前言 澳門國際音樂節銀禧紀念之美妙樂韻仍繚繞在耳,金秋十月,我們又迎來了第二十六屆澳門國際音樂節。本屆音樂 節集合二十三項精彩的音樂演出,編排多元、亮點處處。 風靡全球的百老匯音樂劇《小飛俠》將為節慶揭開序幕,夢幻島的驚險歷程被搬到劇院舞台,樂迷將被帶領“飛向 永遠的童年”。意大利歌劇大師普契尼的《托斯卡》感動人心,華麗典雅的經典歌劇,千迴百轉的不朽唱段,將讓 樂迷如痴如醉。 除了音樂劇及歌劇兩大重量級製作外,今年亦推出佩爾戈萊西的標誌性喜歌劇──《管家女僕》;更為矚目的是國 際一級小提琴大師瓦汀.列賓也應邀成為本屆音樂節的舞台巨星,風彩盡展。英國著名古樂合奏團、奧地利爵士樂 團、立陶宛國立合唱團、美國貝西伯爵大樂團等也將紛紛亮相,星光熠熠,讓人期待。 壓軸節目由享負盛名的三藩市交響樂團劃上完美句號。這支具有百年歷史的傳奇性樂團首度訪澳,令人興奮。此 外,還有來自中國內地、德國、匈牙利、香港,以及澳門等地的優秀音樂家及團隊逐一獻技:木管、弦樂重奏、古 樂合奏、小提琴獨奏、爵士樂隊及純淨無瑕的原聲合唱等,各種風格的音樂作品,將滿足不同樂迷的喜好。 吸引世界級音樂大師來澳獻技,拓寬及提昇本地音樂文化視野,是澳門國際音樂節一直努力的方向。藉多位名家來 澳之際,我們一如既往舉辦工作坊及大師班,為本地愛樂人士提供親近偶像、第一手學習的難得機會。另一方面, 深耕本地樂壇、培育音樂人才,也是我們長遠的宏圖。 無論是邀請名家為我們拓闊視野,還是為本地菁英提供展示舞台,或深入社區為本地樂壇澆灌養分,你的參與都是 音樂節中至為重要的部分。澳門十月,全城音樂,除了希望你藉音樂會放飛心靈之外,更希望大家齊為本地音樂文 化的提昇而努力。 最後,感謝所有前來參與音樂節的藝術家、音樂團體及觀眾,同時還要感謝參與台前幕後的工作伙伴們。就讓我們 熱切期待,第二十六屆澳門國際音樂節的繽紛到來! 吳衛鳴 澳門特別行政區政府文化局局長 MESSAGE With the enchanting melodies of last year’s Macao International Music With a history spanning more than one hundred years, the prestigious Festival Silver Jubilee Edition still lingering in our hearts and minds, we and legendary San Francisco Symphony sets out from the US on their are ready to usher in yet another important moment in Festival history. first visit to Macao to bring our Festival to a stirring finish, but before This coming October marks the beginning of the event’s second quarter- the curtains descend on another season, we will have seen musical century. The 26th Macao International Music Festival plays host to a total groups from Mainland China, Germany, Hungary, Hong Kong and Macao of 23 fantastic musical performances, offering Macao a rich assortment demonstrate their talents. The woodwind ensemble, string quartet, of musical fare. period music group, solo violinist, jazz combo and a cappella choir each bring us thrilling concerts, enlivening the Festival programme with a wide Peter Pan, the internationally acclaimed Broadway musical, begins the range of musical styles that cater for music lovers of all tastes. Festival in inspiring fashion, whisking audiences away to adventures on a small island called Neverland and enticing them to “fly to a never-ending The Macao International Music Festival stage has always endeavoured to childhood”. attract this top echelon of performers to share their talents and broaden the horizons of our local musical and cultural circles. As always, the Tosca – composed by master composer Giacomo Puccini – is a touching Festival features workshops and courses taught by the visiting masters, classical work embodying the magnificence and elegance of Italian offering rare opportunities for music students to learn from their idols in opera, the undulating melodies of its timeless arias offering the public person. It has been our long-term goal to nurture local musical talent and sheer bliss in musical form! to both stimulate and sustain local music culture. Along with these two heavyweight productions of opera and musical Your participation is critically important, as we invite the world’s best to theatre, the Festival offers a selection of ‘complementary music’ this our stages, showcase our own local musical talent and nourish the local year, as always, featuring the Macao debut of La Serva Padrona – a music community. Macao will overflow with music in October. Not