Devoted to the Interests of A CLEAN, FEARLESS Belmar and Wall Township F A M I L Y WEEKLY (INCORPORATED W I T H W H I C H I S THE COAST ECHO) V O L . XXII, No. 8 BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1913 THREE CENTS HOME NEWS Sewer and Water WALL TOWNSHIP Extension Will Cost BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST NEWS COLUMN rpiME will tell; and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Hankins spent $53,583.40 ? ACT IONS speak louder than Sunday with their daughter and son- Locals From Several Districts. words. Guard your actions, “she” is one we can in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Layton, at Lakewood. Clyde Potts Returned Report At someone may be eavesdropping. believe. It is reported that General Castro, GLENDOLA SURPRISE the former President of Venezuela, Tuesday’s Meeting — Gazook. —Homely will summer in Deal or Elberon. A surprise party was tendered Mr. and However this statement cannot be Mrs. Jos. G. Morris and M. C. Waltersdorf verified at this time. “ NO I0KER IN DECK SO FAR” at their home in Glendola, Friday evening, February 14th. The evening was spent Work has begun on the Heroy property in a social manner. At a late hour refresh­ on Tenth avenue for the erection of a one At the Council meeting Tuesday even­ ments were served after which the party story hollow tile building. Geo. P. Led- ing the following report was returned from of friends retired to their respective homes. don a grocer on F street will occupy the Clyde Potts, engineer on the extension of Those constituting the party were; store by April 1st. water and sewer into Belmar Parl^, bids Wall Township Mr. and Mrs. John Springsteen; Mr. and INDICT TWO MORE Miss Grace Reinmuller, a teacher of the for which were opened at a special meet­ . ONLY FIVE DAYS MORE Mrs. Rob’t C. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lakewood School who has bgen confined ing held for that purpose on Saturday Youmaps, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, Mr. to her home here for several weeks is evening. Mr. Potts reported asjfollows: Schools Honor Roll and Mrs. Alonzo Morris, 'Mr. and Mrs. again able to be out. " Fifteen bids were received for the FOR POLICE GRAFT Firemen’s Popularity Contest Drawing To a Close,— Last Alfred Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mor­ sewer, which on tabulation read as follows: Gladys Victoria Holson, 23-months-old ris, Mrs. John Hulse, Misses Annie Hur­ T. J. McGovern, Trenton, $21,125.20; J. Names of Pupils Who Were Neither Issue of Coast Advertiser Before Final Count of Votes. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Hol­ ley, Nora Morris, Anna Springsteen, J. Hughes, Newark, $25,338.95; Antonia son of West Belmar, died last week of an Agnes Hughes, Irene Frazee, Savory Corta, Orange, $26,266.55; Sun Dredging Find True Bills Against Absent nor Tardy During Month If You Have a Fireman Friend You Would Assist; infantile ailment. Funeral services were Summers, Messrs Edward Hughes, M. C. & Construction Company, Philadelphia, held Monday at 10 a. m. at the home. Waltersdorf, Oliver Youmans, Harry Of January $26,738.35; Pierson Engineering & Con­ Duffy and Robinson. You Must Act Now. Burial was made by Undertaker T. H. Southall and Walter Morris. Bennett in Wall cemetery. struction Company, Hartford, Conn., $28,786; John W. Heller, Newark, COMO LyleC. Titus, 3-year-old son of Mr. and $29,012; Daniel Donovan, Bayonne, ALLENW OOD. 7th an d 8th Grades; Robert Gif­ CONTESTANTS WORKING HARD Mrs, Benjamin Titus of 18th avenue, died BENCH WARRANTS SERVED $31,585.51; Liddle and Pfeiffer, Perth ford, James Smith, Allen Smith, Ver­ last week of membraneous croup. Fune­ non Pearce, Charles Cavana, Leland Amboy, $31,932; Partridge & Burke, A Sunday School business meeting of Name , Votes. ral services were held at the house at 2 Combs, Furman Mortimer, Harry Mc- Hohokus, N. J., $31,007.26; Sutton & the officers and teachers was held at the Threatened Squeal of Rosie Hertz William K. Burger................................. 13,940 o’clock, Saturday. Intermeut made at Knight, Adelbert McKelvey, Nina Her­ Carson, Ocean City, $34,331.3-2; Charles home of the assistant superintendent, Alarms System—-Notorious Resort i MORGAN HAD SLIGHT William Allspach....................................10,010 Glendola. bert, Eva Allgor, Alice White, Marion Brownmiller, Cape May, $37,678.65; P. Harold Frazee, on Saturday evening. Keeper Said to Have Stubs of Checks William A. Robinson .......................... 1,310 The National League Baseball schedule Combs, Hilda Herbert, Loretta New­ J. Monoghan, Perth Amboy, $39,418.10; Many interesting topics appertaining to Paid For Protection. Paul C. Taylor....................................... 1,120 for this season is given in the Coast m an. Atlantic Construction & Supply Company, Sunday School work were discussed, after k S T R O K E OF APOPLEXY Russell Brown......................................... 