156 KIRKLEATHAM. NORTH :RIDING YORKSHIRE. [KELLY'S oC.Jst up by the sea at Coatham about 1740, aud given £r,576: the Rev. Edwin Joseph Collins B.A. is chaplaiR. to the church by the lord of the manor : there is an Kirkleatham Hall, the property and seat of Gleadowe iron parish chest, fastened by a curiously-constructed Henry Turner N ewcomen esq. is a spacious and sub. luck: the church affords 300 sittings. The register st.antial mansion in the Tudor Gothic style, three storeys -dates from the year I559· The living is a vicarage, high and 132 feet in length, with an embattled parapet, net yearly value £174, including 13 acres of glebe, and is pleasantly situated and surrounded by woodland. with residence, in the gift of Gleadowe H. T. Newcomen The soil is clayey; subsoil, clay and stone. The chief esq. and held since 1910 by the Rev. Edwin Joseph crops are wheat, barley, beans and turnips. The area is Collins B.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. 3,533 acres of land, 5 of water and 481 of foreshore; rate. The impropriate tithe amounts to £soo. The hospital able valuP, £7,515; tJhe population in Ign was 632 iR here was founded and endowed in 1676 by Sir William the civil and 693 in the ecclesiastical parish. Turner kt. lord mayor of London, and a woollen draper Parish Clerk, William Burton ia St. Paul's churchyard, under letters patent under Wall Letter Box, Kh1.leatham, cleared 10 a.m. & s.:zo t:he Great Seal dated 2 March, 30 Charles II. and is p.m. week days; sundays, 10.30 a. m. Letters received. for the relief of ten poor aged men and ten poor through Redcar, which is the nearest money order & :aged women, ten poor boys and ten poor girls : but telegraph office, about 2 miles distant in rS86 the Charitv Commissioners sanctioned a scheme • whereby the inmates were reduced to half the number, West Coatbam is a hamlet 2 miles north-west. owing to the agricultural depression of previous years : the men and women who are admitted are required DUNSD.iLE is a mining villag3, a mile and a hall to be single (that is, man and wife cannot be ad- south. mittPd together), and sixty-three years of age; the Public Elementary School (temporary), erected in 1go8, boys and girls are required to be eight years old, for so infants; average attendance, 36; Miss H. E. and continue till fifteen or sixteen years of age; they J ackson, mistress ar~ i.nstructed in r_eading, writing and accou.nts: the \ Letters through Guisborough. Guisboroug'h, about 2 ; bmldmgs ar~ of brick, and s~rro~nd three sides o! a miles distant, is the nearest money order & tele- quadrangle, m the centre of whi~h Is a figure of Jostle~. graph office The c~apel,. erecte~, together With two schoolhouses •. m Box cleared at 8. 45 a.m. & 6. IS p.m. no collectioa 1742, 1s fimshed m an elegant style, the floor bemg on sunda .8 ' enriched with marble, the roof arched, sub-divided into y .compartments and supported by Ionic columns: the YEA..RBY is a small hamlet in Kirkleatham town- large east window is filled with very fine stained glass, ship, and half a mile south. superb in colour, representing the "Adoration of the Wall Box, Yearby, 8.30 a.m. & 5·5 p.m. week days only M 1gi," with figures of the founder and his brother, John Turner, serjeant-at-law; the total cost was £6oo: Turner's Hospital, Rev. Edwin J oseph Collins B. .A. in the chapel are two chairs presented by Charles II. : chaplain; James Egan Harrison Mackinlay M.R.C.S. a library, 6o feet long, occupies a portion of the eastern En g. Green house, Coatham, Redcar, surgeon; Erne.s· wing, above the houses inhabited by the sisters, and Ed \\ ard Bland, master & librarian contains about 2,ooo volumes of standard works: another A School committee of 9 managers was formed in 1903, portion of the same wing is devoted to a museum, and for the united district of Kirkleatham & Coatham; has a collection of curiosities, including a group of St. George Lambert, attendan<'e officer George and the Dragon carved out of a single block of Public Elementary School, Yearby, for 120 children; boxwood: the income of the hospital is computed at average attendance, 78 ; Mrs. Lavinia Tennant,mistress KIRKLEA. TH..LvL English Reginald Charles, land agent, Neasham Margaret (Mrs.), farmer, Collins Rev. Edwin Joseph B.A. The Old Hall; offices, Coatham