COME CELEBRAll: 75 Yl:AK::, OF TZEDAKAH. EZRAS TORAH CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND ITS 75th ANNIVERSARY DINNER IN TRIBUTE TO HARAV DOVJD LIFSHITZ, K"U•7tv HARAV SHOLOM SCHWADRON MR. AV/ SHULMAN GUEST SPEAKERS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1990 K"Jtvn i7o:::i l"::J THE SHERATON CENTRE SEVENTH AVENUE AT FIFTY-THIRD STREET NEW YORK CITY Couvert: $250 per couple DISTINGUISHED RABBINIC LEADERSHIP AWARD RABBINICAL STEER/NC COMMITTEE Rabbi Pinchas Teitz Rabbi Dovid Feinstein Rabbi Mordecai Gifter THE /LUY NESHAMA MEMORIAL AWARD Rabbi Naphtoli Halberstam Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Emanuel and Bluma Feder Rabbi Avrohom Pam of Blessed Memory Rabbi Yaakov Perlow Rabbi Aaron Schechter RABBINIC SERVICE AWARDS Rabbi Shimon Schwab Rabbi Avrohom Blumenkrantz Rabbi Elye Svei Rabbi Shmuel Orenstein DINNER CHAIRMEN COM EL CHESED AWARDS Dr. Julian Ungar-Sargon Haham and Mrs. Joseph Hamaoui Brooklyn Dr. Yaakov Ebin Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Neiss Riverdale Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nussbaum Monsey Rabbi and Mrs. Osher Rand Brooklyn Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Rosenbaum Teaneck SEVENTY-FIFTH IEZIRAS llOIRA\HI ANNIVERSARY THE HUMAN SIDE OF TORAH PHILANTHROPY DINNER OFFICE 25 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Tele: 363-1000 Fax: 363-1147 April 26, 1990/Madison Square Garden/New York Oty: 20,000 celebran1s at the 9th Siyum HaShas of Oaf Yomi, sponsored by Agudath Israel of America. ust a few short decades ago, Millions of dollars in aid But there is still so much JTorah Judaism's demise was have been won for yeshiva more to do. taken as a given. Its principles students. Laws have been Assaults on Torah's integrity were ridiculed. Its spokesmen passed protecting Sabbath grow more acute each day. were shunned. And how many observers, kosher consumers, Changes in the social fabric people had even heard of Daf and others with religious needs. pose new challenges to our Yomi? And tens of thousands of Jews religious freedoms. Millions of have made Torah-learning part But some had the courage American Jews - and Soviet of their daily routine. to dream, to work, to do. And, immigrants, too - need to Since 1922, Agudath Israel uniting under the banner of hear Torah's message. of America has been at the Torah, they persevered. forefront of this vision and And we need you to help. Today, there is a new pride agenda, uniting Orthodox Jews By becoming a member in in Torah, a strong voice from all walks of life towards Agudath Israel of America, you articulating its outlook, a the kind of meaningful, real, make us that much stronger. confident forcefulness accomplishment that can only For in numbers there is strength. exposing the scandalous be achieved through a And with this strength, just distortions of Judaism foisted coalition of sincere Jews think how much further our on an uneducated public. working together. dreams could take us ... Join us and help turn today's dreams into tomorrow's reality. Become a member of Agudath Israel of America, today! \!),------------------------ MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Clip out this membership application and mail today.~ d(o To: Agudath Israel of America • 84 William Street • New York, NY 10038 I YES, l want to join as a member in Agudath Israel's coalition of Orthodox Jews for YOUR MEMBERSHIP HElPS SUPf'ORT THESE VffAL PROJECTS: effective Torah action. TORAH EDUCATION FOR THE PUBUC/Daf Yomi; Reshet Shiurei Torah; Torah Pro)ects Div"ision. ADVOCACY FOR YESH!VOS AND ORTHODOX JEWISH RIGHTS/Commission on Legisla1ion and I Enclosed is (rhPck one)· Civic Action; Agudath Israel Washington Office; Regional chapters in California, Illinois. Maryland. I 0 $25 annual membership 0 $100 VIP membership 0 $500 life membership Massachuse!ls, New Jersey, New York, Ohio; Commission on Special Education. Developmental Disabilities and Foster Care. GLOBAL HATZOLOH ACTIVITIES REUEf AND RESCUE/Vaad l'Hatzolas I Special offer for first-lime memben;: Nidchei Yisroel. OUTREACH/Chizuk; JEP-T ri State, Chicago, tong Island, Monsey, Montreal, Queens, I Please send me my free one-year introductory subscription to: (rheck one) Toronto, Westchester; Shoroshim for Soviet Jewish Arrivals. COMMUNICATING THE TORAH [_l THE JEWISH OBSERVER 0 DOS YIDDISHE VORT VIEWPOINT/The Jewish Observer; Dos Yiddishe Von; Coalition; Judaiscope Series. PRESERVING I OUR HERITAGE/Orthodox Jewish Archives; Commission on Holocaust Remembrances. YOUTH f (for firsl-lime memben and non.currenl 5Ubscribers only) LEADERSHIP TRAJNING/Pirchl."i Agudath Israel; Bnos Agudath Israel; Zeirei Agudath Israel; Project STAY /Pirchei-Bnos Bikur Cholim; Camp Agudah; Camp Bnos; Camp Chay! Miriam. SOCIAL SERVICES I NAME--------------------- IN A TORAH SEIT!NG/Community Services Division; Project COPE; fresh Start for Displacf'd Home­ 1 ADDRESS ____________________ makers; COPE Institute.; Senior Citizen Centers; Southern Brooklyn Community Organiiation (SBCO). I (ITY ___________ STATf ____ ,,, ____ AGUDATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA• 84 WILLIAM STREET •NEW YORK, NY 10038 :iil .x ·wii r.l·n, l Beth Med.rash Govoha cordially invites you to attend its 48th ANNUAL DINNER tendered in honor of RABBI AND MRS. MORRIS ESFORMES of Chicago, illinois on the 6th of Teves, 5751 December 23, 1990 at the New York Hilton Avenue of the Americas at 53rd Street New York City Dinner Chairman: Midwest Dinner Chairman: Shraga E. Newhouse Jack Rajchenbach Guest Speaker: Rabbi Aaron Jofen Chevron Yeshiva, Jerusalem Your ad in the Joumal and attendance at the Dinner will help the Yeshiva immensely during these difilcult times. Betli Medrash Govoha / 617 Sixth St, Lakewood, NJ 08701 Phone: 201-367-1060 /Fax: 201-367-7487 I NY Office: 718-438-8300 THEOSHBSERVER THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021- 6615 is published monthly except July and August by the Agudath Israel of America, 84 4 William Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. From Kiev, With Hope Second class postage paid in New York, N.Y. Yehoshua Weber Subscription $22.00 per year; two years, $36.00; three years, $48.00. Outside of the 11 United States (US funds drawn on a US bank " ... "with and without comment only) $10.00 surcharge per year. Single copy The Hundred Thousandth Immigrant $3.00; foreign $4.00. Send address changes Shmuel Shnitzer to The Jewish Observer, 84 William Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10038. Tel: (212) 797-9000. 13 Printed in the U.S.A. Rabbi Steinsaltz's Approach to the RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, EDITOR Oral Tradition-Revisited A Letter and A Response: Rabbi Malis Greenblatt/ Rabbi Joseph Elias EDITORIAL BOARD OR. ERNEST BODENHEIMER 27 "'"'-" Good Grief: Conventional Guidelines RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS For Unconventional Situations JOSEPH FRIEOENSON RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN Dr. Meir Wikler MANAGEMENT BOARD 33 NAFTOLI HIRSCH Measure for Measure ISAAC KIRZNER Hanoch Teller RABBI SHLOMO LESIN NACHUM STEIN 38 RABBI VOSEF C. GOLDING Statement from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Business Manager 39 Published by Books in Review: Agudath Israel of America Stories-Insight Into a Nation's Soul AROUND THE MAGG ID'S TABLE/THE LIGHT FROM DVINSK/REB RABBI MOSHE SHERER PRESIDENT ARYEH/THE MAGGID OF MEZERITCH/PEOPLE FROM THE LANDS OF THE LIVJNG/THE BOSTONER/SILENCE IS THY PRAISE/I LIFT MY THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not EYES/REB CHAIM GELB, A LIFE OF CHESED/THE WAY IT assume responsibility for the Kashrus of WAS/PICHIFKES/ any product, publication, or service advertised in its pages 43 From the Archives: ©Copyright 1990 Rabbi Aharon Kotler's Anival in Amertca NOVEMBER 1990 44 VOLUME XXlll / N0.8 Letters to the Editor Yehoshua Weber FROM KIEV, WITH HOPE Among the many items crowd­ asnost is affording the West a tng our agenda is our responsi­ b!e Christian or Moslem literature. learer understanding of life bllity to reach out to those who The resulting religious views can be Gbehind the corroding Iron are alienatedfrom Judaism: a witches' brew of Socialist human­ Curtain. Jewish visitors to the ism, with snippets from Sholom Soviet Union are stunned by the potential baalei teshuva­ Aleichem and a variety of non­ ignorance of Judaism and seeming AmericanJews. Russian immi­ Jewish theological writings liberaliy apathy towards it they encounter sprinkled in. there. The frequent reaction, espe­ grants in America, and those Yet. on the other hand, years of cialiy among assimilated Jews. is to still in the Soviet UnioTL insidious anti-semitism have nur­ casually dismiss all hope of a reli­ tured the belief that simply being gious future for practicaliy ali Soviet Yehoshua Weber, a talmid in Jewish profoundly affects the course Jews. Yet certain underlying Yeshivas Rabbi Chaim Berlin­ of one's life. The identity card every strengths characterize Soviet Jews Soviet citizen must carry spells out vis-a-vis their American counter­ Kollel Gur Aryeh., has been the bearer's religious identity for the parts. My experiences in the involved in kinw in communities entire world to see. 111is latter-day U.S.S.R. have led me to believe that version of the yellow star facilitates Soviet Jewry could very well be at the in various parts ofAmerica as harassment at school, on the job, threshhold of a religious renaissance. well as. recently, in the Soviet and even in the market: In the UnioTL He draws on his obser­ Socialist Utopia. an identity card must be presented for the right to vations in these setttngs and wait in line for shoddy merchandise. has some swpristng comments Discrimination is especialiy perplex­ ing in a society where few Jews on the sttuatioTL practice their "divisive religion." More than anything, people want to A LEGACY understanding of their religion. decipher the causes and find a OF "Torah," "mitzva," "matzah," and value system that can help them SPIRITUAL "Chanuka" are meaningless terms deal with the consequences of this DENIAL for most of them. I- their teacher­ pervasive hatred. I often used the was repeatedly asked if I have any discussions generated by this quest ecades of qualms about marrying a non.Jew.
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