650 Advertiser’s sporting news on page seven New York, Feb. 21.—The extraordi­ 5th an d th Grades: Wm. Combs, Atlantic City, $40,354.05; D’Amato & which bountiful refreshments were served. 6 Arthur Davenport................................ 100 of this week. nary grand jury which is investigating Carl Newman, Meredith Woolley, Fred Stefanelli, Newark, $41,341.30; Watson R. S. Wines............................................. 10 Mrs. S. L. Sherman and Mrs. Hance Taylor, Nathaniel Montgomery, Karl Mayor Poole was out of town Thursday. Engineering & Construction Company, police graft found two more indict­ Roberts Meyers.............................. : . 20 Morton spent the weekend with Mrs. A. ments. One of tiiese was against Ser­ LaSalla, Rose LaSalla, Bertha Allgor, Famous Specialist on Way to $79,295.67. Jack McCormick.................................. 20 Leigh at Branchport. geant Peter J. Duffy, for some years Ethel Hurley, Mary McKnight, Ruth "Twenty-three bids were received on Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Frazee have been assigned to Inspector Dennis Swee­ Com bs. See Financier. Five days more, or at 7 p. m. next the water extension as follows: Partridge VOUCHER FOR WATSON visiting Mr. Frazea’s mother at here home ney’s staff, charging Duffy with brib­ 3d and 4th Grades: Harry Burr, Wednesday at the Coast Advertiser’s Office & Burke, $18,370.81; T. J. McGovern, here. on Ninth Avenue, contestants and the $18,865; Monmouth Contracting Company, ery as a collector of protection money. Raymond Bearmore, Horace Hurley, Claude Hurley, Sarah Bennett, Elsie Cairo, Feb. 21.—The real illness from general public interested will be holding Drawn to the Amount of $1,357.93 Red Bank, $19,183.25; Antonio Lambo, Miss Sarah C. Gifford spent a few days The second was a new Indictment which J. Plerpout Morgan suffered in Hurley, Florence Herbert, Alma their breath awaiting the returns on the Waterbury, Conn., $18,495.50; N. K. with Mrs. T. Coin at Englishtown. against Policeman Thomas F. Robin­ his recent attack was a slight stroke of in Settlement of C|aim Whille, Jeanette Britton. final count of votes in the Belmar Fire­ Corbin, New York. $19,831; Antonio Mrs. Wm. M. Allen who has been visit­ son, formerly a plain clothes man on apoplexy. 1st and 2d Grades: Marvin Hurley, mans Popularity Contest which closes at Co^ta, $20,352.50; J.J. Hughes, $20,536.- ing relatives in Baltimore returned home Sweeney’s staff, this time accusing It is now known that this was the th a t tim e. At Council meeting Tuesday evening, a Robinson of extortion. Ernest Johnson, Everett Newman, n a tu re o f his seizure on Feb. 17. and 48; Daniel Donovan, $20,727; Kelley- last week. Her sister. Miss Clara F'razee For five weeks this contest has been in voucher for the amount of $1,357.93 was The district attorney’s investigations Frank Vanderhoef. Jay Weckham, this accounts for his summoning of UcFuley, Camden, $22,056.84; Sutton & of Baltimore accompained her. progress, at first Ex-chief of the Fire ordered drawn to George W. Watson, in into tlie ulleged participation in Har­ Calvin Waters, Archie Weinmuller, • Dr. Guiseppe Batianelli, the famous lorson, $22,229.17; William Horne & The doors of the M. P. Church were Department, Wm. K, Burger, seemed a settlement of his claim against the boro lem police graft by some two or three Anna Cavana, Anna Whille, Agnes Italian specialist, who left Naples for Company, $22,240; W. F. Norton, New again opened to receive the following certain winner. Then William A. Robin­ for services rendered as engineer in the politicians is continuing along definite Whille, Etta Britton. Cairo today and will remain with Mr. York, $22,702; Pierson Engineer & Con­ members at Sunday morning service, lines. Tiie saloon where the dividing Morgan until tbe latter leaves here son’s friends began backing him for first paving of F street. WEST BELMAR struction Company, Hartford, Conn., February 16th. Mr. Frank Goodwin, of the protection money by the police about the end of the first week in place. Suddenly, during the fourth week, 7th a n d th Grades: Gilbert Van­ $23,113.60; Atlantic Construction & Sup­ Mr. Louis White, Miss Viola Cooke, Liz­ collectors and the politicians’ collectors 8 M arch. present Chief William Allspach had his Benjamin Franklin, it is said, once paid Note, George Brown, Helen Rible. ply Company, $23,958.25; Watson En­ zie Burdge, Edith Hurley and Bessie is alleged to have occurred is known Mf. Morgan Is now much better. In hat torn from his head, and,— as a "Bull too much for a whistle. But at that—lie gineering & Construction Company, to tho prosecutor. 5th an d 6th Grades: Ernest Erving, fact, be lli quite his old self again. But did get his whistie. Allen. Th. se joining by letter were Mrs.
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