Volume 18 Number 69 Monday, February 21,1983 Westland, Michigan 28 Pages Twenty-five cents e($US:i3rl«r. .,-.-,. -^fjtlMAllRlittiRtwneJ with indictments places * and faces of j udge, his son EARLY BIRDS In Westland By 8andra Armbruster middle-man on several cases between wit J be hearing a lot more than editor. defendants' — and undercover agents pleasant chirping. John Glenn High acting as defendants — and Callanan,. School Chamber Singers have been The indictments of District Judge The first of seven counts handed issuing a wake up call all their own. Evan Callanan, his son and two other down by the grand jury last Thursday The group gathers for practice men reveal ian FBI investigation which charge that .Callartan, Callanan, Jr., every morning at 7,a.m. goes back to September 1980 and one Debs and Qaoud repeatedly conspired The practice apparently is paying which, took'advantage of such tech­ with criminal intent and therefore can off for the group, in its first year as niques as the use of informants and be found guilty under a federal Racket­ a regularly scheduled class. The 20- FBI agents posing as criminals to learn eer Influenced afid Corrupt Organiza­ raember choral group took a top about the alleged fixing of criminal tions (RICO) statute. rating, and 12 members also cases. received an T rating for solo To be arraigned on a variety of THE SECOND count under the RICO performances .ajUhe Michigan charges including racketeering are; statute charges that the four were in­ School Vocal Association annual Callahan, 55, one of the 18th District volved in a-scheme to fix criminal cas­ district 12 festival at Eastern Court's two judges; his son Evan Jr., an es In the court In return for money. Michigan University. attorney; Richard Debs, 45, president Conviction calls' for a maximum pen­ Winning soloists with the group of UAWLocal 1776; and Sam Qaoud, 40 alty of 20 years imprisonment and/or a are seniors Steve Baggett, Jim a former Westland businessman and 125,000 fine for each of the two RICO Baker, Denlse Bixler, Tim now owner of Sam's Imports in Dear­ counts: Brayman, Leo Daignault, Scott born. -The third through- sixth counts Werts and Rick Winfrey, and juniors The four will be arraigned on a total ..charge that the four men engaged in Jame Finklea", Kelley Leon, Sean of 21 different criminal charges Feb. mall fraud to carry out the alleged Robinson, Brian Smith and Andrea- 28 before U,S. District. Court Magis­ schemes. '-.:'.'.'•• Swanson. trate Paul Comlves. The" indictments \ Mail fraud carries a maximum pen­ charge a pattern of criminal activity alty bl five years in prison and/Or a MARGARET AGGE, 16, has which included conspiracy, bribery, $1,000 fine on each charge. - been selected to compete in the 1983 mail fraud and obstruction of justice. Debs and Callanan Jr. also are Michigan Miss Teen Pageant July 1- charged with obstructing justice by 3 in Kalamazoo. This is the official Two other persons, Donald E. Black, trying to hinder the investigation. Con- statewide finals for the Miss Teen 40, a 18tb District Court officer to Cal- vlctlon calls for up to five years in prk. -National Pageant scheduled in- \ananl nnri f/»ila Pony, n fnrm^r W^¾^^. on and/or a } 5,000 fine. December. Agge, who is sponsored land resident reported to now be living Callanan Jr. was also chraged with by O'Connor Pharmaceuticals and - in California, were indicted on charges giving false testimony. by the Westland Police Of fleers . Of giving false testimony to'the grand' A$sociatlon, enjoys wind surfing and jury! The.charges.wrry.a maximum ACCORDING TO the indictments, water skiing. -'•, \ . penalty of five years and/or f 10,000. the investigation covered the period of $he is the daughter of Mr. and % According to. information contained 'September 1980 through last August, Mrs, Alfred H; Agge Of Westjand; in the Indictments: iJA '•/*-.:}. '\''i.iJ:{^' A One of IfieJiialn figures in the inves- > ContesUritsmust maintain a B ' : tigaUon is Hanna'Judeh, reportedly the^j i i turn3 fOr; l^iilent'tre^me^V;in. DJ^trict^ ;[ ownei ,'of aC^e^Uand gas station'^who £: averagesctiolasiic standing and^ ''-'•'••• r contribute at least 12 hours of, Court' and m" Wayne County Circuit" waVat one polhTcharge<f with criminal Court'for defendants he believed were sexual conduct in the third degree. volunteer service to a non-profit Old-fashioned all the way •••". v • • ' • ••• A organization. The winner receives a accused of such things as drunk driv­ The indictment says Callanan Jr. and ing, criminal sexual misconduct, feloni­ Debs* concealed the fket that the .......' •-. • A scholarship and a trip to the An old-fashioned ToWn Hall will brine format garden clubs, Apple Run, Lake Point Village, national pageant. ous assault and larceny. younger Callanan was representing Ju- for the