF ILLINOIS El Camino College-Compton Center, and Long Garretts’ love and care over the years; Forty- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Beach City College. These schools are pre- three lives have been changed because of the paring students to enter the workforce in Garretts. Thursday, September 20, 2012 science, education, and healthcare, among Mrs. Garrett began her involvement in the Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, on many other fields and career paths that will foster care system in 1997 as lead staff at a Wednesday, September 19, 2012 I had to VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:45 Sep 21, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20SE8.006 E20SEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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