Q T J HOMES FOR SALE BEAUTIFULLY Deco­ FRESH as a Daisy! The rated. The large coun­ exterior of this lovely 7 try kitchen with newer room Colonial has lust oak cabinets, beamed received a fresh coat of ceilings, chair rail pa­ paint. Features Include neling and newer floor 3 generous-sized bed­ Is a "Housewife's rooms, 1'/3 baths, LAWN CARE Dream"! Three bed­ 17.5x18' 1st floor family I rooms, family room, room with fireplace, IV3 baths and large, pretfy entry foyer with GILBERT UWN Rcnovations/Hus ELECTRICAL WORK ODD lobs. Trucking fenced-ln rear yard, tile floor, a St. Charles SERVICE Ouatom Initrlor A BMaitor Need a now Service with Hoihe repairs. You make this house a real kitchen and a 1 car PrgfttsiMMi Laadscapliig Ralnling a CaHlng RapaIr A circuit breakers? name It, we do It. Free "hom e". Must see to garage. Bowers Rantw a Rower WttNng Rrtoat era downi Ohaok ua out In estimates. Insured. 643- TAB appreciate! $142,900. Stone, Loam, and Mulch tha Manetiaatir yaSow pagaa. ' School. $209,900. Jack- Dellvorlea. ftaa Cafimaiaa a SALES CENTER Strano Real Estate, son & Jackson Real Iniurta a Stnhr Dkoount$ JOSEPH DUMAS 647-7653.D Estate, 647-8400.O Free Estimates ASPHALT MAINTENANCE MOTORS 646-22S3 • 4 M 2 S 3 Drivawsyt A Psifcing Lott NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ 461 Main St., Manchester EXECUfilVE Colonial. SQUEAKY Clean! This 647-71S6 eral Statute 23-65 prohibits This S'/j room cedar lovely home lust spar­ HEATINB/ • HM Hueawtoed Oraek Sealing the posting of advertise­ Safe Buy Used Cars sided home Is loaded kles! Great 1 floor liv­ CALLAHAN’S • Aalmall naamn e Sem OoaNng ments by any persan, firm or with extras. 2Vi baths, CARPENTRY/ PLUMBiNS corporation on a telegraph, 1»77 Chev Malibu............. *1495 ing, 2 bedrooms, living LHW PAMTHNI SERVICE FMbSwured rmHHmum Wagon. VI. AT. AC. Oean oak kitchen, huge fam­ room with fireplace, REMODELINO telephone, electric light or ily room, oak floor and formal dining room, otiaanio WuMePatiiitib Gill 516-2440 TODAVl power pole or to a tree, ItM Ford Efcort..............*2995 much more! $329,900. 140 Hilliard St. shrub, rock, or any other Wafon, SDK. 4 Spd.. Stereo country style kitchen, PMSONAL SBRVICBS natural oblect Without o writ­ Blanchard & Rossetto full basemenf, 1 car FARRAND REMODELINO Manchester, C T 00040 BoHore, pumpe, hot water • Clwclibeek Centrol ten permit for the purpose of IDTDFord Muitang........... >1695 Realtors," We're Sel- garage. Beautiful Room additions, dsefca, rooflng, tanka, new and Clean. AT, AC. PS, Stereo tiding, windows and gunsrt. m 643-9330 • Inetma Tax Friaam tlen protecting Itorthepubllcond llno Houses" 646-2482.0 vard-Lakewood Circle rapleoemente. carries o fine of up to $50 for 1D8S Chevette..................*2395 iJIanrlfratfr M m li • L H a s HeoHli Ineuronce Advice Bsekhoa and buSdoztr aarvloa FREE BSTIMATBS each offense. NEW 6 rooms Colonials. North. $190,000. Jack- avallabis. Call Bob Farrtnd, Jr. • Bvdeel CeneutteHen 4 Dr., AT. UK mi.. Stereo. PS $149,900. Mallard View, son & Jackson Real 048-0049 / 128-0610 « nnenctm S BNele Wonnlna TA g Sale. Saturday July 19S4 Ren. Alliance............ <2495 Estate, 647-8400.D 9, 9-4pm. 37 years ac­ 3 bedrooms, 1 '/j boths, Bin. 047-0609 R00FM6/ Coll Dan Motltr-449-S32f 4 Spd. PS. Stereo, Lo. Mi. fireplace, gourmet kit­ R u . 645-0040 SNNN6 IMISCELLAMEOUS cumulation. Cleaning 9 IBM Thunderblrtl............. <1995 chen with all applian­ CONDOMINIUMS D. B. Metier, Inc. room home. 1957 Sin­ AT. PS. AC. Stereo Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm ces, carpeting, full (s er v ic es ger sewing machine, iD67Ford Galaxle........$AVE 30 Cents FOB SALE ROWmMWi ^BRIRWHNt OR vi J basement and garage! T&L MASONRY $20. Sewing notions, 500 Convt.. 72.000 Mi. No monthly Associa­ Mndjai. Mu I Tria IMl MANOffiSTER R00FM6 Brick, bloak, stone. booting equipment. 150 1984 Dodge Daytona..........<4495 tion fees! Blanchard & FOREST Ridge Town- ttanf’s I hfon All types of roofing A h a n d y m a n Chimneys and rspairs. Cambridge Drive, East Turbo, Loaded with Everything Rossetto Realtors," house. 3Vi baths, 3 bed­ If yoi/ft slok of QoMraeloci nut rutum- repairs. Wood shingles Mama imprevamant - Fdintina No lob too small. Horttord._____________ 1979 Ford Pinto................<1495 4th test We're Selling Houses" rooms, 1900 SQuare feet hio your m Nd, odR us. PuHy Insursd. — Cedar Shakes. - eaaamenta FlntslMd • Tlllna - AT. M.OOOmi.. PS.Sterwo UeM Carptntrv • OOP jobs - FREE ESTIUATES T A G Sole. Moving. 78 646-2482.0_____________ of living space, fire­ 27 Tears Experience rpm records, furniture 1976 Dateun Pickup...........<1495 place, airconditioning, MSB Camtruellen Xiiiwaa » Uotimd • OutmUttd tNSURBD 4 Spd.. Cap. Extra Clean GLASTONBURY- deck with view. Par­ cell 6 4 5 -8 0 6 3 and much more. JulyS, Forest fires si Mnekislsr, ms. 643-1720fua.t BARRY SCANLON fireworks Monchester. Pristine 8 tially finished walk out 645-8830 9,10, from 9-3. 74 Over­ M IKE F L Y N N room house on Shal- 646-2411 traaastlmataa look Drive, Monches- bosement. Pool, tennis SaO IMPROVEMENTS ter.___________________ lowbrook Lane. 3 full court. Priced to sell at 6 4 9 -4 3 0 4 baths, 3 car garage anil REPAIRS T a p S a R S c t a m m E L m m LANDSCAPtRS Open M-F9-9/Sat. 9-9 I U $169,000. Call owner at .... KiNWAHB— TA G Sole. Saturday July under fire HOan IMFROVatMNT Any amount daHvarad. Alto, nil, fireplace, central air, 647-0748. "No Job Too Smtir 6, 9-3pm. No early w ent • Daek* - Nnlacanwnt gravel, atone and bark, imdeh. TB! o 8 5 a N n q “ gorgeous lot and more. Raglatarad and Fully Inautad Wladawa A Daart birds! 90 Westland burning but MANCHESTER. Lydall ,Boboai,baoMwaAloadarrantai. ■ HpjosrooaiMU $270's. Blanchard 8, Woods. 2 bedroom FREE ESTIMATES Ma Jaa Taa Sla ar Taa Small Frune Wmbe. hedsee. fwtMtlng, Street, Manchester. (MANCHESTER By Andrew Yurkovsky Rossetto Realtors," ia% Samar CHtaan Olacaaal a»imlnee,^l^ Hiding t Cape style condo. 1'/? M am Sir a t m a im araatlaaal DAVIS CDHSTRUCnON Manchester Herald We're Selling Houses" MMfnVDfWflOD, 647-0593 HarSar Svalaata HONDA ' 646- 2482.0 baths, living room, for­ 872-140(y6S9-9S5S Cmi FREE EirilylATES mal dining room and omi72a-O701 AavNma Pertenathwi Law Cere CARS Not enough bang for the bucks. MANCHESTER Colonial. appllanced kitchen HAWNES TR EE SERVICE' PAINTINO/ _ 4 l AAisaigm FOR SALE USED CARS That’s' just one of the com­ Some owner financing I plus garage. Lovely ,. Bucket, truck A oMppor. Stump under controi PAPERINO plaints about this year’s fire­ Spacious 8 room Colon­ area. $151,900. D.W. removal. Fraaatllmalaa. 