Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 25 OCTOBER, 1928 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 1582 Appropriation Bill, No. 2. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. THURSDAY, 25 OCTOBER, 1928. The f'PE.IKER (Hon. vV. Bertram, Maree) took the chair at 10.30 a.m. QUESTIOC\JS. CosT or XEw RAILWAY Moc:LDING SHOP. RocKHAii!PTON. Mr. GRIMSTO::'\E (Stanley) asked the Secretary for Railways- " 1. 'Sha t was the cost of the new moulding shop at Rockhampton? '• 2. \Yhen completed? " 3. How long in operation? " 4. At what capacity are they now operating: and if no work being done or less than full capacity, what is the rea~on ?') The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS (Hon. J. Larcombe, [[ eppel) replied- " 1. £9.015. "2. February. 1928. " 3. Since March, 1928. "4. Les> than full capacity. The g<:-neral manager is furnishing a report, which is not yet to hand." Questions. [:::3 OCTOBER.] Questions. 1583 1\F.W SOCTH \YALES E1rBARGO ON QCEEXSLAND police. thPn the police will take action CATTLE. -(Opposition laught.er)-but I have no :\lr. W. A. RGSSELL (Dulb!!) asked the intPntion of allowi11g the Governrnent. as a Gon~rnrnont, to he inYolvC'd in the Sevretary for A grieulturc- plebi~·witc·, of either part.. v in thi~ 1-Iouse." " ln viPw of the fact that the embargo (Lnu~htPr.) imno··ed upon cattle going into New Soi1th \YalP' from certain districts in :\lr. KI:\G: The editor . I'· a defeated (}ncr·Jcsland has been upheld by the recent catl<lldate. iudgment of the High Court of Aus· tralia, will he approach the New South Bor·RKE·R\RRIXG ex HATLWAY, :\'Ew SorTn Wales authorities with a view to having "'ALE~. AND Exn:xsro;.; OF QT'EEXSLA;.;n th<• r<"·trictions made loss severe by alter. BORDER HATLW\Y. ing the neriocl of quarantine from three l\Ir. U. P. BAHXES ( Warll'itk), without months to three weeks, and r~ducing the notice, asked the Premier- number of clippings?" " In the light of the fact l'evealed in The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE the report of the Commissioner for Rail­ <Hon. vY. Forgan Smith, Macka!l) replied- WlLV.,-that o£ the seven sections of the " The hon. gentleman's attention is eig'hty-:-;pycn sr~ctions of railway in the invited to 'Han,ard' No. 20. 9th Octo­ State that returned a profit over and ber, 1928, page 1175, wherein my views above working expenses and interest, one and the action I have taken arc fnllv set of thosP seven sections was the Warwick­ out." ~ Dirranbandi ·,-ection-will the hon. gentle­ man review my questions of 3ht July and ALLEGED FAKED BRANDS OX STATE STATIO;>-; 1st ~'l.ugust, and, in the intel'csts of the CATTLE SoLD I;; ENOGGER.\ YARns. trade· and ports of Queensland, and the protection of railway expenditure already lVIr. COSTELLO (Carnarron) asked the made, consid<'r the wisdom of proceed­ Secretary for Labour and Industry- ing with thP construction of the section ,, 1. Is he aware that State station from Dinanhuncli, the plans of which cattle" with faked br,mds, have recentlv wC're appl'OYcd by Parliament in 1914? been sold in th0 Enoggera yards'! , '' I fnrt her ask if the hon. gentleman ' 2. If so, hat number of ouch have will look up the late l\Ir. Thallon', report bt,cn traced ' of 1399, \,·herein that gentleman recom-' '' 3. Has anv action been taken to mPnderl the construction of the railwa v the a~certain n ho c~re the people respon~jbh_,,: as hPing Yital to State, as on th~ ,n·ca that would be served bv the railwav " 4. Has anv action been instituted, 7.309.000 sh<'e)l we1·e d0pastLired 'I" " or i' it intcucicd to take action against tbP guilty parties., If not, for what The PREMIER (Hon. W. McCormack, 1 '-''aaon ?~'- ( 'uirn') replied- Tbe SECRETARY FOR LABOCR Al\D " The Uoverllillf'nt. have beC'n giving I:\'DeSTRY (Hon. D. A. Gledson, lpH1rich1 cor; ,icleration to the danger of losing ,·cplicd- traffic along our Sontbprn border to :"Jew " 1. Yes; it is allegt'd so. ~outh \Yaks. The New South '\Vale< Govcnmwnt have bet'n getting into "2. Three. trouble with adjoining Governments, both '' 3. YPs. tho.;e of South Australia and Victoria as " J. The matter is still m the hands well as Queensland,, as a result of their of thc police." desire to pirate-! used the word ach·isedlv-traffic from other States and ~\LLEGED :>[ALPRACTICES Dl Cou;.;TRY PARTY- di,-ert it to tlwir own railwavs. \Ve are " ATIO;.;ALIST PLEBISCITE Df STA;.;LEY nov.