business session Thursday of the Winter • Callanan and his son went through deb in court before Judge Callanan. Livonia, Tonquish Creek and Trail wood, wijl be subterfuges to hide the fact that the The indictment alleges that Callanan Council meeting of Woman's National Farm and hostesses at the day-long event at the: the DEE STINE, a 1981 graduate judge was passing sentence on his son's Jr. bad Barbara Rogalle-Mlller act as a Garden Association. And what could be better Sheraton-Oaks in Novi that will draw members of John Glenn High School, is now a clients. "front" In the case. Rogalle-Miller, who • centerpieces than old-fashioned flower bask­ from 90 branches across fhe state. Leriore Howe cheerleader for the United States • The son on several occasions was connected with Callanan's law ets? Eleanor Nief of Livonia and Shirley Ball of of Lake Pointe Village branch will be the meet­ Football League's Michigan» promised clients they would receive le­ firm, appeared in court as Judeh's at- Redfqrd helped assemble them along with other ing general chairwoman. Panthers. nient treatment from his father. Livonia branch garden club members. Five area f ., • Qaoud is depicted as acting as the Please turn to Page 2 A WEEK-LONG tour with . .the Alma College A Cappella Choir is ahead, of John Mulcrone of Westland during Alma's winter term break, the tour will take Mulcrone to four churches In reorganizes eenwtafter indictments Canada and one in Michigan from - ^eWs^-through-MarclrSTThe-firsr By Sandra Armbruster dictment by a federal grand jury on ter the indictments were released • CALLANAN probably will continue retained, his court recorder will belaid concert on the 26th is at First editor - charges of conspiracy and violations of Thursday afternoon (see separate sto- to be paid his salary of about 160,000 a off effective Wednesday. Presbyterian Church in Royal Oak. the federal Racketeer. Influenced and ry). - ••^-^fealTaccording to state court adminis- A freshmaffmajoring in music, All cases have been removed from Corrupt Organizations statute. "We'll survive," said Smith. "Obvi­ trator Herb Levitt. Involved is the prin­ SMITH SAID that the decision to re­ Mulcrone sings baritone with the the jurisdiction of 18tb District Court Thomas Smith, chief judge of the ously what hurts Is that this is part of cipal that the judge is innocent until move Callanan's cases was pending Alma Singers, a group of 14 singers Judge .Evan Callanan following his in­ 18th District Court, issued the order af­ our lives. It's another shadow over gov­ proven guilty, he said. In addition, Cal­ while he checked with his attorney, but selected by audition from the choir ernment and the courts^ ; j lanan "will, be unablejto practice"law once the indictment canie, the order membership. A1982 graduate of "It makes it just that much more dif­ wfille under the indictment, unlike a transferring the cases was Issued. Franklin High School, he ls'the son ficult to get people to trust you." businessman whorls indicted and is stllL /"There was nothing that indicated of Helen Mulcrone of August in The order, means that all new cases abletowork. ,. ' ' - '• any problerns," said Smith of Callanan. Westland. "Obviously judges will disagree on will be assigned to Judge Smith.;Ar­ many^things, like handling cases." raignments and warrants will be han­ Smith said he wouldn't.ask for as­ LAUREL BEER, a. dled by Magistrate Les Hall. Smith said signment of another judge, who would He said that "a lot of times" cases sophomore at Kalamazoo College, ; that circuit court cases that have been have to be paid for his services, be­ • that originally went before Judge Cal­ portrays Patsy Jphnson in the cause of the city's budget deficit. lanan "eventually", went to Callanan's remanded will be postponed, with pri­ son, an attorney who also was indicted. winter production of "the Rimers of ority going to local criminal cases first. According to the order, all files in Eldritch" at 8 p.m. Friday and *r- , Smith added that an attorney nas possession of Judge Callanah or his When that happened, the case was Saturday in feajch Playhojise on the transferred to Smith, according-to the ;: suggested that the court use a media­ staff are being physically transferred campus. The play Is set in a small, tion system for handling some cases to to Judge Smith's staff. judge. midwestem town. For reservations/ relieve somj? of the burden, . "He (Evan Callanan Jr.) never got a Callanan's ;court officer, Donald E. good deal. It always worked against :Call(616) 383:85li: •; "I'm, reorganizing things now so there will be some changes," Smith Black, who was indicted for allegedly him a little bit. It got to the point he HELPING perjuring himself before the grand hated to see me.
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