ENTE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE, L’ENERGIA E L’AMBIENTE ISSN/0393-3016 EVALUATION AND NETWORK OF EC-DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS IN THE FIELD OF HYDROLOGICAL DISPERSION MODELS AND OF AQUATIC RADIOECOLOGICAL RESEARCH Assessment of environmental models and software Edited by LUIGI MONTE ENEA - Unità Tecnico-Scientifica Protezione e Sviluppo dell’Ambiente e del Territorio, Tecnologie Ambientali Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Roma DMITRY HOFMAN Studsvik RadWaste AB, Nyköping, Sweden JOHN BRITTAIN University of Oslo, Norway RT/2005/49/PROT ENTE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE, L’ENERGIA E L’AMBIENTE EVALUATION AND NETWORK OF EC-DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS IN THE FIELD OF HYDROLOGICAL DISPERSION MODELS AND OF AQUATIC RADIOECOLOGICAL RESEARCH Assessment of environmental models and software Edited by LUIGI MONTE ENEA - Unità Tecnico-Scientifica Protezione e Sviluppo dell’Ambiente e del Territorio, Tecnologie Ambientali Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Roma DMITRY HOFMAN Studsvik RadWaste AB, Nyköping, Sweden JOHN BRITTAIN University of Oslo, Norway EVANET-HYDRA NETWORK CONTRACT N° FIGE-CT-2001-20125 European Commission RT/2005/49/PROT I contenuti tecnico-scientifici dei rapporti tecnici dell’ENEA rispecchiano l’opinione degli autori e non necessariamente quella dell’Ente The techical and scientific contents of these reports express the opinion of the authors but not necessarily the opinion of ENEA EVALUATION AND NETWORK OF EC-DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS IN THE FIELD OF HYDROLOGICAL DISPERSION MODELS AND OF AQUATIC RADIOECOLOGICAL RESEARCH Assessment of environmental models and software LUIGI MONTE, DMITRY HOFMAN, JOHN BRITTAIN Abstract The present report describes the results of an assessment of state-of-the-art computerised Decision Support Systems based on environmental models for the management of fresh water ecosystems contaminated by radioactive substances. The models are examined and compared to identify their main features, the application domains, the performances, etc., for a rationale of the entire sector in view of the needs of potential users. A similar assessment was performed for the software products implementing the Decision Support Systems. This work was carried out in the frame of the network EVANET-HYDRA financed by the European Commission Keywords: Contaminants, Models, Decision Support Systems (DSS), Countermeasures, Radionuclides Riassunto Il presente rapporto descrive i risultati della valutazione dello stato dell’arte di “Decision Support Systems” sviluppati a livello internazionale per il management degli ecosistemi acquatici contaminati da sostanze radioattive. i modelli sono stati esaminati e confrontati per individuarne le caratteristiche, le funzionalità, i domini di applicazione, ecc. per la sistematizzazione razionale dell’intero settore in vista delle esigenze di degli utenti. Una simile analisi è stata effettuata per i prodotti software che implementano i “Decision Support Systems”. Il presente lavoro è stato svolto nell’ambito del network EVANET-HYDRA finanziato dalla Commissione Europea. EVANET-HYDRA NETWORK CONTRACT N° FIGE-CT-2001-20125 European Commission Partners ENEA, Ente per le Nuove tecnologie l’Energia e l’Ambiente, Italy (Coordinator) NRG - Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group, The Netherlands (Principal Contractor) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) University of Oslo (Norway) Uppsala University (Sweden) University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK) Studsvik Nuclear AB (Sweden) Institute de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire (France) Institute of Mathematical Machines and System Problems of National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine) Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (Russia) VUJE Trnava Inc. (Slovak Republic) IITA, Institute of Information Theory and Automation (Czech Republic) National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene (Hungary) IAE-Institute of Atomic Energy (Poland) IFIN-HH - National institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Atomistilor (Romania) CEPN - Centre d’Etude sur l’Evaluation de la Protection dans le domain Nucléaire (France) List of scientific persons in charge of the project (1st November, 2001): Luigi Monte, ENEA CR Casaccia, C.P. Environmental Technology SE-611 82 2400, 00100 Roma AD Nyköping Italy Sweden Rudie Heling NRG - Nuclear Research Patrick Boyer & Consultancy Group IRSN, Département de Radioprotection Utrechtseweg 310, P.O. Box 9035 de l’Environment, Centre de Cadarache 6800 ET Arnhem Bt. 159, 13115 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance The Netherlands France Eduardo Gallego Dìaz, Departamento Vladimir Maderich, IPMMS Institute of de Ingeniería Nuclear, E.T.S. Ingenieros Mathematical Machines and System Industriales,Universidad Politécnica de Problems of National Academy of Madrid Sciences, Glushkova Prospekt, 42, José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2 O3187, Kyiv E-28006 Madrid Ukraine Spain Alexander Popov, OINPE - Obninsk John Brittain, LFI, Natural History Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, Museums & Botanical Garden Studgorodok, 1, 249020 Obninsk Kaluga University of Oslo region P.O. Box 1172 Blindern Russia 0318 Oslo Norway Ondrej Slàvik, VUJE Trnava Inc. – Engineering and Research Organisation, Lars Håkanson, Institute of Earth Okrunà, 5, 91864 Trnava Sciences, Uppsala University Slovak Republic Villav. 