only landmark comic opera by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi – and a concert by do we hope that the concerts will free your mind and give wings to your international superstar violin virtuoso Vadim Repin. Also highly anticipated dreams, we hope you will join us in our commitment to enjoying an ever- on the programme are renowned British ensemble The English Concert, richer music scene. folk-jazz from Austrians Georg Gratzer & beefólk, the Lithuanian Kaunas State Choir and the Legendary Count Basie Orchestra from the United Finally, I would like to thank all the artists, organisations and concert- States, among other exciting groups and artists. goers who will participate in the coming Festival, as well as all our colleagues and partners both on-stage and behind the scenes. We enthusiastically await the arrival of the 26th Macao International Music Festival! Ung Vai Meng President of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. Government 目錄 TABLE OF CONTENTS 百老匯音樂劇《小飛俠》 PETER PAN - THE MUSICAL, STARRING CATHY RIGBY (USA) 06 萬種風情 美國伊曼尼木管五重奏 IMANI WINDS (USA) 10 巨匠遺音 匈牙利高大宜弦樂四重奏 THE KODÁLY QUARTET (Hungary) 12 樂愛漫遊 英國古樂合奏團 THE ENGLISH CONCERT (United Kingdom) 14 歌劇雙雄 澳門樂團 WAGNER, VERDI: THE GREATEST MASTERS OF ROMANTIC OPERA MACAO ORCHESTRA 16 瓦汀.列賓小提琴演奏會 VADIM REPIN VIOLIN RECITAL (Russia) 18 光輝歲月 美國貝西伯爵大樂團 THE LEGENDARY COUNT BASIE ORCHESTRA™ (USA) 20 佩爾戈萊西二幕喜歌劇《管家女僕》 LA SERVA PADRONA OPERA IN 2 ACTS BY GIOVANNI BATTISTA PERGOLESI 22 中樂新風 澳門中樂團 NEW STYLES OF NATIONAL MUSIC THE MACAO CHINESE ORCHESTRA 24 朵絲蕾娜的喜樂和憂傷 意大利 Dolcenera DOLCENERA (Italy) 26 親愛的立陶宛 立陶宛考那斯國立合唱團 LITHUANIA MY DEAR KAUNAS STATE CHOIR (Lithuania) 28 聖樂禮讚 立陶宛考那斯國立合唱團 MUSICA SACRA KAUNAS STATE CHOIR (Lithuania) 30 騷.靈 葡萄牙Aurea AUREA – LIVE ON TOUR 2012 (Portugal) 32 神秘的歌聲 葡萄牙Teresa Salgueiro O MISTÉRIO TERESA SALGUEIRO (Portugal) 34 林品晶以藝會友 音樂會及展覽 LAM BUN-CHING AND FRIENDS CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS AND ARTIST BOOK EXHIBITION 36 大搖大擺大炮台 葡萄牙 Fried Neuronium 與本地爵士樂隊 AIN’T THAT SWINGING IN MOUNT FORTRESS JAZZ CONCERT BY FRIED NEURONIUM AND LOCAL JAZZ BANDS 38 心 言.密 語 香港弦樂四重奏 INTIMATE LETTERS HONG KONG STRING QUARTET (Hong Kong SAR) 40 華燈起時 德國Pure Desmond 爵士音樂 WHEN LIGHTS ARE LOW PURE DESMOND (Germany) 42 普契尼三幕歌劇《托斯卡》 TOSCA OPERA IN 3 ACTS BY GIACOMO PUCCINI - PUCCINI FESTIVAL FOUNDATION (Italy) 44 極愛樂 香港太極樂隊 TAI CHI BAND (Hong Kong SAR) 46 戲樂 奧地利Georg Gratzer & Beefólk 爵士樂隊 CINEMATIC MICROSCENES GEORG GRATZER & BEEFÓLK (Austria) 48 遷徙 Haya樂團世界音樂(中國內地) MIGRATION HAYA BAND (Mainland China/ Inner Mongolia) 50 美國三藩市交響樂團 SAN FRANCISCO SYMPHONY (USA) 52 節目表 PROGRAMME CALENDAR 54 購票指南 BOOKING GUIDE 56 音樂節活動 FESTIVAL+ 58 演出場地 VENUES 60 百老匯音樂劇《小飛俠》 PETER PAN - THE MUSICAL, STARRING CATHY RIGBY (USA) 星期五至日 Friday to Sunday 晚上八時 8pm 5 7. 10 澳門文化中心綜合劇院 Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium 票價 Tickets 澳門幣 MOP 450, 350, 250, 150 07 McCoy Rigby 娛樂製作公司、里達蘭大演出呈獻、羅拔.洛桑連奴 Presented by 聯同拉里.佩頓、米高.費拿文、亨利.哥尼斯堡與La Mirada表演藝 McCoy Rigby Entertainment, Nederlander Presentations 術劇院演出 and Albert Nocciolino in association with 由詹姆斯.巴里爵士著作的音樂劇 Larry Payton, Michael Filerman, Heni Koenigsberg 布蘭特.巴勒飾演鐵鈎船長及與金.克羅斯比演出 La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts 凱茜.雷格比飾演小飛俠 作詞:卡羅琳.