www.WeeklyVoice.com FRONTNATIO NPAGEAL Friday, August 21, 2020 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, June 4,2, 20212017 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 27, 23, No. No. 23 22 PM: 40025701 View Designs For Afghan Mission Memorial, page 6 Capelin Quota Too High Says Oceana Canada, page 9 Discover The Joys Of Biking This Month, page 13 It Will Now Be Vaccine Cocktail Time! We Can Mix & Match Suggests NACI AstraZeneca Recipients Will Be Given Option To Ask For Same; Moderna & Pfizer Are Interchangeable OTTAWA: The National Ad- to complete vaccine series for in- visory Committee on Immuni- fluenza, hepatitis A, and others. zation (NACI) has updated its Individuals are encouraged to recommendations on the inter- speak with a health care profes- changeability of #COVID19 vac- sional for help understanding the cines for second doses, following options available to them so that studies from Germany, the U.K., they can make an informed deci- and Spain. sion on their vaccination. Health Canada and Public NACI’s guidance also advises Health Agency of Canada said that the Pfizer and Moderna CO- that completing your vaccine se- VID-19 vaccines can be safely ries by getting your second dose interchanged for first and sec- is important to achieve optimal ond doses if the original mRNA and longer-lasting protection vaccine is not readily available. against COVID-19. Canadians who received a first If you received a first dose of dose of an mRNA vaccine should the AstraZeneca (COVISHIELD) be offered the same mRNA vac- #CovidVaccine, NACI recom- for your second dose. cine if they want it, or can be from different manufacturers cine for their second dose. If the mends that you receive either the NACI’s published report says given either Pfizer or Moderna in a series is not a new concept. same mRNA vaccine is not read- same vaccine or an mRNA vac- AstraZeneca recipients can be for their second shot. Different vaccine products have ily available, another mRNA cine (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna) offered the same COVID-19 vac- Combining similar vaccines been safely and effectively used vaccine can be offered instead to Schools Will Reopen COVID-19 Restrictions Will Only In September Stay To Tackle Ongoing Risks Province Prepares To Safely And Cautiously Enter Next Stage TORONTO: Although On- tario’s Stay-at-Home order will expire on June 2, 2021, all public health and workplace measures will remain in place province- wide until Ontario enters Step One of the Roadmap to Reopen, at which point some restrictions will ease with an initial focus on outdoor settings. “We’ve seen great progress in our fight against COVID-19 in recent weeks, but now is not the TORONTO: Schools in Ontar- hospitals and ICUs,” said Premier time to let our guard down,” said Day use of parks and campgrounds allowed under new orders. io will reopen for in-class learn- Ford. “Making this tough deci- Solicitor General Sylvia Jones. to reduce mobility and opportuni- subject to limited exceptions, ing only in September for the sion now will allow kids to safely “With the Stay-At-Home order ties for transmission, the Stay-At- maintaining a cap of 25 per cent 2021-22 school year. enjoy camps and outdoor activi- set to expire, we need to provide Home order required Ontarians capacity for essential retail where The Ontario government has ties this summer, and a safe return people with certainty so that they to remain at home except for the only certain goods are permitted decided to continue with remote to school in September.” can continue to follow public purposes set out in the order, such to be sold, restricting non-essen- learning for all elementary and Recent modelling presented by health guidance. Doing so will as exercise, going to the grocery tial retail to curbside pickup and secondary students across the the Science Advisory Table re- help us to meet our goal of start- store or pharmacy, or accessing delivery only, as well as limiting province for the remainder of this vealed that if Ontario reopened ing to gradually lift some restric- health care services. Once the short-term rentals to individuals school year. schools to in-person learning the tions when we enter Step One of Stay-at-Home order expires on in need of housing and allowing This will allow the province to province could see an increase of the Roadmap.” June 2, these restrictions will no Ontario Parks and campgrounds continue its focus on accelerating six to 11 per cent in the number of On April 7, 2021, in response longer be in effect. to be used for day-use only, sub- COVID-19 vaccinations to sup- new daily COVID-19 cases. to the rapid increase in CO- However, all other existing ject to limited exceptions. port a safer summer. It is unknown how many of VID-19 transmission driven by measures will remain in place Ontarians will be able to leave “At a time when our top priori- these would be the new, more new, more contagious