16 75236 Uppsala Petr Pecha, Sweden IITA Institute of Information Theory and Marcel van der Perk Automation Utrecht Centre for Environment and Pod vodarenskou vezi 4 Landscape Dynamics Faculty of 18208 Prague 8 Geographical Sciences, Utrecht Czech Republic University, Heidelberglaan 2, P.O. Box 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht Andor Kerekes, NCPH National Research The Netherlands Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, Nagyvàrad tér, 2, 1096 Jim T. Smith, CEH Centre for Ecology Budapest and Hydrology Dorset, Winfrith Hungary Technology Centre, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 8ZD Mieczyslaw Borysiewicz United Kingdom IAE-Institute of Atomic Energy, Swierk, 05-400 Otwock Dmitry Hofman, Poland Studsvik Nuclear AB Departement RadWaste Stelian Dan Slavnicu, IFIN-HH - National institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Atomistilor, 407, 79617 Magurele/Bucharest Romania Samuel Lepicard, CEPN - Centre d’Etude sur l’Evaluation de la Protection dans le domain Nucleaire, Route du panorama, 92263, Fontenay- aux-Roses France Anatoly Kudelsky, Institute of Geological Science Kuprevich Str., 7 220141 Minsk Belarus Foreword Computerised Decision Support Systems (CDSS) aimed at assisting experts to assess the appropriateness of suitable strategies for the management of aquatic ecosystems contaminated by radionuclides are essentially based on: • Models for predicting the time behaviour of radionuclides in the fresh water environment, the effects of the interventions (countermeasures and restoration actions), the ecological, the social and the economical impacts of such interventions; • Methodologies for ranking the different feasible interventions accounting for the mentioned impacts; • Software components realising the above models and methodologies, joining all the DSS components into the unit system and supporting the system with the user-friendly interface; • Data storage and analysis tools (GIS and data bases). The classification of the approaches of the various components of CDSSs, the determination of their essential features, the identification of similarities and differences among them and the definition of their application domains are essential for the harmonisation of the existing CDSSs with a view to their wide application throughout Europe. Analyses of existing environmental models demonstrated that most of the accepted conceptual approaches can be integrated in a general, harmonised perspective supported by a variety of experimental evidence. Important lessons can be learnt from the model assessments and exercises performed during the project. The wise application and use of predictive environmental models require that end-users must be aware of model performance, mainly in relation to the output uncertainty levels and how these should be taken account of in the decision making process. The network was also aimed at assessing the techniques used for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the strategies for the management of contaminated water bodies and the features of the CDSS software in view of the expectations of potential users. Among the different methodologies used to assess the effectiveness of management policies, Multi-Attribute Analysis (MAA) is, probably, the best to consider multiple objectives together with the decision maker’s preferences. CDSSs based on MAA structure the decision process helping a critical analysis of the available information for a more aware consent of the decision makers about the selected options. The assessment of the features of the software of the examined CDSSs in view of the expectations of potential end-users was carried out. Feedback was obtained on which to plan improvements of the software architecture of the existing CDSSs. Such improvements are relevant to the upgrading and customisation of user-friendly methods required to facilitate critical assessment procedures for the selection of appropriate management strategies and for the development of software procedures to enable enhanced exchange of data and information among different CDSSs. THE EVANET-HYDRA NETWORK: INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------ 15 PART 1 REVIEW, ASSESSMENT AND RATIONALE OF MODELS IMPLEMENTED IN DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF FRESH WATER BODIES CONTAMINATED BY RADIONUCLIDES.
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