雷 A Musical Production of the Play by 作曲:穆斯.查立 Sir James Barrie 附加歌詞:貝蒂.哥德、道夫.格林 Also Starring Brent Barrett as Captain Hook 附加音樂:茱莉.斯旦 with Kim Crosby 百老匯原著製作、編導:杰羅姆.羅賓斯 Lyrics by Carolyn Leigh 演員、聯合編舞:克麗斯塔.布斯拉圖、占士.利奧.瑞安、珍娜.賴 Music by Moose Charlap 特、卡特.卡農.波、朱莉亞.梅西、歌林.威爾遜、卡莉.巴高、安 Additional Lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green 東尼.布萊恩特、珍斯曼.艾莎、卡梅倫.亨德森、約瑟夫.基恩、約 Additional Music by Jule Styne 翰.卡洛斯.利艾、帕特里克.勞埃德、珊娜.馬里米爾斯、馬克.安 德魯.努涅斯、克拉克.羅伯茨、梅利莎.羅拔茨、羅德.羅拔茨、卡 Original Broadway Production Conceived, Directed and 倫.薩利馬、米高.斯伯、戴恩.瓦格納、山姆.澤勒 Choreographed by Jerome Robbins with Krista Buccellato, James Leo Ryan, Jenna Wright, 舞台設計:約翰.勒高菲里 Cade Canon Ball, Julia Massey, Colin Wilson and 服裝設計:雪潔路.雅吉 Carly Bracco, Anthony Bryant, Jasmine Ejan, Cameron 燈光設計:米高.吉列姆 Henderson, Joseph Keane, JC Layag, Patrick Loyd, 音響設計:朱莉.費林 Shanon Mari Mills, Marc Andrew Nuñez, Clark Roberts, Melissa Roberts, Rod Roberts, Kalen Sakima, Michael A. 飛行編舞:保羅.魯賓 Shepperd, Dane Wagner and Sam Zeller 演員選角:朱莉亞.弗洛雷斯 假髮設計:米切爾.希朗 Scenery Designed by John Iacovelli 動作設計:肖恩.博伊德 Costumes Designed by Shigeru Yaji Lighting Designed by Michael Gilliam Sound Designed by Julie Ferrin Flying Sequences Choreographed by Paul Rubin Casting by Julia Flores Wigs Designed by Mitchell Hale Fight Direction by Sean Boyd 設中、葡、英文字幕 With surtitles in Chinese, Portuguese and English 演出時間連中場休息約兩小時二十分 Duration: approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes, including one interval 舞台製作管理:米高.麥斯雲 Production Stage Manager: Michael McEowen 旅遊市場營銷及新聞發佈:Anita Dloniak & Associates, Inc. Tour Marketing and Press: Anita Dloniak & Associates, Inc. 總經理:巴克.梅森 General Manager: Buck Mason 製作經理:卡拉.瑪麗.魯格 Production Manager: Carla Marie Rugg 助理舞台經理:威廉.艾倫.科茨 Assistant Stage Manager: William Alan Coats 宣傳人員:大衛.艾沙/ Demand PR Publicist: David Elzer/ Demand PR 音樂監督及指導:布魯斯.巴恩斯 Musical Supervision and Direction: Bruce Barnes 管理:McCoy Rigby娛樂公司 General Management: McCoy Rigby Entertainment 編舞:帕蒂.科倫坡 Choreographed by Patti Colombo 製作指導:格倫.卡薩萊 Production Directed by Glenn Casale 指定巡迴演出管理公司:L. Glenn Poppleton/ Avid Touring Exclusive Tour Direction: L. Glenn Poppleton/ Avid Touring Group, Ltd. Group, Ltd. 巡迴管弦樂樂團 Touring Orchestra 音樂總監、指揮:布魯斯.巴恩斯 Musical Director and Conductor: Bruce Barnes 助理指揮、第一鍵盤:大衛.代爾 Assistant Conductor and Keyboard 1: David Dyer 鼓、敲擊:湯美.布拉福 Drums and Percussion: Tommy Bradford 第二鍵盤:凱利.安.蘭伯特 Keyboard 2: Kelly Ann Lambert 編排、聲音編排及新舞蹈音舞:基思.利文森 Orchestrations, Vocal Arrangements 電子音樂設計:Notion Music Inc. and New Dance Music by Keith Levenson Electronic Music Design by Notion Music Inc. 這是關於一個永遠長不大的男孩子的經典故事,關於一群心懷 夢想的孩子們在夢幻島歷險的奇妙故事!邪惡的鐵鈎船長,狡 Tony Award nominee Cathy Rigby takes flight in an all new production of Peter Pan – The Musical, the classic 猾的吃人大鱷魚,觸發夢幻島的恆久魅力,閃耀並吸引著不同 story of the boy who would not grow up and his marvellous 年代的人。快來探索這部耗費精英心力製作而成的音樂劇之神 adventures in Neverland! Discover the magic all over again of 奇魔力! the two-time Emmy award winning and two-time Tony Award nominated production. Peter Pan is filled with timeless 音樂劇《小飛俠》曾經兩次奪得艾美獎及兩屆東尼獎提名,此 magical moments and a captivating hook. The legend you 次演出由東尼獎提名人凱茜.雷格比擔當主角,百老匯優秀演 thought you knew is now the adventure you never dreamed
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