· considering the position both in ELECTORATE. regard to the line of which the hon. Mr. vVRIGHT (Bulim ba), without notice. member spoke and o£ the line· from ,asked the Premier- Inglewood to Texas. The whole question is bound up, first of all, in finance­ " Has his attention been directPd to the being able to borrow money at a reason­ ' Esk Record ' of 4th February, 1928, in able rate-and secondly, in railwav which serious charges are made of mal· finance itself-being able to secure suffi­ practices in the conduct of the cent traffic on these lines to bear at least Country Party-Nationalist plebiscite, in some' of the burden of their cost. I which Mr. Grimstone, the hon. member cannot at this stage say what the Go­ for Stanlcy, was successful?" (Laughter.) vernment will do-they have not come The PREMIER (Hon. W. lVIcCormack, to a decision. The Government, of ('airns) replied- course, are not opposed to spending loan ,, l\l[y attention has been drawn to an monev on railwav construction when it article in the Esk paper, in which it is will be for tbe benefit of the State. We asserted that in the Nationalist plebiscite do not want railways merely for political in that constituency the voting ballot­ pm·posc.; or mNely to fmd work for papers were already voted upon before unemployed. There must be a definite th0:,- were handed to the voters, and the busin••s, objective in the construction of order of voting was :-lVIr. Grimstone, 1; our railways in the futnie, and this Go,·ernment intends to apply that test Mr. Butler, 2; and somebody else. 3. to tlw proposals under consideration. If The paper, which, of course, is liable theY an,-wer that test. the deeision pro. to prosecution for defamation, has hably will lw in the dirPction of doing­ a~~erted that this is a fact. All I have sonwthing where the interests of the to sav to the hon. membPr for Bnlimba State are concC'rn('d." is. that, if the aggrieved people in that ·clJstnct lay an mformation with the Ho;.;oi.RABLE lVIEMBERS: Hear, hear! 1584 Harbour Boards Acts, Etc., Bill. [ASSEMBLY.] Police Acts Amendment Bill. PAPERS. COAL ::.\II::\1~0 ACT AY!END::.\IEXT lllLL The following paper was laid on the table, THIRD READING. and ordered to be printed.- The SECRETARY FOR :\liKES (Hon. Hcport UIJOn the operations of the A ..J. Jones, l'addinuton): I bc;g· to move- "Golden Casket,. Art Union from " T!Jat the Bill be now read a third: ht July, 1927, to 30th June, 1928. time" The following papers were laid on the ~Ul'Stion pnt and passed. table:- · Brisbane City Council Ordinances­ Buildings, dated 30th August, 1928. STXrE CHILIJI\E'.'\ ACTS A:11EJ\'DMENT HP:. ,.y t.raffic, dated 5th September, BILL. 1928. 'l\•nnis courts. dated 12th September, T,HIRD READI);G. 1928. The HO.iVlE SECRETARY (Hon. J. Theatres and places of public amuse­ Stopford, J.lount J.Jr,ruan): I beg to move­ ment, dated 18th October, 1928. " That the Bill he nmy read a third Animals and birds confined in the tinH~." Botanic Gardens, dated 18th October Ouestion put and passed. 1928. ' .\nirnals. datNl 18th October. 1928. FrPc air to\Ycrs, water towers and UWRIGI?\ ALS PROTEC'riON: A?\D ,imilar obstructions, dated ' 18th HESTRICTIOX OF T'HE SALE OF October. 1928. OPICC\1 ACT ~\.iVJE?\DME::--JT BILL. OrclN in Conncil under the Queensland Law Society Act of 1927. THIRD READING. Ordpr;:; in Council under the Supreme The HOME ,':JECHETARY (Hon. J, Court Act of 1921. Stopfonl. J.lo1u1t J[oruun): I beg to move- .. That th1 Bill be now read a third tin1e '' DESTRlTTIOJ'\ OF BALLOT-PAPERS. Question vut and pa~:l'<.-1. 'l,le l'RE:\IIER (Hon. W. :\lcCormack, •Cuirns) : I Leg to n1oYe- ,, That the House approyes of the BL.\CKALL, EDMOXTO)J, GA'l'TOX, clcstmction of all ballor-pa;wr in the E\:'-JISF~\1L, IPSIYICH, :VlARB"CEG, ke,,ping of !he Clerk of the Parliament the period for the safe keeping of which .\TDGEE BEACH, ROCKHAC\LPTOK has expnc•d by law." UBOBO, AXD WALLU1\1BILLA PGBLIC Qut•stion put and passed. LAXD MORTGAGES BILL. THIRD READING. POLICE AC'TS A::.\IE:'->DME~T BILL. The SECRETARY FOR PeBLIC LA:'-:DS (Hon. T. Dumtan, U!!m]iil:): I beg to I~ITlATION. lllOYC'- The HOME SECRETARY (Hon. J. Stop­ "That the Bill be now read a third. fcrd, Jiount Jloryan): I beg to move- tirnc. '' " That the House will, at the present Question put and passed. sitting, resohe itself into a Committee of the \\rhole to consider of the deoirableness of iutroducing a Bill to further amend POLICE AC'fS AME:'-:Dl\1E?\T BILL. the Police Acts Amendment Act of 1921 (as amende-d by the Police Acts Amend­ IsrTIATION IN Co:>~MITTEE. ment Act of 1924) in certain particulars." (.llr. Pollock, (-}regory, in the chair.) Qucst-;on put and passed.
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