Turner's Arms farm (vicar & chaplain to Turner's Evison John, shopkeeper, Dunsdale l'hompson Edith Annie (:\<Irs. , Hospital), Vicarage Hikeley Thos. frmr. Wheatacre farm farmer, Home farm En!,!lish Reginald Charles,Kirkleatham ~ea sham Annie (Mrs.), farmer, W allis Ma ry & Hannah (Misses , Old hall Meggitts & Foxrush farms farmers, Park farm Newcomen Gleadowe Henry Turner, Rarnshaw ·wm. farmer, Low farm Woodwark Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Kirkleatham hall Smith Arthur, shopkeeper, Dunsdale Thrushwood YearbyReadingRoom(Wm. Burton,sec) COMMERCIAL. Aitken Thos. florist, The Gardens YEARBY. WEST COATH :\M. Eland Ernest Edward, master & Burton Wm. wheelwright & joiner Bulman Benj. farmer, Westfield farm librarian of Turner's hospital Earl John, boot & shoe hawker Dale Martin, farmer Bright Fred, gamekeeper to G. H. T. Lister Frederick, blacksmith Lawson Robert, farmer Newcomen esq. East lodge Lockwood John, shopkeeper Wallis Matthew, farmer, West Coat· N eal John, farmer ham grange KIRK LEVINGTON is a township, parish and vil- I area of the township is 2,202 acres; rateable value. lage, 2 miTes north-north-west from Picton station on £s,So8; thl' population in rgn was 189 in the towR­ tbe North Yorkshire and Cleveland branch of the North ship, and 386 in the ecclesiastical parish. Eastern railway, 2 south-east from Yarm, 6 south-east Clerk and Sexton, George Walker. from Stockton, in the Cleveland division of the Riding, Wall Letter Box cleared at 1o. 15 a.m. & 6.5 p.m. West Langbaurgh liberty, petty sessional division of Letters received from Yarm at 9 a.m. Yarm, 2 miles Yarm and union of Stokesley and Stockton connty court distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office district, rural deanery of Stokesley, archdeaconry of Public Elementary School, under the management of a Cleveland and diocese of York. The church of St. Martin committee of 6 members, who are under the control is an ancient building of stone in the Norman and Early of the North Riding County Council, built in 1857, Ai English styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch has since been er:tlarged, for 40 children; averag11 and a western turret containing 3 bells: the interior attendance, 18; M1ss M. Stuart, mistress retains two Norman arches, with zigzag mouldings: the church was rl'stored in I88;!, at a cost of about CASTLE LEVINGTON is a small township of Kirk £1,2oo, under the direction of Mr. Armfield, architect, Levington. Here is a precipitous circular mount called of Whitby: during the progress of the work some "Castle Hill," the upper portion of which is surrounded Baxon remains were met with and have been carefullv by a broad deep trench, and the summit, which has a preserved: the church was re-opened on St. James' day, diameter of about so yards, forms a hollow entrench· July 25, r883, by the Archbishop of York: the reredos, ment. There are no traces of any buildings. The area pulpit and lect.~rn are of oak: there are 120 sittings. is I,o6o aeres of land and 1 I of water; rateable value, 'I'he register dates from the year 1734· The living £987; the population in 19II was 42. is a vicarage, net yearly value £295, including 30 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the PICTON is a township of Kirk Levington, with a Archbishop of York, and held since 1882 by the Rev. station on the North Eastern railway, 2 miles south­ Frederick Davies Brock M . .A.. of Corpu!! Christi College, west from Kirk Levington and 4 south from Yarm. l.D Cambridge. On the east of the village is the river old records it is written "Pyketon" (PeaktQwn), a.nd Leven, which flows through a narrow picturesque dale. belonged to a family of the same name in the reign of There is a charity of £5 yearly, formerly derived from Edward I. H was afterwards the property of the tand, which, however, was sold in 1Bg8, and the money Thwengs. A small church, dedicated to St. Hilary, 1rvested in Consols. William John Richardson esq. is was erected in rgiO, and serves as a mission church to the chief landowner. The soil is clayey upon red­ St. Martin's, Kirk Levington. There is a Wesleyu ctone. The chief crops are wheat, oats and beans. The chapel, built in 1856 and rebuilt in 1875· Here is a .
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