variants, provincewide, including restric- home to travel within the prov- ty is putting the third wave behind dangerous B.1.617.2 variant first the Ontario government declared tions on gatherings, businesses, ince to a secondary residence for us so that we can safely enter Step identified in India, which has en- a provincial emergency and is- services and activities. This in- any reason, however, they are not One of our Roadmap to Reopen, tered the province through Cana- sued a Stay-at-Home order as cludes limiting indoor gatherings be permitted to host members of we can’t risk increased cases and da’s borders. well as enhanced public health to households only and outdoor another household indoors except potential downstream impacts on Continued on page 2 measures. In a concentrated effort gatherings to up to five people, Continued on page 2 A New Business Recovery Program Launched OTTAWA: A new Canada Re- and be ready to return to growth. the Wage Subsidy, Rent Subsidy, covery Hiring Program will be Like with the Canada Emer- and Lockdown Support until Sep- available retroactively to June 6, gency Wage Subsidy and Canada tember 25, 2021. These programs 2021m Deputy Prime Minister Emergency Rent Subsidy, busi- are currently set to expire this and Minister of Finance, Chrys- nesses would be able to access month. Both the Hiring Program tia Freeland, and the Minister the program through the Canada and proposed extensions are part of Small Business, Export Pro- Revenue Agency (CRA). Support of Bill C-30, the Budget Imple- motion and International Trade, would be available retroactively mentation Act, which is currently Mary Ng, have announced. to this Sunday, June 6, 2021, and before Parliament. The proposed Canada Re- businesses would be able to hire The Hiring Program is de- covery Hiring Program would workers as their local economy signed to interact with the Wage help hard-hit businesses hire the reopens, or as they are ready. Subsidy. The programs overlap workers they need to recover and The Deputy Prime Minister so that, as Wage Subsidy rates BROKER grow as local economies reopen. Minister Chrystia Freeland and the Minister of Small Busi- gradually decline, eligible em- BROKER The program would provide a ness also detailed the proposed ployers would still be able to re- subsidy of up to 50 per cent of more workers, increase workers’ extension of business support ceive the maximum support from eligible salary or wages. It would hours, or increase wages. This programs that have served as a the Hiring Program this summer REMAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE be available to eligible employers support would afford businesses lifeline to Canadian businesses if they hire more workers or in- who have experienced qualifying with certainty that they can take through the pandemic. This in- crease workers’ hours or wages. revenue declines so they can hire on the extra costs needed to rehire cludes the proposed extension of Continued on page 2 A-2 | Friday, June 4, 2021 NATIONAL www.WeeklyVoice.com THE WEEKLY VOICE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ontario To Get 4.7M Pfizer Vaccine Doses In June Bala Menon complete the vaccine series. of long-term care residents. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS NACI said it considered the • Ontario expects to receive Amb. Praveen Verma (Retd.) possibility of increased short- approximately 4.7 million doses Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu term side effects when using of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine Harj Chaggar mixed COVID-19 vaccine sched- in June and approximately 3.54 Amitabh Saxena ules before making the recom- million doses in July. This steady mendations. and reliable supply of vaccines Graphic Design NACI added: “study on the im- has allowed the province to rap- Tamarind Tree mune responses produced using idly expand access to vaccines mixed COVID-19 vaccine sched- in all public health units and ACCOUNT MANAGERS ules provide the evidence for vac- through various channels, includ- Manu Ramachandran cine interchangeability – a study ing mass immunization clinics, Maha from Germany and a clinical trial A vaccination station in Peel. Pic: Region of Peel hospital clinics, pharmacies and ONLINE MARKETING from the United Kingdom report primary care settings, providing MANAGER on the safety of mixed schedules, can choose to either receive a of June 7, 2021, individuals who convenient access across Ontario. Amitabh Saxena and a Spanish trial reports both second dose of the AstraZeneca received their first dose of the • Timing of second dose ap- the safety and immune responses vaccine, or an mRNA (Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine and who pointments may vary based on LEGAL ADVISOR produced from mixed COVID-19 Moderna) vaccine for their sec- choose to receive an mRNA vac- local considerations, vaccine Dr.
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