742-nS4Z.Xe.ge ee Chavy V«n •15,486 ial with 1st floor family FORD Mustang 1967 Clas­ works display that will be investi­ L Fish Reolty, 643-1591 .□ NAME your own price. Special eontMaiatlon for - 84 VW Scirocco •6995 room and 4 bedrooms FL00RIN6 sic. 289 Sprint. Hard­ gated by the town’s Independence Bv Judd Everhart SOUTH Farms Drive. Im­ Father & Son Pointing |n| aMarty and hondloappad. top. Must sell. Best 84 Chav Camara •5195 Babcock said the worst fire was plus oyer 2100 sauare The Associated Press maculate 3 bedroom, and Papering. Remo­ CONCRETE otter. 569-0370. -.04 Honda Accord •7995 Day Celebration Committee in Beacon Falls, where more than feet. There Is even o 2'/j bath condo In fabu­ val. 291-8567. 647-7553 when it meets next week. The fireplace In the living VW Rabbit 1980. 70K, new 85 Honda Accord H/B •6695 100 acres had been consumed by lous area! FIreplaced CRYSTAL DUNGS J a C Concrete patios end room, 1 full and 2(>/3) brakes, clutch, sun- 81 Chavy Monta Carlo •4995 committee could ask the com­ Firefighters across the state Wednesday afternoon in an arson family room, com­ CinmIfTlltRMirtls sidewalks, steps and rodt. $1100. 649-0477 pany that put on the display to are continuing to battle what baths and a woodstove E x t e r io r FLOORSANDINB driveways. Coll 56» 84 Oldt Cutlaia •6995 fire. A new fire spot was reported In the In the living pletely redecorotied. huMtaMm a Floors like new evenings._____________ reimburse the town for extra state officials call the worst rash Mint condition. $240's. 4058, leave messooe. 85 Ply. Horizon •2795 in the Naugatuck State Forest room. Located In a Painting Done Commerolal A Rosldontlel a Specializing In older noora expenses associated with a series of forest fires in 78 years, but a Blanchard & Rossetto stockade Fences Installed. ' FRSS senMATst - rut.LV iNSunso TOYOTA Corolla 1986, 5 65 Honda Civic •4995 Wednesday afternoon, according great family neighbor­ a Natural A stained noors door, AC, Cruise, of problems. spokesman for the Department of Realtors," We're Sel- Deck! and porches painted. iwmoows 84 Ford Tampo •3995 to DEP spokesman William P. hood. $179,900. Anne llng Houses" 646-2482.P a No Waxing anymora AM /FM $5200.872-3753 Environmental Protection said Miller Real Estate, 647- Free Eatlmataa a Fully tanirad ^kimn 647-S443 a 84 Olda Cut. Clara •4995 Barbara Mozzer, the commit­ Delaney Jr. I RO DOORS CAMARO 1979. Blue, au­ today the situation is generally 8000.D MANCHESTER. Excep­ Jala VMlillH - 6485750 80 Dataun 20SX •2295 tee secretary, said today that the “ Probably the biggest concern tional 2 bedroom end 6 4 3 -0 74 3 tomatic. 59,000 original under control. 87 Honda Lxl Accord •12,995 firm hired to put on the fireworks is Mt. Riga which is up in START Packing! Near- unit with garage! THBRIRAL WINDOWS miles.
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